[Rise of the Runelords AE] Here Among Friends

yeah... I get carried away sometimes. I wanted to differentiate between trying for a bullseye and trying to hit the target, and then... I went crazy with it and woke up two hours later with a complex monstrosity of rules for a one-off contest written and posted.

I planned to be productive today. Instead I am reading a new webcomic. Feel free to blame Madmal.
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I am now shaking my fist at the screen.

Also feel free to assume Cyril just goes with the flow. As in the group. Because I really can't think of a wing he'd be particularly interested in seeing.
It is 6 am... and the archive is finished I now eagerly await the next comic. Rabid roleplayers will be showing up at my door at noon. I now eagerly await sleep....
Just in case, I know i've only rolled 2 times out of 5, but I have to deliver a paper due Monday to close my semester.
.....I swear I updated, I was wondering why no one was responding, and I even went to link the post when I saw your comment. And it's not there. *cries*

Writing it again should be fairly quick, but possibly not the same quality. I will settle for quantity for now.
it was probably me. I was in a hurry to leave and likely closed the tab before it finished posting. Looks like I'm not going to get to Sarzain or Auria tonight - tomorrow I'll determine whether you meet an acolyte or have the place to yourself.
Aaaand i have finally posted, after days of handling the festivities, reconnecting with some RL people and prying myself away from the Neverwinter MMO.

And so I start the New Year...with a 1. First fumble of the campaign folks. This could be considered unaspicious.

And by the way, the last toss was for 5 increments, not four... or at least i think it does. To be frank, I am starting to hate the tossing rules.
well, they're gone. For good. You tied for first, anyway - which is good for me, drama-wise. I'll post... almost certainly today.
bleh. I don't seem to be able to draw together all my attention for the hour or so it takes me to craft a decent post. I just wanted to give you guys an update:

1) I am alive. Any rumors you have heard to the contrary are mostly false.

2) I have no plans to abandon this game. At least, not before the whole Adventure Path is complete.

3) I expect the assignment that's taking all my time to be over in two to four weeks. And I cannot wait. I'm not complaining about the paychecks, mandatory overtime five days a week is helping my bank account quite a bit, but I'm typically home and awake less than three hours a day right now, less on weekends.

I'm not saying we're on hiatus or anything like that until this assignment is over, but my posting will continue to suck until it is. As soon as I have time again, I will post as rapidly as I can without leaving anyone behind, try to make up for this drought a little bit.

Sorry everyone, and I look forward to when I can serve you properly once more.
we're ridiculously close to it, too. Like, my next post is my last chance to make you all WANT to save this city. The post after will get interrupted by combat <3

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