[Rise of the Runelords AE] Here Among Friends

I think I'm going to take a shot with the Dice Distribution Method. Going 5,4,4,5,4,5; because skill ranks are always useful.

EDIT: Which has given me 15, 5, 11, 17, 13, 13. So, I'll stick with my current rolls.
yay, 5th character done. I can't look it over from work, but I'll try to do between shifts later today and post the thread when I get home. ^_^
For the record, the reason for not having posted yet is a frankly staggering amount of Interfering Things that have been taken care of by now.

However, it's too late for me to form enough coherent sentences for an acceptable first post, so basically what I'm saying is that it'll be up tomorrow/today depending on your timezone.

Thought you might want to know.
It's no problem. If you don't already have a specific part of town you want to visit or person to talk to, you might mention just waiting around for the festival to officially begin, so you can catch up to everyone else around the opening speeches ^_^
@shepsquared Just checking in, you're still with this one, right? I saw that you're still online and posting, just not posting in this game... I'm hoping to be ready to move on by Monday, feel free to post any time ^_^
it happens. I find the Watch Forum to be more reliable than watching each thread individually, maybe give it a go if you haven't already watched this one?

EDIT: Reading your post, it appears you asked around about people in the city who had outsider blood? Everyone would probably have gotten a little depressed and mentioned that the priest who died in the fire had an adopted daughter was aasimar, though they likely never used that term directly. She also died in the church fire, though, roughly five years ago. As did many of the acolytes. They've been recruiting for five years, which explains why so many of the acolytes are so young.
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Well, just my luck, i've been under a mentally exhausting week so far, finishing (or lessening) with tomorrow's mid-term. Tried posting yesterday, but passed out next to the netbook, since i've only had 3 hours of sleep that other night...

Anyways, if i'm not able to post today, move along and start the scene.
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I understand, believe me. I'm only awake right now because I promised my other game I'd post tonight no matter what. So I'm reading my alerts and then going to post in that game and then going to bed. I'll probably post to this one tomorrow and move things along.
Sorry my replies are coming slower than I'd like in this game. Some weeks I can't find enough things to do to pass the day, and some weeks I stay busy despite no work to be done. I'll try to post to the main thread tonight.

I'd skip us forward faster since there's a bit of setup here that makes more sense over a tabletop than a forum game, but it's so crucially vital to the AP that you guys really connect with Sandpoint and/or its citizens that I'm a little afraid to. Not every character here is a solid hero, and there are points in the campaign where pragmatic characters that remain unattached might rightfully say "Why should I get involved?" and choose to simply let Sandpoint's fate play out. Needless to say, the giant wrench that would throw in the works is something I'd rather avoid :P
I'll try to keep things moving so we DO get at least most of the Festival (and a good chunk of the town) "on camera" but we don't spend a ton more time here. I underestimated how long this portion would take in a PbP format.
I'll be posting tonight, we've got one last "exploration phase" before things really get started, and I'll speed things up again for it. This sequence took so much longer than I originally expected, but I think it was likely worth it... we'll know for sure soon enough :D
My sincerest apologies, I could have sworn I had posted the edit to my last post with a handful of events for everyone. It seems not only had I not, but that I failed to save the third choice, too... which is ok, since it likely would have kept Cyril isolated, and the one uncompleted objective in this phase so far is letting the party meet each other. So I just posted the other two and you're free to choose either or post what else in town you might be doing and/or looking for.
Right, i was thinking of this earlier, but things got in the way.

So, I think i'd be a good idea if we work out beforehand the impressions that our characters would have towards the others. I believe this could help us define better the image of our characters by seeing how the the rest of us interpret it; as well as easing the inevitable part where our characters meet each other.

Anybody got an opinion about it?
I wouldn't be so sure it's a good idea. I generally prefer to let things like that work out more organically.
given that we're now waiting for responses to the post where I hope at least a few of you will meet (I deliberately split things so that the two that already knew each other would meet different people, easing the eventual whole-group-together thing), I think it may be a moot point. You are meeting now, after all. Sarzain and Auria just joined the same tour group. Joanna and Maedre will inevitably either compete next to each other, compete against each other, or watch one another compete. I'm still trying to imagine how to hook Cyril into either group, but I expect he might be interested in the history of the church - although having him use spells to compete in competitions of strength or skill would be hilarous <3
Oddest thing, I stopped getting notifications about the IC thread.

I should have checked but you know. I didn't.
It so happens. :P I find watching the entire forum tends to work best, it's both a little more reliable and it catches new threads.
I expect to post later today or tomorrow, in case you guys are wondering. Right now I'm headed to bed :P it's like 4:30 and two of you are going to be knocking on my door around noon...
Woo, Nat 20. Now that I've spent it on something that will definitely be vague and mysterious, I am certain that my first few combat rolls will all be ones.:tongue:
Sorry my other half is late, my work is kicking my butt T_T if I can't manage to find time tomorrow I will Friday for sure. So hoping this temporary post ends this month like it's supposed to...
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Double post to create an alert FTW - Maedre and Joanna have overly complicated contests in the main thread. Seriously, no clue what I was thinking. I think I gave Beavis the choice of like seven different ACs at five different ranges, with special rules for over-hitting and critting....

and then made Madmal's even more complicated :confused: <--EDIT: WTF is this face? That is not the face I made. o _ O is the face I made.

EDIT2: Since SgtB pointed out Precise Shot should probably help in an archery contest, I decided he'll hit one ring better than listed on a hit, and may still have a chance to hit a lower ring if he misses a shot at an inner ring.
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