[Rise of the Runelords AE] Here Among Friends


One Thousand Club
It's an out-of-character thread. Not sure what more you want from me here :tongue: I'll get character creation guidelines reposted and any house rules I plan to run with noted shortly. Feel free to get your characters posted in the "Of Note..." forum when you finish them, and I'm still available to help if anyone still needs.
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Can't wait for this.

Do you care if I use myth-weavers for my sheet, or do you want me to post it to the forum?
anything is good. If you link to it elsewhere, if you wouldn't mind making a character post anyway with your character's name, and just put the link in the post? That way we all still have just the one place to go to find all the characters :D
I just found out I will be working tomorrow and the next night for twelve hours each, so I might not be as available for a bit, until Friday or so. I will try to help anyone who needs it, but you might consider posting what you need help figuring out here so your fellow players can help you out in the meantime, otherwise, I expect to be available again Friday evening (and will be on until rather late tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, since I need to sleep all day, aiming to wake up about 6 pm tomorrow evening).
Right, i'll try to help in what i can as well.

Also, current standing is a Half-elf Paladin of Shelyn. I'm not so sure how good we would be a Diplomacy and such.
oh, did I not? It's still the same ones from the thread, I don't think I have anything to add unless someone has a particular house rule they'd like to bring to my attention.
Cool. You posted the attributes, but I wasn't certain about any other houserules

Edit: Do we start with average gold, max gold, or do we roll?
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Also, is there a way to get notified when there's a new post on this forum, not just thread by thread?
The Watch Forum button is in the same place it is for Watch Thread, just on the forum's page. I think you may need to watch the sub-forum separately if you want to be notified there, though. You can choose whether the forum notifies you for every new message (even if on an old thread) or only new threads.

I'm willing to let you take average, if you want, rather than rolling ^_^ since discovering the Rich Parents trait I don't often max out starting gold, I've used it to ridiculous effect on a few concepts...
Still mostly AFK until Friday evening, just checking in between shifts, sorry. See you all again soon, and if everyone's finished with characters, I'll probably start posting the first scene around Monday.
Home and online for an hour or so before bed :P this afternoon or evening I'll be on and looking to finalize sheets and stuff, I think Emerald is done (but deciding between two versions), shep's is posted, madmal is... close? I believe sgtbeavis is close... If everyone is done over the weekend I'll be spending my spare time during and between my RL campaigns for the weekend re-reading the first few encounters one more time and be ready to get first thread up most likely sometime on Monday.
Wow. Looking at Usagi, that was quite a roll. 2 eights, 2 sixteens, along with another 8 and an 18. Good thing Aasimar don't have stat penalties
yeah, she won't be quite the front-liner that most healers are, that's why she took Oracle instead of Cleric this time around :D freaking Life Mystery, she's probably going to be a better healer - and I believe she's planning crowd-control when she's not healing... oracles, man. They're ridiculous.
Well, so far I've noticed that the only two people that have posted sheets so far have picked the supplementary Campaign traits from the SRD. I have the Player's Guide for the Anniversary edition and i could try typing sme of them in if anyone's curious. I'm currently having troupe picking one. >_<

Available Traits are:

Eager Performer

Family Ties

Friends and Enemies

Giant Slayer

Goblin Hunter

Hagfish Hopeful

Merchant Family

Monster Hunter

Scholar of the Ancients

Student of Faith
I'm back from work. Will be sleeping soon, but should be awake and alert this evening. I'm surprised Auria chose to be from some far-off land, I expected her to take Student of Faith for the +1 caster level to all her healing spells.
gatherer818 said:
I'm back from work. Will be sleeping soon, but should be awake and alert this evening. I'm surprised Auria chose to be from some far-off land, I expected her to take Student of Faith for the +1 caster level to all her healing spells.
After re-reading all the campaign traits today, I was thinking about switching out her trait to student of faith. >.>
So, a few of the lower-rollers from both campaigns have lobbied me into the ground, and I've decided to modify character creation. Those of you who got a low roll on your stats will have a chance to improve, and in the interest of fairness, those who got a good one can still try again to see if they can improve. Choose any of the four creation methods you DIDN'T use the first time around, and give it a spin. You can then choose which of the two sets of stats you generated you want to use.
So, it's been ten days since the forum was put up, twelve since Aquilla's last post, and still neither hide nor hair. I believe it's time to invite Hurm, the alternate who graciously asked not to be considered so that madmal could have the fifth slot. What do you think?
So shall it be. @Hurm , I would like to cordially invite you to join us in thwarting the Rise of the Runelords. Please note that I slightly modified character creation such that you can try two methods and pick your favorite now (in case one just rolls terrible on you), and there are a handful of house rules that aren't likely to matter in the slightest also in this forum. That thread is also where you can ask rules questions or suggest house rules, too. Thanks for your patience while we gave Aquilla a few more days.

Aquilla, you'll just move back to the top of the waitlist for now, in case this is just a temporary absence. I'll check with you if anyone leaves or no-shows to see if you're still interested. You'd be surprised how often it happens that someone will join a game and then find they don't have time for it.
^_^ Four characters ready! I'll try to post the first scene Monday evening, but it might be Tuesday - my crazy schedule Monday might result in me getting home from my second shift that day and just going to bed.

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