Rise of the New Nations

Ok. Resources. Here's my thinking:

Each industry could generate a certain number of units per page. Let's say 100 across the board to keep it easy. Each time we move on to a new page, everyone adds 100 units to their stocks in each industry.


Player has Mercenaries, Fishing, and Timber. We open a new page. Player adds 100 mercenaries, 100 fish, and 100 timber to their stocks.

Everybody would keep track of their own stocks. I think we should also post these sums somewhere so that we can check each other's work, bu that's optional.

Then there's technology (let's call it "T"). Maybe something like:

100 + 10*T = Rate of Accumulation


Player is now level 4 technology. 10*4 is 40, add to the baseline 100. Now each time the thread opens a new page, Player gains +140 mercenaries, +140 fish, and +140 timber (instead of 100).

Other actions (such as trade, exploration, expansion) could net you additional units, potentially grant goods you cannot produce yourself.

spiderlegs said:
Ok. Resources. Here's my thinking:
Each industry could generate a certain number of units per page. Let's say 100 across the board to keep it easy. Each time we move on to a new page, everyone adds 100 units to their stocks in each industry.


Player has Mercenaries, Fishing, and Timber. We open a new page. Player adds 100 mercenaries, 100 fish, and 100 timber to their stocks.

Everybody would keep track of their own stocks. I think we should also post these sums somewhere so that we can check each other's work, bu that's optional.

Then there's technology (let's call it "T"). Maybe something like:

100 + 10*T = Rate of Accumulation


Player is now level 4 technology. 10*4 is 40, add to the baseline 100. Now each time the thread opens a new page, Player gains +140 mercenaries, +140 fish, and +140 timber (instead of 100).

Other actions (such as trade, exploration, expansion) could net you additional units, potentially grant goods you cannot produce yourself.

This idea would work great, I think. I might open another tab to keep track of everyone's resources and such. Also, perhaps things like recruitment/population growth could rely on resources instead of dice rolls?
this makes a lot of sense toward accumulating resources and I agree, perhaps adding population would require a certain amount of food. So say (these are not the numbers) I have 700, 000 population and I want another point on it (so another 100,000 population) to do this you need to spend x amount of food.
Seconding Esphyliad. Maybe:

-100 Food units = +10,000 civilians

-150 Food units, -50 Weapons units = +10,000 soldiers

To start with anyway. If those prices turn out to be too high or too low we can adjust later.
These would be my stats for resources if we implement this system. (I hope I did the math right) My population could grow 60,000 per page.

1 fishing + 5 tech = 150 fish per page.

4 farming + 5 tech = 600 food per page.

Also with trade would you only be able to trade a certain amount of your resources. Say I had 4 points on farming I couldn't trade more than 4 points away so (600 food per page). Also say I was giving resources to someone would how much they get depend on my tech level or theirs?
I've realized we have a few extraneous industries now that don't go directly into building or transporting populations. Ships for instance, complicate things--how many people does a ship carry? How many goods? I propose that each ship carries up to 10*T (Tech Level) people, and 50*T units of goods.

Ex. At Tech Level 1, your "ships" carry up to 10 people and 50 units of goods, at Lvl 2, you can carry 20 people, and 100 units of goods, etc.

Ex 2. To carry an army of 10,000 soldiers across the sea, you would need either:

1,000 ships at Tech Level 1

500 ships at Tech Level 2

333 ships at Tech Level 3

and so on. The equation is:

[# soldiers]/(10*T) = The number of necessary boats.

Ex 3. To transport 10,000 units of Food, you would need either:

200 ships at Tech Lvl 1

1 ship at Tech Lvl 2


[# units]/(50*T) = The number of necessary boats.

Other industries aren't as straight-forward. Textiles, for example. Or Woodworking. I think someone had Coal? To address this, what if you needed these goods to create and upgrade colonies. A colony would allow you to post soldiers and civilians in new territory, expanding your presence so you don't need to ferry people back and forth forever. To establish a Level 1 Colony, you'd need to spend -1000 units of any combination of "civilized goods" (products of currently extraneous industries).

Ex. You have 300 Textile, 500 Timber, and 200 Gold. You can spend all of this to establish one Level 1 Colony.

Different levels of colony would house a different number of civilians and soldiers. (You need civilians to sustain soldiers, which is why colonies host both.) Maybe:

Level 1: 10,000 Soldiers, 10,000 Civilians

Level 2: 100,000 Soldiers, 100,000 Civilians

Level 3: 1,000,000 Soldiers, 1,000,000 Civilians

After that, you have to establish a second colony. I think each upgrade should cost -500 units "civilized goods".

@Esphyliad @Fishman Lord I'm not sure I understand the "Level 4 Farming"--from my understanding, some industries were "basic" (costing 1 point) and all your industries were improved by raising your Technology Level. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here are my own stocks so far, given 100 + 10 (8) = 180 units / page.

Food (Fish): 750

In here I'm counting each "shipload" of Fishman's fine fish as 100 units. If you have other ideas, I'm all ears!

Textiles (Linen): 340

I've counted the linen I gave Fishman as 200 as well.

Weapons: 540

Now, it makes no sense to count ships in the 100s, so I just took a decimal point off:

Ships: 49

(Plus 5 currently being lent to Arachnidia)

Sorry to post so much! Please let me know what you think about these ideas--I love to over-complicate things, so don't hesitate to call me out on it.
@spiderlegs my level 4 farming is that way because I allocated four points to farming during the character sign up.

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spiderlegs said:
I've realized we have a few extraneous industries now that don't go directly into building or transporting populations. Ships for instance, complicate things--how many people does a ship carry? How many goods? I propose that each ship carries up to 10*T (Tech Level) people, and 50*T units of goods.

Ex. At Tech Level 1, your "ships" carry up to 10 people and 50 units of goods, at Lvl 2, you can carry 20 people, and 100 units of goods, etc.

Ex 2. To carry an army of 10,000 soldiers across the sea, you would need either:

1,000 ships at Tech Level 1

500 ships at Tech Level 2

333 ships at Tech Level 3

and so on. The equation is:

[# soldiers]/(10*T) = The number of necessary boats.

Ex 3. To transport 10,000 units of Food, you would need either:

200 ships at Tech Lvl 1

1 ship at Tech Lvl 2


[# units]/(50*T) = The number of necessary boats.

Other industries aren't as straight-forward. Textiles, for example. Or Woodworking. I think someone had Coal? To address this, what if you needed these goods to create and upgrade colonies. A colony would allow you to post soldiers and civilians in new territory, expanding your presence so you don't need to ferry people back and forth forever. To establish a Level 1 Colony, you'd need to spend -1000 units of any combination of "civilized goods" (products of currently extraneous industries).

Ex. You have 300 Textile, 500 Timber, and 200 Gold. You can spend all of this to establish one Level 1 Colony.

Different levels of colony would house a different number of civilians and soldiers. (You need civilians to sustain soldiers, which is why colonies host both.) Maybe:

Level 1: 10,000 Soldiers, 10,000 Civilians

Level 2: 100,000 Soldiers, 100,000 Civilians

Level 3: 1,000,000 Soldiers, 1,000,000 Civilians

After that, you have to establish a second colony. I think each upgrade should cost -500 units "civilized goods".

@Esphyliad @Fishman Lord I'm not sure I understand the "Level 4 Farming"--from my understanding, some industries were "basic" (costing 1 point) and all your industries were improved by raising your Technology Level. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Here are my own stocks so far, given 100 + 10 (8) = 180 units / page.

Food (Fish): 750

In here I'm counting each "shipload" of Fishman's fine fish as 100 units. If you have other ideas, I'm all ears!

Textiles (Linen): 340

I've counted the linen I gave Fishman as 200 as well.

Weapons: 540

Now, it makes no sense to count ships in the 100s, so I just took a decimal point off:

Ships: 49

(Plus 5 currently being lent to Arachnidia)

Sorry to post so much! Please let me know what you think about these ideas--I love to over-complicate things, so don't hesitate to call me out on it.
These ideas are all great. They are a bit complicated, though. Maybe if we could get 1 or 2 people to keep track of resources and such?

And everyone starts with one or two point resources, but they can be leveled up.

Going to bed. See you all tomorrow.
[QUOTE="Fishman Lord]These ideas are all great. They are a bit complicated, though. Maybe if we could get 1 or 2 people to keep track of resources and such?
And everyone starts with one or two point resources, but they can be leveled up.

Going to bed. See you all tomorrow.

Once I get into the roleplay, I'd like to keep track of the resources and stuff (in a couple of hours)! I suggest you create and Organisations tab or after some calculations and time I'll post them in the Overview tab. Nooow, time for some videos and food~

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