[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

Btw if anyone in Group 4 wants to be Theodore's roommate that's fine

And if your character likes him enough you can call him Theo IC :)
SpiralErrant said:
A little late in my part of the world but I could certainly make a start with you :)
We could wait until tomorrow as well if that works better. I am on Central Standard Time in the US and I should be available after about 9am... Or I will also probably be up until like 2am tonight which may be morning for you.
DaughterofAthena said:
We could wait until tomorrow as well if that works better. I am on Central Standard Time in the US and I should be available after about 9am... Or I will also probably be up until like 2am tonight which may be morning for you.
Every little's fine by me. I'm on GMT in case I didn't mention earlier.
DaughterofAthena said:
Every little...?
every little addition to collabs. Sorry that didn't make much sense, I meant I'm used to RPing with folks in different time zones so just adding little bits to one over time is no issue.
SpiralErrant said:
every little addition to collabs. Sorry that didn't make much sense, I meant I'm used to RPing with folks in different time zones so just adding little bits to one over time is no issue.
Alright. As soon as I am done with work I can send you a link to a google doc.
@AllHailDago or @DaughterofAthena , just thought I'd let you know I'm away for five days starting tomorrow(Terrible timing I know). I hope to get a post up for the intro thread some time tonight but I'm not sure I'll be able to as I'm going out. I might have internet while I'm gone but I'd be on a phone and unable to post.
@Volfy If you can get just the one post out thatd be great, as its a minimum requirement of one post per person before we move on. And a maximum limit of three posts. So if you can get just the one thatd be fantastic, if not im mostly sure not everyones gonna be done in five days time anyways so thats ok.
DaughterofAthena said:
Hi guys! How goes it? I feel like I remember this OOC being far more lively...
Now, I'm not someone who posts a lot in OOC's so that's why I'm not posting anything here, but I'm pretty sure it's not too hard to figure out why people aren't talking as much as before. It's been quite a while since this RP 'opened', so all of the initial hype that always surrounds something new has died down. Of course, some RP's manage to maintain that hype, but that requires for things to be happening, and I think it's safe to say that things haven't been happening for a LONG time. If and hopefully when things pick up and the plot starts rolling I'm sure this place won't hesitate to decimate my notifications like it used to, but for now that's not going to happen.

.... Wow, reading that over it seems a lot more standoffish and dickish than I intended. My bad.
cojemo said:
Of course, some RP's manage to maintain that hype, but that requires for things to be happening, and I think it's safe to say that things haven't been happening for a LONG time. If and hopefully when things pick up and the plot starts rolling I'm sure this place won't hesitate to decimate my notifications like it used to, but for now that's not going to happen.
Just a quick comment on this in case you or other people are wondering: once everyone makes 1 IC post, people get their powers and things will get real really fast.
DaughterofAthena said:
Just a quick comment on this in case you or other people are wondering: once everyone makes 1 IC post, people get their powers and things will get real really fast.
Oh I realized that, and I'm patient enough to wait. However, the fact that you seemed to emphasize everyone is a bit worrisome. Is it known for sure who's still interested and who isn't? For example, @Ofanaatnolrah hasn't been seen since the 27th. How long are we going to wait on the possibility he doesn't show up? I've been in RP's, some recent actually, where everyone is waiting on someone who has either vanished or no longer has any interest in the RP anymore, and people are bound to loose interest over time.
cojemo said:
Oh I realized that, and I'm patient enough to wait. However, the fact that you seemed to emphasize everyone is a bit worrisome. Is it known for sure who's still interested and who isn't? For example, @Ofanaatnolrah hasn't been seen since the 27th. How long are we going to wait on the possibility he doesn't show up? I've been in RP's, some recent actually, where everyone is waiting on someone who has either vanished or no longer has any interest in the RP anymore, and people are bound to loose interest over time.
That is a good point. I'd have to confer with @AllHailDago on that one.
DaughterofAthena said:
That is a good point. I'd have to confer with @AllHailDago on that one.
Just tagging or sending a PM to everyone and asking them to reply if still interested is probably the best way to go about that and doesn't take much time. Heck, I could even do the tagging if you want me to.
cojemo said:
Just tagging or sending a PM to everyone and asking them to reply if still interested is probably the best way to go about that and doesn't take much time. Heck, I could even do the tagging if you want me to.
I really need to talk with Dago first because I don't even know how much time he actually intends on giving people.
DaughterofAthena said:
I really need to talk with Dago first because I don't even know how much time he actually intends on giving people.
Fair enough. Oh, and nothing I've said was ever meant to be an attack on you or anyone running this RP, so I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I'm just giving feedback and trying to help out.
cojemo said:
Fair enough. Oh, and nothing I've said was ever meant to be an attack on you or anyone running this RP, so I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I'm just giving feedback and trying to help out.
sorry for the lack of replies (if anyone had even noticed) both IC and OOC, things got hectic here really fast, really quickly. Long story short, medical emergency with family has left me busy running around Indiana working on 4 hours of sleep. I have to go to work in 2 hours and still have to eat and do other things, I'll try to respond today but I'll keep you guys updated either way.
Sorry for not being around much folks. I just recently got out of the hospital after topping out at a 107.5 fever. Sorry if im down for a tidbit.

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