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Dice Rifts

Just keep in mind that vampires in this system are totally immune to conventional weapons, and you'll need silver, wooden weapons, running water, psychic powers, or magic. What kind of character are you thinking of? A mecha pilot? Magic user of some kind? A gunner or mercenary? A cyborg? I can offer some suggestions, depending on what you are looking at.
Beedub said:
I'm reading through the Rift Ultimate Edition now. Skipped to the how to play and character creations sections. I also found the Book of Magic pdf so I can reference it. I'll come up with a character sheet shortly, but is there anything else I should read, either before or after I write up a character? I'm still new to this.

So Far we have a pretty straight line warrior and a wizard.

So here is a list of every class in the game, your free to be pretty much anything.

I would suggest doing stats, and then seeing if you excel anywhere.

So you can be good at what you do.

If not as a new player I think it would be fair for you to get to use the stat templates in dead reign (different game, same rule system and company, hell you can even use the classes).

Tech would be a good route to go, stealth isn't really a thing because of the skill system (bad, clunky and just welded on like an after thought)

Its important to understand that This Game Is not Balanced

People have a ROLE and playing to that role is the only way that it works.

There are plenty of classes with no magic, or ways to compete at all in combat. They however have lots of skills or special abilities, that allow them to advance the story line and get things done.

Right now we have me

T-Man: Straight Fucking Warrior, I get MDC Health and multiple ways to get more in combat, even heal in combat. I have a limit pool of magic to use these powers, but until I run out I am the king of battle, There is NO CLASS that could beat me in a 1v1 fair fight. Sadly my PEE (mana) regenerates slowly like everyone elses. So I might have to manage that full pool over several days or weeks, only restoring what I can as I go. Once out of Mana, I drop in power HARD. So, Big stupid fighter, thats my job.

Ley Line Mage: Like Most mages, they serve as a utility user. Sure sure, they can fight well, but they shouldn't try to trade blows. They serve as anti-mages. Mages control the battlefield changing the situation to give us an edge.

If I can win a 3v1 fight, our mage makes sure its never 4v1 or worse. Summoning,buffing, debuffing. Litteraly reshaping the battle ground. The mages job is to give me every fucking edge in combat and to make sure I get there to do the head smashing. Also, as a Ley line mage, they can get there mana back from ley lines (shocker) giving another situational edge. So anti-mage bullshit,Utility, Control.

A psonic could do something simmilar as anti psonics, and a different direction of utility(Forceful social skills). Though there is a fair bit of overlap with mage.

A tech user of some sort, would work well given that we have no tech skills and there is a Sci-fi universe, computers could be a very real problem.

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Sherwood said:
I can drop some of the tats, but I was planning on having the Invulnerability as my primary defense. Body armor that I can start with is only 35 MDC, and Armor of Ithan is 10 MDC per level. @Psychie, can we get a ruling?
The thing is, that tat is bad for you.

80 PPE is just to much to rely upon. (not to mention the action cost, and you'll get hit when its not on)

Even when you level, its duration never really breaks a few hours, so casting it two or three times a day?

Thats going to drain even a high level really hard.

Your supposed to have less MDC your a wizard, glass canon, and have spells that make you harder to hit, or not able to be hit. (Where as I on the other hand, have NOTHING that makes me harder to hit or unable to be hit)

Its like the wizard in DnD complaining of not having the barbarians HP.

I also worry because if we both have that tattoo scaling the game with other players will force them to have it, and once we all have it, then it no longer does anything as all the enemies have to be scaled to punch through it.

There are far better tats for you, like the phoneix for one!

But if you want I can blurb out about why some other options are better.

Good points on the tattoo. I was not planning on having it active 24/7, but as a emergency "keep me alive" ability. It all depends on what our ST pulls out for us.
Sherwood said:
Good points on the tattoo. I was not planning on having it active 24/7, but as a emergency "keep me alive" ability. It all depends on what our ST pulls out for us.
However it doesn't work for that having to be activated on your turn and if your nearly dead you probably don't have 80 PPE to blow. That's time for an escape spell.

Just remember that the game is starting out in Texas area, so if you want to play some kind of cyber samurai from Japan or a class from Europe or Africa, you will have to come up with how your character got where you are now.
If I go ahead and drop the magic tattoo, does that mean I can have a minor holy sword like we talked about? That works well against the fang gang.
Thanks. I found it online somewhere; no idea what series the character is from.
Oh, that's a character from a game called War of Genesis III. The artist is Hyung-Tae Kim.

If you're familiar with the game Blade & Soul he did the art for that too.
Once everyone is done with their characters, you will all know each other prior to game start. I am going to give you a Mountaineer atv (pg 266 of the main book) to travel around in that has been worked on by a techno wizard to operate on ppe instead of fuel. I will also include a npc, depending on what everyone comes up with.
I'm about ready to finally make my character, sorry for the hold up. I just had one more question on character creation.

In the main book for character creation it says "Three, six-sided dice are rolled to determine each attribute. If an attribute is "exceptional" (16, 17, or 18)then an additional six-sided die is rolled and added to the total of that attribute" but I noticed people were rolling 4 dice.

Did I miss something you said about rolling characters for this game, or do their characters have something that gives them that extra dice roll? Or is there maybe there's something in another book that I haven't seen that's different from the main book?

I feel like I'm being a pain, so sorry about that. I'm pretty hyped to play something like this for my first time, I'm just trying to make sure I'm doing it right.
Psychie has changed the dice a tad; roll four dice, and take the top three (assuming you are human; DeeBees will have different stats). If those hit the 16-18 mark, you can either add in the fourth die or roll again. If the fourth die is a 6, you add another d6, giving you the potential for a 30 starting out.
So @Beedub, any thoughts on what class you are leaning towards?
That is the system I have going for stats. If you pick a race that has different attribute numbers than the base 3d6, you'll adjust your roll a bit. A 2d6 attribute means you roll 3d6 and if you get an 11-12 on that, you add in another die. A attribute of 4d6 rolls 5 dice, and if you have a 21-24, you add in another d6.

@Sherwood, you need to put an alignment on your sheet, please.
Gotcha. I'm still tweaking the sheet a bit, and I'll make sure that I have my alignment on there ASAP.
Okay that makes way more sense, thank you.

I was possibly thinking a mech pilot. I'm reading up on that right now. I figure since the current characters are a magic base it'd be neat and useful to roll a more tech based character.

Also @Sherwood, I noticed a thing that says "Silks" on your sheet. Is that supposed to be skills?
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Hello, Sherwood was nice enough to shoot me a link for this game, and provided that no one minds I'd love to get in on the game. Provided the game is still open I have a couple of questions. I'm still looking over the game pages so forgive me if I ask a question which has already been answered. Are there any OCC or RCCs which are restricted? Are RCC/OCC combos allowed?
So I uh... Finally rolled... And boy is that uh... Great? lol I might not be familiar with dice RP but even I know someone hates me.
hellrazoromega said:
Hello, Sherwood was nice enough to shoot me a link for this game, and provided that no one minds I'd love to get in on the game. Provided the game is still open I have a couple of questions. I'm still looking over the game pages so forgive me if I ask a question which has already been answered. Are there any OCC or RCCs which are restricted? Are RCC/OCC combos allowed?
On combos

I assume so, if only because then every single person will be a dragon and it's not allowed by the books IIRC.

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Zedalb said:
On combos
I assume so, if only because then every single person will be a dragon and it's not allowed by the books IIRC.

Lol, you know in all the years I have played Rifts I have never actually played a dragon. Actually I was more leaning toward an escaped Atlantean Blind Warrior woman. Actually I asked about the OOC? RCC thing because some GMs allow you to take the stat rolls and abilities of a race but swap out the skills for those of an OCC. I once played a Dog boy Rogue Scholar who had been raised as a pup by a Scholar who had left the Coalition many year before(the GM just adjusted the xp table accordingly). Unless the game was high-end I would never expect a GM to allow something like a Promethean Leyline Walker or some such.

In any case I am game to do rifts at whatever level
hellrazoromega said:
Hello, Sherwood was nice enough to shoot me a link for this game, and provided that no one minds I'd love to get in on the game. Provided the game is still open I have a couple of questions. I'm still looking over the game pages so forgive me if I ask a question which has already been answered. Are there any OCC or RCCs which are restricted? Are RCC/OCC combos allowed?
Any character class/race is open, so long as you can explain how you got to Texas. Just saying you like having a ninja Juicer from Japan (for an example) is not enough.

This seems to be becoming Team Atlantis. Lol.
With our T-Man and Ley Line Walker from Atlantis, it wield be ready enough to say you escaped with them.

Also, I have seen some scary stats being rolled up, thanks to this dice roller. I'll let you reroll any ones you get. @Beedub having a 3 for his Pe is just not right, and it should help everyone else, too.

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