Riders of Ten Thousand Dragons (The Realm vs. Anathema)


Lotus. A shining example of what Solars can do even with their brief time in Creation. While generally accepted as a peaceful nation of the North, its armies have laid waste to many conquerors under the leadership of a circle of four Solars, it rivals such powers as Lookshy, Whitewall and Halta in its blessed infrastructure, and if left unchecked, it can topple the Realm itself. This cannot be forgiven.

The Great Houses all agree that Lotus must fall, if mortals below them are to continue their servitude and reverence of their Dragon-blooded masters, yet none dare commit great resources to a single campaign in order to keep up appearances of strength. As such, a temporary truce is brought to the Realm Civil War in order to quell the threat of these Anathema of the North. Pooling their wealth and legions, they select the bravest, the youngest and the most foolhardy among their number to attack Lotus for the glory of the Immaculate Dragons and the Scarlet Empress, may her glory return as soon as possible.

You are one of the young leading officers of this campaign. Will you prevail?


So, who wants to kill armies of Anathema-brainwashed mortals and their demon-possessed leaders? I know I do!

I'm not sure if I have the time to run this game, though I certainly have the inclination. I would rather someone else ST the campaign, if they want to, but I'll run it if there are enough players and no one else to ST.

If I run the game, I will be taking only Terrestrials for this game, and using the Dynast chargen rules, with the following house rules. No matter what happens, though, you should have combat experience, preferably in a military context, and have one more mechanic and dramatic niche to fill outside of combat.

- Everyone gets 100 XP to start with, at least 80 of which must be spent.

- Essence 3 (and only Essence 3) costs 8 bonus point.

- Everyone gets 4 free Excellencies chosen from their Aspect and Favored Abilities.

- New fields of Craft can be opened by paying the cost of a one-dot Craft specialty. Anyone who buys dots in Craft starts with one free field. This specialty does not add dice to Craft rolls.

- There are only 9 fields of Craft: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Glamour, Magitech, Vitriol and Genesis. Any other Craft ability either uses another Craft, the lower of Craft and another ability, or Lore.

- Sorcery and necromancy initiation Charms grant one spell of the appropriate circle for free.

- Flaws and Merits are allowed on a provisional and case-by-case basis. Note that Flaws will give me carte blanche for springing undesirable things on your character and should be carefully taken even when allowed.

- Artifact reinforced breastplate costs 2 dots, while artifact articulated plate and superheavy plate cost 3 dots.

- Homebrew Charms are allowed on a case-by-case basis as long as you provide me the source and ask for my approval. Anything not from a printed book is considered homebrew for the purposes of this rule.








Strength â—

Dexterity â—

Stamina â—


Charisma â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—


Perception â—

Intelligence â—

Wits â—




















Martial Arts










Artifacts and Equipment





Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—

Conviction â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—

Primary Virtue




Permanent: â—â—

Personal: X/X (X Committed)

Peripheral: X/X (X Committed)

Bonus Points

Experience Points

Please quote the post and copy the character sheet from the quote post screen to keep the formatting. DO NOT copy it directly from the post, for that will lose the formatting. Italicize your Favored and Aspect abilities or attributes. List your Excellencies and Charms under the proper Ability name, rather than grouped together as Excellencies and Charms. An example would be thusly:


First Archery Excellency

Terrestrial Archery Reinforcement

Dragon-Graced Arrow

Martial Arts

Third Martial Arts Excellency


Spirit-Grounding Shout

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Demon of the First Circle
I'd be up for playing (it'd be my first Terrestrial, I only bought the PDF a few days ago)- I'm looking at an Air Aspect military intelligence type.
I like terrestrials and might be interested as well, i have in mind a fire aspect, graduate of the House of Bells, strong in combat and tactics, while somewhat adept at social situations as well. I had made a character fitting this concept some time ago but never got a chance to play it, so i will post it here after some necessary modifications. His background will put him for some time in the South but i think it won't be a problem since he can be recalled at any point his Great House deems necessary, therefore allowing him to participate in this military campaign. After all the Great Houses are sending the best of their young exalts into this, not just the ones near the area. :wink:

And here follows my character: Sesus Blazing Phoenix

Name[/b] Sesus Blazing Phoenix

Aspect Fire

Anima A phoenix rises behind the character engulfing him in flames.

Motivation Rise in power and respect as a Protector of the Realm and evolve it to a bastion of martial strength and unity.



Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â—â— [High Realm, Low Realm, Flametongue, Skytongue]

Lore â—â—




Awareness â—â—â—


Integrity â—â—â—

Resistance â—â—

War â—â—â—

Athletics â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—â—

Melee â—â—â—â—â—

Presence â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—â—




Martial Arts â—


Archery â—


Performance â—

Ride â—â—â—â—â—



Artifact â—â—â—

Breeding â—â—â—

Familiar â—â—â—(a simhata he uses as mount, given to him as a wedding gift from his wife's family. Exalted 2nd edition pg. 349)

Connections â— (Realm military. Phoenix is in contact with several officers serving in the legions, from their time as students in the House of Bells and frequently discuss the latest miltary developments as well as tactical situations and matters concerning their areas of responsibility).

Manse â—â— (Phoenix is attuned to a couple of Manses in his family’s estates)

-[Hearthstones: 1) Crystal of the frozen north â—â—

Snowflake patterns run through this translucent white, hexagonal crystal. The bearer becomes immune to all natural cold: he can comfortably swim in an ice-covered river or walk through a blizzard wearing nothing but this stone. In addition, the bearer can create cold by touch. Without spending any Essence,

the bearer can chill a warm drink. Spending 1 mote allows her instantly to cool a red-hot sword without taking damage, or to freeze a square yard of water thick enough for a person to stand upon. Additional motes allow the bearer to freeze more water. Freezing a square yard of water well enough to allow a ridden or heavily laden horse to cross it requires 2 motes per

square yard. This ice melts normally and in average temperatures lasts several hours. The cold generated by this stone cannot be used to put out fi res—there’s nothing solid enough to touch.

This hearthstone was given to Phoenix due to his reassignment and prior to his departure for the cold, unforgiving battleflields of the North.

2)Memorial Iron â—. This hearthstone looks like a smooth nugget of polished iron. Its bearer can vividly recall (and mentally relive) any particularly positive and will-reinforcing memory. This recollection fires her resolve, enabling her to recover one point of temporary Willpower each day. This is in addition to any Willpower recovered through the normal, daily Conviction roll.



Artifacts and Equipment

1) Red jade dire lance «Spear of Fury» (artifact â—â—)

Sp.5 Acc. 12 Dmg 15L/19L Def.+2 R.2 Att.5m T. 2,L,R

(bears the 1st hearthstone)

2) Red jade reinforced breastplate (artifact â—â—)

Soak 10L/9B Hardness 8L/8B Mob. –1 Att.2m

3) Jade hearthstone amulet (artifact â—) - bears the 2nd hearthstone, provides Phoenix with an additional mote of essence per hour.

4) Collar of Dawn's cleansing light (artifact â—) [The purpose of this collar is to keep its wearer clean in every respect. She could spend weeks living beneath a rubbish heap and emerge at the end as though she had just spent hours

preparing for a grand ball. The artifact negates all penalties to Social rolls that would be applied due to the character being dirty or unkempt. Attuning to the collar extends its powers beyond the Exalt’s clothing to her physical body. The artifact’s cleansing light adds two dice to (Stamina + Resistance) rolls made against disease or poison. The collar requires the commitment of one mote of Essence to become active.]

[Fire spear (as created by the charms Refining the inner blade and Dragon blade beneficence, a perfect weapon in addition to other benefits)

Sp.5 Acc 12 Dmg 11L/14L Def +3 R.2 T. 2,L,R]

Charms (* for free ones)


Wind-carried words technique


2nd resistance excellency*

Ox-body technique


1st war excellency*


2nd Dodge excellency*

Safety among enemies

Elemental defense technique


1st melee excellency*

Dragon-graced weapon

Portentous comet deflecting mode

Refining the inner blade

Dragon-blade beneficence (from thousand correct actions)

Conflagration of warding (from thousand correct actions)

Terrestrial melee reinforcement

Threshing floor technique

Ringing anvil onslaught


Auspicious first meeting attitude

Glowing coal radiance


Heaven graced riding technique

Join Combat: 6


Dodge DV 7

Parry DV 6 (with artifact lance), 7 (with conjured fire spear)

Soak: 12B/11L Hardness 8L/8B


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 7

Parry MDV 4


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Primary Virtue Valor

Intimacies His wife (unconditional love)

His legion (loyalty)

Willpower: 7


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 13/13 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 21/30 (9 Committed)

Bonus Points (15)

Essence to 3 (8)

Willpower to 7 (2)

Melee to 5 (2)

Ride to 5 (2)

War to 3 (1)

Experience Points (100)

Stamina to 3 (8)

Dodge to 5 (12)

8 aspect/favored charms (80)


The early years.

Blazing Phoenix was born to a wealthy and established family of the Great House Sesus of the Scarlet Empire.

Following his family's tradition, young Phoenix (who didn't bear that name by then) was trained from young age to become a soldier and even more in case the Dragons blessed him with their power.

It was during one of those training sessions that the flame of Hesiesh manifested within him.

His trainer, a supposed mortal champion and member of his father's retinue, having retired from service with the legions was now serving as young Phoenix's military mentor. He was schooling him in the history of the Realm and especially in the parts regarding great generals, battles and conquests.

Also he was making sure that young Phoenix would exhaust himself as a result of the strenuous exercise regime he imposed on him.

Of course this was all his father's commands and the old legionnaire carried them out as if he was dealing with a cadet officer, destined for a life in the army of the Realm and not a small child barely entering his puberty.

Phoenix was already about to collapse from the various exercises he carried out under the scorching heat of the sun, when his trainer threw him a sword and told him to stand at guard.

"Damn...the young boy thought...not another of his sadistic exercises...He knows i'm exhausted and that's when he decides to challenge me to a sword duel...So he can beat me and have me suffer even more exercises as punishment".

Phoenix stood at guard carefully, trying to marshall all his strength to wield his sword and his stamina to withstand the grueling duel that was to follow.

His trainer looked in his eyes with contempt and charged forth.

The blows rained on him and with each passing moment Phoenix could see the inevitability of another defeat approaching.

At that critical moment, when Phoenix searched inside him to find the will to endure and fight back, it was that the blood of the Dragons welling within him awoke and granted him the power of his legacy.

His trainer watched with horror as his clothes caught fire and dropped his sword in awe. Before him, his young student stood engulfed in flames and with a swing fast as the flicker of the flame, sent him to the ground.

After that Phoenix's life almost began anew. He found confidence inside him and a wellspring of energy to assist him in his future endeavours.

He attended the vaunted House of Bells, the best and most prestigious military academy in the Realm and it was there that he shined and built the foundations for a promising career in the Realm's legions.

His teachers commended his valor and fiery dedication to his ideals but cautioned him against rush actions and his hot temper.

What pleased them most though, was his intuitive understanding of the necessity for cooperation in the face of common objectives.

Also the fact that despite his elevation to a child of the Dragons, he seemed to care about the mortal soldiers under his command and held close to his heart his duties as a would-be protector of Creation.

Parts of the diary Phoenix kept during his studies in House of Bells.


It was a full day. Breakfast in the morning, followed by studying and then exercises outside. To keep us in good shape, our trainers insist.

"You can't lead soldiers to battle if you can't even march decently yourselves".

They must be right. After all we are well aware of their careers in the Realm's vast army, since we learnt about that in primary school. And this is what makes it a greater privilege. To be tutored and trained by the Realm's finest generals and combat specialists with the aspiration to become one day one of them.

Yesterday, I had a visit. My uncle returned from his last assignment with our House's Legion and came to see how i was doing. I still remember him telling me the tales of how our beloved and magnificent Empress defeated the otherwordly and monstrous hordes that attacked the Realm from the Wyld and also how she defeated the vaunted 5 tigers, traitors to the cause of the Realm and selfish as the hated Anathema, who almost torn Creation apart with their madness.

Uncle brought me a gift he said, a fine brush, ink and a cylinder engraved with our House's insignia, in which to store- as he said -all these facts of my life in here and later, that i deemed worthy of remembrance.

"History, my boy, is very important because it reminds us of all those who lived before us, of their great deeds and greavest mistakes. In learning it we can have a compass inside us, which guides us, alongside the spark of the Dragons grace, to our destiny.

By commiting the important events of your life, from this early age, to paper, you induct yourself slowly to the great pleasure and responsibility of recording history. The actions that shaped your life early on, will be yours to read in the future and adjust your behaviour as the situation demands accordingly.

As a sidenote, it'll also help to keep your mind focused, your thoughts organised and also allow you to develop additional skills in written language as a means of expression and communication."

He looked into my puzzled young face and then continued.

"Obviously, you may think of it as nothing now, but believe me, nephew, you'll come to appreciate it one day. You can't the imagine how good an impression proper reports make and coupled with a decent battlefield performance, they may earn you rapid promotion. By telling you this, i'm doing a favor to you and also to all your future commanders. Hesiesh knows how many times i've almost plucked my eyes out from the quality of my officers' reports".


Martial arts training today. The head instructor none other than the famed Tepet Yasal. I had heard rumours about him and his deeds but you can't really confirm such things. Not until you get to see into his eyes and train with him. It was a great training session and most of the class enjoyed the interesting maneuvers and grappling methods (well apart from Akefusa who got his arm broken for being a troublemaker and injuring a fellow student. Yasal's retribution was swift and discipline was maintained).

I must confess though, that i'm more thrilled by armed combat and I find that my essence shapes up much more nicely and effectively while wielding a weapon. In fact, as of lately i was able to shape my essence, through meditation and grant to my prefered weapon a measure of my elemental nature, increasing its effectiveness against my opponents.


This is it, this is my calling. Armed combat, flawless gracious and precise movements, unity of body, mind, spirit and the weapon becomes the extension of one's will. It seems those boring calligraphy lessons i hated back then have finally paid off. Now the connection between calligraphy and sword mastery became apparent to me.

My teachers seem impressed by my abilities with blade and spear and especially the Cathak one seems to prize this feat very highly. They say that if i carry on like that i may be able to represent my class as champion in the student's competition at the end of the year. I must train harder. This will make not only my teachers but also my family to feel proud of me.


It was fantastic. I have never felt that alive since my exaltation. The great competition was an event unlike any other. Students, not only from House of Bells but also from Cloister of Wisdom and Pasiap's stair attended. Dignitaries from the Great Houses and military officers that returned from their campaigns in the Threshold were also present. Esteemed martial arts instructors, celebrated war heroes and many other besides.

Strange individuals, sorcerers with otherworldy creatures in their entourage. We were told that they would provide the means to some of the exhibition matches that would follow and also make sure things wouldn't get out of hand regarding the creatures that would be used as opponents (more like living dummies i thought considering the prowess of all the fighters and martial artists attending the event).

An introductory speech was given by our Academy's Headmaster and then also some of the honoured guests talked to us. They said we're the hope of the Realm, we're the bulwark that holds back the tides of chaos and disorder. The grace and blessing of Dragons lies inside all of us and we must use it as best we can. Today you'll see an exhibition of various martial styles from all-over Creation, through which we safeguard our territiories and protect humans and fellow exalted alike from danger.

The tournament started and we had the privilege to watch five immaculate monks demonstrating their skills and showing the otherwordly power of their techniques. The Glorious Five Dragon Paths as they're called are very demanding and esoteric martial arts style approaching the pinnacle of mastery over one's body and soul and granting exceptional capabilities, according to what an elder brother of the Immaculate Order told us prior to the demonstration.

He was not exaggerating, for when they entered the fighting grounds and faced their opponents all of us (the students) were left dumbfounded. They were fast as the wind, unmoved as the mountain, all-consuming as a bonfire, unpredictable as the water and holding sway over life and death as nature's forces.

After that we watched as other styles many of which seemed exotic to most of us, especially some in which the practicioners utilized strange almost uncomfortable or overextended body postures, but they proved before our eyes to be effective nonetheless.

When the demonstration was over, it was time for our competition. I went to the specified building for preparation and was met by my combat instructor. He looked sternly as a servant helped me don my armor and when i was done he gave me my spear. "Get ready young Sesus. Today you represent our Academy. Its teachings, its training quality, its great tradition of leaders and warriors rests on your shoulders. Get out there and make House of Bells proud. Make us all proud boy".

I still cannot fully recall the ensuing moments. It is like a haze, a blur. A blend of sounds, images and excitement. The fights must have been hard, the pain and exhaustion of my body told me that much afterwards. But i did what i was trained to. I carried high the banner of House of Bells, i maintained our collective pride intact and i showed the quality of Dragon blooded that graduate from that Academy.

In many ways i felt like i belonged there, among the cheering of the people, among the praises of my instructors, the acknowledgement and respect of spectators and opponents and above all the look in my fellow students' eyes. Being there as a champion that rose from their ranks has been my greatest honour.


It was graduation day for the senior students. All teachers, instructors and students, alongside many representatives and members of the graduates' families as well as other prominent figures of the Realm with ties in the House of Bells were present. A grand feast was held to honour those that graduated from our glorious academy and gave their life for the Realm, fighting in countless battles, against all odds and against some of the most vicious and dangerous enemies of Creation.

Also, some of the most esteemed members of the Dragon-blooded host that were present, honoured us with words of experience and wisdom, that would accompany us to the future. Among them, there was a general (the commander of the 17th legion as we were told) named Saloy Hin. His imposing figure and immense charisma made quite an impression upon me and some of my fellow students, and probably had the same effect on others as well.

Strangely enough, Saloy Hin isn't - according to rumours that circulated those days - a graduate of House of Bells, but of Pasiap's stair and this caused a certain degree of inquiries among us, given the known rivalry between the two academies. Nevertheless we heard his speech and were amazed by it. He emphasized on our duty as Princes of the Earth, defenders of Creation, bane of the Anathema and pillars of the Realm.Without our dilligent services, he, said, our Empire will crumble and we can't afford to let that happen. Told us about some of the battles he participated in and some of the rebellions he quelled. Also about the rigors of military life, yet about its rewards as well. In the end he left the Academy alongside some of the fresh graduates, who were selected to begin their careers in the 17th legion.

I must say i felt jealous at that moment and i hope that the 5 Dragons allow me as well to be in the legion of such a motivated general, with spirit as a true child of Dragons.

Report of one of Phoenix's first assignments as a junior officer, leading a small, light cavalry unit during a campaign against barbarian invasions in the Threshold.

The day was hot and the sun was high on the sky, scorching relentlessly with its heat, the soldiers below. Humidity in the atmosphere only made things worse, as did the foul stench of the rebellious barbarians that were approaching. In their ranks they had predatory animals, great cats, omen dogs and clawstriders, barely restrained and eager to shed the blood of the Realm's soldiers.

The commander of the Realm's forces was adamant about his battle-plan (as the venerable Earth aspect general that he was). They had to hold the line against them and so they would. The armed forces of the Realm were entrenched between the slopes of a mountain and a river bank while the rest of the landscape consisted of a forest futher down the river and a vast plain of grass, from where the savages were approaching.

Phoenix was informed of the impending battle. He was notified about it while on his first "tour of duty" with the legions, in his Great House's area of responsibility. His unit, a light cavalry detachment, directly under the command of the legion general of the region, was ordered to provide much needed support against the oncoming barbarian invasion.

So far they had only engaged in hit and run missions, mostly harassing the barbarians and denying them acquisition of resources whenever they could.

This would be their first participation in full scale combat against them.

Phoenix studied carefully the maps, as his teachers had expertly taught him back in House of Bells, and after considering the placement of both forces and the lay of the land, decided where to deploy his force.

The opening he was looking for in order to exploit and thus provide the main force of the army with the needed leverage to seize victory was there. On the right wing of the approaching enemy force was a forest. Adjacent to it the plains from where the enemy would come and further up the slopes of the mountain where his comrades would make their stand. Phoenix knew several of the junior officers present in that force and he wouldn't let them helpless in the face of the barbarians.

So it was that the small cavalry force managed to reach the river bank undetected, from the opposite direction, and the night before the attack, crossed it with stealth and silence. Then they hid at the edges of the forest and patiently awaited.

As the day began and dawn was upon them, so were the barbarians. Men, strong and fearless, wielding a variety of crude weapons, many even without armour approached. They were howling battlecries and charged forth.

The Realm's archers, peerless marksmen that they were, tried to thin their ranks as they closed the distance. Many of the barbarians fell like skewered animals but this seem to do little to dwindle the power and determination of the approaching horde. They fell upon the first line of defence with recklessness and savagery, fighting like maniacs and inflicting many casualties to the courageous soldiers of the Realm's legions.

As the battle continued for hours, the perseverance and courage of the realm's forces that still stood their ground, as a living testament to the quality of the Empire's armies, it seemed the situation was coming to a stalemate. Both forces would soon have to withdraw to their respective camps, in order to rest and regroup. That meant more days of bloody conflict and more strain to the forces of the Realm and the resources of the entire region.

But not if Phoenix had to say something about it first.

While the barbaric horde was fixated to the main force of the army, Phoenix exited the forest with his unit behind the enemy lines. A flaming arrow arching across the sky signaled the general to ready his reserve troops for a counterattack as the cavalry charge was imminent.

Blazing Phoenix rode before his comrades, readying them for battle.

"Soldiers of the Realm, children of Dragons and esteemed members of the mightiest army in Creation. These barbarians want to tear our brothers apart and destroy the whole region. Are we going to let them?"

A roaring battlecry answered him and after the cheering stopped, Phoenix talked again.

"I see in you the courage, the strength, the indomitable will of the Five Dragons. Ride with me brothers and scatter those savages like leaves in the wind. For the glory of the Realm. Charge!"

Phoenix doned and strapped his helmet, raised his lance and lead them on.

It was quite a spectacle to watch, as the cavalry column turned into a wedge of steel, like a spearhead ablaze at its tip, while the horses were now galloping at full speed. Phoenix lowered his lance and alongside him all his men as if acting with one mind. Phoenix and the other two officers leading the charge were lit up like a firestorm, a hurricane and a blizzard of elemental fury and devastation as they hit the rear ranks of the barbarians like nature's vengeance.

The savages tried to wheel and turn - panic starting to show in their faces at this unexpected development - in order to face the cavalry. But the charge was furious and drove deep into their forces, making it impossible to maintain formation and regroup. Then the general threw his reserves - as was the plan - into the battle.

The barbarians were caught between the river, the mountain and the combined forces of the Realm which were now bolstered by fresh troops. Even for their savage nature this was too much. Their instinct of survival and self-preservation overcame their will for battle and their morale broke.

Most of the were slaughtered in the carnage that ensued, as they tried to get away and only few managed to cross the river or retreat back to their territories.

It was a good day to be an officer of the Realm's glorious legions and Phoenix remembers this battle with nostalgic feelings till the present day.

Letter to Phoenix from his uncle, a retired legion officer, currently involved in Realm politics.

"Greetings young nephew.

I hope my letter finds you in good health both in body and spirit and I want you to know that we're praying for your continuing safety during the military operations in which you participate.

The reason i'm writing to you is to inform you of our situation here in the Blessed Isle and also to tell you some things of importance.

First I'd like to tell you about your father. He may seem distant at times and somewhat strict and rigid, but I know him better than most and i can assure you that i've never seen him more proud and content. Your courageous service in the legions is a matter of the utmost pride for him and he thanks the Immaculate Dragons day and night for granting him such a child.

The rest of the family is at good health and despite some minor issues all things progress well. That is of course apart from a most disturbing event that not only affects us as family and Great House, but has repercutions for all the Empire. As you may have learnt, since certain news seem to travel quite fast indeed, our beloved Scarlet Empress has gone missing. This may very well be the beginning of a difficult period for all of us and the reactions i see in the political level indicate an unstable future.

For this I want you to be careful and vigilant, for each House will try to consolidate its own position and strengths and hinder the others. As I was told, your first tour of duty is about to end soon and you'll probably return to the Blessed Isle. It is my advice that you don't. It is too early for you to come back only to be thrown in the arena of politics and it is too early to deny the Realm army of such a brilliant soldier.

My informants told me that there might be an opening in our garrison in the city of Chiaroscuro for an officer. Lately the small force that the Realm has stationed there, suffered casualties while protecting an important caravan of Realm interests and they could use someone with your talent and skill in combat and strategy. Besides it'll be the perfect chance for you to accumulate more experience and grow up to real man. Also it'll keep you in safe distance from any of our rivals and give us a chance of involvement in the South if things turn out bad.

I pray that you'll follow my advice and hopefully get to like your new assignment.

With the best wishes and the blessings of the Five Dragons

Your Uncle, Sesus Hideyoshi"

In Chiaroscuro

Life in Chiaroscuro turned out to be quite nice despite Phoenix's initial worries.

After receiving his uncle's letter and finishing his tour of duty, Phoenix travelled by land till Nexus and then by ship to the Jewel of the South. The whole journey filled him with amazement and also gave him increased understanding of the life in Threshold and in the Southern provinces.

He understood that while the grasp of the Realm was somewhat tenuous at these regions, he could still make a difference if he showed true interest and care about the people leaving there. And that he decided to do. He learnt about Chiaroscuro's history through the Ages in order to acclimatise himself better in the city's life and also studied extensively to learn Flametongue, the dialect spoken in the majority of the South, to be able to communicate directly and adapt to the new society he was about to enter.

When he arrived, he was fascinated by the surviving architectural wonders, especially the harbor and the glass spire towers and he enjoyed the noisy markets and plazas of the city. He settled in the city garrison and grew accustomed to the various differencies of everyday service and life.

Slowly but steadily, Phoenix managed to win the trust of the soldiers under his commands as well as that of his fellow officers. They trained together for hours and after a year of service they accepted him into their sworn brotherhood, the last member of which had died some time ago. Phoenix proved himself more than an adequate replacement and all together were among the most fearful combat formations Chiaroscuro could field in times of great danger.

The city rythm also seemed to absorb Phoenix as well. He loved to walk in the streets and busy markets, when off-duty, observing the people and their customs and learning more about them. After all he would be stationed here for quite some time and wanted to understand them as much as possible. He had seen the effect other Dynasts had in the Threshold and in other satrapies and he didn't want to project that image here. Instead, he strived to be seen as a force of protection in the city, as a pillar of security and a blazing sentinel in the darkness that any danger would pose to its people.

And that he achieved. Under his command, the Realm garrison grew in popularity among the citizens and expanded its duties beyond merely protecting nobles and merchants from the Realm, but also getting involved in particularly dangerous situations and threats against the citizens of Chiaroscuro, aiding the Delzahni guard in a variety of ways and ensuring the wellfare of the city.

And besides all these another event occured that cemented Phoenix's relationship to Chiaroscuro and his dedication to its protection.

As a Realm military officer, Phoenix discussed frequently with the Delzahni nobles and military leaders of their Horde mainly on matters of war and strategy and secondly on politics. His background as a cavalry officer was reflected prominently in his great skill in mounted combat and his control over the steed of his choice and both traits earned him the favor of the Delzahni.

So it was that he accompanied them - when duty permitted - to their hunts, enjoying their company and their incredible agility and effectiveness in lightning fast strategies that left their quarries with little to no chance of escape. And it was in one of these hunts that he met his life's love, saved her life and engaged in his most passionate relationship that would deeply affect him both as a man and as a defender of the Realm.

It was decided that the hunt would take place in one of the southern jungles, quite far from Chiaroscuro and that it would last for some days. They had prepared well. Many Delzahni would come, seeing it as chance to test their tactics in another kind of environment and also hunt some challenging predatory animals. Phoenix decided to accompany, to get some more experince and also to see a new place.

Initially the hunt went quite well but at some point Phoenix's rush actions and willingness to see more, drew him away of the main hunting party further into the jungle. He was amazed at the primal beauty of the landscape, the trees, the vines, the small ponds of water and of course the exotic animals. And then he heard something. It sounded like a desperate cry for help.

He rushed to the direction of the sound but it took him quite some time to get his bearing right and he delayed to arrive. He prayed he wasn't too late.

In front of him, was a clearing in the jungle and a lone figure stood facing four tree striders. As he got closer he saw that the bodies of 3 more of these beasts were lying dead to the ground as well as bodies of 2 more people. The figure he had seen was a young woman of exotic beauty but it was evident from her moves and from the blood in her leg that she wasn't in good shape.

Phoenix thought little of his own safety and his hot temperament overcame his sense of planning and careful approach. With a piercing cry, he charged towards the creatures, a bloazing corona of flames dancing at the tip of his lance. The first creature fell, skewered by the spear and the others turned to face him. The lady was surprised to find help in this wilderness and managed to move back a bit regaining her distance from the animals that were now focusing their attention on Phoenix.

Undaunted by their combined assault the young dragon blood lifted his lance again and charged. This time though the creatures were waiting for him and as he pierced one of them straight through, the rest attacked his horse and brought him to the ground. With a swift motion, he got back to his feet and assumed a defensive posture. The remaining beasts closed in but then one of them fell by a hail of arrows. Looking behind them, Phoenix saw the woman standing near a tree and aiming her bow at the tree strider. He moved on and with two successive sweeps and a thrust of his lance neutralized the last strider.

He took a moment of respite and then approached the woman that was now sitting with her back to the tree, trying to mend her wounds. He asked if her bleeding was under control and then, under what circumstances she found herself in the jungle.

She was also in the hunting party, according to her explanation, but leading a team of scouts way ahead of the main force. When they came at this part of the jungle and stood to rest they were suddenly attacked by these creatures. Caught off-guard, her companions became easy prey for the beasts but she managed to defend herself adequately, thanks to her Terrestrial lineage. Even though she didn't bear the usual marks of the Realm's terrestrials, especially ones of high breeding, the grace of Sextes Jylis was evident on her. The ground, as Phoenix saw now, was damaged and blackened, another indication of a terrestrial anima's effect.

Phoenix introduced himself to her and offered to accompany her back to the main camp. After all he said it was lonely enough here in the jungle without some good company to chat and also, the day he'd leave an injured lady, even one with the blessing of the Dragons, alone in the middle of the jungle hadn't yet come.

They returned back to safety without many more incidents and all the camp celebrated for the fortuitous end of this dangerous situation. In the days that followed, they hunted together and learnt each other's strengths and weaknesses making a formidable hunting duo and impressing the rest of the expedition with their combined capabilities and performance in the hunt.

As the great hunt ended, the Delzahni began the long journey back to Chiaroscuro. During this journey, Phoenix got to know the lady he saved in the jungle, a lot better. Her name was Jasmine and she was as much of a delicate flower as it indicated but also had some hidden surprises, namely her love for adventure and the hunt and well the disregard for danger on certain cases.

They got quite close and continued to spend more time together after their arrival in Chiaroscuro. It turned out that Jasmine's family was a noble one among the Delzahni and they saw this development without much of annoyance. After all they knew Phoenix from his years as an officer of the Realm's garrison, they appreciated his interest in Chiaroscuro's safety, had witnessed his prowess in battle and considered him a man of honour. Thus, his relationship with one of their own (Jasmine) was viewed with acceptance and some considered it a great way to ensure his prolonged stay in the city.

Nobody would like to see another typical arrogant Dynast trying to pose as a military commander in Chiaroscuro and ruin all the effort Phoenix put in stabilizing it and attaining a high level of common understanding with the Delzahni.

Besides, it would only need a look at Jasmine and Phoenix, for oneself to fully understand their love. Here in the Jewel of the South, the young descendant of House Sesus had found the meaning of life in being with Jasmine and protecting her people. He had found the most valuable jewel of Creation in her, and she had found a caring, loving and passionate man, eager to do everything for her.

So it was only natural when they announced their marriage. This caused quite some uneasiness in Phoenix's family back in the Realm, but at least he was getting married to a dragon-blooded lady and after all he was forging potent bonds with one the major political and military powers in the South. Phoenix's uncle especially supported his decision and was the family's representative to the wedding.

The Delzahni accepted young Phoenix as one of their own, appreciating his contribution to the city so far. After witnessing the love Jasmine had for him first-hand they couldn't do otherwise. They gifted him also with a simhata, a lion-horse, that serves him faithfully to this day, as his personal mount, taking him swiftly wherever duty calls.

His marriage to Jasmine, instilled in Phoenix an even greater sense of care regarding the city of his wife and a greater degree of sympathy for the Delzahni tribes. It also made him a bit more willing to think before acting, placing his wife's concern for his safety above his own rush courses of action. All in all they're a great couple, complementing each other in the field and in social events. Phoenix is a passionate orator and Jasmine a fantastic dancer and singer and therefore many of the city nobles enjoy the couple's company when they have the chance.


Sesus Blazing Phoenix is a tall man that contrary to many fire aspects does not attract all eyes on himself the time he enters the ballroom or the army camp. His appearance is quite normal, with no other distingushing features apart from the reddish tint in his skin. The same tint bear his mostly back hair, resembling dark coals and sparks of flame.

He's fit and exercises often, since such are the demands of military life. If he wants to be a true exemplar of the power of the Elemental Dragons he has to work even harder. Also this is a way to give the proper example to his soldiers and not let the life inside a civilized city dull their senses, slow their reactions and weaken their fighting spirit.

While in duty, he's usually clad in his suit of red jade armor, a gift from his House for the honourable ending of his first assignment in the Threshold. An amulet can be seen hanging from his neck with a stone set in it, that looks like polished iron. His weapon of choice, the dire lance "Spear of Fury" belonged to his grandfather, who died defending the Realm while Phoenix was still a boy. By his deathwish, it was safeguarded in the family vaults and given to Phoenix as a testament of fighting strength, noble spirit and unwavering will at the face of all that threaten the stability of the Realm, by the time of his graduation with honours from the House of Bells.

Off-duty, Phoenix appears like a noble citizen of Chiaroscuro, with his clothing and posture showing his undeniable noble presence wherever he treads. He usually wears formal red-black robes with the Realm's crest on them, accompanied by an exquisitely crafted necklace.

On his walks around the city he's often accompanied by his lovely and beautiful wife, who is usually dressed in white and green clothes with nice details and ornaments on them and also a few carefully picked jewels that complete her attire.

"You're the true jewel of the South, darling, you are most definitely the proof that even a desert can give birth to such a delicate flower" he tends to whisper in her ear, making her blush if only a bit.

Other activities

Phoenix had been acting lately as the champion of his sworn-brotherhood of dragon blooded officers. While not the oldest or wisest among them, the flame of Hesiesh burns fervently within him and his elemental heritage manifests in him undeniably. His charisma makes him a true asset in maintaining the morale of his troops and his very nature of leading by example makes him the foremost public figure of the Realm's presence in the city.

As part of this role he has undertaken, Phoenix has been called on several occassions to fight duels of honour and more rarely to face enemies of the city, powerful entities that threatened its safety and the life of its people. In these moments, Phoenix truly resembles the icon of his anima banner. His very appearance changes, reflecting a majesty that burns and saps the resolve of lesser opponents and a corona of flames seems to shine like a crown on his head.

In combat he's like a firestorm burning those foolish enough to touch him and scorching the skin of the enemies where his spear strikes. Even when his opponents are stronger than him, he lets his elemental nature and power to overtake him, flickering away of their attacks like a flame in the wind or suddenly blocking them like a bonfire been rekindled when consuming new coals. What he claims though repeatedly is that the most heartening fact, the greatest contribution to his success, is the collective strength of his fellow brothers, when they stand witness to his duels, since - as per his words - "the blessings of the 5 dragons are on my side through my esteemed and valorous brothers".

Theme song
Backstory for Tepet Moredi- Sorcerer, spy, and renowned incompetent.

Born to a fairly minor branch of the family, Tepet Moredi's early days were much like any other Dynast's- a gruelling, strenuous rota of training and study to prepare him for the life of one of the Princes of the Earth. His tutors pushed him hard, of course- though he was an intelligent child, fascinated by the history of the Realm.

Indeed, he preferred studying history to many of the more athletic pursuits required, and his efforts to evade his weapons tutor grew more and more elaborate as time passed- peaking when, at primary school, he was found calmly reading a book detailing the history of sorcery in the Realm- hidden between the chimneys on the roof, only found because the whirling vortex of his new-found anima was twisting the smoke into an intricate helix.

For a child with such an interest in history and the occult- and a Tempestuous Knife at that- the Heptagram was the sensible choice for Tepet Moredi's studies. Graduating from the Heptagram shortly after the destruction of the Tepet Legions in 764, however, put the young Moredi in something of an awkward position. A naturally inquisitive soul, he had been intending to put the basics of Sorcery he had learnt to good use- travelling the Threshold, perhaps trying his hand at some of the more exciting aspects of archaeology- namely those involving dodging traps and stealing artifacts.

However, family came first. Moredi was asked to join his uncle, Tepet Ulako, who had taken command of a unit of troops- nowehere near a full Legion, of course, given the House's state- and who were assigned to go and intimidate one of the house's more prosperous, and less well-defended, satrapies. The people there had got into their heads that they could resist their lawful masters, and putting down their hastily-assembled militia was considered to be a good test of the cohesiveness of Ulako's forces.

Tepet Ulako, an experienced campaigner who had been discharging his religious duty with the Wyld Hunt at the time of the campaign against the Bull of the North, wasn't sure how best to use his nephew in his forces; it was Moredi's suggestion that he put the skills he'd been honing for use in pursuit of ancient artifacts to the cause by spying on the enemy army. As Moredi seemed quite competent- and as the task suited the Aspect of his Exaltation- Ulako decided to allow it.

It was a disaster. Moredi got into the camp of the rebel army with no trouble, and quickly ascertained their numbers and disposition- then got cocky. Sneaking into the tent belonging to the enemy commander, he was trying to find any revealing notes about their plans. Unfortunately for him, the tent was guarded by a demon he'd failed to notice- summoned and bound by an outcaste mercenary the rebels had hired- and he was captured.

It was fortunate for Tepet Moredi that he was quite clearly a Tepet Dynast- they decided to use him as a bargaining chip, threatening to execute him if the army made any move. Loathe to waste any of the valuable blood of the dragons, Ulako decided to give his nephew one last chance to redeem himself- a fairly substantial bribe to one of the less idealistic rebel soldiers, effected through mortal proxies, got Moredi freed from his chains, at which point he wasted no time in leaving as quickly and quietly as possible.

The pacification proceeded with no more input from Tepet Moredi, but once it was completed, his uncle had time to give him the debriefing he deserved, emphasising his two duties to his House- to serve their interests, but first and foremost to continue the bloodline.

Staying away from military endeavours for the rest of his hopefully long life seemed like a sensible plan- but Moredi had an idea, which- with some trepidation- he took to his uncle.

The idea was this. He'd acquired something of a reputation as an incompetent in matters military. Why not exploit that by training himself into a skilled spy- something for which he had the competence, but had lacked the focus and discipline- but avoiding telling as many other people as possible?

Perhaps against his better judgement, Ulako agreed. Using further discipline from more senior members of the House as an excuse, Moredi returned to the Blessed Isle and his elders. There was a certain element of truth to the excuse, of course- the elders had their own words to say about his lack of care- but then began the business of his training. From a relative he was told to refer to only as “sifuâ€, he began studying Night Breeze Style. He learnt spells of misdirection and awareness. He honed himself into the spy only a Child of Mela can become.

And he allows no sign of this to show. To the outside world, he is still an arrogant young Dynast with an inflated opinion of his own abilities. The plan is that only those of his comrades that he trusts will ever realise exactly how good he is.

The campaign against Lotus will prove as a test of whether he truly is what he looks like...

I don't have Scroll of Heroes, but I thinkt he Innocuous merit makes sense for him- what's it do? I've just got a description off the Wiki.
What about Immaculates ?

Cause when I read this, in some ways the image of an army chaplain came to mind. One with a slight build, and actually not that imposing a fellow. Until he prepares for battle, clad in heavy armor, carrying a gargantuan mace to clobber the foe into submission. His dedication split between the well-being of the legionnaires he supports and the Immaculate Order. And a problem when those two will conflict and at times they will.
Immaculates would require a little bit of work, as they don't tend to be sent around with armies on large campaigns, though they have the most experience against Anathema, so that would balance out. Submit a proposal and we'll see.
And a sheet for my spy-type dude.

Name Tepet Moredi

Aspect Air

Anima [Need to work it out]

Motivation Become the House's greatest spy.




Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â—â—â— (High Realm; Old Realm, Low Realm, Skytongue, Riverspeak)


Occult â—â—â—

Stealth â—â—â—â—â— (Military Camps +1, Moving Silently +1)

Thrown â—â—

Awareness â—â—




War â—â—â—

Athletics â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—

Melee â—

Presence â—â—

Socialize â—â—


Investigation â—

Larceny â—â—â—

Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— (Knives +2)


Archery â—


Performance â—

Ride â—



Breeding â—â—â— (The Tepet line has a strong connection to elemental Air.)

Connections â— (Tepet spies)

Retainers â— (Moredi gets by with what most would see as the bare minimum- a steward and an aide, who can be relied upon to keep their mouths shut.)

Resources â—â—â— (Playing the part of Arrogant Dynastic Scion requires enough wealth to flaunt in front of suspected enemy agents.)

Artifact â—â— (Blue Jade hearthstone bracers, a hearthstone amulet, and an Auspicious Secret Seal (Oadenol's Codex, p32- see Solar Seal).)

Manse â—â— (Moredi carries a Stone of the Spider's Eye (Manse â—) and a Jewel of Swift Comprehension (Manse â—â—)- both OC, p86)


Innocuous (if someone'll tell me what it does...)


Artifacts and Equipment

Hearthstone Bracers

Hearthstone Amulet

Auspicious Secret Seal

Straight Sword (mostly for show)

Many knives (Speed 5, Acc 12/6, Dam 4L, PDV 6, Rate 3, Range 15)

Even more throwing needles (Speed 5, Acc 9, Dam 3L, Rate 2, Range 10)



Wind-Carried Words Technique

Voices On the Wind


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Emerald Countermagic

Coin of Distant Vision


First Stealth Excellency

Feeling-the-Air Technique

Soundless Action Prana

Distracting Breeze Meditation


First Larceny Excellency


First Dodge Excellency

Safety Among Enemies

Martial Arts

First Martial Arts Excellency

Night Breeze Style

Crosswind Offense

Shepherd the Leaf

Leaf On the Breeze Rhythm

Night Breeze Form

Katabatic Leap Defense

Join Combat: 6


Dodge DV 8

Parry DV 6 (Unarmed)

Soak: 2B/1L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 2


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—â—

Primary Virtue



Learning (Moredi never lost that youthful fascination, but it's been less prominent more recently)

Tepet Family (Determination to prove he can help)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 13/13 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 26/31 (5 Committed)

Bonus Points

Virtues: 6

Merits: 2

Abilities: 7

Experience Points

Abilities: 20

Charms: 50

Spells: 10

Essence: 20

I'll get onto stats for weapons et cetera soon.


Tepet Moredi is a tall, slender young man with a fairly nondescript face- pale blonde hair cut short, pale blue eyes, and pale skin, all evidence of his strongly Air-aspected bloodline, as is the coolness of his skin. The usual impression people get of him is moulded by his flamboyant longcoat- five feet of black leather and overblown military detailing, the very image of the arrogant Dynastic officer. The fact that each sleeve conceals a narrow dagger passes most people by, as do the multitude of needles hidden in each seam. Under the coat is a bandolier carrying Moredi's sword (hardly ever drawn) and several more knives, while underneath that he normally wears a well-cut uniform (and no armour).

The distinctive coat and uniform attract the eye enough that, as long as he keeps his head down, it's not too difficult for Moredi to evade recognition when wearing the nondescript peasant garb he keeps hidden in his quarters, though the second knife-bandolier he keeps there somewhat spoils the image. Still, when he's wearing that, he's normally careful not to be seen at all.
Quick rules question- Night Breeze Style has light throwing weapons no heavier than a knife as form weapons. I've assumed that means thrown uses only- or can I use Martial Arts for melee attacks with knives? I've also assumed it doesn't extend to defending with knives and MA, again because it's mainly for throwing.
I think while you can only use thrown attacks with weapons, it still allows defense and unarmed attacks normally.
Cool, so MA for PDV with the knife? Wonderful, thanks!

I was assuming unarmed attacks were OK, seeing as there's a style where they aren't and it's very explicit about that.
Khantalas said:
I'd just like to note that simhata are Familiar 3, not 2. Everything else looks fine so far.
Thank you very much for the correction. I wasn't sure about it and forgot to check it. I'll go fix it right away.
I am interested in this game. I picked up the DB book not long ago and am most of the way through it.
Been a while since I was on this board due to RL but I've wanted to play a DB for a long time. I will try to have a character up by tomorrow.
Going to edit my character slightly; drop Innocuous, use one of the dots to buy a Henchman, a House Tepet patrician chosen for the fact that he looks quite similar to Moredi. His main role is to distract anyone that needs to not notice that arrogant, useless prat is actually sneaking round the enemy camp. Is that a reasonable use for a Heroic Mortal?
I want in! I've got a fire-aspected swordsman of House Cathak. He's quite cunning in a fight, but unfortunately, his ability is marred by the fact that he's a notorious skirt-chaser.
"You learned what you needed. Just kill him now... He's dangerous.

You know me, Mariz, you know that I like to play safe!"

The Sidereal smirks and pats the friend and collegue on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes I do.

Still, I am convinced that using him against the Lotus is a better way to dispose of him.

It is an important effort, our Realm needs all the strength we can muster.

We can't afford to waste him.

We live hard times, and Dragon Bloods are no more disposable as they used to be."

"I hope you know what you are doing...."


Water drops from the ceilings, echoing in the vast distance.

Water escapes.


Eerie traslucent shapes, faces lost in the times, carry the burden of their dead spirits, apathic and oblivious to their surroundings, muttering madness and hope lost forever.

Yet a lone heart still beats, raging and furious.

Chained at the black wall of the endless dungeon a man stands still.

Then, suddenly he lashes madly, stretching the chains, roaring and writhing against the constraints and against the wall.

But the powerful display of physical prowess and insanity avails nothing against the rusty chain.

A trickle of blood flows down from the chained wrist and soon stops.

"Don't fear, my beloved."

A feminine voice echoes in the empty corridors, closing in.

"It saddens my heart, but your release has been requested..."

She appears naked, lean and beautiful, and smiles to her lover.

Just a draft i puked down in a hurry.

Anyway, yes, Water/Air Aspect with Dark Messiah Style.

The concept is that of a young and inept/lazy Dragon Blooded, pure Palace of the Tamed Storm material.

Mild, lazy, lacking enthusiasm and incapable of cultivating any desireable skill he was seen barely above worthless just because of his Exaltation.

Because of this he was selected to study any possible side-effect that could incour into Terrestrials learning Dark Messiah style, and sent to the Green Lady.

The experiment was a complete success: the soul and body-crushing training regimen cured the subject of his hopeless indolence, but most importantly, it determined that the derangement developed as consequence of exposure to the Labyrinth, torture and deprivation rather than the Charms themselves.

I would put Sifu 5 (The Green Lady) and if you think it is a good idea, I would like to slap a couple of dots of Whispers.

I would likely favour War and/or Resistance.

If you pass me the concept, I'd need also a replacement charm or a fix for Void Avatar Prana.
This sounds like a good deal of fun and I could use a play by post to fill the dead time at the desk. I will hammer out an character idea will all due well thought out haste.

Question: Are Found Eggs from Pasiap's Stair allowed? (I do not have my book with me right this instant but I recall their char gen being slightly diffrent.)

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