Riders of Ten Thousand Dragons (The Realm vs. Anathema)

A Dragon-Blooded game sounds interesting. Any general rules for character creation? I have a image of a pilot of a aerial skiff to raid shipping and move around quickly. Sky pirates! Woot!

How much background do yoyu want to see for my skypirate idea with a small crew but with openings for more .
Ok, not as much as I'd wanted to have done, but here is a bit of background so you get an idea what I am thinking about.

V'neef Nisada

Wood Aspected graduate of the Spiral Academy

Nisada exalted at a young age like her brothers and sisters before her. Unlike them she had designs of attending the Heptagram. Her mother persuaded her from this course. V'neef needed her children to expand the business and manage the holdings they acquired until trusted magisters could be found for them. She persuaded young Nisada that there was much room for intellectual mastery at the Spiral Academy, and appealed to the young girl's sense of belonging. Upon graduating, Nisada travelled the family holdings to the South making small improvements and adjustments along the way. Leaving the South she made her way north and east and eventually came upon a wing of Tepet legionaires. She travelled with them for a number of years, and learned that much of her natural aptitude could be exploited in a military setting. Upon her eventual return to the Blessed Isle, she learned that one of the Tepet officers she had travelled with had managed to broker an arrangement with her parents for her hand. Pleased with the arrangement Nisada went on to her offical assignment with the newly V'neef controlled merchant navy pleased to have things favorably arranged. However, the arrangement was not to last. News came of the destruction of the Tepet legions, and eventually, that her betrothed had been among them. The matter of arranging her marriage set aside for now, her mother has recalled her from the navy to join the forming campaign to the North. Nisada expected her more millitarily minded brother to take the possition, but V'neef is not willing to spare her most experienced commander, even if the other houses seem sincere in their peace arrangement.

Focused on Archery, Performance, Survival, and War (and some medicine)

Additionally favors linguistics and occult, though she has no advanced occult training as yet. Attributes M/S/P (I can change the occult thing if we get a really gung ho sorceror in the group, but for now it represents an undeveloped talent waiting for a chance to grow)

Name V'neef Nisada

Aspect Wood

Anima Swirling wood dragon amidst a rain of leaves.

Motivation Prove that her house is deserving of the dragon's favor by increasing it's renown and prosperity as well as her own.




Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â—â— (High Realm, Low Realm, Flametongue, Riverspeak)

Lore â—â—

Occult â—â—



Awareness â—â—


Integrity â—â—


War â—â—â—

Athletics â—

Dodge â—â—

Melee â—â—

Presence â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—

Bureaucracy â—â—â—

Investigation â—â—


Martial Arts â—

Sail â—â—â—

Archery â—â—â—â—â—

Medicine â—â—

Performance â—â—â—â—

Ride â—â—

Survival â—â—â—


Artifact â—â—â—

Breeding â—â—â—â—â— (The children of V'neef are of exceptionally pure blood)

Connection (Southern Guild) â— (Nisada cultivated contacts in the guild during her exploration of the family holdings in the south. She maintains communication with the local guild in order to insure that their arrangements are not forgotten and get the latest on the volitile trade environment.)

Connection (The Thousand Scales) â— (Contacts developed during her time in school have been cultivated. A few are even her old classmates. Nisada was in the process of trying to increase her pull in the organization before being reassigned to the North campaign. With enough influence and a high posting in the merchant navy Nisada planned to facilitate some lucrative deals for the house and perhaps even herself.)

Connection (Wineries of the Blessed Isle) â— (Not nearly so involved in the family business as others, Nisada is still a member of house V'neef. It would be nearly impossible for her not to have associates in the wine industry.)

Manse â—â— (Nisada is attunded to a manse in the family holdings on the Blessed Isle as well as having been allowed to keep the hearthstone for a manse she uncovered in the South.)

-Gem of Injury Sense â—

Fine, iridescent cracks run through this transparent, blue-green teardrop. The hearthstone’s bearer can sense injuries or illnesses as glowing patterns overlaying the bodies of any person or animal she can see clearly. The information revealed by this stone does not provide an exact diagnosis but does tell her both the location and severity of any problem. In addition to reducing the difficulty of Medicine rolls to treat patients she examines by -1 (to a minimum of 1), the stone also allows the bearer to see at once if living allies or foes are near death. She can also tell the living from the undead in even the dimmest lighting.

-Prism of Focused Passion â—â—

This prism-shaped carnelian allows the bearer to inflame passions in others. The bearer can amplify any emotion, turning vague resentment into raging jealousy, slight nervousness into unbridled terror or mild attraction into panting lust. The bearer of a prism of focused passion gains three additional dice on all Presence or Performance rolls designed to inflame emotions. Also, for purposes of resisting these inflamed passions a target’s Temperance is treated as if it were two points less than it is (to a minimum of 1). The latter effect works only on a single target at a time.

Resources â—â—â— (Nisada's shrewd management and excellent schooling ensure that her stipend is well managed. She spends a moderate amout of her downtime managing the growth of her personal wealth.)


Special Sense (Weather Sense) â— (The character can intuitively sense changes in the local weather, anticipating the weather patterns over a number of days equal to the successes rolled on a (Perception + Awareness) roll.)


Artifacts and Equipment

Green Jade Long Powerbow â—â—â— (Gem of Injury Sense)

-Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L, Rate 3, Range 400, Attune 6

-Steals one mote of essence from living creatures that take damage from the attack, transferring it to the wielder

Jade Reinforced Breastplate â—â—

-Soak 10L/9B, Hardness 8L/8B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 0, Attune 4

Jade Hearthstone Amulet â— (Prism of Focused Passion)

-Attune 1, regenerates one additional mote


-arrows of every kind... weighted towards broadheads and target arrows

Fine Flame Piece

-Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 8L, Rate 1, Range 8


Exceptional Straight Sword

-Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +3L, Defense +2, Rate 3


Skilled Slave (Craft (Wood)) (A skilled eastern fletcher, Risada purchased him in Nexus)

Maiden Tea

Wooden Flute



1st Archery Excellency*

Archery Reinforcement

Dragon Graced Arrow

Swallow Defend the Nest

Dragonfly Finds Mate

Seven-Year Swarm Volley


2nd Medicine Excellency


2nd Performance Excellency*

Soul-Stirring Performance Method

Hidden Petal Aria Method


2nd Survival Excellency*

Nature's Healing Bounty


1st War Excellency*


Wind-Carried Words Technique


Deck-Striding Technique


Glowing Coal Radiance


Confluence of Savant Thought

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV 5

Parry DV 4

Soak: 11B/11L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6

Parry MDV 4


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—

Primary Virtue Conviction


Her family (Loyalty)


-Deathlords (Vengeance and disgust)

Willpower: 7


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 15/15

Peripheral: 23/34 (11 Committed)

Bonus Points

Linguistics 1->3, 2

Archery 3->5, 2

Performance 2->4, 2

Breeding 3->5, 4

Resources 1->3, 2

Willpower 6->7, 2

Merit, 1

Experience Points

Stamina 1->2, 4

Integrity 1->2, 2

War 1->3, 4

Survival 1->3, 4

Melee 1->2, 2

Occult 1->2, 1

Ride 1->2, 1

Essence 2->3, 20

Seven-Year Swarm Volley, 10

Hidden Petal Aria Method, 10

Second Medicine Excellency, 10

Nature's Healing Bounty, 10

Wind-Carried Words Techniques, 10

Deck-Striding Technique, 12
Agrian said:
This sounds like a good deal of fun and I could use a play by post to fill the dead time at the desk. I will hammer out an character idea will all due well thought out haste.
Question: Are Found Eggs from Pasiap's Stair allowed? (I do not have my book with me right this instant but I recall their char gen being slightly diffrent.)
Found eggs are cool, though Breeding is kind of expensive for them.
Hey, I think my question got missed:

In this game will the Anathema of Lotus replace Bull of the North as the 'big Solar threat' to the Realm?
When purchasing the Sorcery Charm, do you give a free spell with it or do you have to buy all your magic seperately?
All in all, I decided this is much funnier to play! ^^

Name Cathak Eel

Aspect Fire

Anima Fiery feminine silhouettes appearing to caress the character.

Motivation Become filthy rich, the lazy way!

"I am sorry, Yu.

My decision is made!"

"But... Mother! Please! Won't you give him another chance?

"Another chance?

He has a history of scams, frauds, thievery and indiscipline.

He's a shame to the family!

He got kicked out of the House of Bells because he stole Master Tsudara's weapon, and scammed Master Ysei into buying it and hiding it away!

That blade had been in Master Tsudara's family since the Shogunate!

Do you even realize how much of Master Ysei reputation was lost!?"


Well, Master Ysei is an idiot anyway... It was deserved if you ask me."

"Yes, it was deserved, but that's irrelevant.

Master Ysei and master Tsudara are still raging nonetheless.

Anyway, we sent him to the Cloister of Wisdom, in the hope of straighten him up.

You know what he did there?

He started selling alcohol to monks and students."


"Yes, he ended up running a small contraband ring within the Cloister premises.

He got kicked out.

I was furious.

I was ready to send him to the Tamed Storm, I had already contacted Lady Sesus Tokaiko, but when I finally summoned him he had already successfully enrolled in the Spiral Academy, and convinced me to let him there.

And indeed, he was doing very well there, until it was discovered that he had faked the admission documents to clear his unfavorable records.

A masterful forgery, in fact.

More than a teacher thought that he was a perfect candidate for the Academy.

But this wasn't enough to prevent him from being kicked out again."


"He showed an uncanny ability to adapt.

Therefore, it is time for him to face danger, possibly away from the Blessed Isle.

I have decided that this is the only way to straighten him.

Iselsi Neraa has asked me to send someone for the campaign against the Lotus.

It's his opportunity to finally make his Family proud.

As a hero or a martir."



Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—â—


Linguistics â—

Lore â—â—


Stealth â—â—â—â—â— (HidingFromPursers â—â—)


Awareness â—â—



Resistance â—â—â—

War â—

Athletics â—â—â—â—â— (Acrobatics â—â—â—)

Dodge â—â—â—â—â— (Unarmored â—â—â—)

Melee â—â—â— (Grand Daiklave â—â—)

Presence â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—â—â—â—

Bureaucracy â—â—â—


Larceny â—â—â—â—â—

Martial Arts â—


Archery â—


Performance â—â—




Artifact â—â—â— The Crimson Arrogant (Jade Grand Daiklave)

(â—â—) Jade Heartstone Bracers

(â—) Perfected Boots

Manse â—â—â— The Freedom Stone

(â—â—) Monkey Stone

(â—) Jewel of the Flying Heart

Connections â— Magistracy

Connections â— Finance

Connections â— Intelligence

Resources â—â—â—



Stealth I

Feeling-the-Air Technique

-Soundless Action Prana

--Zone of Silence Stance


Dodge I

-Safety Among Enemies

Threshold Warding Stance

-Hopping Firecracker Evasion

--Elemental Difense Technique


Melee I


Auspicious First Meeting Attitude


Larceny I

-Naked Thief Style

Observer Awareness Method

Imposter Voice's Technique


Compassion â—â—â—â—

Conviction â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—



+House Cathak

+The Crimson Arrogant

+Luxury Items









Permanent: â—â—â—

12 motes committed

Bonus Points

5 Specialties

10 Abilities 3 to 5

Experience Points

36 Attributes 1 to 3

4 Abilities 1 to 2

20 Essence 2 to 3

40 Charms
I added a character sheet to my previous post. It includes one merit, weather sense. Let me know if that looks ok. Feel free to make suggestions esp. if I have interpreted something incorrectly.
Still working on an airship captian. Coming along nicely. Should have a character to make an initial post in a few days.
Sorry it took so long. But I have my character wrapped up and ready to go. Let me know if there are issues.

Name Cathak Garel Argeron

Aspect Fire

Anima A blazing peacock, its tail feathers spread wide in finery of red, orange, and gold

Motivation To win the hearts of women everywhere

Backstory Cathak Garel Argeron. The reactions one gets when mentioning his name in casual conversation are varied from clique to clique, and at some parties, some enterprising Dragon-Blood (most likely one from House Cynis) makes it into a drinking game: take a shot for every girl that swoons at the mention, or for every male that either spits or grumbles under their breaths. Most players end up drunk on the floor, but I suppose some Dragon-Bloods have nothing better to do with their lives in the Realm.

Indeed, Cathak Garel Argeron, or simply Argeron, is a strange fellow, even amongst his family and perhaps the whole Great House of whom he belongs to. Argeron, born into the Cathak Garel household, was born of two Dragon-Blooded of very auspicious bloodlines. Breezing easily through primary school, he decided to uphold the family tradition and attended the House of Bells. His instructors noted that Argeron had a natural affinity for both tactical skill as well as combat with a dire lance, but his above-average grades were marred by the fact that Argeron was often easily distracted by women...and vice versa. Nonetheless, he graduated a proud soldier and was given command of a small talon of soldiers in the Cathak legions.

This was the part of the story where Argeron was supposed to earn his keep as a commander. Unfortunately, the Scarlet Empress vanished, and now Argeron's got nothing to do with himself except chase girls and make sure his soldiers aren't slacking off. But every cloud has a silver lining. When Cathak Garel caught wind of the mounting of an joint strike on the Anathema Lotus, she knew an opportunity when she saw one. Seeking out Argeron, she decided to send him into the fray, acting as the official correspondant for the Empire. After all, it was the Cathak Garel household who was famous for keeping records on all battle information, she needed someone to take the lead here, and with most of the family wrapped up in Tuchara writing out the full Battle of Fallen Lapis, Argeron seemed the obvious choice.

It's promising to be an interesting time.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â—

Lore â—â—â—




Awareness â—â—â—


Integrity â—â—

Resistance â—â—

War â—â—â—

Athletics â—â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—

Melee â—â—â—â—

Presence â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—

Bureaucracy â—

Investigation â—â—


Martial Arts â—â—â—


Archery â—

Medicine â—

Performance â—

Ride â—



Artifact â—â—â— (Red Jade Articulated Plate)

Artifact â—â— (Red Jade Dire Lance “Inferno Symphonyâ€)

Command â—â— (Argeron currently commands 100 soldiers.)

Arsenal â—â—

Resources â—â—â—



Artifacts and Equipment

Red Jade Articulated Plate

Red Jade Dire Lance “Inferno Symphonyâ€




Elemental Bolt Attack

Elemental Burst Technique


Second Awareness Excellency

All-Encompassing Earth Sense


Ox-Body Technique


Third War Excellency

Terrestrial War Reinforcement

Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings

Tireless Footfall Cadence


First Athletics Excellency

Effortlessly Rising Flame

Falling Star Maneuver


Threshold Warding Stance


First Melee Excellency

Dragon-Graced Weapon


Peacock Firestorm

Charms: Effortlessly Rising Flame + Dragon-Graced Weapon + Elemental Bolt Attack

Cost: 2m + 1m per 2L

Description: Argeron sets his lance ablaze,

Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Primary Virtue Compassion


The Pursuit of Love

Honor and Glory

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—


Permanent: â—â—â—â—

Personal: X/X (X Committed)

Peripheral: X/X (X Committed)

Bonus Points

8 BP for Essence 3

5 BP for Tireless Footfalls Cadence

1 BP for Athletics 4

1 BP for Melee 4

Experience Points

30 XP for Essence 4

10 XP for Falling Star Maneuver

8 XP for Martial Arts 3

10 XP for Threshold Warding Stance

12 XP for Elemental Burst Technique

4 XP for Lore 3

6 XP for Peacock Firestorm Combo

Spent XP: 80
Putting forward a character. Let me know if I need to change anything. She's kind of weird...


Cynis Kue




A swirl of oak leaves in full autumn splendor, the entire swirl shaped to give the impression of a multicolored roseblossom.


See the formation of a unified world government.


Cynis Kue was born 50 years ago to a minor offshoot of the Cynis family on the shadowed coast. Though none would admit it, she was a by blow with one of the servants, and as such she always lagged a little behind her relatives in her development as an exalt. Exalting at the age of 15, she surprised her family by choosing to enter the Legions rather than the spiral academy as had been expected. While her uncles and aunts debated why she would give up a chance for a comfortable life in the capital for danger in the field, the reason was both simple and fairly typical of Cynis. She wanted to be a warstrider pilot, because they got recognition, privileges, the cushy assignments, and limited responsibilities while still enjoying the adventure of the military.

Along the way, she also studied a fair bit of medicine. Her interest in breeding plants led her to herbal studies, which in turn led her to an appreciation for the effects of poisons and medicines on the human body. Since it was a skill which could be practiced in camp, she got even more practice with her study of medicine than she did in combat, and was useful no matter where deployed. In addition, she came to believe that the strength of the realm was its unity, and truly believed that such unity should be extended to the far corners of the world.

After 20 years, she took a sabbatical (amidst threats of disciplinary action for fraternization) from the legions to adventure in the east, where she and a group of friends traveled the scavenger lands… well, scavenging. Kue thought for a while of retiring altogether and buying a home in the threshold, but ultimately the memory of the legions was too enjoyable to let go of. Drawing on her back funds, and the relics she had recovered, she hired an engineer (Toby) from lookshy and bought herself a warstrider, signing on with the Ashford mercenary company and gaining sometimes conflicting reputations as both a loose canon and an excellent sword for hire in a number of skirmishes in the east for a dozen flags. At all times, she fought on the side of unification, or in the realm's interests. Kue's belief in cooperation meant she would never side with separatists or rebels.

Still, her loyalty to the realm and to her house remained stronger than her desire for freedom, and her fear of the threat of Anathema was strong. Her one clash with one of the monsters, a young lunar named "Winter's Claw" left her with vicious scarring on her left arm, and she barely escaped with her life. Knowing he, and worse creatures, were still out there terrified her. And so when the news of war with Lotus filtered to her through her letters from home she decided that her sabbatical was best ended.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Linguistics â—

Lore â—â—

Occult â—â—



Awareness â—â—

Craft (water) â—â—


â— Resistance â—â—â—â—

War â—

Athletics â—â—

â— Dodge â—â—â—

â— Melee â—â—â—

Presence â—

Socialize â—â—â—

Bureaucracy â—



Martial Arts â—


Archery â—â—â—â—â—

Medicine â—â—â—â—â—

Performance â—

Ride â—

Survival â—â—


Artifact â—â—â—

Resources â—â—â—

Ally â—

Manse â—â—â—

Retainers â—â—


Pain Tolerance (3 pts)


Dark Secret (Bastard) (3 pts)

Artifacts and Equipment

Swift Phoenix of the South (jade scout warstrider) Artifact â—â—â—

Dart Hailstorm (warstrider weapon) artifact â—â—

Hearthstone Amulet â—

Short Sword

Buff Jacket


Stone of Healing (Hearthstone â—)

Survival Stone (Hearthstone â—â—)

Stone of Gender Transformation (Hearthstone â—â—â—)



First Archery Excellency

Dragon Graced Arrow

Dragonfly Finds Mate


Second Medicine Excellency

Infection Banishing Prana

Disease Banishing Technique

Wound Closing Touch

Grievous Wound Alteration Energy

Madness Analyzing Stare

Purity of Mind Method

Jade Crucible Method


First Dodge Excellency


First Resistance Excellency

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV: 7

Parry DV: 5

Soak: 3/1


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6

Parry MDV 3


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—â—

Primary Virtue Valor



The Realm


Willpower: 7/7


Permanent: â—â—â—â—â—

Personal: 12/12 (X Committed)

Peripheral: 34/34 (X Committed)

Bonus Points

8 on Essence 3

2 on Archery

2 on Medicine

3 on Valor

3 on Pain Tolerance

Experience Points

70 on Essence to 5

9 on Resistance to 4

20 on Charms (Caste)

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