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Reversing the Flow


New Member
Lazyhellion submitted a new role play:

Reversing the Flow - Frozen. AU. Elsanna. Everything started on that one fateful day....

Elsa grows up poor, and penniless, but well versed in books and of course her ice and snow magic.
While Anna grows up a princess, who learns how to be cold and manipulating to survive in the king's court.

The royal family was assassinated in a coup'de tat on the day of the royal procession. Anna was the only one left alive, along with her royal vassal Sora. The kingdom is given to her, but she must answer to the council, and the council is owned by Hans. Hans runs to the kingdom into the...
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Anna adjusted the crown on her head, but like always it slid down the slope of her forehead and she found herself heaving a pitiful sigh. "Mommmmmm." A plaintive whine escaped her lips. "Do I have to wear this?" She murmured, crystal blue eyes shining brightly as she begged her mom for help. Her whole outfit was a disaster. Her shoes nipped at her toes. Her dress was a pretty violet color, but the material was constricting and made it difficult to breathe. And her crown, although it shimmered with the crown jewels of Ardenelle, was too big for her petite head.

She was only 8 after all.

Her mother tried to restrain the baleful smile from upturning her lips, but Anna's kicked puppy look was too much, and a low chuckle escaped the queen. "Anna, dear, the royal procession is today. Gerda dressed you in your best clothes, and you look adorable, like the princess out of summer dream." The rich words were like waxing poetry. They soothed the disgruntled child a bit, and she sent the older woman a toothy grin.

"As long as you give me chocolate afterwards, I'll pretend like I'm okay with this." She bargained. She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, as she said this. Making a grand spectacle of not getting into the carriage until her terms were met. Her mother, the proud Queen of their flourishing country, sent her a daughter a fond look of exasperation. Anna was many things. Willful. Stubborn. Insufferable at times. But to her credit, she was adorable, and oh-so-simple to please. Inclining her head graciously, she was going to acquiesce to the eight year old's request, but at the precise moment the royal vassals all aligned themselves in front of the palace gate.

Lining up together side by side, so the sky blue armor of the kingdom shimmered in the daylight, both mother and daughter smiled as Anna's father graced the scene, with impeccable timing. Dressed in the dashing velvet and maroon he was known to wear on special occasions, he crossed the distance between himself and his wife in no time at all. His strong, yet wiry arms wrapped around her, and Both mother and daughter smiled at his theatrics. "Are you ready to leave, My Queen?" His rich tenor silenced any of the surrounding activity in the courtyard.

His wife, consort, lover, and the Queen of Ardenelle sent him a tender look. "Of course...But you are going to have to finish haggling with your daughter. She refuses to get into the carriage without our solemn oath that we are going to give her chocolate after the procession."

Amusement danced in the monarch's deep hazel pools, as he turned to look at his pouting daughter.

"Is that so?...Well princess, I would hate to deny your sweet tooth what it so desires. I swear as the one who holds the title Protector of the realm, the first of his name, your father, and the one king of Ardenelle that I will feed you whatever cavity causing sweet you want after the procession." He crossed his hand solemnly over his heart.

Anna listened to all of this with a grave expression on her youthful features. Eyeing her father like one would a spitting snake.

Then a terrifying large grin brokered across her features. "Let's go we're gonna be late." She giggled, darting past her startled parents and climbing into the carriage. Anna's moods were as fleeting and ever changing as the wind. The King and Queen exchanged amused glances, before following their daughter into the carriage and getting comfortable on the leather interior.

It wouldn't do for the monarchs of the country to be late to their own procession.
Elsa was very underwhelmed with the whole affair. Her Mother had braided her long blonde hair back in a french braid and pulled her 'best' dress from the closet. Elsa's best dress was a very simple blue cotton dress that came down just below her knees. The then gathered all their friends to stand under the shade an watch the Royal carriage go by. Elsa didn't see why they had to dress up, they still looked like riff-Raff next to the royal family. But her mother was raised in the city and liked to be sure that Elsa was a proper young women. Elsa liked to make sure she had time to play in the dirt.

She was 8, she didn't need to learn how to do complicated math. She needed to learn how to raise pigs. Her mother would argue they didn't own any pigs, but Elsa desperately wanted Pigs. Her mother was hoping she would grow out of this. Elsa was hoping she would not. Elsa sat on the ground with Flynn and Kristoff. Her mother huffed but smiled. Her mother loved Elsa, and even though they argued her mother never tried to change her. Flynn poked Elsa in the arm.

"Do it! Do it!" Elsa smiled and held her hand out over the rode making little patterns of ice. Kristoff became excited, Sven licked at the ice until his tong got stuck.

"Make a brick!"

"No that's lame! Make a jewel!" Elsa smiled and looked up at her mother, who waved her hand in a circle reminding her what they had practiced. Elsa bit her tong and swirled her hand. A small jet of icy wind sprayed the boys and they laughed.

Suddenly there was a trumpet flourish and the carriage approached.
Despite it being a royal procession, only the most flamboyant nobles rode through the bare streets, so they were mere feet away from the commonfolk. The king, queen, and princess Anna were safely secured in the carriage, because no one was willing to risk their life in the open. The assassination attempts had been growing in number lately, so the royal family had to be cautious when going out in public. Anna especially had to be careful because she was the future of the kingdom. But she wasn't just a princess she was a child too, and like all children she was curious about the world around her, so while the horses clopped by the kneeling crowd, her face was pressed against the window. Staring out into the endless sea of faces, that would one day be her subjects.

"Mom...Those group of kids look really fun." She muttered glumly, sitting back from the window as they passed a group of children her age. They looked like they were having a blast, while she was forced to go along with royal procedures, and royal etiquette.

Her mom wrapped an arm around her shoulders."Oh Anna, you can play with Sora when you get home."

Sora was her loyal vassal and truest friend. Anna adored him, but sometimes she wished for more companionship than he could offer, and she wasn't sure how to voice this to her parents who thought it was inappropriate for her to be mingling with people outside of her social class.

They said such acquaintances would only hurt her in the future.

She didn't believe them though.

Sighing dismally, Anna continued to peer out the window, for the rest of the procession. People watching cuz she had nothing else to do.

This went on for an hour before they arrived back at the palace again and she was able to relax.She didn't even wait for permission before darting out of the carriage and into the castle. Her parents watched their spry daughter weave in and out of the crowd of servants before disappearing into the stone fortress. She kicked off her shoes as she ran, and made her way to the kitchen where she knew her chocolates were being stored. She arrived, sweating, and panting, but full of exuberance, and she stopped the first cook she saw. "Your finest chocolate please." She asked in her most refined tone.

The cook chuckled, used to her antics, and began preparing her sweets.

As soon as she was done eating she was going to track down Sora, and play a game with him. She was inspired by those kids she saw in the street, and wanted to emulate them. Sooner rather than later.
The parade turned out not to be too too bad and Mr. Jay at the candy store gave them all a free chocolate in honor of the princess. Elsa froze hers and then let it melt in her mouth. Flynn ate is all in one gulp, Elsa knew that it would be a while before she got chocolate again so she savored it. Riku showed up late and missed the carriage going by he said he was fine with that he didn't want to see some dumb princess anyways. Elsa didn't think princess Anna was dumb though, she just looked... bored. She had waved at the carriage as it had gone by, Anna had pointed to her and said something to her parents. Elsa wanted to invite her out to play with them, but she knew her mother would be appalled, inviting a princess to play in the mud? Elsa how could you!

Elsa still had her chocolate in her mouth when she went with her mother into town to get some fresh fruit. Her mother always wanted things 'fresh' when she went to the market with her mother it was always 'which is freshest?' with her father it was always 'which is cheapest?'. They didn't have a lot of money -Bloody Taxes her father said, Don't swear in fount of Elsa her mother said- but they weren't poor, they were close but they weren't. Elsa looked up at the palace gates, all around the castle there were flowers, big big flowers, she pulled on her mother's sleeve.

"Can I go smell the flowers?" Her mother nodded absently While inspecting some beets. Elsa ran to the nearest flower just on the edges of the garden.
After Anna was done with her cavity making venture with chocolate, she carefully made her way to the servant's barracks where Sora was sleeping. He had a separate room from the other servants, that was barely the size of the broom closet. Head tossed raggedly off the side of his cot, drool hanging off his chin, and brown spikey hair drooping over his shoulder, her vassal was a sight to behold as she waltzed into his room. "Sora." She whispered, trying to rouse him without being very loud. Any hopes of him waking up were dashed when a light snore is all she received in response. "Lets do this the hard way then." Anna frowned, rolling up the sleeves of her dress, and cracking her knuckles in a very unlady like fashion.

Letting out a caveman like Roar, Anna lunged at Sora's sleeping form, the young boy had a moment of coherency when his eyes opened, before he was rudely jumped on, and he ended up falling off his cot. Groaning as he hit the ground, the young boy rolled over to glare at his attacker. Anna tried and failed miserably to look innocent. "Hey sleepy head." She chirped, staring down at him with a smile. "Its afternoon already."

Sora huffed, unable to stay mad at the girl in front of him. "Was that necessary?"

"Yes." Anna affirmed with a serious stare, before grabbing his arm and whisking him out of the room. "Lets go play." She ignored his yelp as she dragged him down the hall. The pair didn't warrant that much attention because Anna was always dragging her vassal off somewhere. They ended up having an adventure down in the pantry. The two children pretended they were brave warriors about to go on a grand adventure in a distant land. They battled evil valiantly, pretending broomsticks were swords, and barrel lids were shields. Sora was quick on his feet, but Anna was a quicker and was quick to take control of the game. "I win again!!" She smirked, when Sora fell on the floor, beaten after another round of "sword battles"

Sora glanced away, scarlet painting his cheeks. "I let you win. " He pouted, unable to meet her gaze.

"Sure you did."She chuckled offering a hand to help him up.

The two children would remember that game for years to come because it was the last fun thing they did. The last true happy moment they were blessed with because that night the fun and games ended for Anna.

That night the royal family was slaughtered and she was the only one to escape.

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