One Thousand Club
- One on One
“It fucking sucks! Bad timing like you can’t imagine!”
To be forced out of combat due to a real-world situation was often funny, accidental, forgiven, but this was not your mother waking you up to make you clean your room. Nor was it just losing battery. This forced removal was not so easily forgiven. He’d lost the monster, he lost a month of his life, and most importantly, lost his Reveria life which was his pride, his utopia, and his sole source of income.
Once he found the one who did this to him, he’d have a hard time not killing them.
“That’s the goal! Cause I don’t wanna spend that much time on one quest again. I’ve got new quests to play!” Req wanted to be one of a kind, and no one of a kind gamer spent his time redoing something that had already been done before… even if he was the last person to have done it.
“What kinda guild are you a part of anyway? Did you tell me what it's named? I can’t remember.” He sincerely could not. Part because he was not listening fully most of the time and part because there was a lot on his mind.
As she listed off her credentials for the kind of quests she did, Req nodded. “Makes sense. This isn’t your job. No point in trying a quest you don’t expect to complete since it’s not like Reveria will give you a second chance.” Unless you die and get your memory wiped at least. Incomplete quests are universally considered failed quests.
How could Req not see her disgust? He was disgusted too.
“We normally don’t!” Req defended, not wanting to sound like a chronic shit bather. “I just have no other income and really don’t want to ask for a loan or dip into my savings for more than a month or two!” Nolan already calculated that he would need to go into his savings for two to three months, assuming nothing happened to stop his Reveria grind. After those months, he’d be famous enough to get some sort of offer… although it would not be anywhere near as profitable as his past salary. It would take way more time to get back to that yearly salary.
“No harm done since I hate it too!”
Unfortunately, Papi didn’t know her companion very well. But, to be fair, none of his real world friends did either. “Hey, nerds are hot as fuck. Don’t sell yourself short. I mean, don’t spread this around, but I think glasses make everyone at least ten times cuter.” With a bit too much drama, Req kissed his fingers like a pleased chef. Then, just as dramatically, he started audibly and physically making his quotes more impactful. “I’ve watched so many movies where the ‘nerd girl’ takes off the glasses and is apparently ‘hot’ but damn, it is always such a downgrade!”
Req wasn’t even directing most of these comments at Papi, and based on the fact that he was not looking at her, she could likely realize that this was the case besides, of course, his first few sentences which were all about her potential real appearance.
“Yeah, right! Like, fine, play the game, have fun, pay, but get your lazy ass off the leader board as if you earned the right to be there! I know from experience that most of those money-bags would lose in any 1x1 fight against any semi-talented player.” Papi had a point about those people taking over the real world and now also here, which was shitty in every way. Of course, rich people never saw what they did as wrong.
That’s how old money people worked.
“No. No matter how much money you have in real life, those people are shit. I have money and do you see me using it to level up? No! I’m working my ass off and sacrificing my pride just to re-earn my right into the leader board.”
“I’ll stop bitching,” or ranting, rather. He’d done it enough. It was time to talk about something pleasant, fun, like an outside life that wasn't his!
“The social part, huh?” Req raised a single brow and a single corner of his mouth. “You party too then? Gotta say, in my mind, clubs are great, but there is something different about college parties that I love. I guess it’s just cause everyone is so much more stupid and makes so many bad choices. I kinda like the crazy!”
Despite his enthusiasm about the parties, at the talk about the accounting major, he soured a bit… although perhaps not as much as Papi would have expected for such a loud guy like him.
“DAMN! You must be smart!” He said excitedly. “I used to have him help me with my homework until, you know, we grew apart. I never had any talent in math, but this guy I know is into all of that shit. From what I’ve heard, he’s still really good at it. ” Never mind the why, and never mind that he is the one who pushed him away due to Nolan’s refusal to face his father’s wrath yet also lacking the ability to resist without specifically being mean and making him hate Nolan first. “Full respect for choosing to go into such a boring job. I never could.”
Req laughed when Papi brought attention to the difference between literal and figurative levels between them. It was a sad thought, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t funny!
Req shivered at the thought of the doll. “Ugh. Not the worst thing ever, but dolls suck.” And as Papi said, a quest that highlighted your class's talents was amazing. “It makes you feel pretty special, doesn’t it? Like only you could have completed the quest that way, and in some vases, it’s true.”
“Once you truly specialize, you’ll find quests that seem like they are designed only for you.” And maybe they were!
“It was pretty awesome! Cause there is no requirement to seduce the Demon Prince! As long as you are the best at what you do, you get to live! Making him like me more than a pet was my own choice… and it was a damn good one! Cause I’m no one’s pet and he was very attractive!”
Req sighed, not really in sadness but in unhappy acceptance. “Even if he remembers me, I think the quest is designed in a way that only one person can be his pet/ concubine at a time. I’m sure I’m already replaced with some whatever from some other class.” Req paused as he listened, only to laugh and slam a fist onto his chest as if making a confident promise. “Oh I’ll let you know! Cause I’m not about to give up on my NPC sugar daddy!”
“I wonder if you need to have a certain level of stats to even fall down there. Like, a high enough weight or strength to break through the ground? No idea if that is true, but it would make sense! Although it was a high level area anyway, so maybe not! Maybe it is just luck!” Luck to fall in if you could win or luck to not fall in if you could not win.
Req immediately reciprocated the thumbs up, almost on impulse. “I doubt you can reach top ten, maybe not even top 100, without dedicating your life to this game, but I promise that even a casual gamer can experience plenty of things close to as cool as what I have. It’s one of the best aspects of this game!”
Req looked forward to this game being just a dream. It was a waste of time.
“And if this all works out, which I’ll make sure it does, I’m still happy to pay you back. I’m an asshole but not that much of one.”
The comment about his being a good bard was actually a bit surprising. He was used to his voice being appreciated because it was his gaming instrument. He had to be good. But his actual social, story telling ability? He got that complement a lot less, so it meant more.
Req smiled a bit more quietly than normal, and simply answered, “Thanks. The stories just make me happy to I want to share them.”
A small gesture, but Req got a bit hyped at the fist bump, and like the football bro that he was, his hype was visible as he started to jump and pump himself up for this small conflict.
The cave and the monsters were no sweat. Papi’s level and Req’s experience made them an unstoppable team. She could defend and heal like a master, and he still knew somewhere in his soul the attack patterns of the spiders and rats populating this damp cave.
Honestly, the biggest annoyance was Req trying to keep balance on small surfaces. He was smaller than Papi and less heavily armored, but their dexterity scores were far from equal, and that mattered.
Still, they reached their goal, and Req couldn’t stop himself from looking at Papi and silently mouthing his commentary. “Loser. Paranoid loser bandit.”
With these kinds of thoughts on his mind, jumping into the fray should not have been too surprising.
Req was surprised at the failed charisma check. Well, surprised because it was currently his highest stat, but really, what he felt was annoyance. It was just bad luck. Even an 86% passed check still had a 14% possibility of failure. No matter how annoying it was. Thankfully, Req had backup to make sure this failure was not another reset.
And Req took advantage of it, slashing out quickly and brutally. He aimed for the most vital human organs, a thing which was accurate in real life and in Reveria. The buff Papi gave him was an unrealistic but lovely addiction to the fight. It made his hairs stand up and gave him a second of tingles down the back of his neck. Magic had a feel even if the less perceptive would not notice the sensations.
And a holy resistance? Great for avoiding poisoning from such a low level dagger.
Papi’s voice ringing out also made Req pause for a second. A game mechanic, unavoidable even between allies. But it was kinda fun to be frozen for a millisecond after years of having complete social influence resistance. All Req could do was grin at the sight of her holy form wielding a powerful blade. Small frame or not, power was power when in fantasy worlds.
And fantasy words were more powerful than real words too. Using a purely bardic ability related but also unrelated to intimidation, Req used his Command ability. “Surrender. Now.” One word commands echoed in the cave, not powerful enough to act on its own but plenty strong when taking in the intimidation debuffs from Papi and Req’s physical debuffs.
The moment the bandit heard the intimidated enhanced command, He dropped his blades and backed away, leaving his poisoned blade and the quest blade on the ground for easy taking. And Req did not hesitate to take it right away.
“There’s a good retiree! No need to have a bandit blade when trying to get away from bandits. We really are doing you a favor, friend! Now they won’t come after you… assuming, of course, you're turning over a new leaf? Not not just exchanging one enemy for a legally sanctioned one?” Req talked to this man like a person. Like this was an impromptu conversation, not a player versus an NPC. That was why Reveria was great, although many new players failed to realize how complex NPC dialogue really was. Req knew for a fact that anything he said could be interpreted and understood by the ex-bandit.
After all, he did seduce a theoretically non-seduceable demon prince once. New social options were always being updated at an inhuman rate.
In fear, the bandit backed up even more. “Okay, I get it, fine! I’m done, yeah? I’m done! Take the blade back, use it yourself, I don’t care! I’m just trying to get enough cash to start over! Then I’ll be done with this bandit life! I swear!”
In this case, it was not Req trying to do anything, it was him trying to see if the man he was looking at was lying or not. Half of his success in quests was born from always knowing if an NPC was a liar or not. But now? This low of level? This bandit may have been telling the truth about only stealing enough money to start over, but he also could have been lying and was simply a criminal through and through.
“Papi, what do you think? We have what we need. Kill him or let me go and hope we don’t get stabbed in the back?” Req didn’t know what the right answer was; he was hoping that she remembered from experience or she simply had high enough stats to tell whether this NPC was worth sparing or not. Cause if they were wrong, their reward would be lessened.
Req kinda wanted to kill him. But would it increase his notoriety or renown? Can’t spread a story if the person is dead, but sparing someone is mercy, so a kindness. And Req had no interest in throwing any points into renown, not when notoriety was what he was used to enjoying the benefits of.
“I say we kill him. Be done with it. Thoughts?” Of course, Req could be convinced quite easily over something like this.
To be forced out of combat due to a real-world situation was often funny, accidental, forgiven, but this was not your mother waking you up to make you clean your room. Nor was it just losing battery. This forced removal was not so easily forgiven. He’d lost the monster, he lost a month of his life, and most importantly, lost his Reveria life which was his pride, his utopia, and his sole source of income.
Once he found the one who did this to him, he’d have a hard time not killing them.
“That’s the goal! Cause I don’t wanna spend that much time on one quest again. I’ve got new quests to play!” Req wanted to be one of a kind, and no one of a kind gamer spent his time redoing something that had already been done before… even if he was the last person to have done it.
“What kinda guild are you a part of anyway? Did you tell me what it's named? I can’t remember.” He sincerely could not. Part because he was not listening fully most of the time and part because there was a lot on his mind.
As she listed off her credentials for the kind of quests she did, Req nodded. “Makes sense. This isn’t your job. No point in trying a quest you don’t expect to complete since it’s not like Reveria will give you a second chance.” Unless you die and get your memory wiped at least. Incomplete quests are universally considered failed quests.
How could Req not see her disgust? He was disgusted too.
“We normally don’t!” Req defended, not wanting to sound like a chronic shit bather. “I just have no other income and really don’t want to ask for a loan or dip into my savings for more than a month or two!” Nolan already calculated that he would need to go into his savings for two to three months, assuming nothing happened to stop his Reveria grind. After those months, he’d be famous enough to get some sort of offer… although it would not be anywhere near as profitable as his past salary. It would take way more time to get back to that yearly salary.
“No harm done since I hate it too!”
Unfortunately, Papi didn’t know her companion very well. But, to be fair, none of his real world friends did either. “Hey, nerds are hot as fuck. Don’t sell yourself short. I mean, don’t spread this around, but I think glasses make everyone at least ten times cuter.” With a bit too much drama, Req kissed his fingers like a pleased chef. Then, just as dramatically, he started audibly and physically making his quotes more impactful. “I’ve watched so many movies where the ‘nerd girl’ takes off the glasses and is apparently ‘hot’ but damn, it is always such a downgrade!”
Req wasn’t even directing most of these comments at Papi, and based on the fact that he was not looking at her, she could likely realize that this was the case besides, of course, his first few sentences which were all about her potential real appearance.
“Yeah, right! Like, fine, play the game, have fun, pay, but get your lazy ass off the leader board as if you earned the right to be there! I know from experience that most of those money-bags would lose in any 1x1 fight against any semi-talented player.” Papi had a point about those people taking over the real world and now also here, which was shitty in every way. Of course, rich people never saw what they did as wrong.
That’s how old money people worked.
“No. No matter how much money you have in real life, those people are shit. I have money and do you see me using it to level up? No! I’m working my ass off and sacrificing my pride just to re-earn my right into the leader board.”
“I’ll stop bitching,” or ranting, rather. He’d done it enough. It was time to talk about something pleasant, fun, like an outside life that wasn't his!
“The social part, huh?” Req raised a single brow and a single corner of his mouth. “You party too then? Gotta say, in my mind, clubs are great, but there is something different about college parties that I love. I guess it’s just cause everyone is so much more stupid and makes so many bad choices. I kinda like the crazy!”
Despite his enthusiasm about the parties, at the talk about the accounting major, he soured a bit… although perhaps not as much as Papi would have expected for such a loud guy like him.
“DAMN! You must be smart!” He said excitedly. “I used to have him help me with my homework until, you know, we grew apart. I never had any talent in math, but this guy I know is into all of that shit. From what I’ve heard, he’s still really good at it. ” Never mind the why, and never mind that he is the one who pushed him away due to Nolan’s refusal to face his father’s wrath yet also lacking the ability to resist without specifically being mean and making him hate Nolan first. “Full respect for choosing to go into such a boring job. I never could.”
Req laughed when Papi brought attention to the difference between literal and figurative levels between them. It was a sad thought, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t funny!
Req shivered at the thought of the doll. “Ugh. Not the worst thing ever, but dolls suck.” And as Papi said, a quest that highlighted your class's talents was amazing. “It makes you feel pretty special, doesn’t it? Like only you could have completed the quest that way, and in some vases, it’s true.”
“Once you truly specialize, you’ll find quests that seem like they are designed only for you.” And maybe they were!
“It was pretty awesome! Cause there is no requirement to seduce the Demon Prince! As long as you are the best at what you do, you get to live! Making him like me more than a pet was my own choice… and it was a damn good one! Cause I’m no one’s pet and he was very attractive!”
Req sighed, not really in sadness but in unhappy acceptance. “Even if he remembers me, I think the quest is designed in a way that only one person can be his pet/ concubine at a time. I’m sure I’m already replaced with some whatever from some other class.” Req paused as he listened, only to laugh and slam a fist onto his chest as if making a confident promise. “Oh I’ll let you know! Cause I’m not about to give up on my NPC sugar daddy!”
“I wonder if you need to have a certain level of stats to even fall down there. Like, a high enough weight or strength to break through the ground? No idea if that is true, but it would make sense! Although it was a high level area anyway, so maybe not! Maybe it is just luck!” Luck to fall in if you could win or luck to not fall in if you could not win.
Req immediately reciprocated the thumbs up, almost on impulse. “I doubt you can reach top ten, maybe not even top 100, without dedicating your life to this game, but I promise that even a casual gamer can experience plenty of things close to as cool as what I have. It’s one of the best aspects of this game!”
Req looked forward to this game being just a dream. It was a waste of time.
“And if this all works out, which I’ll make sure it does, I’m still happy to pay you back. I’m an asshole but not that much of one.”
The comment about his being a good bard was actually a bit surprising. He was used to his voice being appreciated because it was his gaming instrument. He had to be good. But his actual social, story telling ability? He got that complement a lot less, so it meant more.
Req smiled a bit more quietly than normal, and simply answered, “Thanks. The stories just make me happy to I want to share them.”
A small gesture, but Req got a bit hyped at the fist bump, and like the football bro that he was, his hype was visible as he started to jump and pump himself up for this small conflict.
The cave and the monsters were no sweat. Papi’s level and Req’s experience made them an unstoppable team. She could defend and heal like a master, and he still knew somewhere in his soul the attack patterns of the spiders and rats populating this damp cave.
Honestly, the biggest annoyance was Req trying to keep balance on small surfaces. He was smaller than Papi and less heavily armored, but their dexterity scores were far from equal, and that mattered.
Still, they reached their goal, and Req couldn’t stop himself from looking at Papi and silently mouthing his commentary. “Loser. Paranoid loser bandit.”
With these kinds of thoughts on his mind, jumping into the fray should not have been too surprising.
Req was surprised at the failed charisma check. Well, surprised because it was currently his highest stat, but really, what he felt was annoyance. It was just bad luck. Even an 86% passed check still had a 14% possibility of failure. No matter how annoying it was. Thankfully, Req had backup to make sure this failure was not another reset.
And Req took advantage of it, slashing out quickly and brutally. He aimed for the most vital human organs, a thing which was accurate in real life and in Reveria. The buff Papi gave him was an unrealistic but lovely addiction to the fight. It made his hairs stand up and gave him a second of tingles down the back of his neck. Magic had a feel even if the less perceptive would not notice the sensations.
And a holy resistance? Great for avoiding poisoning from such a low level dagger.
Papi’s voice ringing out also made Req pause for a second. A game mechanic, unavoidable even between allies. But it was kinda fun to be frozen for a millisecond after years of having complete social influence resistance. All Req could do was grin at the sight of her holy form wielding a powerful blade. Small frame or not, power was power when in fantasy worlds.
And fantasy words were more powerful than real words too. Using a purely bardic ability related but also unrelated to intimidation, Req used his Command ability. “Surrender. Now.” One word commands echoed in the cave, not powerful enough to act on its own but plenty strong when taking in the intimidation debuffs from Papi and Req’s physical debuffs.
The moment the bandit heard the intimidated enhanced command, He dropped his blades and backed away, leaving his poisoned blade and the quest blade on the ground for easy taking. And Req did not hesitate to take it right away.
“There’s a good retiree! No need to have a bandit blade when trying to get away from bandits. We really are doing you a favor, friend! Now they won’t come after you… assuming, of course, you're turning over a new leaf? Not not just exchanging one enemy for a legally sanctioned one?” Req talked to this man like a person. Like this was an impromptu conversation, not a player versus an NPC. That was why Reveria was great, although many new players failed to realize how complex NPC dialogue really was. Req knew for a fact that anything he said could be interpreted and understood by the ex-bandit.
After all, he did seduce a theoretically non-seduceable demon prince once. New social options were always being updated at an inhuman rate.
In fear, the bandit backed up even more. “Okay, I get it, fine! I’m done, yeah? I’m done! Take the blade back, use it yourself, I don’t care! I’m just trying to get enough cash to start over! Then I’ll be done with this bandit life! I swear!”
In this case, it was not Req trying to do anything, it was him trying to see if the man he was looking at was lying or not. Half of his success in quests was born from always knowing if an NPC was a liar or not. But now? This low of level? This bandit may have been telling the truth about only stealing enough money to start over, but he also could have been lying and was simply a criminal through and through.
“Papi, what do you think? We have what we need. Kill him or let me go and hope we don’t get stabbed in the back?” Req didn’t know what the right answer was; he was hoping that she remembered from experience or she simply had high enough stats to tell whether this NPC was worth sparing or not. Cause if they were wrong, their reward would be lessened.
Req kinda wanted to kill him. But would it increase his notoriety or renown? Can’t spread a story if the person is dead, but sparing someone is mercy, so a kindness. And Req had no interest in throwing any points into renown, not when notoriety was what he was used to enjoying the benefits of.
“I say we kill him. Be done with it. Thoughts?” Of course, Req could be convinced quite easily over something like this.