Revenge Is Best Served Black (black butler rp) Sign ups

Was the character sheet confusing?

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Character Sheet

[tabs][tab=General info][Character Name]
Age: (can be anything)
Role: (Master or Butler)
Race: (If your character is a master, put human. I will accept almost anything for butlers as long as they are not mary sues/gary stus.)[/tab]
[tab=Appearance]This can be written or just a picture.[/tab]
What can your character do? Masters have no powers whatsoever (they're meant to be weaker, or else why would they need a butler to protect them?), although that doesn't limit them from having skills in other areas.

Butlers have unlimited potential as to what powers they can have. However, here is a list of powers that I will not accept (sorry!):
-Mind Reading
-ANYTHING to do with Reality/Time/Space Manipulation
Basically, if your power can affect another character directly without the other players permission then I won't allow it.[/tab]
[tab=Personality]Put your character's personality here.[/tab]
[tab=Bio]Put your character's history here.[/tab][/tabs]
And here's what it looks like~

  • [Character Name]

    Age: (can be anything)


    Role: (Master or Butler)

    Race: (If your character is a master, put human. I will accept almost anything for butlers as long as they are not mary sues/gary stus.)

Have fun! I look forward to seeing all the amazing characters in this roleplay~

Current Masters/Butlers (will be edited as people sign up):

  • Total Masters-1

    1. Vincent Hartley ~Played by Plume~

    Izabela Nikole Williams ~Played by YukiUchiha~

    Angel Santa ~Played by Angel Evans~

    4. Asher Gray ~Played by Tsukaiza~

    Jacques-Cadis Estrama Wynters De'Raizel ~Played by X64~

  • Aion

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Role: Butler

    Race: Ghost (formerly Demon)
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  • Vincent Hartley

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Role: Master

    Race: Human
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  • Asher Gray

    Age: 20

    Role: Master

    Race: Human

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I LOVE HIM. The only thing is, do you understand that all the characters currently/are supposed to live in one giant mansion? I did things like that to make it a bit easier, though I don't mind if they've got their own place on the side.

Well, I can't choose between the two, but I only want to have a single character.

  • Aura

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Role: Butler

    Race: Crystalline

  • Neviera

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Female

    Role: Butler

    Race: Unknown
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May you possibly save a master role for me? ^^ also may the master be a female?
@Abraxas- Yes, I can save a butler for ya ^^ and I'd like to have as little NPC's for the main characters as possible.

@YukiUchiha- One master saved for you ;D and yes they can be female~

Ok, so....I want everyone's opinion on this, since this rp is all about pairs, would you guys like to pair yourselves up or would you like me to pair up all of you randomly? Either way, I think it would be best to figure out all the pairs once we have all the characters, that way we avoid a lot of confusion.

Also, feel free to make more than one character! No more than two please, though.
I think maybe you should pair us up randomly and later on if we are missing a character i will be more then glad to fill it. For instance if we are short 1 butler i can fill it in.
Hmm, I definitely agree we should wait until we have all the masters/butlers to start matching them up. I wouldn't mind either way, but it'd be exciting to be paired up, not necessarily randomly, but I like the idea of you pairing us up. An outside view on our characters would probably make better pairs. ^^
  • [Leo]

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Both

    Role: Butler

    Race: Lust Demon
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Alright, I have completed my character (mostly at least). I went on ahead and put them in my first post. But if you don't mind, I am somewhat stuck on which to choose. If both are capable of acceptance, I suppose it is whoever I am tied with should choose?
@Shadow Alpha - Pheromone: Leo can release a special scent that can attract anyone to him and as long as they don't try to resist him as much as they possibly can then they will obey him. There are times when he forgets to keep it under control.

I don't mean any offense, but this ability seems to be able to affect other characters without their permission. Is there any way you can change it for me? Like, you don't have to choose a different ability if you don't want to, just make it so that it doesn't directly affect other characters without them having any say about it.

@AbraxasNine - You can be one of each if you like ^^

Ok, I'll pair everyone up once all the slots are filled. Thank you guys for your input! I look forward to seeing all the interesting pairs I'll be able to make~
  • [Character Name] Age: (Angel Santa) Gender: Role: (Master) Race: (Human)
  • Chastity Hazelwood

    Age: Too old to count but she loves to change her appearance age.

    Gender: Female

    Role: Butler

    Race: Demon
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Try entering the information into the character sheet code on some type of word document and then clicking the "BB code editor" in the top right corner of the options bar and pasting the information there while it's in BB code editing mode. It worked for me ^^ (Also make sure the [ tab = ] (w/o the spaces) aren't indented at all) Hope these instructions make sense xD
Plume said:
Try entering the information into the character sheet code on some type of word document and then clicking the "BB code editor" in the top right corner of the options bar and pasting the information there while it's in BB code editing mode. It worked for me ^^ (Also make sure the [ tab = ] (w/o the spaces) aren't indented at all) Hope these instructions make sense xD
I don't understand curse my stupidness
  • [bermuda Von Vichtenstein]

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Role: Butler

    Race: Unknown Demon Race. Classification Unavailable



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I got yo back, Angel. ^^

Anyway, the butler/master count has been updated. If your character/name is not on the list, it means that your character has not been accepted yet. (meaning that if I asked you to change something, it hasn't been done. Or you just haven't made a character)

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