Revenge Is Best Served Black (black butler rp) Sign ups

Was the character sheet confusing?

  • Yea you jerk :/

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  • Naaa, I got it

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Thanks X!~ (Hope it's cool if I call you that)

If it's not too much trouble, I'd also love to have a butler with a contrasting personality. c:

  • Jacques-Cadis Estrama Wynters De'Raizel

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Role: Master

So i will post mine soon but i dont have a computer amd i am on my phone so do you think i could just do a regulat character sheet? Like without the tabs? Unless the code will work with my phone
Everything you need for the tabs is on the first page, just click the spoiler tag. I always use my ipod, so it shoul work.
Okay I edited it but if you don't like this one I can just get rid of it or something :)
Last edited by a moderator:
  • Izabela Nikole Williams

    Age: 15


    Role: Master

    Race: Human
Sign-ups are now closed! Here's the final list of accepted Butlers/Masters:

  • 1. Vincent Hartley ~Played by Plume~

    Izabela Nikole Williams ~Played by YukiUchiha~

    Angel Santa ~Played by Angel Evans~

    Asher Gray ~Played by Tsukaiza~

    Jacques-Cadis Estrama Wynters De'Raizel ~Played by X64~

@Shadow Alpha- Don't worry, your sheet looks fine. See? ^^ Thank you for your cooperation, it is appreciated!

Ok everyone, I'll post the pairings as soon as I figure 'em out! Please be patient with me until then.
@X64 Take your time~ I'm incredibly excited to see the pairings, considering everyone's characters are all so creative. ^^
No matter who I'm paired with, I'm still gonna do the little routine I had planned.
I'm actually very excited to see who the pairing will be. I think this rp is just going to be grand ^.^

and Okey
Aaaaand the results are in! I'll prettify (YES THAT IS TOTALLY A WORD XDDD) this list later, but the pairings are:

1. Izabela Nikole Williams/Chastity Hazelwood

2 Vincent Hartley/Aion

3 Angel Santa/Leo

4 Asher Gray/Aura

5 Jacques/Bermuda Von Vichtenstein

Alrighty, so I made these pairings based on both requests and what I thought would be good for plot. If anyone doesn't like their pairing, I'm totally cool with people switching. Just PLEASE let me know by both parties sending me a pm. >.<
@Shadow Alpha A slight pervert, a flirt, and a pedophile are all present apparently. Asher made a contract with Aura whilst she was eleven.

Ah, the joys of tormenting Tsu.. It never ceases to amaze me. Now to look forward to the main thread.

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