• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

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Annabelle smiled as she watched Leo fumble for the words to say to her. It was very cute, but she didn't want to prolong the awkwardness for him so she interjected, placing a hand on his shoulder as she did. 'I'd love to go with you Leo. Pick me up at five?' With a wide smile and a swoosh of her blonde hair, she had turned to head over to a table, sipping her soy latte as she went.


The day of the wedding was a magnificent spectacle. Loretta seemed happier than ever with this particular husband, and Annie was happy to be bridesmaid for the third time running. The dress was a flattering shade of blue and the decor and bouquet matched her dress. It couldn't get any better! After congratulating the happy couple and having an excessively long one-sided conversation with Loretta, Annabelle was relieved to be home for a while and excited to attend the wedding party with Leo. He was quite a sweetheart, at least to her. Sure people claimed he was a player but he was still a gentleman and the way he had tried so hard to make her coffee made her feel special for once. She sighed a little at the thought as she picked out a powder blue dress to wear for the ball, hoping it didn't look too fancy or too plain. Once she was done, she carefully applied her makeup, making sure it emphasised her eyes, which she saw as her best feature. She gathered her wavy blonde tresses into a chignon leaving some strands to frame her face and then waited for Leo to arrive, her excitement mounting.


mentions: n/a with: Leo nymphadora. nymphadora. | location: Cafe Styx-The Wedding Ceremony-Her room | scenario: Waiting for Prince Charming | incarnation of: Tinkerbell

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer

  • Fracisco Moretti

    Mood: Over the Moon
    Location: Wedding Reception
    Scenario: Under the Stars
    With: Lucy Bellz Bellz
    Mentions: n/a

    Cisco couldn’t believe Lucy agreed to dance with him. Considering he’d bumped into her, he was sure she would think him clumsy. (Which, by all standards, he wasn’t, although he had really bad luck with banana peels…) Her smile made him want to leap over the moon like in that nursery rhyme, but he reeled in his joy and took her hand. Leading her onto the dance floor, he glanced up at Evelyn, who was singing a song perfect for dancing.

    Turning back to Lucy, he gulped nervously. He hadn’t danced in a long time, at least not like this, and he hoped that he wouldn’t step on her foot. How embarrassing would that be, to first bump into her and then step on her foot? Taking a deep breath, Cisco wrapped his arm gently around her waist, making sure not to pull her too close—more for his sake than hers—but not holding her so far away that it was disappointing.

    And he began to dance.

    Somehow, the grace came to him subconsciously, and he was twirling across the floor with Lucy in his arms. It was like something out of a dream, and Cisco knew that if he looked up, the spell would be broken.

    So, he tried to strike up conversation. “Did your parents like the spaghetti? I put a lot of care into that batch, since it seems they appreciate my cooking so much already.” His lopsided grin emerged as he smiled down at her. “More importantly, did you like the spaghetti? Careful, if you say something bad, I might cry.” He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout to prove his point, but his mouth soon quirked up into another grin. It was hard not to smile when he was dancing with a beautiful girl.

    A beautiful girl whose dress looked too good on her. If Cisco wasn’t careful, he’d have to fend off other guys who wanted to dance with her, and he wasn’t up to letting her go just yet.

    Or ever.

    Whichever came first.

    Well, damn. Seems I’m falling for her, he thought.

    "A human heart only has so much room for love and affection."

Jin-Xiang Shen
Loretta LaBeouf was by no means a woman of subtle taste. If she was going to be throwing a party—specifically, her own wedding—she was going to go all-out by inviting everyone in Recuerdo to show it off. The venue was big and ostentatious enough for it, too.

If Jin was a player, he would've had no problem finding a gorgeous date to have wrapped around his arm. But he only had one woman in mind for it, and she had been taken. He didn't know by whom, since he figured she had a lot of suitors. It was a little disappointing he couldn't ask her in time, but at least he would be having fun with his two best pals: Seth and Korey. They'd rendezvous at the reception.

Luckily for Jin, he didn't mind being in formal wear—just as long as he looked good. And he certainly did. As he slowed down in front of the designated building in his white Corolla, he wasn't surprised about the valet parking. "Nice. At least this saves me the pain of finding a parking space." Jin stepped out of his vehicle and tossed his car keys to a valet attendant. He adjusted his tie, popped his knuckles, then walked inside.

The reception was just as flashy and expensive as he thought it'd be. But hey, as long as it'd be fun, he wasn't going to complain. It didn't take long to find Korey's curly afro amongst the crowd. Jin approached his younger friend with a smirk on his lips and his hands in his pockets. The kid looked as bored as ever.

"Hey, Kor," he said. "I'm a little surprised you're not stuffing your face with food yet. Seen Seth around?" Glancing around for said person, he caught glimpse of someone else: Mae-Lin.

His dark brown eyes widened just a tad from seeing her. She looked beyond stunning. Gorgeous, in that outfit. Jin always thought she looked great in just her casual attire, but he was pleasantly surprised. It may not have been a dress like he was expecting, but she looked better than any other woman at this event. A smile slowly crossed Jin's face as he admired Mae from across the room. If Korey had said anything, he hadn't heard. It only took a moment for that smile to be replaced with a scowl once he noticed who was accompanying her. Andrew Skye.

Jin groaned. "Fan-fucking-tastic..." His hand went from his pocket to his forehead, massaging it as if he was starting to get a migraine. It just had to be him, didn't it? Goddammit. He glanced at Korey and told him, "I'll be back," before casually walking his way toward the pair. Jin's expression was now unusually relaxed—much like the calm before a storm. There was a trace of mischief in his eyes.

As if Andrew was simply not there beside her, Jin smiled at Mae and graciously kissed her hand. The brief look he gave her from beneath his lashes was one of playfulness and flirtatious manner. "Doesn't seem like you were telling the truth when you told me you couldn't pull off anything fancy; you look amazing, Mae. I'll be sure to ask you for a dance before the night is over." He had full intention of stealing her later. Gently dropping her hand, Jin turned to Andrew with a blank expression.

"What was your name again? Timothy?"
location: wedding reception
mood: sly
outfit: X
scenario: Beauty and the Ugly Prick
with: Mae-Lin Nakamura
Andrew Skye
tags: revalia revalia
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
PixieDust PixieDust
Bellz Bellz
coded by dwale

Anfisa Vonyuchka
Based On: Flower [ Bambi ]
Location: The Wedding
Scenario: Tending to the Flowers
Mood: Optimistic
Mentions: Allison
With: N/A
Tags: deer deer
Outfit: [ dress ] [ shoes ]
Ouote: "You belong where you feel free; You belong amongst the wildflowers..."

Anfisa Vonyuchka tended to flowers the same way a mother cared for a child, so it was no surprise that she produced the most beautiful and flourishing arrangements in all of Recuerdo. It was precisely why she had become such a hot commodity, supplying her wares to local businesses and providing a myriad of floral displays for events, especially for weddings. She was happy that her small business was finding relative success, but that did not stop her from biting down on her lip hard when Loretta requested that she supply the flowers for her wedding. Again.

Silently, Anfisa chided herself for letting the slightest judgment cross her mind and she found herself smiling politely as she and Loretta discussed potential selections. Which had taken a total of seven hours. Seven long hours. It was a true battle of attrition between her kindness and exhaustion, though Anfisa maintained a patient demeanor until the moment the flamboyant woman finally exited her shop.

And now that it was finally the day of wedding, Anfisa had still yet to find the appropriate enthusiasm to both attend and provide for the wedding. Lucky for Loretta, Anfisa was not one to let her aversion hinder her work, so naturally her arrangements were as flawless as ever. For these particular displays, she had put a focus on the color peach, which represented "closing the deal; sincerity". Perhaps it was simply wishful thinking that this would be Loretta's final "I do", but the floral selections had turned out more beautiful than Anfisa could have hoped. They were bold and beautiful just like Loretta, a charming blend of peach and mint green. Despite her initial reluctance in preparing for yet another one of Loretta's weddings, she genuinely wished for the woman's happiness and she hoped the sentiment came across with her arrangements.

As Anfisa began setting the floral centerpieces for the wedding reception while others were still occupied at the ceremony, she placed each one down with care, adjusting them so precisely that they were positioned in the exact center of the tables. She, who was never truly particular about anything, refused give anything other than her best for her clients.

Her slender fingers grazed the tips of soft petals and a wave a relaxation washed over her like cool lake water. Nothing brought her as much contentment as nature, so perhaps she should be thanking Loretta for giving her an opportunity to profit from one of her passions. A subtle smile played on her lips as she moved towards a stock pile of floral arrangements she had pushed into the corner of the reception hall. There was much work to be done and she was thankful for the help of her employee and friend, Allison, who was sure to arrive shortly. Until she got there, it was best to continue placing centerpieces on each table.

She ran a hand through her pale blonde hair and released a slightly exasperated sigh as she assessed the damage. Her body slumped ever so slightly and she could feel the pressure of her weight against her heels.

"Oh no," she breathed, wide-eyed and filled with regret.

It was a rather large pile of flowers, though Anfisa had already known that. After all, she and her employees had been the ones to arrange each display, and she was able to get them in and out of the back of her pick-up truck without struggle. Truthfully, it was an error of time management as she seldom succeeded in keeping to a schedule. She had been so preoccupied with making sure the floral displays remained unharmed that she never considered how much time each of her ministrations took up. Clearly, she had put way too much time wrapping flower garlands around almost every structure that she had forgotten about decorating the tables.

She smoothed her hands over the satin fabric of her teal gown and closed her eyes, determined to keep her cool. A gentle smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth as she shook her head, laughing to herself. Nothing was ever worth getting worked up over and the only answer to her problem was to work to the best of her ability to finish up before people made it to the reception, and that required her to work just a little faster than she preferred. Truly, it was not a big deal at this point in the day.

Without another wasted moment, she proceeded to scatter peach flower petals on the surfaces of tables, waiting for Allison to appear as her wonderful savior.

[ Floral Arrangements ] [ Flower Arrangements ]

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar

Khadara Naja
Based On: Kaa
[ The Jungle Book ]
Location: Her Apartment
Scenario: Getting Ready
Mood: Complacent
With: Shivani
Mentions: Rogan, Saturday
Tags: stellar.nova stellar.nova Athens Athens
Outfit: [ x ]
Ouote: "Mystery and enchantment go hand in hand..."

Khadara Naja stared into her vanity mirror and raked her fingers through her wavy brunette locks, watching as the gentle curls of her hair bounced against her shoulders and back. It had been long since she had put effort into styling her hair into something other than its natural texture, which was normally full of long, springy ringlets. It was almost liberating to not have it fastened into some intricate up-do to keep it from falling into her face as she danced. She supposed that was the beauty of going to a wedding; she had an excuse to scour her wardrobe for a dress that would no doubt accentuate the sleekness of her figure and embellish her already existing beauty with fierce hair and make-up. She was sure give herself a subtle smoky eye, enough to make the olive tones of her irises pop, but not enough to have her resembling a raccoon, and her lashes looked long and endless with a single swipe of mascara. A sly smirk pulled at the corner of her mouth as she allowed herself a moment of vanity to examine her appearance. Truly, it did require much work to make her look and feel beautiful.

An image of her mother flashed before her eyes and the smirk had quickly faltered. She recalled when she had first begun experimenting with make-up at the age of fourteen, when her mother had pulled her by the hair and forced her to look at her appearance before a mirror. Just because you're an awkward-looking girl does not give you the right to paint your face like a whore, she hadsaid. Look at yourself.

And Khadara had complied, surveying their reflections and seeing not a "whore", but a grown woman so jealous of her own teenage daughter that she would go to any lengths to exploit her insecurities.

A warm, heavy sensation pulled at the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling that Khadara could only identify as pure, unadulterated hatred and the recollection of it made her sick. She refused to let her mother's past transgressions ruin her present.

Casting the memory aside, she released a weighty sigh and picked up a small tube of a matte lipstick. Untwisting the applicator, she spread the cranberry shade over her lips and admired the way it seemed to inadvertently brighten the color of her eyes. She grinned, her teeth a bright white against her painted lips. Contented with her cosmetic choices, Khadara rose from her chair to finally slip on her dress, relishing in the fabric to skin contact as it conformed to the shape of her body.

For a moment, her eyes flicked to the mirror once more. I am not a whore, she reminded herself with an almost angry sort of determination. I am a beautiful.

I am powerful.

They were phrases she often repeated in her head, things she could never say aloud for fear of appearing weak and foolish.

She felt silly for having to silently chant the words; most of Recuerdo knew her to be confident and attractive, so why was she so hard to convince? It seemed even more trivial to worry about such frivolities now, considering she and Shivani would be picked up for the wedding by Rogan and Saturday in a matter of moments.

Another wry smirked adorned her features as Rogan's name passed through her mind. Her beloved dance partner, employee, and--dare she say it?--friend. He was like a natural narcotic for her secret insecurities as they seemed to crackle and fall away in his presence. She could never tell him that, of course, but the sentiment was there. It was unfortunate that only she would ever know about it, though it was as the saying goes: it's the thought that counts. She couldn't help, but roll her eyes and simper at the very idea.

After slipping on a pair of strappy black heels and grabbing a matching noir clutch to hold her belongings, Khadara approached Shivani's bedroom and wrapped her knuckled gently against the closed door.

"Shivani," she crooned through the door. "I do hope you'll be kind enough to finish up and grace me with your presence soon... Don't want to keep the boys waiting, do you?" Truthfully, Khadara probably knew the answer to that, which was probably a curt yes.

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
d i n a h.
outfit - xxx / with - maya
tags - r e i r e i / location - home > car

sleep, it was a wonderful thing in dinah's mind. if she could, dinah would sleep until she turned thirty. the young brunette was sleeping peacefully with 'keeping up with the proud family' playing in the background. a soft smile curled upon the girl's lips as she snored peacefully, her body still adorning her uniform from her work while her mop of brown hair messily tied in a high ponytail. yet before dinah could reach the best part of her dreams, the brown-haired girl heard two loud beeps from outside her tiny cottage. her eyes fluttered wide open as her focus trailed to the digital alarm clock sitting nearby her couch, dinah leapt off her couch and popped her head outside to see her friend, maya, waiting in the car. "give me two seconds!" dinah yelled with a smile, raising to fingers to show maya before dashing off inside.

dinah rushed around her tiny house, grabbing different cameras that were scattered carelessly around the home. dinah hopped around as she slipped a black dress over her tiny body and a pair of matching heels. the brunette quickly applied lip gloss over her lips once more before slipping extra film into her bag filled with camera. dinah slipped the bag over her shoulder before racing outside and jumping into the passenger seat next to maya. "i'm so sorry! i had work and then i completely forgot and passed out," dinah blabbered as she released a soft sigh, "thank you for picking me up, otherwise i wouldn't have made it at all." she chuckled with a smile.
Lily Campbell
Lily was in her bedroom standing in front of full-length mirror. She almost didn't recognize her reflection. Earlier, she discarded her grey-knit sweater and skinny jeans and had been transformed by a subtle layer of makeup and a brand-new dress.

At first glance, Lily didn't have the intention of purchasing such a dress like this one--it was too...bold for a meek, awkward girl like herself. At least, that's what Lily thought. But had it not been for Annie and her words of encouragement, she wouldn't be wearing the same apparel right now. Still, it was a gorgeous thing.

One of Lily's very best friends, Ellie, came up beside her. She looked different, too. Not in her standard denim that so defined her style. "I dunno how I feel about going..." Lily confessed. "Cai said she'll meet us there, right?" Despite the girl's strong aversion to large crowds, somehow she was convinced into attending Loretta LaBeouf's wedding.

Maybe it was because Lily's friends assured they would go with her so she wouldn't be alone. Maybe it was because she knew Justin would be there. Her cheeks flushed at the mere thought of him. Whatever the reason, she still had mixed feelings about it. It'd be a new experience, but at the same time, nearly everyone in Recuerdo would be there.

That was not a comforting thought.

"Hellooo!~" her mother called from downstairs. "Are you ladies ready? I must take photos!" She glanced at her reflection one more time and sighed. A lot of "what ifs" began to flood her mind and cloud her with doubt.

It'll be fine... I hope. turning to the door, she replied, "We're ready!" Lily beckoned Ellie to follow. As they walked down the staircase, she prepared herself for her mother's overblown reaction. She raved about how they would be the two prettiest women at the wedding and how they'd give Loretta a run for her money, all the while snapping photos and rambling on.

It took at least five minutes before she was satisfied with the amount of pictures. She said, "Alright, that's enough of me being a photographer! I'll drive you two there."
location: at home
mood: uncertain
outfit: X
scenario: should i stay or should I go
with: Eleanor Chao
tags: revalia revalia
PixieDust PixieDust
coded by dwale

  • Korey Hughes

    Mood: Forlorn
    Location: Wedding Reception
    Scenario: Second Thought
    With: Jin TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord (current/formerly)
    Mentions: Mae revalia revalia Andrew Bellz Bellz Seth PixieDust PixieDust

    Really, Korey shouldn’t have been surprised. As soon as he’d seen Jin coming toward him, he’d felt the urge to smile—though of course he didn’t. Instead, he’d simply grunted in response to his question. That was how he communicated; in simple grunts. Somehow, he always seemed to get his point across.

    He was about to tell Jin his theory about Seth having come with Naina when the other boy said he’d be back and immediately set off in another direction. When Korey looked up, he saw Mae-Lin Nakamura, Jin’s crush, with some guy Korey hadn’t really ever seen around before. Then again, he was probably older than Korey, and other then Seth and Jin, he didn’t know anyone who wasn’t in high school.

    A part of Korey wilted at Jin’s departure, and he murmured, “No, you won’t.” Knowing Jin, he’d probably be doing all he could to separate Mae from his rival suitor.

    If Korey had been a cat, he would’ve flattened his ears sadly.

    Swallowing down his sudden loneliness, Korey turned toward the food table and stared at the selection. He let out a heavy sigh and tried not to feel resentment. His “father” had done much worse—like, kill his biological father and all—but he couldn’t deny that it hurt to be practically abandoned. At this point, Korey could only hope that Jin would keep his word.

    Taking out his phone, Korey texted Seth: Where are you? He didn’t want to sound desperate, but he was; he really didn’t want to talk to anybody unless it was either of his two best friends.

    Because they were the only people he truly trusted.

    "Maybe there's a darkness in me, too."


  • 03f657ec5fa17845ce4dcb2f9f38794c.jpg

    Mood: Happy/Nervous
    Scenario: Falling Slowly, Eyes that know me.
    Location: The Wedding Reception
    With: Cisco
    Mentions: Cisco AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
    Outfit: LUCY

    Lucy smiled softly as Cisco lead her to the dance floor. She couldn't believe that a boy actually wanted to dance with her. Her little heart raced as her nerves were starting to get the best of her. Luckily, her father had been dancing with her since she was a little girl and she was confident that she would be able to transfer what she learned from him into this dance with Cisco. He placed his arm around her waist and she wished that her cheeks would stop heating up, she was sure they were beet red now. She placed her arm on his shoulder and placed her hand in his. Glancing up at Evelyn, Lucy admired the talented singer for a brief moment before turning to Cisco as he spoke to her.

    She smiled and nodded her head happily, "They said it was the best one yet!" She giggled lightly and her smile softened as he asked if she liked it. "Oh I always love your spaghetti, if I could I would eat it all the time! But I'm afraid I wouldn't have fit into this dress if I would have given into my cravings." She said softly and gave him a little teasing smirk. "But the office also loved it and I thank you for doing that for me." Lucy swayed her hips slightly and just went along with Cisco and the beat of the music.

    She could feel her anxieties of what everyone could be thinking of her melt away and for once in her life, she didn't care what others thought of her. Cisco was dancing with her, he had asked her to and it brought Lucy the self confidence that she oh so needed to get through this reception.



ain't no rest for the wicked

"sweet dreams are made of these"

lilith felt at peace with herself as she twirled around her apartment, music blasting loudly as her dark lips were painted a dark red color and with a soft smirk. her raven black hair brushed her pale back as her curvy body only adorned pieces of black and red lingerie, clinging to her tightly at every curve on her body. lilith didn't mind if someone saw her dancing, it made her happy. her arms floated around her as her body swayed to the music. a soft sigh escaped her lips as she fluttered her eyes opened, noticing how late she was for the wedding she had to attend. "better get a move on then," she muttered to herself with a shrug. the raven-haired woman stretched her arms before strolling to her bedroom with a skip in her step.

lilith didn't have to think about what she was going to wear, she knew what looked good on her and what didn't. the woman stripped herself down from her lingerie and slipped a silky black dress over her body with ease. lilith clipped a heavy diamond choker over her thin neck as she admired herself in her full length mirror. next, lilith picked up her pair of over-the-knee suede boots in the same matching black, slipping the boots over her thighs before tying her black hair in a straight higher ponytail without any hassle. a pleased smile formed on the woman's lips while she posed in front of the mirror, her music still blasting through the thin walls of her apartment. "perfect," she purred before leaving her room without any rush.

the woman switched off her music and grabbed her car keys in one swift rush, twirling gracefully halfway through. lilith threw in her lucky dice into her clutch along with a silver flask filled with whiskey (just in case) before finally leaving her apartment with a smile.
outfit - x~x / location - home / with - na / scenario - dancing with myself.

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling

  • Fracisco Moretti

    Mood: Stupendous!
    Location: Wedding Reception
    Scenario: Ego Boost
    With: Lucy Bellz Bellz
    Mentions: Justin PixieDust PixieDust

    Cisco’s already bright grin widened as Lucy complimented his cooking. It was one thing if she’d simply acknowledged that her parents were big fans (which would’ve boosted his ego more than anything else), but to hear that Lucy personally loved it… Well, it was enough to make his heart burst with happiness. (Oh, God, how cheesy was that…)

    Shrugging nonchalantly, Cisco said, “It was no trouble. My job is to make people happy with my spaghetti.” With a sly wink, he added, “I highly doubt anything would’ve kept you from looking as beautiful as you do now. Not even heaping amounts of my fantastic spaghetti.”

    In an effort to keep the conversation going, Cisco asked, “So if your parents are lawyers, are you planning on becoming one, too?” A niggling part of him wondered that if Lucy became a lawyer, she’d be able to help him clear his name. But another, deeper part of him shoved away the thought. Yes, it would be nice to have his life back as well as the respect of the people of Recuerdo again. However, he wasn’t going to make a big deal of it. Justin and the others had gotten him back on his feet, and considering this was his life now, he wouldn’t give it up for the empty life he’d led before.

    He only hoped now that his situation wouldn’t keep him from doing the things he wanted…like maybe asking Lucy out to dinner sometime. Or, you know, something else fun.

    "A human heart only has so much room for love and affection."

The Twins' Outfits
Mitchel Dakota

Eugene Abadi
Gene was looking forward to attending this wedding very much. Not only because he loved the idea of two people beginning a new life together as spouses, but also because he had a date who would accompany him. It was Mia Samson. A young woman he was so faithfully enraptured with that, since high school, he has been catering to her every whim and fancy. At least, the best he always could.

Gene was very elated--more so than usual--ever since he heard a "yes" from her. He rambled and fantasized to his friends how great of an evening he would have with Mia. Some would say his chipper mood was annoying; others found it endearing. Whatever the case, he was still happy, because today was the day the wedding would take place.

Gene was well-groomed and appropriately dressed for the occasion. As soon as he received a text from Mia, saying she was ready to go, he was on his way to pick her up. The song playing in his car was September by Earth, Wind, & Fire--and he was jamming to it. He drummed his fingertips against the steering wheel and bobbed his head as he sang along. There was almost nothing that could rain on Gene's parade.

As he neared her address, he slowed down the vehicle, parked close, and--with a small bounce to his step--rang the bell. Gene thought to himself, Ooh...I'm a little nervous. But I'm excited! Ah, I bet she looks amazing! Momentarily, he fixed his suit jacket and smoothed down his hair. Behind his back, he was carrying a small gift for Mia in his hands.

When the door opened and revealed his date, Gene was awestruck. She was always beautiful, but this made him speechless. His grey-blue eyes brightened with wonder and affection.

"Wow... Mia, you look...phenomenal. Oh--I almost forgot." He revealed his small gift to her: it was a white corsage, one to complement the color of her dress. Maybe it was a little old-fashioned or too much of a gesture, but he figured it was nice. "I got you this. In case you wanted a tiny something to match." He offered a small smile to her.

What she didn't know was that Gene made the corsage himself.
location: Mia's residence
mood: smitten
outfit: X
scenario: Pretty Woman
with: Mia Samson
tags: revalia revalia
coded by dwale
= where_ cafe > home
= with_ annie
= outfit_ xxx - changed
= tags_ @Pixie Dust

"i mean, you are gorgeous! and i'm sur-"
leo's eyes fluttered in surprised as he felt annie's dainty hand on his shoulder, shutting him up instantly. the male was awe-struck by annie, which wasn't unusual sight, but he couldn't help but feel like a little kid as annie spoke to him with a sickly sweet voice.
'I'd love to go with you Leo. Pick me up at five?'

leo nodded in reply, shocked with silence as he watched annie sashay away like a blonde goddess to a table by herself. leo's heart fluttered as a childish grin formed slowly on his face as he realised what had just happened to him. the male ran a hand through his black locks, anxiety and joy pumping through his veins as he ignored the customers waiting impatiently for him to take their order. "i did it, i'm going with her." he murmured under his breathe. his legs began to bounce rapidly as he untied his apron. he dodged past his coworkers with a grin, jumping over the back counter and headed out the back door. leo was sure his boss didn't mind him leaving early, right?


"now just slip the-"
leo examined the video broadcasted on his tiny screen as he tried to tie his tie properly, his soft brown eyes flicking back between his alarm clock and his phone as he tried to make sure he wouldn't be late for annie. the male spun around on his heels to face his reflection in the mirror, a satisfied smile formed on his lips at the sight of the semi-tied tie that hung loosely around his neck. leo nodded at his reflection before grabbing his belonging and leaving his house swiftly. the male jumped into his car before driving off to annebelle's home in a rush, a white rose sitting in a container placed on leo's dashboard. once he arrived, leo sat in his car in silence. anxiety rushing through his veins as he eyed annie's front door, his leg bouncing anxiously as his hand drummed against his driving wheel. leo released a soft sigh before grabbing the white rose and jogged towards her door. leo knocked thrice on the wooden door before taking a step back. the male waited anxiously, tapping his fingers against the plastic container until he watched the door open, revealing the blonde bombshell in all of her beauty. "wow, annie um, you look amazing." leo whispered as he felt his heart clog into his throat. after a moment of silence, leo remembered the present, taking a step forward and handed the white flower to annie. "i thought it you look nice on you but everything looks good on you, um." leo choked with an awkward chuckle in between his words.

coded by lorde
Last edited:

Maverick Navis
A young, dark-haired man by the name of Maverick Navis stopped in front of a store on the pier. A warm sea breeze combed through his hair as he looked up at the sign he knew all too well: Jolly Roger's Boat Shop. He grinned his crooked, arrogant grin and walked inside. The bell above the door chimed, letting the owner know he was here.

For once, Maverick was spruced up. His hair was combed back, he was wearing a suit and tie, and just a bit of cologne and a clean shave made him all the more charming. There was a massive, expensive wedding happening in Recuerdo today, and he wanted to attend it.

If only Loretta LaBeouf was aware of Maverick and his questionable reputation, she'd have security guards personally throw him out before he could even enter the reception.

The last wedding he went to...well, the tiered cake dedicated to the bride and groom was completely demolished before it could've been consumed. Maverick would never admit it was his fault--even though it mostly was--but he was going to this wedding for free food and drink.

And of course, for the ladies.

He didn't see his friend behind the counter. "Hey, Jenson!" he called. "You ready, mate? We gotta get going to the reception! Those drinks won't last forever!" As he spoke, Maverick aimlessly wandered around the shop, poking at fishing poles and other nautical supplies. He was currently an employee here at Jolly Roger's Boat Shop.

For some reason, he felt more comfortable around the sea...and ships. It was a vague and almost nostalgic feeling Maverick had always carried within him since he was a child. Not that he ever questioned it, but it was just there. Humming.

Jenson and Maverick were missing one crucial member of their trio: Brandon. But he went ahead and took his girlfriend to the reception, rather than being his mates. Maverick had no hard feelings about it, as he simply shrugged when he told them. There were a lot of suitable girls he could've asked to be his date. But the young man hadn't.

He liked to tell himself it was because he didn't want to be tied down and give all of his undivided attention to just one gal. How could he not look at the other women? Maverick was half-heartedly hoping Jolene would be there at the wedding. He liked to push her buttons. He liked the snide remarks that were exchanged between them as quick as a tennis match. It was all in good fun.

Maverick didn't like to talk about why they were no longer together anymore.

Bugger... He turned his head toward the counter and said loudly, "Wow, I might just go to the wedding by myself and leave with my car!" There was a teasing tone in his voice.
location: jolly roger's boat shop
mood: chill
outfit: X
scenario: ready to party
with: Jenson Hill
tags: deer deer
Bellz Bellz
revalia revalia
PixieDust PixieDust
coded by dwale
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E L E N A // V E S I L E

where... home > wedding.
with... mitchel.
tags... AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
outfit... xxx / xxx.
scenario... oh, hey there!
elena had spent the day running errands around the town. buying groceries, coffee and buying more plants to spread around her tiny house than she needs. her raven hair tied up in a messy bun while she raced around in a simple pair of black sweats and a white tee, it wasn't her best look and elena had always pride herself on looks but today wasn't that important, and she wasn't planning to meet anyone in particular today. once she had arrived home, elena got cracking into dressing herself up for the wedding later that night.

after having a relaxing shower and dressing herself up in a dark red dress, elena rushed out of her home and headed straight to the wedding. it was a short drive away from her home but elena couldn't be bothered to walk in heels. elena parked her car and headed inside, her brown eyes widened in awe at the sight of the beautiful venue. "she really outdid herself, again." elena murmured in her breathe. she found herself lost in a sea of people. her body being pushed and shoved until she found herself out of the crowd and standing next to mitchel. a small smile formed upon elena's lips as she admired the nineteen-year-old looking quite dashing in his suit. "oh, hi mitchel." elena waved awkwardly as a rose tint formed on her cheeks. she couldn't help but feel her stomach fill with butterflies as she smiled at him.


Location: On the way to the wedding Outfit: Maya Mentions: Dinah nymphadora. nymphadora. Scenario: my best friend Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora.

give me two seconds!

Maya heard as Dinah shown herself and raised her two fingers to show her. She sighed, thinking I knew she was gonna be still sleeping when I got here. Maya brought out some food that she had bought on the way here. She looked at her phone checking the time, as she thinks about how the wedding will be. She had never been to an American wedding before. Weddings at home were always different and tourists weren't allowed on their land so outside weddings never took place. She starts to play a game waiting for her oversleeping friend and a way to not think about home. Almost 10 minutes later, and right as she beats the final boss. Dinah jumps into her car.

i'm so sorry! i had work and then i completely forgot and passed out

She just looked at her and frowns "Did you get enough sleep Di?" Maya forgets her anger as soon as she sees her frazzled friend. Always working and never resting, she worries about her alot. She tends to check on her alot and make sure her fridge is full. She then goes into her bag, pulling out a bag of food for Dinah and handing it to her. "I know you haven't eaten so, here. Can't take pictures on an empty belly."

"thank you for picking me up, otherwise i wouldn't have made it at all."

Maya grins and starts driving to the wedding. "Hey, what are best friends for? Even though I lost out on a lot of sleep for this" She shook her head and nods to the bag "If you don't start eating, I will stop this car. You know I will." she says as she drives on. Lord knows, she will. Maya would do anything for Dinah, even waking up in the am's to take her somewhere. She loves her.



  • Mitchel Declan Oaks

    Mood: Timid
    Location: Wedding Reception
    Scenario: Why Is She Blushing?
    With: Elena nymphadora. nymphadora.
    Mentions: Satine PixieDust PixieDust

    One second, he was alone, and the next, Elena Vasile was standing beside him. She was decked out in a dark red dress and gold heels that reminded Mitchel of Dakota’s fashion sense, but her face certainly didn’t. One look at her face and Mitchel forgot what exactly he’d been thinking about a moment ago.

    Why was she blushing?

    Mitchel wasn’t one to dwell too much on things like this, but he could’ve sworn he saw Elena’s blush appear as she greeted him. Was he the reason for her blush? Or was it the crowd she had just managed to stumble out of? This was going to drive him crazy all night.

    Giving up on his search for Satine for now, he uncrossed his arms and put his hands in his pockets to seem more approachable. “Hey, Elena. You look pretty tonight.” There was no doubt about that; Elena was certainly pretty by his standards. He might’ve been infatuated with Satine, but that didn’t mean he didn’t notice other girls every now and then.

    Shifting his gaze to encompass the rest of the room, he mused, “Loretta certainly outdid herself this time, didn’t she?” He may not have been a big fan of scenery like this, but he couldn’t deny that the party had beautiful décor.

    After another moment, Mitchel sighed to himself. If he didn’t do something else, they’d be standing here awkwardly all night. He didn’t look at her, but he held his hand out to her and asked, “Wanna dance?”

    "That's part of growing up. Things change. Summer ends."




Serena did not get to have a particularly long conversation with Saturday, though his rambling had her both baffled and intrigued. She had been startled when her elder sister Alana appeared behind her looking bored. 'Let's go, Muso, dad's gonna kill you,' she said with a pointed look at Serena who flashed Saturday an apologetic smile as she followed after her sister, trying to appear nonchalant and not make a scene in protest so that the boy didn't think she was childish.

'How did you find me Alana? This isn't fair, it's like dad is keeping a secret tracking device on me!' she huffed. Alana simply rolled her eyes and explained that Muse was the most obvious place she would be other than Fleur's house. The journey home after that was filled with a lot of complaining on Serena's part and a lot of silence on the other end.

As expected, her father was less than pleased with her reckless behaviour, and after a heated argument, Serena really did shut herself in her room, clutching her pillow and wishing her mother were with her. She was always fair and let her daughter make her own mistakes without blowing up on her. It was a while before the redhead was called downstairs again by her father. She had expected him to have a bowl of oatmeal sat on the table for her punishment but instead he said,
'Get your outfit for the wedding reception, I'm taking you to Fleur's house and you can get ready there. I know she will keep an eye on you.' Serena blinked several times in confusion before registering what he'd said.
'You mean I can go?' she blurted out, her eyes wide. He gave her a stern look, explaining that it would be impolite not to attend at such short notice.

The drive to Fleur's house was tense to say the least. Neither party spoke until it was time for Serena to get out of the car. She offered a quick thank you and bolted out of the car. To her chagrin he followed after her, knocking on the door. He had always approved of Fleur since the girls were kids, so had her mother when she was alive. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember after all. The best thing about his approval was that it meant Serena could hang out with Fleur whenever she wanted and he wouldn't keep tabs. As soon as her friend opened the door, Mr Lagoon greeted her warmly and asked that she keep Serena out of trouble. Serena couldn't help but let a small knowing smile cross her face at this. Fleur was really the last person to ask! Little did he know.
'Okay dad great, thanks for letting me go, bye love you!' Serena said hurriedly shooing him away.

mentions: Saturday Athens Athens | with: Fleur revalia revalia | location: Fleur's House | scenario: Ugh Dads! | incarnation of: Ariel

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer

Pandora Peterson

Tac tac tac… Pandora tapped the window of Hansel’s office inside the auto shop with her fingers while trying to get the attention of the guy himself. It took a while; Han was pretty engrossed with the cylindrical metallic thing that he was holding. His hands were all greasy while an earphone is plugged in his ears. Pandora waved her hand hoping that it will do the trick and it did. Hansel looked up, smiling his usual boyish and carefree grin before pulling off his earphones and headed towards the locked door.

“What’s up with the seclusion?” Pan mumbled as she pushed through him while perfectly balancing the silver meat dome in one hand. “I thought there’s no playing at work?” she added with her signature smirk. The boy just rolled his eyes playfully upon understanding Pandora’s little joke. “If you must know, Cisco’s taking all the rugs and won’t stop playing tug of war.” Han answered while wiping his hands with a spare rug. Pandora finally understood him; Cisco is Han’s furry and not so little leonberger. He’s very adorable, sweet and too lively 17 month old puppy. He really is a cute force to be reckoned with. “Anyways, what’s that and why are you here? Shouldn’t you be preparing for the wedding party?”

Pandora looked at Han resentfully as she placed down the tray she was holding on an empty space at table that was filled with bits and bobs. The idea of wearing a dress and heels for a day is somehow unnerving for her. She knew she ought to be used by it by now since she’s actually doing modeling and posing for photos for Neno, but the girl’s heart is stubborn as hell. “Don’t remind me of it.” Sighing loudly, her frown turned suddenly into a wide smile. “I’m here for my bike of course and for this...” The girl pointed the tray. “I actually made this one.”

Han crossed his arms on his chest and raise an eyebrow, “Should I be worried about this?”
“Ye of little faith, Mr. Sterling. Ye of little faith.” Pandora shook her head while there’s a little smile on her lips, “I made you an aged organic milk tossed over seasoned tomato puree. Spread on baked whole wheat with smoked meat.”

“So…. Pizza?” Han asked with a grin. “Damn right, pizza.” Pandora answered with same playful beam while opening the silver serving dome, a whole pizza greeted them. A triumphant grin filled Han’s face as he leant down and smell the lovely piece. “Does Chef Lou know that you have his dome? You know how he is.”

“Pft.” Pandora snorted before sitting on a swivel chair nearby. “I’m ‘borrowing’ flour, sausage, milk, eggs, and coffee from his pantry for two years now. I’m sure Lou-y boy won’t mind as long as we do our jobs and customers are happy.” Pan tilted her head slightly and flashes a smile. “And you are happy, yeah? Besides, he’s busy while trying to think of new ways to cook a crab.”

“It’s pizza. Of course I’m happy.” He answered easily before walking towards the corner where series keys were hanging. He then unhooked a key with an acorn as a keychain. “You know, driving a bike while wearing a poofy dress will be a feat.” Han remarked with a grin before tossing the keys to Pandora which she caught all too easily. “Oh you know me; I’m all about brazen acts while looking hot and gorgeous at the same time.” Pandora chuckled, twirling the chains on her finger at the same time. “Free diving while wearing a wedding dress is actually next on my bucket list.

“God, please give Whit more strength in taking care of this girl.” Han mumbled teasingly while looking all resigned knowing that no one can actually stop Pan in doing what she wants.

“Dork.” Pandora threw a small screw in Han’s way; the guy perfectly evaded it with a smirk. “Anyways, I’m off. I’m to meet my torturer. It’ll be a long day.” She added with dramatic sigh. “Oh by the way, are you going with Layla?”
“Uh… no.” Han answered sheepishly, looking down while busying himself with wiping the grease off of his hands. “Don’t wanna push my luck against Madame Mayor.” He added with a small smile.

She just nodded in response, she knew the mayor is a slightly scary lady and no one dares to cross with her. Pandora just turn her back and headed towards the door, but before finally heading out she looked back and glance at Han again, her mischievous signature smirk was back on her face. “Why push something you do not have, Hansel?” she asked quietly. “Carpe Diem, oh captain my captain.” Winking, she turns her back and wave. “I’ll pick up the dome later on, yeah. See yah!”

“Hello, sweetheart.” Pandora smiled, caressing the leather seat of her second hand Harley Davidson 2012 Forty Eight Sportster. When people saw crap and useless, Pandora saw promised and hope upon first glancing at the skeleton of her bike at the salvage yard and apparently, she managed to convince Han to see it too with a cheap payment and pizza along with a promise that he has to do a monthly check up on it.

The purr of the bike was very familiar and comforting as she strolls toward her destination. Pan was on the lookout as well, she knew Jenson can easily smell her when she’s breaking the rules such as driving without helmet. She initially thought that perhaps the guy planted a GPS on her during one of her visits down at the station, but no, the officer was just hellbent on making her life a little miserable and fun at the same time.

Finally, after 10 minutes or so she arrived at her destination. After parking on the side and pocketing her keys, Pandora sauntered towards the front porch of the cozy looking house. Not bothering on knocking, she barge in like she owns the place knowing that it’ll annoy the owner. “Des? Deeesss?” She called out before heading straight on the lounge. “Desirée Fae LeBlanche! Lay it on me, let’s get this over with.” Pandora mumbled while slumping herself on the couch, her feet prompt up on the coffee table while waiting for her torturer. She promised the girl that she can go all out on her, dress her up and make her all girly like she always does during photo shoots. Pan was honestly reluctant on going but a promise is a promise, she just wanted to get drunk and party.


Incarnation of: Peter Pan - The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up
Location: Millenium Autoshop - Desiree's House
Scenario: Let's get this over with.
Mention: Whit, Layla, Jenson
With: Hansel (previously) ---> Desiree revalia revalia
Wearing: PAN


Location: Belle Visage > Home | Outfit | Scenario: Girl up! | Mood: Exhausted > Refreshed & Chirpy
With: Pandora ( diwa diwa ) | Mentions: N/A

Today was a rather busy day at the Belle Visage, her beauty parlor. Being it was the grand wedding of Loretta LaBeouf. Her appointment register nearly blew up with the amount of make-over session for that day. It was simply exhausting. Nonetheless it did not quite bother the young beauty guru as it was something she rather enjoyed. Always tending with a chirpy smile of her face. From the early morning, it was a string of consecutive customers to ready up, make-up wise. Making sure that it complimented their attire and their complexion furthermore. Despite being hectic, the morning and early afternoon sped through, literally. Desirée managed to carry out most of her list. Boy she needed help around the parlor. Being alone on a day like this again, she did not want to experience.

She figured it was time to hire a helping hand. She had the funds to support another employee and enough room. Might as well. Another concern for another time however. She had to zoom back to her house in order to get ready herself. Des tends to take her sweet ass time with her little pampering session before getting dressed to say the least. It was that and the fact that she had a last client that was coming to her house. One of her favorite and most dearest to her heart. And that person had no patience what so ever, so Desirée had to be ready. Otherwise she wouldn't manage.

Having everything prepared and picked from early in the morning, she had approximately two hours. Challenging. With that she disappeared off into the bathroom and prepared her luke-warm bath before dropping a pink and purple, glitter infused lush bomb which turned her bath water rather more entertaining than just plain old transparency. It smelled greatly of cotton candy which was her favorite scent. With that she dipped herself in after undressing and set herself through her typical bathing, skin-care routine.

Around an hour and a half later, the young female emerged out of the bathroom. Her face all prettied up. She decided that she wanted to go light on the make-up with this attire as it was mainly naturally themed. Some basic blush, concealer, a nice cat eye with some mascara and a nice pink nude lip gloss coating her lips. Simple and sweet or so to speak. However upon finalizing she decided to primer her eyelids and apply some eye-shadow for some color. She just could not resist the urge.

Motioning towards her wardrobe the female zipped herself up in her pale nudish pink short dress which pretty much complemented her and more importantly fit her petite and small frame rather nicely. It's torso hugged her upper as the top bottom freely flowed down. The only part of the dress making her rather insecure was the exposed flesh of her back in a deep cut just above her rear but she tried to not let that small detail bother her. It only been an opportunity for the slight glitter that clung to her rosy pale skin from the lush bomb in her bath water. With that she settled on her stool, in front of her mirror, lips formed in a straight line. This was always a huge dilemma.
"Hmmm up?" she muttered to herself as she clutched her hair in a make-shift bun and frowned, "Or down?" she let her cotton-candy colored hair hang till her shoulders. "Up it is..." she decided before she finds her hair ties and bobby-pins to get started. As she was in the process she swore she heard the front door open and close followed by a loud summon. At this time she had her hair half way done. It was in a side lower bun however her front strands were not yet properly curled.

Leaving her hair like that for the time being she rose to her feet and rushed with annoyance towards the rather rude guest that barged in her house. "You know knocking exists right?" she inquired the blonde before cringing and squealing pushing her feet barely off her nice laced topped coffee table. "Come on feet of the table and up! Up! Up! Up! We don't have much time and boy wait till you see what I have in store for you Dora!" she grinned in a cute devilish way. In reality there was time but she didn't want her white laced table get dirt drizzled over it from Pan's shoes. She pulled her up in the meantime and forced her towards her room and opened the door to her room and gestured with jazz hands towards her bed, "Taaaa-Daaa!".

Three different outfits laid on the pink fluffy duvet covered bed. Each with their own characteristics that spoke classy and chic for Des, obviously in Pandora's sense of style. She knew that Pan would at least like one of the three outfits. On the right there was a very vivid red pant-suit, in the middle was a dress with the torso part being tree green and a white skirt and on the far right was another pant-suit which was grey in color. The latter being the one that Des thinks might peek the biker's interest. All the outfits were paired with different styled black stilettos. "So?" she clasped her hands together and batted her long lashes towards Pandora, resting her chin on her hands eagerly for her reply, "What's your choice?!"


Coded by revalia revalia


Location: Home | Outfit | Scenario: Horror Marathon | Mood: Lazy & Hungry
With: Serena ( PixieDust PixieDust ) | Mentions: N/A

'WATCH OUT!' A loud crash with following screams was heard.

That caught Fleur off guard that she almost jumped two inches off her bed. It was rather expected yet unexpected at the same time. Nonetheless she remained munching on her mac n' cheese left overs from yesterday. True Fleur adored food but honestly she was no expert in cooking. The last time she attempted, she almost set her apartment on fire and that was not an experience she wanted to go through yet again. As the film proceeded to go on she heard a knock on the front door which was time perfectly with the one on screen.

She frowned and paused the film, waiting to see if the knock would repeat itself. Knock knock. There it was. Throwing the remote on her un-done bed she jumped off and ran down the corridor, her bare feet can be heard upon impact with the tiles. Until they reached the front door and she opened. Upon opening the door it revealed a familiar red-headed bundle of joy,
"Rena!" she jumped and hugged her instantly before she noticed the slightly bigger frame behind her best friend. She let go of Serena and cleared her throat and smiled in a try to pretend smile, "Mr. Lagoon." she nodded. She forgot the fact that she was wearing nothing but her loose pajamas. Well she was inside. However Serena's dad despite having such a somewhat of a good impression on him, he still intimidated her. She knew if he somewhat didn't approve of her by the least she would kiss her guppy good-bye. No way in the depths of the oceans that would happen.

Stepping aside so Serena could pass through she assured Mr.Lagoon that she will do her best to. While trying to keep a straight face. Worked so far. Before departing with the man she bid him farewell and told him not to worry. That being said she closed the door and awaited for the engine to set off. "Alright all clear!" she giggled before grasping the red-head's wrist and dragged her up her room with her.
"Alright basically thanks for popping up and accompanying me to watch this shitty and rather unappealing 'horror'." she paraphrased by wriggling two fingers.

Falling back on her bed she sat cross-legged before stretching stifling a loud yawn. She did just wake up after all. Having no vague ideal that the wedding was actually... today? now? She did spot the bag with the piece of clothing Serena was carrying and frowned, "What's that for Guppy?"


Coded by revalia revalia


"I can think up at least six impossible things before breakfast"

A soft and wistful laughter escaped her lips as she shook her head, the corners of her lips curving upwards as her smile delicately appeared on her face. "Oh, but you would not 'put me out', as you said. In fact, Mother would actually love the idea that you would come over daily for some breakfast and tea. I do not mind putting the kettle on the stove and switching back and fro between coffee and tea. Makes a bit of an spontaneous gesture, don't you think? Perhaps we can play a little game of 'what shall Alice pour for dear Michael today?'" Allison giggled slightly, shaking her head as she opened the door to her home, inviting him in.

The day had gone by and she quite enjoyed Michael's company. She hoped he would come by her house often to chat with her more when he had time. At the same time, her mind wondered exactly how the experiment would play out if she were to set some snacks on the table for others to eat. How many would they take? Would they eat it? Even from a stranger? The possibilities were endless!

But, as the day started to end, Allison only realized that her attention and attendance was needed elsewhere than the corner she had been currently sitting in with her book in hand. She had just finished Of Mice and Men and she couldn't help but want to write a book of her own. Should she finish what she started? But, as she stood up, her alarm went off and that only caused her to jump from fright. Her eyes widened immensely at the noise as she hiccuped, biting her lips as she covered her ears with her hand. The blaring sound of the alarm made her ears tingle and she couldn't help but race over to her stand to turn it off quickly before her heart leaped out of her chest from the sound.

Once Allison was able to tap the alarm off, she sighed loudly, falling slightly to the ground as her knees gave way beneath her. Furrowing her brows, Allison leaned her head against her night stand, breathing in and out slowly, calming herself down as she gulped back the bile that was about to rise out of her throat. Closing her eyes, Allison continued her mantra, hearing Emily's voice in her head as she couldn't help but find herself getting soothed by her closest friend. It had been almost a full day since she heard from Emily and she couldn't help but wonder if she was heading towards the wedding as well. Though, she knew, both of them weren't exactly pleased or ecstatic to join in such celebration with crowds of people, but it was out of respect and obligations.

Not a moment sooner, the door of her room opened, and appeared her mother with a frown on her face as she gasped to herself. "Child! You have not gotten dressed yet? This isn't the time to be sitting around! You've got responsibilities to attend." And with a whirl, her mother took her room by storm and used her as a doll to dress up and put together. An hour passed and Allison had been staring at herself in the mirror, her mother finishing the final touches of her hair and dress. Blinking back the utter shock at her reflection, Allison gulped down her nervousness. Her mother hummed softly as she took a step back to stare at her masterpiece, a proud look on her face. With a few murmurs from her mother and words, she finally left Allison to herself.

Taking in her appearance, Allison stared blankly ahead, her fingers tracing the hems of her dress before reaching up to her cheeks delicately. Not wanting to stare for much longer, her attention went towards the flowers in her room, a small smile displayed on her lips as she took a deep breath. Remembering her promise to help Anfisa with the flower arrangements, Allison soon made her way out of her house and to the reception. She would have hated for Anfisa to have done all the work without her help. Allison had been treated with nothing but kindness and consideration from Anfisa and she hoped to the return the favor ten-times fold.

Once Allison arrived, her eyes widened at the extravagant elegant display of the reception. She couldn't imagine having such a bold event, but, Allison did love doing behind-the-scene work, especially being able to bring small details to life to liven up a place. However, her musing didn't last long as she made her way towards Anfisa who had adorned on the most lovely dress she could possibly eye.

"Anfisa?" Allison called out softly and politely, a little out of breath as she extended her hand. "Please, let me help you. I can continue scattering these petals on the table. I am sure there is other work that requires your attention than this?" She questioned respectfully before giving an apologetic smile, "I do hope I was not too late, was I? Is there anything else that needs to get done regarding the flowers? Everything looks so beautiful!" Allison complimented before people started to come in slowly one-by-one. Oh my, either everyone is rather early, or she is really late.
coding; allrightsreserved@meraki.
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