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"My duty is to my heart."

Incarnation of

Nakamura's Fruit n' Vegetables > The Real McCoy

Tired & Thirsty


Aria ( stellar.nova stellar.nova )
Justin ( PixieDust PixieDust )
Francisco ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )

Eugene ( TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord )
OR any other employee there.

Previously conversed with

Jin ( TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Completely oblivious that while he was giving her a helping hand, he was also having his time to glance her up and down, she proceeded till the pair were done. Him doing most of the work for her. "Thank heavens, you just saved me a morning of struggles Jin." the young Chinese female said a she closed the door of the delivery truck shut and locked it, ready to go on her deliveries to the local restaurants to deliver the produce to her customers.

As he paused a bit she felt the nervousness shift in her body as he looked her in the eye as she almost stumbled side ways, thinking she was resting with the van. However at that moment he spoke, getting her in sense, saving her the embarrassment of actually falling down on her side and kissing the tarmac driveway. As concluded and dismissed himself she nodded, pursing her pink lips together, "Will do! Was heavenly to see you too not just good!" she followed her words with a good wave. If it wasn't for him... god knows the struggle at this point. She would still be wrestling with the third box.

As she went to the front of the truck and opened the front door, she noticed a familiar blonde looking at her and Mae gave a small smile and nod as a good gesture. It was none other than Aria who unlike them her family sold organic produce. Something she never was quite fond off but she didn't quite have bad blood with her. Mae was not that kind when it came to competition. Unlike the old woman that was in the grocery store at this point. With that she entered climbed the step to hoist herself in the driver's seat and buckled herself up ready for her rounds.

Starting the engine she waved at the blonde to bid her a good day and rode off Nakamura's fruit and vegetables' drive way and down the streets. One... two... three shops and restaurants and so on till she halted in their favorite customers, The Real McCoy. Driving to the back where the back door to the kitchen was, he turned off the engine and hit the trucks horn. The horn was rather loud and familiar and most definitely familiar to Justin or those working there. However Justin usually was the one she dealt with.

Giving one last honk, she jumped out of her seat, rather exhausted and full of thirst. The Real McCoy required a lot of produce, hence why she always saves them for last. Going to the back door she opened it and looked at the restaurants back door to open for Justin to emerge out of it or at least an employee.

Coded by revalia revalia



Zara relaxed into the chair as Carisa began to gently run her fingers through her long red hair. Carisa was the only person Zara ever allowed to touch her hair. It was a true privilege and she hoped that Carisa understood this.
"How would you feel about a bowl cut?" Carisa joked, earning a withering glare from Zara.
"You wouldn't dare, unless you have a pathological attachment to the idea of a slow death," she replied, completely deadpan. It did not surprise her that the only gossip being talked about in the salon was that pathetic Holly girl, but she was quickly distracted by the question of why she still had Justin Smithsonian around. It was not as if she really liked the guy. Zara paused as she thought over her answer, seemingly not able to come up with any valid reason for a moment.
"Well he's easily manipulated and he keeps me in the good graces of the people. It's not as though he's remotely interesting." Her eyes widened with glee as Carisa suggested breaking up with him in 'squirrel language'. "How delightfully wicked of you Carisa. Time permitting I may just do so when I no longer have need of him. This is why we are friends."

with: Carisa inkling inkling | location: Tangled Hair Salon | scenario: These Fools | incarnation of: Yzma

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer



Satine let out a small sigh of satisfaction as she pressed her rose painted lips together, admiring her reflection before snapping her shiny pocket mirror shut and placing it in her silky black purse. Today was her day off from her cleaning job at the mansion. On these days she made sure to dress to impress, not for anyone else's sake, but simply because it was quite simply suffocating having to wear that unstylish maid outfit! The handsome son of her employer usually playfully asked her whether she would prefer one of the more stereotypical tight fitting French maid uniforms. Though he jested, she couldn't say it would not have been a nice fit and would certainly have caught his attention.

Smiling at the thought, Satine headed out the door of her new tiny apartment in Recuerdo and towards the quaint little coffee shop nearby. She was incredibly new to the small town and having lived in Brittany all her life was not used to quite how small it was. Even so, she still managed to lose her way once or twice and had not yet made any friends. Perhaps today was her lucky day! Her shiny black heels clicked on the ground a she made her way to the park near the cafe. Her flowing pink skirt blew in the breeze along with her blonde locks and the surroundings of nature put her quite at ease. A small smile graced her features as the sound of music wafted toward her ears. Beautiful music: The Beatles in fact. Though no singer herself she could never resist the lulling croon of a talented voice and she found herself making her way to the source of the music, humming 'Hey Jude' to herself as she did.

The singer was a man around her own age with luscious curly brown locks and a mysterious air about him. She watched with interest, perching on a bench and clapping emphatically once he was done. "Trés bien monsieur!" she enthused, her sweet accent and husky tone of voice prominent "Will you sing another?"

with: Noah stellar.nova stellar.nova | location: The Park | scenario: Musique! | incarnation of: Babette

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer



tag: revalia revalia
feeling: goofy

Snow firmly believed in the saying that the early bird gets the worm. And so, she got up early at five in the morning and prepared to go outside. She grabbed got out of her pajamas, changed and grabbed her coat right before she glanced at her sleeping roommate. Snow giggled at the way Naomi was sprawled all over her bed despite the fact that her clean freak side was sighing in disappointment at the sight.

She locked the door with a click. The morning breeze was cold and Snow couldn't help but shiver and hug herself.

Before she moved in with Nao, she used to live with seven guys. People judged her for it. But Snow never minded it, they were like a father to her and they raised her properly and that was all that matter. Luckily, the place she moved into with her best friend is just a couple of walking distance away from her old home. She gets to visit her favorite men in the world a couple of times each week.

When she finally arrived, she used her own set of keys to open the door and hang her coat on it's placeholder. She was quick to be greeted by the youngest man in the household, Tello. He doesn't speak so he just simply grinned at her and closed the door for Snow. The others were gathered on the couch, it was clear that they were expecting her visit. They spent a good moment before Snow decided that it was time for her to go and wake her sleepy roomie up.

She returned to the apartment she's sharing with Naomi at few minutes past six. Naomi was still in her dreamland and it seemed like her state got worse. The sheet which was loosely on her waist before she left was now all tangled up with her legs when she came back.

Snow pouted at this before she hanged her coat back to where it was and approached the sleepyhead. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" came her sweet voice. The porcelain girl picked up the fallen pillows which managed to get themselves on the floor right before she gave Naomi some taps on the shoulder. But it seemed like a few light taps on the shoulder won't do the job.

Snow grinned mischievously before she pulled the dresser's drawer and searched for her trusty water spray. She went back to Naomi and chuckled, raising the said water spray towards Naomi's face before she sprayed a bit directly to her face.

"Good morning, schlafmütze!" she couldn't help but giggle and call her friend a sleepyhead in German.

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"A little determination can go a looooong way."

Incarnation of


Groggy > Panicked

Amberly ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )

Conversing with
Snow ( . D O V E . D O V E )
The sound of waves could be heard in the distance as she found herself on the coast of a tropical beach. The warm sun hitting directly on her pale skin which seemingly didn't seem to cause her any redness as per usual. Her feet slowly shifted as they were all buried in warm sand which was rather soft stepping on. With each step she took her feet kept sinking through till she actually reached the shore line. Feeling the slow waves brush gently, kissing the shore, wetting the sand and her feet. For such heat she was amazed that the waters were still rather chilly.

Back to reality, Naomi, a young teenage ginger, was snoring her way through the morning in her land of dreams and wonders. It was rather serene not to be woken up by your parents telling you to this and to do that. She had the freedom she so desired ever since she started living alone the past few months. However as much fun the freedom was, she had been starting to get some issues regarding her financial statuses. It was her best friend, Rosalind or better yet, Snow as everyone sought comfort in addressing her, accepted her offer in becoming her room-mate and actually sharing her expenses. The female was previously living with seven males which cause a lot of unwanted chatter from the locals. Now, that she is residing with Naomi, it might tone down a bit. Although Naomi did not really see the fuss in it.

Auburn messy bed hair appeared on top of one pillow, as the other couple were sent to the floor at some point in the night. However those pillows seemed to have more luck than the one she was resting on as it may or may not have some drool on it in the progress. Naomi was and still is a restless sleeper and it is as if a World War III had been initiated on her bed, the mattress being the war zone. Sprawled, taking the whole area of the bed, the female's grey top was rolled up exposing her pale navel, as it was a rather hot night despite the chilly air outside. But that could just be Nai and she could be suffering from early menopause. That being said the bed sheet supposedly covering her was in a tight knot and wrapped around one leg and rested against her hips. Not even a bomb could wake her, oh how deep she sleeps.

As the female was inching towards the water she took a dive head first. Feeling the cold water envelope her body as she started ripping through the slow waves with a swimming motion, ever so swiftly. She could feel splashes in her face as she swam. Splashes that simply seemed to intensify the more she swam... which even came to a point where it felt so real. A sudden force of sprayed water hit her face as it jolted her.......

It jolted her awake, letting out a groan she slowly started opening her chocolate brown eyes grumpily as she shifted her head lightly seeing Snow with a sprayer as if waiting to soak a naughty cat for misbehaving. With that she let out a groan, "Qmmh... not you too..." she muttered throwing the pillow that was under her head and threw it towards the female before literally letting gravity act on her head as she face planted the mattress. Snow was a rather organised being, on the contrary to her. Their contrasted rooms spoke everything crystal clear. Every time Nai entered her room she would be blinded by the reflections in the room while hers was simply covered in clothes... or swimming gear mainly. It was better she left them in her room rather than running around the apartment.

Swimming gear... then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Naomi jolted out of her bed and reached for her phone. 8:06 a.m.... "Shit." She gritted her teeth, "Shit... shit.. shit shit..." and with that she shot out of bed. "I'm late... again!" she addressed the porcelain skinned female in her room. "I was supposed to take George's morning shift a the pool this morning. I am late. God dammit Naomi." she complained to herself as she started running back and forth for her gear. "You haven't seen my swim suit and life guard jacket anywhere right?" she asked frantically.

She was surprised that her colleague and good friend, Amberly didn't give her a ring. Perhaps she either forgot that she was taking the morning shift with her or simply she was annoyed to death by their colleagues gawking at her. They had an annoying tendency to do that. It's like they never seen a pair of legs in a swim-suit. Nonetheless they were also ignored.

She proceeded with her hunt for her gear in order to set herself ready for work. It was Naomi, sleepy and lazying it up the first second and running around like maniac to make up time the other second. She wondered if she didn't confuse her best friend but... it was her best friend ever since child hood... if she didn't get her. No one could. Well except those who share her same passion.

Coded by revalia revalia
Emmeline Hertz
location: home - the forest | scenario: "climb and reach for the sky"
mood: curious and joyful | with: tristan inkling inkling | mentions: jin jin TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Fluttering her eyes open as she covered her mouth from the yawn that began to surface from her lips, her eyes squinted slightly as it drifted towards the window. A smile appeared on her face as she stretched her arms and legs, wanting to wake up her body for the brand new day that arrived. Sitting upright on her comfy bed, Emmeline stretched again once more before pulling her sheets to the side as she moved down her bed and slipped on her slippers. With gentle and airy steps, Emmeline fluttered about her room, twirling slightly as she managed to get to her point of destination: her window. Moving the curtains to the side, Emmeline opened her windows and took in a deep breathe of fresh air as she closed her eyes, smiling softly. Something inside her bubbled, telling her it was going to be a wonderful day today especially since the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and most of all, she was alive.

Her parents always told her stories from fairy tales and mythical legends, and for some odd reason, she always felt as if she was attracted, or rather, bonded to those characters inside the story. But, that was ridiculous, wasn't it? Emmeline did daydream, but only when she managed to get herself grounded by her mother since she was always late for supper or found herself never being able to pay attention in class during high school. Her teachers found her attention span lacking when it came to classes as she was always doodling in her notebooks or papers. The drawings were beautiful, but of course, if she was in math class, it was no wonder the teacher always scolded her. But, she did try drawing numbers and equations, however, even then the teacher wasn't amused with her antics. Nevertheless, since Emmeline did manage to actually pass her courses with flying colors since did actually liked learning, the teachers only gave her a hard time so that others wouldn't see them as "favoring" her.

Emmeline honestly always felt that if her parents or her teachers made her stay inside for long periods of time, she wouldn't be able to concentrate often and would become utterly bored [which frequently happened], especially since she would rather much be active than do nothing at all. Emmeline loved the outdoors, she could spend forever outside, but knowing how strict her mother is on her being outdoors or having people over, she took advantage of the time she was allowed her freedom to spread her wings. Her most favorite past-time was climbing trees and competing with Jin Jin. At remembering fond memories of her racing Jin Jin to the tree or even finding Tristan up high in the tree, a soft giggle escaped her lips. However, even when she was high above the grounds and looking at Recuerdo from the tree sightings, she always felt as if something was missing. But. . what was it? She had everything she could ever wish for and more. Emmeline was grateful, but. . why did she feel as if there was a hole in her heart?

As Emmeline's brows furrowed and her smile slowly formed a thin line, she quickly shook her head, getting rid of such negative thoughts. Opening her eyes quickly, taking another deep breathe as she gave herself a small pep talk. Emmeline smiled softly once more, deciding to not dwell on the negatives and to focus on the positives. And, she knew just how to do that! How? By cleaning! Soon enough, Emmeline moved away from her window, leaving it open for fresh air to go through as she began her day. Getting ready for the day never took longer than at least 10 minutes for her as she always quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth. Her clothes were always casual, varying from a shirt and jean jumpers or sometimes shorts and a shirt. It was whatever allowed her to freely move around. Soon, Emmeline began cleaning her room: fixing her bed, sweeping her wooden floors, and dusting her fan, headstands, and dresser mirror. She always made sure her room was clean and neat since it honestly helped eased her mind and definitely passed the time quicker!

Once Emmeline was finished with cleaning her room, brushing her hair, cooking her parents some breakfast, she quickly headed out of her house. As soon as Emmeline was out the doors, she quickly picked up her pace, going into a sprint as she found herself heading in the direction of the forest! She didn't pay any mind to wearing shoes outside since she found them absolutely uncomfortable. Bare feet was always the way to go! Dashing quickly through Recuerdo, Emmeline laughed loudly, loving the feeling of the wind slipping through her hair as she passed by the townsfolk, not caring what they thought of her, but she also made sure to give them quick hellos and goodbyes!

Soon, she found herself deep within the forest as she soon stopped to catch her breathe. Her heart was beating quickly as she tried to calm down the adrenaline rush that coursed through her small five foot and one inched framed silhouette. Despite being smaller than average for her age, Emmeline didn't mind, she loved the idea of fitting into tiny spaces and playing hide and go seek. However, as Emmeline reached 'her' tree, she noticed sneakers at the root of the tree. Eyeing the shoe, Emmeline tilted her head, realizing how familiar those sneakers were. After a few more minutes, Emmeline gasped loudly, finally realizing who they believed to. Grinning widely, Emmeline placed her hand on the tree as she looked up, trying to find Tristan but to no avail. "Tristan?" She called out, quite loudly, hoping he would hear her. "Are you up there? I'm coming up too! I am definitely going to be a branch higher! You should have seem me dashing quickly to the tree! It felt as if I was a naturale and my legs are tingling just thinking about the feeling again!" Emmeline exclaimed quite excitedly, always loving to chat with Tristan despite her being the chatterbox and him not talking as much as she. But, if she could help it, she most likely talked enough for the both of them.

Soon, little by little, Emmeline started climbing up the tree, pulling herself up, grabbing at the branches and using everything she could to bring herself higher and higher. She was determined to get pass branch number ten today. As soon as she arrived at branch number ten, Emmeline had been panting her little body off as sweat dripped down her face. It was definitely easier than a month ago, but nonetheless, still a challenge! As Emmeline tippy-toed to reach the eleventh branch from the ground, Emmeline grunted softly, jumping up, balancing herself. She was getting tired but she wouldn't rest until she got to her goal. Taking a deep breathe, she called out to Tristan, wondering if he came down to see her or even heard her, "I'm almost there!" She yelled up. And soon enough, by gripping tighter and begging her small frame to work with her, she pulled up, using her legs as leverage and maneuvered her body over on top of the branch, using all the strength she had left. With a tired, "oomph", Emmeline laid her back down on the branch, grateful for it to support her weight. "I did it!" She exclaimed proudly, letting out giggle and satisfied grin as she extended her hands forward to touch the sky, feeling invincible as the leaves were her shade from the beaming sun light.
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Incarnation : Marie ( The Aristocats ) | Location: The Villeneuve Estate ( Previously ) | Scenario: Not the Hair | With: Blaise and Tyce ( Previously ) | Mentions: <
Extravagant is too little of a word to accurately describe the Rehearsal room of the Villeneuve Estate. It was absurdly lavish for it's intended purpose. Million dollar paintings hung on the high walls. They perfectly complimented the French-inspired decor and lush furnishings that had been tastefully arranged. The style of decor corresponded with that of the remainder of the Mansion: classical with highly Baroque-influenced architecture.

The Rehearsal room was surrounded by tremendous gold-trim windows. They allowed the sunlight from outside to flood the room, reflecting off of Blaise's ebony Piano.

This morning all three of the Triplets were voluntarily in the Rehearsal room. This was a rare occurrence. Typically, Dianne Villeneuve (mother of Mélodie, Blaise and Tyce) would have to coerce her children to work together. However, this was Mélodie's idea. The blonde had convinced her slightly younger brother to perform a Sonata she had composed alongside her for their mother's birthday. This piece had to be perfection. A) their mother deserved only the best, and B) their mother's birthday guest list was abundant with some of the most highly-regarded people of Recuerdo. Mélodie had to maintain a good decorum, i.e. not appearing as though she was an incompetent fool.

In spite of Mélodie only requiring Blaise's cooperation, Tyce was also in the room. Her slightly older brother was lounging on the settee and deliberately acting as a distraction. She could tell he was bored. He would just chat through their practice, reading meaningless articles off his phone or just making a pointless remark here and there. She did adore her brother, however he was currently being the epitome of irritating.

'-and hey, did you here about Holly Gazelle or whatever? Apparently she's gone mental.'

At this point Mélodie was exasperated. She halted her use of the Violin and Blaise ceased his piano playing.

'TyTy, I hope you're aware that I could not care less and you are being exceedingly annoying this morning.' She scowled, completely disregarding what he had said.

Mélodie placed her Violin down and folded her arms. She glared at Tyce. Nonetheless, Tyce did not even bother to look up from his device. He just continued to scroll, unfazed.

'Oh yeah. I'm aware of both those things.' He had smirked mischievously, inspiring Mélodie to storm right over and snatch his phone from his grasp.

Unfortunately for her, Tyce had a quicker reaction than expected.

The girl could not exactly recite what had occurred - though she wound up hung over her brother's shoulder. 'Hey!' Mélodie exclaimed and hit him on the back, 'Put me down!'

'If you insist,' Tyce obliged but not without spinning her around and playfully throwing her down onto the settee. Her brother began to tickle her - and yes, Mélodie was very ticklish. This was clear as the girl could not help but giggle in spite of being maddened only a moment ago. 'Stop it!' she laughed, attempting to wriggle free of his grasp. 'It's not- It''s not fair!' she struggled to speak in-between giggles. 'My- my stomach hurts!'

Her laughter was cut short, however, when she was once again overcome with a feeling of hostility. 'I said stop it!' she repeated firmly and grabbed one of the pillows, swinging it right into the side of Tyce's head. The boy just sat back clutching his stomach as he guffawed.

'hmph.' Mélodie turned up her nose. She stood up from the settee and flattened the wrinkles in her clothing, the light pink colour draining from her face. She rolled her eyes as she listened to Tyce's continuous laughter - and it appeared Blaise was also amused by the ordeal as the pianist was trying to muffle his own.

'you two are just as bad as each other.' she scoffed. The blonde heaved a sigh as she went to pick up her Violin, preparing to attempt practice again. She figured that just out right ignoring Tyce would make him leave. If he couldn't find attention, he'd seek it somewhere else.

She propped her Violin on her shoulder and in a voice dripping with sarcasm said: 'I'm ready, maestro.'

Blaise did not start to play.

In a state of total vexation she glared over at him. The dark-haired boy was still attempting to muffle his laughter.

'Come on, Blaise! what's the problem now?'

'It's just- your hair's now messed up and it kinda looks like a bird's nest.'

Mélodie gasped and reached her hand behind her head, feeling the new knots. She glowered, 'okay, I'm done! Blaise, just improvise your own prelude for Mama's birthday- I'm sure she'll find that very thoughtful!' The girl placed her Violin back in it's stand ( despite wanting to violently throw it at both Blaise and Tyce ) and swept up her denim jacket before storming to the exit of the rehearsal room. She heard Blaise yell something about needing the car as she made her way down the staircase. 'Just take Vinnie!' she shouted back, making reference to his Motorcycle. Mélodie already had her car keys in one hand and was combing her hair with the other.

'Dad took Vinnie last time he was here, remember!'

'Then take Bonnie!' she sighed and stepped out the front door. She slammed it closed, not wanting to suffer through any further discussion. 'Bonnie' was Blaise's other Motorcycle, his 1968 Triumph Bonneville. 'Vinnie', a 1949 Vincent Black Shadow, was technically their father's Motorcycle. However, the man had left it with them until the last time he had visited. He would only come by rarely but each time he would take something back that he had previously gifted to Mélodie, Blaise or Tyce. Mélodie felt indifferent about it. She didn't want anything to do with her father so she'd let him come and go with no interest whatsoever.

What had not been bought by her father was her Grandmother's Jet black 1965 Ford Mustang Coupe. As she opened the garage door it was the only car to be seen. Her mother was currently using one and another was being serviced - so the Triplets usually had nothing to bicker about.

Soon enough the girl was driving down the road to the centre of Recuerdo. Mélodie hadn't yet decided where exactly she would stop, all she knew was that she had to get out of the house and away from Thing One and Thing Two.


click to expand


n / a

Gene Abadi
Only Gene could understand the incoherent squeaking noises Justin began to make, as it was their secret language they've had between them for years, and it was another thing that further assessed how close they were. He recognized those squeaks as a sentence: 'what's up? I made cupcakes!'.

Gene smiled. In the tongue of "squirrel" he replied to his friend, "Nice! They'll love 'em as always!". And, of course, he was going to resist having one cupcake for himself--they were scrumptious! Especially the spinach puffs. Justin's talent for the culinary arts were unparalleled. He didn't know anyone else who was such a great cook.

Then the mention of Holly Gazelle caught Gene a little by surprise. The curly-haired young man tilted his head to the side. He had definitely heard her name before, because Recuerdo was such a small town, but he hadn't seen her lately.

"Hm? What'd she say?" Gene could guess what his response could be, but those were based on rumors he had caught wind of earlier this month. Since it was coming from Justin directly, however, he was going to believe what he said as the truth. The big guy wouldn't tell a lie--he had a big heart.

Before he was given an answer, a muffled but loud series of honks could be heard coming from outside. Gene knew it must've been Mae-Lin Nakamura, his new roommate, with the daily delivery of fresh ingredients. He's been employed at The Real McCoy long enough to know the drill.

Gene nodded his head toward the kitchen's back door. "I'll carry the crates in!" he chirped. "Oh, and Lucy's asking for you in the front." She was known as a regular customer. Oftentimes she was seated in his tables. Gene didn't have the pleasure of knowing her outside of the restaurant, but she seemed very nice. The young man pushed open the door and went outside, stepping into the back of the restaurant where the Nakamura truck was sitting. Gene caught Mae's eye and he smiled, walking up to the drivers' seat of the truck. "Hiya, Mae!"

location: The Real McCoy
mood: refreshed
with: Mae-Lin Nakamura
tags: revalia revalia
revalia revalia
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
coded by dwale
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tag: revalia revalia
feeling: like a mother

For the past few months ever since she moved in with Nao, it'd be an understatement to say that she's used to this by now. The porcelain girl simply batted her eyelashes as her roommate scurried and looked for her swimming gear while muttering something about being late. "Now, now, what did I say about using such language?" the ebony-haired girl let out a small giggle before she walked over to her dresser and pulled out Naomi's swimming outfit.

She waltzed over to the sleepyhead before handing her her stuff, "This is why you should organize your things, Nao." she reminded her with a sigh. Ever since they moved in together, they've always been debating about Naomi's belongings always lying everywhere. Luckily despite Snow being such a clean freak, she has enough patience to let the red-haired's mess slide every time. But of course she let it slide after some good nagging.

Snow approached their shared refrigerator and pulled out a bottled drink. She faced Naomi with a grin, "You also need to drink and eat something. You can take this," she handed the bottled drink to her sleepyhead of a roommate, "Make sure to fetch some breakfast too on your way, alright?" she finished. At this rate, Naomi might just as well call her mom and Snow wouldn't mind since she's already playing the part. She doesn't mind though. She have been taking care of four old men for the past four years.

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  • Arabella Morales

    Mood: Rather Startled
    Location: Seven Seas Bookstore
    Scenario: Why Does He Continue Talking to Me?
    With: Alejandro redroseknight redroseknight
    Mentions: n/a

    By now Ara had grown accustomed to his continued flattery, so she simply smiled as he elaborated on why exactly her essay was so wonderful. At the moment she was very focused on her task of checking out his books. Maybe it was the part of her that loved organizing things, but she loved this part of her job. It made her feel good later when she took inventory and saw how much the people of Recuerdo loved books like she did.

    Regarding her essay, Ara had always found it easy to consider the point of view of multiple characters, whether she agreed with them or not. Perhaps it was because she'd rather not judge any one character before she truly came to understand them, but most of it was that she found life more interesting when considered from multiple points of view. Maybe high school had been worth it after all...

    Alejandro's sudden question through her off, and she glanced up, alarmed. Her favorite book? How she hated that question! Who could choose a favorite when there were so many to choose from? But that wasn't a proper answer, so she looked down at her hands in thought. "I'm not usually one to choose a favorite book, but if I had to pick... I suppose I'd say Cinder by Marissa Meyer and its accompanying series. I've read them at least a hundred times." The Lunar Chronicles really was a book series she was fond of, but it was just one of many. Sometimes it seemed as if every book caught her interest. It was why she spent hours at the library whenever she went there.

    Remembering that she had a job to do, she glanced down at the register and back up at Alejandro, giving him the polite smile that was expected of her. "That'll be $20.79." Seven Seas wasn't just full of adventure; it was full of low prices as well!

    "And for once it might be grand to have someone understand..."



Incarnation : Berlioz ( The Aristocats ) | Location: The Villeneuve Estate > Recuerdo High School | Scenario: - | With: Tyce ( Previously ) Maggie ( Currently ) | Mentions: <
'Then take Bonnie!'

Blaise heaved a sigh as the front door was slammed shut. Mélodie had swung it closed with such a harsh 'bang!' that his ears rung.

'bloody hell,' the dark haired boy murmured. It wasn't even noon and Mélodie, Tyce and himself had already had a dispute. It was just over something trivial as it was typically. Regardless, Blaise did feel at guilt for encouraging his brother's intrusive behaviour. The boy sat at his piano with his shoulders slumped. In his expression was something which resembled contrition. He felt the slightest bit remorseful for not cooperating with Mélodie. The Piece was something that she was proud of. Nevertheless, Blaise thoroughly enjoyed taunting his sister. There was a profound sense of Sibling Rivalry between Mel and himself. This made 'harmoniously' working together very problematic.

Blaise had lost focus of the image before him. He was caught up in a train of thought. His concentration slipped away quite easily - as noted by both Mélodie and Tyce. The boy was conflicted however deduced that he should apologise to Mélodie later that day. If they were to perform together on their mother's birthday it would be something which she would appreciate. Moreover, Mélodie had put an immense effort in composing the piece. He figured that refusing to cooperate would be even too uncivil for him.

Blaise blinked and his vision came back into focus. The sound of an add playing on Tyce's phone had startled him.

'tch,' Blaise scoffed as he looked over at his auburn haired brother. The boy was lounging back on the settee with his feet up (feet which wore shoes); it was something their mother would greatly disprove of.

As he got up from his piano stool Blaise went to retrieve the pillow that Mélodie had flung at Tyce. He then proceeded to throw it at the boy himself.

'Oi!' Tyce exclaimed - though his tone was anything but irritated. The Redhead glanced away from his phone screen and over at Blaise. He disregarded the thrown pillow and simply tucked it under his head. 'What did you need the car for anyway?'

'Student teaching today.' Blaise shrugged. He pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, glancing at the time. 'I think I might head over a little earlier...since practice is clearly not happening.'

'I still can't believe you're voluntarily going back to High School.' Tyce smirked. 'Anyway, tell Maggie I say Hi.'

'Will do,' Blaise agreed with a slight singular nod. He spun on his heal and turned away from Tyce. He was rather amused by his brother's comment regarding returning to High School. It did feel unsual being a student teacher, however.

Blaise drove 'Bonnie', his 1968 Triumph Bonneville Motorcycle, into the parking lot of what used to be his High School. Blaise's experience at the school was mostly unremarkable. He cruised through freshman, sophomore and junior year. He never achieved anything outstanding - though he would keep up with his work with ease. It was not until senior year that Mélodie and himself became very academically competitive. From then on that year had been hell.

The boy dismounted his bike and slipped off his gloves and helmet. He approached the familiar entrance and raked a hand through his messy hair. It was an apathetic attempt at making himself appear at least semi-presentable. The way he 'unprofessionally presented' himself was something that had been commented on numerous times.

Blaise stopped by a familiar locker on the way to the staff room. He casually lent against the locker beside it and skipped the 'hello' as he began to talk to the girl it belonged to.

'Are you interested in purchasing a sister? Because I have one that I have the intent of selling.' He arched a brow as he glanced over at Maggie, 'and oh Tyce says Hi.'


click to expand


AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


  • Magdalene Lewis

    Mood: Startled/Worried
    Location: High School Hallway
    Scenario: Mr. Student Teacher
    With: Blaise mxlly mxlly
    Mentions: Melodie and Tyce mxlly mxlly

    Maggie was so intent on her locker that she barely noticed Blaise approach her. He forewent normal greetings to immediately ask if she wanted to buy his sister, Melodie. She nearly jumped a foot into the air, dropping the book in her hand onto the ground. "Blaise!" she exclaimed, her cheeks suddenly turning pink. "You startled me!" She bent down and picked up her book, clutching it to her chest so it wouldn't fall again.

    Glancing into her locker, she realized the bunny ears and cat ears she kept on hand in case of emergencies (i.e. Blaise's rotten moods) were in full view. Slamming her locker very violently, Maggie pressed her back up against it, trying and failing to act casual. Her cheeks betrayed her as they turned a darker shade of pink. Finally, Blaise's words registered. "Ty does? Oh, then I say 'Hi' back."

    Regarding Melodie, however, Maggie was not amused. She sighed and gazed up at Blaise with an expression that was a mixture of exasperation and anxiety. "What did you two do to Melly this time? I'm sure whatever happened, it was either you or Ty's fault." Slumping against her locker a bit, she blew a stray lock of hair out of her face. "As much as I love your sister, you know there's not enough room in my apartment for two. Besides, I doubt she'd like living in such a tiny space with me. Even if it was away from you two." Her face fell for a moment as she remembered how she lived in a rented apartment after the tenth rejection from a foster family, this time on the grounds of not having enough room to keep her anymore.

    Biting back tears, Maggie glanced back up at Blaise. "Your mom's birthday is coming up, isn't it? Do you think she'd like it if I sang for her?" Unlike all the foster families she'd been a part of, the Villeneuves were like an actual family to Maggie. The triplets were all three years older than her, but nonetheless, she loved them all. She was exceedingly fond of their mother as well.

    "Speaking of music!" Maggie suddenly remembered something she wanted to ask him. "Do you think you could listen to my solo in choir? There are still some iffy parts in it, and I'd love it if someone else listened to it." She blinked her blue eyes in what she called her "persuasive expression," a face that others often called "too adorable to resist."

    Before breaking the face, she punched Blaise in the shoulder. "Also, that's for hurting Melly." Taking out her phone, she sent a quick text to Mel: Hey, Melly, are you okay? I punched Blaise; do you want me to do the same for Ty? I'm sorry they were mean to you.

    She hoped above hope that her friend was okay. Any time any of the triplets weren't happy, she wasn't completely happy either.

    "Sometimes it's better to be alone."

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♫Noah Victor Eden♫

Mood: Intrigued
Location: Park Outside Styx Cafe
Scenario: Pretty Weather, Pretty Woman
With: Satine PixieDust PixieDust
Mentions: n/a
AKA: Naveen

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
Noah had been well enveloped in his own music making, his mind focused on the feel of his guitar strings rather than the passers by. Anything could have taken place right before his eyes and he wouldn't have seen it. However, the rich tonality of a feminine voice of the french persuasion danced its way to his ears. A small quirk of a grin made itself known on the very corners of his mouth as he strummed a b-major chord a couple times, allowing his fingers a further warm up.

After a few moment of remaining silent, he glanced up. His face was still tilted downwards, so his brown eyes were the only thing that looked up at the girl, filled with a passion that was so terribly unfair for him to hold all to himself. One second. Two. He studied her face, her soft lips, her sharp features, her gentle smile- yet sensual. Liking what he saw, he allowed for a grin to show. Really, it was more of a smirk. They kind that labeled one as a total asshole, and yet somehow you couldn't resist it because it was oh so charming.

"It would be my absolute pleasure to play something for you." He said nothing more than that before strumming playfully on his guitar as he thought. Still, he didn't remove his gaze from her.

Finally, he decided on a song and began to play the intro. "I hope this one is to your liking, love." And with that, he began to sing along with the music in his rich baritone. His song of choice? "Marry You" by Bruno Mars.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

"Music is the art of seduction, seduction is my specialty."
In-Character Posting

Jana Bakarim


Jana gazed at anonymous person with mantel shaped, brown-colored eyes for having no idea, what was going on. a hulky guy obviously looked as he just came at marathon with all the sweat. She can sense all the smell of perspiration over here, but she could not took her finger off the nostril because it could be to impolite to do it – in front of the people.
Instead that, Jana gazed at him and she took heed his nervousness. That made her to gasp a little bit. What, if he actually did hurt her? Later she turned her gaze to her beloved friend. She observed how Annabelle’s eyes were swallowed and blood red. ’’What did you do to her? Did something happened?’’ It was all he got the words to come out of the mouth.

tagged: Annabelle PixieDust PixieDust Etienne redroseknight redroseknight | location: Middle of the forest | scenario: A Midsummer Night's Nightmare | mood: concerned

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer
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  • Richard Stockenberg

    Mood: Cheerful Beyond Reason
    Location: Home > University
    Scenario: I Want Nachos
    With: n/a
    Mentions: K'Lynn Bellz Bellz

    When Richard woke up, his brother was curled up beside him in a little ball, looking tiny as ever tucked underneath the blankets. "Aw, come on, Reggie, you're too old for this stuff," Ricky teased affectionately, tickling the younger boy's side. His brother's body shook with barely contained, silent laughter. Peeking his pale blond head out, he grinned toothily in an effort to charm Ricky.

    As always, it worked. Ricky took his brother into his arms and gave him a noogie before climbing out of bed to get ready for class. "I need you to be a good boy, today, okay, Reggie? I've got work after my morning classes. I'll try to bring K by, though, alright?" Having dressed in his usual long-sleeved black shirt accompanied by a red T-shirt and cargo pants, Ricky turned to find his brother hanging his head upside down off the side of the bed.

    Rolling his eyes, Ricky poked Reggie's stomach, causing his brother to spasm and curl up to protect himself from further tickling. Though his mouth opened instinctively to laugh, he didn't make a sound, and once again Ricky was reminded of how precious his brother was. Hugging him tightly, he murmured, "Take care of yourself, okay, bro?" Reggie nodded and hugged him back, tears in his eyes as he buried his head in Ricky's shirt.

    It took a while, but Ricky finally pulled himself out of the house, looking back several times on his way to the university. Checking his watch, he wondered briefly where his childhood best friend, K'Lynn, was. Perhaps she was already at the university. She had a tendency to be more studious and punctual than he was. But could anyone really blame him, with a little brother as adorable as his?

    Ricky rubbed his stomach, suddenly feeling an urge to find a snack of some sort. Today's craving: Nachos. Like every other day's craving. He could eat nachos till the cows come home and he'd still be hungry for them. Even he was starting to grow concerned about it. "I want nachos," he muttered to himself as he stepped onto the university campus.

    Only a few more hours until I can see the naked mole rats, he thought. Only a few more hours...

    "I feel as though a loop has been formed, and I'm not in it."



Tristan's eyes opened slowly at the sound of a familiar voice below him. He gripped the branch to lean forward enough to look down, just barely making out the small figure through the thick leaves. "Yes, I'm up here!" he called out, then returned to his original position with his back against the trunk. She would know where to find him. Listening to the sounds of her scurrying up the tree, Tristan couldn't help it as a small smile formed on his lips. Even someone as stoic and asocial as he couldn't deny the draw of Emmeline's exuberant demeanor.

He did not offer help, because he knew she was perfectly capable. Besides, he didn't want to give her the impression that he didn't believe in her. Brash as he could be, Emmeline generally evoked a more kind introspection in him. She did not expect much from him besides occasional companionship and an ear to (mostly) listen, and he greatly respected her for that. Too often was he pressured for opinions that he didn't wish to offer, or coerced into false kindness. He just wished to be.

He watched silently until she reached her goal. A quiet laugh escaped him and he nodded at her approvingly. "Look at you," Tristan mused good-naturedly. Though they were still quite high in the tree, Emmeline sat a couple branches below him. Without any trouble and appearing to exert a minimal amount of effort, Tristan swung down so the pair sat at the same height in the tree. He watched curiously as she raised her arms into the air and lifted his gaze upward. White clouds and blue sky could be seen passing through the thinning branches. Tristan mimicked her action, tightly gripping the tree with his legs as he removed his hands. He felt a bit silly, though he couldn't deny that this height in the tree gave a better vantage point of the sprawling land. Admittedly, letting go of the tree in that way was also quite a freeing feeling.

As Tristan lowered his arms and did a complete scan of the area, his gaze came to rest on the tree itself. It was very old and rough, but incredibly strong and appeared able to withstand any force nature might send its way. In a stunted branch nearer to the main trunk, just a couple feet above and to his left, he could see a bird nest. If he listened closely, Tristan could just barely make out the quiet peeping of young birds. He touched Emmeline's shoulder, careful to not startle her. With his other hand he raised a finger to his lips and gestured towards the nest.

If his analysis of the nest was right, the type of bird was quite rare for this area; this thought pleased him. He would have to make note of it for his research at a later time. For now, he just hoped that Emmeline would be a least a little bit interested in his find.

Currently: In a tree, with Emmeline deer deer




Carisa's laughed darkly at her friend's threat. "Fair enough, we'll skip the bowl for now then. Though a slow, painful death does sounds right up my alley," she met Zara's eyes in the mirror and waggled her eyebrows, "a torturous death would be my ultimate kink." She did not await a reaction from Zara, or perhaps she didn't expect one. This type of behavior was commonplace for her. Though it did take out a bit of the fun, she wouldn't be surprised if Zara was at least somewhat immune to it by now.

She continued her careful brushing and trimming, pinning the hair up when necessary then gently taking it down. The differences from Zara's original hairstyle were quite subtle, though Carisa was pleased with her work so far. It was not often that Zara allowed others to make changes to her hair and Carisa was always honored when Zara bestowed her with the opportunity. Carisa didn't blame her for keeping it the same most of the time--it was beautiful hair, and she was maybe even a bit envious of it. Or maybe the envy had developed as a result of her attraction to redheads. The thought made Carisa's mind once again wander to Scarlett, but Carisa had a hard time speaking about this sort of thing with Zara. She didn't want her to think she might be turning soft.

Carisa was pleased to her Zara's amusement at her idea and she couldn't help but smile widely. She paused from her work momentarily to give her hair a vain toss, her eyes flashing evilly. "Can't deny that it does sound like a good time. I guess I'm still waiting for my own Prince Idiot to manipulate," she sighed wistfully, but paused thoughtfully, "Although, I don't think I could be patient enough to tolerate him for that long. Maybe you're just more evil than I am."

Brushing the loose hair off her own apron and switching to another tool, Carisa began the final steps of Zara's new 'do. "What on the agenda after you're done here?" she asked, "Going to class? Grabbing a coffee? World domination, maybe?"

Currently: At the salon, with Zara PixieDust PixieDust Wearing: xx



Annabelle couldn't help but blush a little at Etienne's kind offer to go get coffee in her place so that she wouldn't have to face anyone. She had been about to respond to him when a sudden voice made her jump and whirl round to see Jana looking at them with an accusing expression. Looking between Etienne and Jana she realised the conclusion her friend had drawn and was ready to diffuse the situation, putting a hand on Jana's shoulder and placing a smile on her face with absolutely no trace of the sad mopey girl she had just been and now just plain old perky, slightly ditzy Annabelle. "Jana don't worry honey, nothing is wrong!" she turned to face Etienne, absently placing a hand on his arm as she introduced him. "This is Etienne, he's new in town and actually he was being really helpful," she shot the man a grateful smile. She decided not to tell Jana about her friend zone crisis just now. She did not even want to think about it.

"Etienne, this is one of my best friends, Jana. I promise she's a sweetheart," she shrugged cutely as she let her hand fall to her side. "I was just gonna head to the cafe. I'm in serious need of caffeine right now. If you guys want to come with you're totally welcome." She smiled once more to them both, with an especially warm smile to Jana and without another word she made her way back toward the cafe, not really wanting to explain herself further to anyone.

It was super busy in the cafe when she arrived, but luckily for her, Jeremy was not there to make things awkward, and so she took her place in line, greeting Emily, Lily and Leo with a bright smile that didn't give away her real mood at all.

mentions: Emily, Lily TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord and Leo nymphadora. nymphadora. with: Etienne redroseknight redroseknight Jana Avdotya Luna Avdotya Luna | location: Cafe Styx | scenario: Distraction By Coffee | incarnation of: Tinkerbell

codings; allrightsreserved deer deer

location_ cafe styx / mood_ calm > awestruck / outfit_ xx / with_ lily ( TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord ) & Annie ( PixieDust PixieDust ) / incarnation of_ prince charming

a small smile curled upon leo's lips as he heard the meek girl ask him a question. his eyebrow rose at the sight of her speaking, a rare sight for him to see the young girl speaking to him. leo simply nodded in reply with a shrug as he continued to fiddle with the coffee machine in front of him. "yup, just came here last month. have i seen you at one of virgo's parties? you look familiar." leo questioned back in a friendly tone as he tried to remember her face. she looked similar to virgo; black hair, pale skin and both almost doll-like. a few moments later, leo wiped down the machine before pulling a ratty napkin with black scribbles of messing writing on it and a round coffee stain in the middle of it.

leo pulled out a cheap black pen out of his pocket, slamming it onto the counter to pop the pen open before scribbling something onto the napkin in a rush, his tongue slightly sticking out in concentration. his eyes focused on the paragraph of scribbles on the dirty napkin. it was hard to make out but he was writing lyrics, leo couldn't stop himself at times when he had a creative burst, even if it meant stopping during work to scribble down a sentence or two.

leo had always enjoyed writing songs, most of the time they were cheap and the usual pop trash you would hear on the radio - in his opinion - but this song was different. leo had no idea why he felt so inspired to write it but he felt an urge to. leo lost himself into his thoughts as he continued to write down lyric after lyric, leaving little notes on the side with a question mark if he was unsure about it or a smiley face if he found it plausible.

soon he heard that sweet familiar voice, annabelle barrie. leo flicked his gaze away in surprise of the blonde girl, nearly dropping his pen in shock as he tried to compose himself. leo ran a hand through his black hair before flashing a smile toward annabelle.

"mornin' annie," leo chirped with a smile, it felt genuine unlike his classic flirty one, "what can i get you?" he asked politely, slipping his napkin back into his pocket in a swift motion.

Lily Campbell
"Yup, just came here last month. Have I seen you at one of Virgo's parties? You look familiar."

Her curiosity piqued by her co-worker's response, the mousy girl tilted her head ever so slightly. The name Virgo was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't place a face to it. Lily had definitely been dragged to several parties a number of times by Kyra. It was likely she unknowingly attended one of Virgo's, considering the size of Recuerdo.

What brought Leo to such a town in the first place? It's not like Recuerdo had much tourist attraction--or any big fascinating factors, in Lily's opinion.

"Uhh...probably?" she said dubiously. As if stirred by a random spurt of energy, she found Leo hurriedly writing on a very worn and overused napkin. There were scribbled words all over it already; whatever he was jotting down wasn't very legible to her.

Lily was tempted to ask her co-worker what it was; she decided against it. Why bother being nosy? Maybe he's just writing down reminders for himself...I guess.

The dark-haired girl looked up from the napkin to see the familiar smile of Annabelle Barrie, who greeted the employees of Cafe Styx with a sort of cheeriness that Lily envied and admired. She gave her a warm grin and small wave in return.

Annabelle--or Annie--was a good friend. Vivacious, fashionable, passionate, and a little fiery, Annie was a very different individual compared to Lily but they got along well. She stepped away when Leo opted to take her order, bumping into Emily when she did.

"Oh! I'm sorry!"
location: Cafe Styx
mood: embarrassed
with: Emily
tags: PixieDust PixieDust
nymphadora. nymphadora.
coded by dwale
Emmeline Hertz
location: the forest | scenario: "chirp, chirp, goes the bird"
mood: curious and contentl | with: tristan inkling inkling
Hearing Tristan's voice from above, Emmeline's lips curved into a more genuine smile as she giggled softly. She had an inkling that Tristan was up there and hearing his voice confirmed her guess. Nevertheless, her gaze remained upwards towards the sky, allowing the trees to hover slightly over her for shade. It was truly relaxing to her, being able to just have a view of not only the sky but of the world around her. It was definitely a bird eye's view, something she had thoroughly enjoyed getting the chance to see. It made her feel as if anything was possible, as long as she tried and never gave up.

Soon, her thoughts went towards the first time she had met Tristan. It was a sunny day, just like the one currently, but it was a special day as she found a friend in someone she wouldn't have expected. Emmeline had raced to the Tree just like any other day, climbing on the tree like a monkey she is. That is, until she almost slipped and fell, only to have a helping hand from none other from Tristan. From that day on, she always found herself grateful to have met him because not only had he encouraged her to continue trying, but he was also a wonderful listener. Emmeline truly liked his company, a whole lot, plus, that was the day she officially called him her climbing buddy as no one else would have climbed a Tree with her just for fun!

However, her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Blinking, Emmeline leaned her head slightly back, only to see Tristan's silhouette behind her, except in an upside down view. Another small giggle escaped her lips as she grinned, "Tristan, from this angle, it makes your face longer!" She said chirpy-like yet softly, looking at him and such a topsy turvy position. But, at seeing a finger towards his lips, curiosity got the best of her as she wondered what Tristan was doing. Getting up from her position and sitting upright, Emmeline slowly turned around to face Tristan, slowly making her way over to him.

As she neared him, Emmeline tilted her head to the side as she looked to where he gestured. Looking down below, her eyes widened at the nest that was embedded near the trunk of the tree. A small gasp escaped her lips as she remained quiet for a moment, listening to the chirping of the birds. She hadn't seen those type of birds before, but that only made the moment that much more fleeting and rare. A wide smile crossed her features as she unconsiously tapped Tristan, "We never see birds like those before in Receurdo." Emmeline whispered, not wanting to scare the birds from her loud and outgoing nature. If there was ever a time Emmeline was mellow, this would be one of those moments. Listening to the sound of the chirping birds, Emmeline sighed softly, feeling special to be able to get a chance to see new life, even if it was just birds. Despite being estatic to see the nest and the little ones, she didn't want any harm coming to the birds and the newborns, "Should we climb down the Tree to not disturb them?"
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Kyra Amali Akintola Okinfor
location: university - cafe styx | scenario: "time for some fun"
mood: rebellious l | with: ellie revalia revalia | mentions: lily and gene TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Shaking her head, Kyra sighed exasperatedly, hearing her friend's question. It was just like her to add in a question with another question. She knew what Ellie was getting at and the girl was definitely good at using other people's words against them. Like many others, Kyra is a victim of the method, but, that was only because she did the same thing to others, except she manages to flawlessly evade the questions. But, nothing ever gets passed her best friends Ellie and Lily. That only frustrated her more. But, she was thankful when Ellie dropped the question and the attention was now focused on Ellie.

However, a grin appeared on her face when Ellie ended up answering her question anyways, but at the mention of no one wanting to hire Ellie, Kyra furrowed her brows. Seeing the red marks on the newspaper and hearing that Ellie was fired at Styx only made her angry at the managers but understanding of Ellie's mellowness. But, Kyra quirked her brows at the name Gene and much more so when he had told her of a new place hiring. "A pub place?" She repeated before tapping her chin before untangling her arm from Ellie's and replacing her arm around Ellie's shoulder, "Hey, remember what I said about being negative? There's still a lot of options left! Plus, with friends like us, you're bound to find another place that would truly appreciate you. Plus, a new opening at a pub place sounds awesome, if there's someone who can put in a good word for you, it's him." At those words, Kyra winked at her best friend before Kyra laughed at hearing Ellie's admittance for a nice cold one.

As they walked towards Cafe Styx to get the last member of their crew, Kyra looked around, seeing what all the commotion was about. But the only words she heard was Holly, crazy, and weird dream. Looking towards her best friend, Kyra questioned, "Know what that was about? I couldn't make out what they were saying." However, when they made it to Cafe Styx, Kyra looked towards her friend, slightly worried before taking a deep breath, "Time to conquer all evils, right? We're here for only one thing: Lily." At those words, Kyra patted her friend, making a mental note to only come to Cafe Styx when Lily was working. She hadn't wanted to rub salt on an open wound especially since Ellie had just recently been fired.

It was just something Kyra did. She always made sure to not go to places her friends became hurt at and it just so happens Cafe Styx was a walking soreness as everyone seemed to loved the Cafe. Walking inside, Kyra stuck close to Ellie, before she heard Ellie speaking to Emily, apologizing or bumping into her, it seems. "Hey, Lily!" She called out towards the last member of their trio. A mischievous grin appeared on her face, "You almost done your shift? Ellie and I are going to go and. . have some drinks, we'll be waiting outside for you!" At those words, Kyra spun around, signaling Ellie to walk outside with her, not before seeing a young male, as she winked at him.
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Allison Harley Caroll
location: outside cafe styx - home | scenario: "it's tea time with a wonderful company!"
mood: content and charmed l | with: michael stellar.nova stellar.nova | mentions: emily PixieDust PixieDust
Tilting her head to the side, Allison listened to Michael's voice, a faint smile appearing on her lips as she unconsciously nodded, liking the tone of his voice. Something about the way he spoke soothed her mind and it was in his company where she felt. . . normal. It never really occured to her how they met aside from finding comforts in the library and reading a good book. Allison was thrilled to know that Michael seemed to have shared her love for stories as she does. Nevertheless, at hearing Michael's british accent, Allison had let out a soft laugh before gently reaching towards Michael's arm, wrapping her hands around them.

She never liked it when people touched her, just something about the idea of her personal space being invaded again makes her feel enclosed in to the point of suffocation. However, it was odd for her to see that Michael and Emily were the only ones to be an exception to her rule. It had taken her awhile to not hesitantly touch Michael's arm or even given Emily a hug. The process and the step to getting she is now was a bit of a long one, but they were both so good and patient with her.

With a nod, Allison slowly headed towards her home, allowing Michael the chance to have tea with her as it was tea time. "I hope you don't mind coming over today. Mother had just recently imported in new tea leaves and I have been aching to try it. Of course, I can't help but want to share it with and perhaps Emily when I see her later." She spoke wistfully. But, her mood changed for the better as she perked up at Michael's question of an adventure. With a small grin, Allison quickly nodded, "What kind of adventure? Oh boy, I do hope we can go on one after tea!" She exclaimed, quite excitedly.

However, when Michael had explained to her that muffin was more bread and cupcakes were more cake, Allison pondered on that for a while before agreeing with him. "Biased or not, you like what you like! Such as I do not like riddles but I love solving them." Allison tried to explain before nodding, "An intention of leaving their food for someone if a note was written there? It's an odd note to place for someone, but I like it. Maybe I'll write that and leave it on the table and see who does just take it even if it isn't addressed to them." She smiled, curious as to how her little experiment would go.

As they reached Allison's house, she made sure to open the door carefully and to lock the door tightly once Michael was in. "If you are looking for a new place for coffee, I wouldn't mind brewing some for you, though, I may be a little scatterbrained and make you tea instead." She finished her statement before a laugh escaped her lips.
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Jin-Xiang Shen
Jin began taking the scenic route as he continued his jog throughout the commercial district. He had to slow down to a stop at a crosswalk. Two other people he vaguely knew were waiting for the cars to pass, too. Absently, Jin listened to the mindless talk.

"Did you hear about that one woman in town who's gone kinda crazy? Uhh...Helen, or something?"

"Holly Gazelle."

"Right. She's going around telling everyone she's from a literal fairytale where she's friends with all the animals... Do you think she's gotten into drugs?"

"It's possible, but I don't know what kind of powerful drug you'd have to take to start believing in that."

"Mmm... You've got a point."

"I know. My cousin is really good friends with her, so I asked him about why Holly is the way she is now, but he has no clue either. He said Holly became getting really distant out of nowhere, spending more time alone than with her friends or anyone for that matter. Then she just started saying her name was Giselle, not Holly. And that she wasn't 'meant to be here'."


The walk sign changed, signaling it was safe to cross the street. Jin continued with his jog, heading east towards the forest. Running through the forest was one of the things he liked doing, as it was less occupied by others and surrounded by trees and overgrowth. By taking the dirt path, Jin came across one of Recuerdo's landmarks: a huge, crooked oak tree with its winding and low-hanging limbs. He saw a recognizable head of dirty blonde hair sitting high in the tree.

Jin smiled and waved his arm. "Mornin', Linny!" Calling her by the nickname that was only exclusive to her, Emmeline Hertz was like a little sister to the young man. "Up and early, I see. Having fun?" He caught the sight of a guy with her, someone who was still a bit of a stranger to him. Jin only recognized his face because he often saw him and Emmeline together in the forest. He wasn't sure what to think of the guy. What was his name? Timothy? Travis? Jin couldn't remember. Nonetheless, he acknowledged him with a casual nod.
location: forest
mood: big brother-like
with: Emmeline Hertz, Tristan Gregory
tags: deer deer inkling inkling
coded by dwale



"My duty is to my heart."

Incarnation of

The Real McCoy



Justin ( PixieDust PixieDust )

Conversing with
Eugene ( TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
It was obvious that Mae liked to make a loud entrance, otherwise it wouldn't be satisfying for her to just simply enter plainly. What was the fun in that now hmm? Also, what better way to do it than having a huge ass truck with a loud ass horn that wakes up the whole neighborhood. Ah.... glorious. She leaning against the button at the back of the truck that slowly started lowering the back platform to hoist herself up. As she stepped on and was hoisting herself up by resting on the other button and her whole body was leveling upward at a rather slow pace before a now familiar voice emerged out of the restaurant's backdoor, her head turning to face him as she didn't realize the fact that the platform stopped and she almost got knocked off of it.

"Oh hi Gene!" she grinned as she opened the back door. She knew that he hated people calling him with his first name. It was a hard thing to forget since he made it a point to her in their first meeting. Constant reminders. Sure Mae was a clutz but she did have a good memory. "Aye, let's get to hauling. I can barely lift one of these so I would appreciate it." she sighed and started sliding the crates against the edge of the platform. "Why the look of surprise buddy?" she grinned with curiosity as her chocolate brown eyes darted towards him.

She hummed softly as she noticed that it was Eugene that came for the produce. Sure, he often did but Justin usually greeted her. She hoped that nothing wrong happened but it was Justin they were talking about. So the probability was that he was either busy in the kitchen preparing for a day's work or either chatting up with some of his employees. Mae remembers the Real McCoy in it's starting days. Nakamura's Fruit n' Vegetables have been one to deliver their produce to them ever since the start. Oh how much it have developed from the interior to the amount of employees.

Coded by revalia revalia
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