
gah whatever

@Stoked911 you're the one who watched mall cop 2 right? guess where im gonna get some vegas ideas from ha

@Stoked911 woah woah woah can you give my character some reaction time? You didn't even give him a chance to react to Brec grabbing his wrist. I could have easily typed "Grey punched Brec square in the face and tackled her down creating an impact particularly on her lower spinal column"
Sorry dude but there is no reaction time to waste when it comes to MMA fighting...I'll try to cut down but i also don't want my posts to be short also
what else is vegas known for aside from gambling, casinos, outlets, buffets, hotels, and strip clubs? Anything else?
If you'll couldn't already tell, my posting is going to be sporadic for a while. I've got school and the busy schedule with it, plus a couple other schedules that aren't even fully mine to keep up with. I'll post when I can. Y'all can bunny Emet, if you need/want , just tag me if you do, so I know what's going on.
Ah, sorry I haven't been online these past couple days. Got really busy. :/ Anyway, I'm going camping this weekend, and I honestly have no idea if I will have access to wifi. I really hope I do, but if I don't, I'll catch up and get a reply in on Sunday!
Hey guys I have an rp and I was wondering if you wanted to join! It hasnt started yet and I need some more people to join! Sorry if I wasn't suppose to advertise my rp on here xD

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