
I don't mind Brec needs to get her puppy!! It's gonna be a doberman!! Cause they're big and tough dogs!
I'd be okay with it if it was done now, since the only thing the other characters would miss is going to sleep. I don't know, though, you guys choose! :P
I have a question. So, say you're being bribed with unlimited pie to join an RP. Then the offer is canceled. Is it still worth it to join the RP?
Eep... I just checked in to see what i've missed over the course of testing and school trips these past few days...

I've missed a lot, apparently.

I'll read through, figure out where Emet is even located now and make a post.
I didn't get notifications of all this :o

So annoyed .-.

I thought the roleplay was going to die so decided to look back at it.
I was up at 4AM yesterday doing nothing as well (when all you guys were talking) so went to bed.

So many people have to catch up, heh.

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