
All good^ Everyone don't forget to update your characters' thoughts on other characters if you haven't done that already.

Adélia Rose Parker


15 Female Heterosexual

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your ass! Actually I'm quite harmless"



"Yay such a fun family!"



"Haha I cannot believe you fell for it!"

+ Quirky, respectful, caring, responsible, outgoing, friendly

- Shy around strangers, nervous around older people, trust issues, dependent, low self-esteem, gullible

Adélia is the girl that isn't too happy, peppy, bubbling, self-absorbed, or anything like that. Instead she's rather unique and gets along with a lot of people. Even though she's pretty shy around strangers she quickly warms up to them and becomes a really good friend. She isn't one to judge others as she judges herself enough, plus she likes to give people the benefit of the doubt. With a carefree smile and funny gesture, she lights up your day. Adélia doesn't like to be overly emotional since people get annoyed by it and frankly she does as well. She tries to keep any loud outbursts to herself since she hates to trouble people. Only being 15 she still is a bit of a kid. She has her childish moments, however she does have the occasional mature comment that will surprise you. Adélia isn't very confident in her appearance or skills so she's much more reserved and relies on being able to make quick conversation and make people smile.

She looks up to everyone in her family because they all have qualities that she wishes that she could possess. Whether it's the intelligence of her brother, talented oldest sister, or her adorable older sister. She admires the kids from other families as well, but it's not as strong as an admiration. Adélia is very dependent since she has heard horrible stories about families fighting and slowly drifting apart. This is why she's quite dependent on her family because she doesn't want them to leave her. Adélia is very gullible so she's often pranked on by older kids at her school. Even though she's pretty shy, she can be a very outgoing girl once she knows a bit about you. Having a relationship with her is probably smart since she tends to find out things about a lot of people. This is probably why people like to be on her good side because they don't want her to reveal their secrets. However Adélia rarely thinks about spilling the secrets of others because she thinks it's rude and makes her seem untrustworthy.

^ Editing ^



"Name's Addie, nice to meet you. I think that's all you need to know"

Adélia was adopted by the Parker family when she was eight years old. The reason that she had been put in the orphanage was because her mother had died of cancer when Adélia was only five and she had no father or relatives that could take in the young girl so she was sent to the orphanage near where she lived in Atlanta. There she stayed in the orphanage for three years until finally she was taken in by the Parker family. Papers were signed and she was legally adopted, of course she didn't understand that she was permanently part of their family. Since she was so scared of being sent back to the orphanage, Adélia made sure that she was the most well mannered child on Earth. At first she was scared of her older adoptive siblings and tended to hide from them, just keeping to herself in her bedroom. She then got used to being around them and slowly began watching what they did for fun. She was amazed by their talents and often found herself writing little stories about everyone in her family. Adélia didn't really understand that it was strange for her to have two fathers, but even if it was strange she didn't mind. She got over being teased at school because of her unique family and the bullies seemed to strengthen the love she developed for everyone. Now she is a bit of a shy girl but will bond with those even outside of her family and school.



"Um, I think I'm good at something"

- Stays pretty level headed in stressful situations

- Draws attention away from others

- Multitasking

- Knows a lot about a lot of people

- Has her fingers in a lot of pies

- Making someone smile



"Go talk to muscle boy over there if you want strength"

+ Persuasive

+ Draws attention from others

+ Does well under stress

+ Strategy planning

+ Getting people to confess interesting things to her


"I was wondering when you'd ask this"

- Her friends and family

- Overly emotional people

- Violence

- People in danger

- Being alone



"Does eating yogurt count?"

- Absolutely loves yogurt

- Is a pretty popular vlogger

- Loves to dye her hair

- Tries to help people which can end up badly for her

- She's uncomfortable on airplanes

- She plans on dying her hair dark brown and getting a nose piercing next


Thoughts on characters

"I suppose I'll answer this truthfully"

"He's quiet and mysterious. He's really nice once you get to know him and he teases a lot."

"He's my big brother! Of course I love him to death. Plus he's super duper smart and nice"

"He's a total gentleman so he's pretty nice, however he's scary when someone makes him mad. I feel really safe with Cameron"

"She's a fantastic role model. Even though she points out my flaws she's still really cool!"

"Um I suppose she's nice. She's a bit too loud and bubbly, I mean I get enough happy-go-lucky from Benjamin so another person is overwhelming..."

"I don't talk with her much, but she seems dark and mysterious. However I can't judge her without knowing her truly"

"How could you not like my sister?"

"A hardworking and happy girl. Yup that sums up the Lexi I know"

"Ingrid is a really amazing sister and I think if everyone got to know her they'd love her to death"

"Super serious and mature. She reminds me of a lawyer"

"She's mature, responsible, and kind of like a mom. I think she's really nice as well"

"It doesn't seem like a lot of people like him. I haven't really talked to him so I don't know why they don't like him. Maybe because he's a bit flirty?"

"He's really relaxed and just kind of go with the flow. He seems interesting, though I don't socialize with many guys"

"If I had to choose any word to describe her as it would be extraordinary. I mean she's really determined and everything! Didn't you hear about her breaking a couple toes in a competition, but she continued dancing and took home first place?"

"He seems a bit of a roughed up guy that doesn't really know what to do with his life so he kind of gave up. I-I mean he looks like he's pretty independent..."

"Emet has to be the cutest little boy ever! He's so hyper and adorable I just love him!"


(I apologize if this is a bad CS. I'm kind of multitasking right now so I'll edit whatever is needed)
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Avery Santini


If I was meant to be controlled I would have come with a remote.

  • Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Family: Santini


    Standing at a full height of 5'10 Avery is a fairly fit and athletic girl. She keeps active between hers studies and has managed to maintain a well toned physique while still maintaining the soft curves of a young woman. Her dark chocolate hair is always worn loose in soft curls. Occasionally she'll wear it straight or in a bun. Normally she wears no make up what so ever. When not in a lab coat or some kinda science gear Avery can be found in active wear and comfortable clothing.

Pretty much what he said. :P

I think the hardest part would be trying to bring your character into the roleplay really.
[QUOTE="Jaeger BLU]Holy 47 pages. Would a short recap be possible?

I was also thinking of joining - or more like I was BRIBED to join, but yeah, I still sort of want to anyway - so maybe, if we do both join, then our characters could enter the RP together? I was also thinking that there might be a little too much to catch up with, but .. I dunno.. I still don't know what family I would want my character to be in, xD
Alright guys I have another game today and same as before it might not be over till 5pm my time
Yeah, it depends where you go ;D

It is a nice place though.

Weather sucks but it's been good all week since it's nearly summer.

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