
Ah right ;D

Well, whenever you leave - I hope you both have fun! ^-^
Name:Arizona Parker

Gender: Female

Age (7-19):18 (Foster kid)




Personality:Bubbly, outgoing, and intelligent. She may be considered the life of the party while still being fairly mature for her age.

History: Foster child tossed around until the Parker family adopted her, she was rebellious and hard to handle. However, once she got used to the environment, she slowly started making friends. She decided to move to Europe after high school graduation and returned to the states when she heard of the reunion. She loves her foster parents, and knows they are innocent. In hopes to set an example for the rest of her family she plans to try to set everything straight.

Skills: She is artistic, tough, rebellious, and can handle stress/ pressure well.

Strengths: She can be manipulative, fast, witty, and fast to handle emergent situations.

Weaknesses: emotional, impulsive, and risky

Others: piercings, one tattoo on her foot. Her connections are mainly with gamblers,drug cartels,and international diplomacy as well as local politicians.


“Benji’s super cool, a little rambunctious, but lovable.. Like a puppy”

Opinion on Benjamin Parker.

“Cameron is the co alpha male, him and Greyson work well together. ”

Opinion on Cameron Montreal.

“Breckenridge, we are the same age, and she is one of my closest friends. ”

Opinion on Breckenridge Santini.

“Sarah is the one that has the most light, and everyone can see it”

Opinion on Sarah Montreal.

“Violet did not let money change who she was, I respect that.”

Opinion on Violet Montreal.

“Amanda.. irrelevant.”

Opinion on Amanda Parker.

“Ingrid is unique and sticks to her guns, I'm a fan.”

Opinion on Ingrid Parker.

“Beatrice probably the only one to make an effort to get to know me, she is the closest thing to a girl friend I think I have.”

Opinion on Beatrice Callahan.

"An amazing individual whom I admire, and think is one of the most genuine friends I will ever have. I missed him the most when I left the country.

Opinion on Greyson Callahan

“Ashlynn a little too promiscuous, but will show you a great time if you're down.”

Opinion on Ashlynn Jameson.

“That thirsty male that is a little creepy, secret heart of gold though”

Opinion on Hunter Jameson.

“Quentin’s that quiet kid, but you get him talking and you'll never guess what he's going to say next”

Opinion on Quentin Jameson.

“Nora is a little bit much for me”

Opinion on Nora Santini.

“Ace is the wildcard, you never know what he is going to do next.”

Opinion on Ace Jameson.

“Welcome to the party little one”

Opinion on Emet Jameson.

“Lexi’s the team mom.”

Opinion on Lexi Montreal.

“Adélia’s special, we all know it. Special in that she has something about her that I can't quite describe. She is going places.”

Opinion on Adélia Parker.

"I like Avery, she is smart and a secret weapon worth having.”

Opinion on Avery Santini.
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That looks better and I'm not the creator but I just wanted your CS to be good that way he might or will accept it

and you should wait on posting in the IC thread until he accepts you :3

Also change your family unless you wanted to be in Santinis

@Lexi Whittaker
I think I changed to Parker, cause I wanted to keep my age. I hoped to make us friends in the game! Thanks for helping me out, I had read it, but not quite understood the first time. (: @Stoked911


Veronica Jameson


"You're more than welcome to check..."


Age (7-19):





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/9264209.jpg.0654b4845a1584f4c815aa77e5f20929.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/9264209.jpg.0654b4845a1584f4c815aa77e5f20929.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/belly-button-pierced.jpg.c3e7f7f3bfd4d299dafada048f07c612.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/belly-button-pierced.jpg.c3e7f7f3bfd4d299dafada048f07c612.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1d5d7ff177c79772eaaa16427d635d03.jpg.32407c92c0eef0626bd5eedfd18e4127.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1d5d7ff177c79772eaaa16427d635d03.jpg.32407c92c0eef0626bd5eedfd18e4127.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Neck-Birds-Tattoos-for-Women.jpg.f4cfc5f7a213780aa8e22ae845a51ef8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Neck-Birds-Tattoos-for-Women.jpg.f4cfc5f7a213780aa8e22ae845a51ef8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What defines the kindness that exists within a human's heart? To accept responsibility and to cover for others even when the blame is far from your own? Veronica is the perfect example of this type of person, she is a huge person on self-sacrifice, one who is loyal and kind, sweet, and innocent. Well, to some extent. Internally, she fights with herself constantly, wanting to fight against any opposed to her wishes, however, she also wishes to remain kind, which usually wins over her mind and she is isolated to silence the rambunctious voices. She can be generally seen as a optimistic sort of person, quick to throw around a few laughs or just view the good things in life, but, with the recent issues from the criminal organizations attacking her family, she has begun to let the more aggressive side of her show.

Somehow, she is able to retain her levelheadedness and her own ethical heart. She can be dangerous if tempered now, however, in the opposite effect, she can be calmed with ease. Onto her personality itself, not just how she appears, she is an emotionally torn girl, constantly struggling between the morals of right and wrong, seeing two different sides of the same coin. She is a strategical thinker, and an empathetic one at that. Constantly afraid for the life others, she prefers to keep them close, close enough to protect theirs with her own. She constantly dreams for the future and for a better world than the one they live in. She prays for peace, for love among he siblings, for the families, and for the soulless men who would see them dead.


Stare into Veronica's eyes, go ahead, the constant paradigm shifts of color between blue and green, will never once reveal the painful childhood that she had in store for her. Her story begins with a peaceful little family, growing up in a small town in Missouri. The location was unknown, and hell, Veronica wouldn't want to remember, even if she could, for the billowing trees would announce their sorrows to her if she would walk down that painful road again. The very road that had been stained red fourteen years ago.

She was a lovely child, a strong heart to her bright eyes, but she was one who grew to a withered drum, one in which society did not construct. Her views were far different from that of the world's. She grew up in a sentimental and beautiful life, her mother was the stay-at-home type, her father, a hardworking college student. Both of her parents had been in college when they had met, her father, James and her mother, Mali, made Veronica in the same year they met, while they were still dating. Veronica was a surprise, but a loving one at that, they'd wanted to raise her the best way they could, one of them had to drop out. So, Mali did, still pregnant, she began to live with her best friend in her apartment.

Her father, would remain, studying in New Jersey. After his very detailed four years, he began to live with Mali far more often, they picked a small lot in Missouri, and built their house in a small town. Veronica was born in Alpine, New Jersey, 1996. After a sweetened birth and much time spent with her mother, the new addition of a father-figure in the family intrigued her. He began to teach her things that her mother simply could not, no matter how kind they both were. They had actually been married for a little while, shortly after Christina's birth. So, perhaps his appearance wasn't so improbable, just foreign.

The small house on the corner of Whitewood street became a lively little center for the neighbors. It was a pure home, one that believed in love, gave money to fellow street-mates if they needed it. They were never quite rich or living in comfort, in fact, several times they had police on their doorstep, threatening to vacate the place. Naturally, no one could, as everyone around would revolt, the Cox family had had a huge impact upon them within the previous year they were there. Veronica grew up around the ghetto, but all of the kids were nice to her, treating her as if she was someone, they never once dared make her do anything wrong. For, they knew she wouldn't do it, to the contrary, she would try to talk them out of whatever it was.

Having such potential in her heart and in her mind, especially before she had even turned four, truly baffled her parents. Seeing this untapped talent, they began to turn her, making her pure and gentle, teaching her to give wherever, that one day she may be required to fight for those she cared about, and she would have to. She could hear them, but never understood until later in life.

She was five when she had remembered the atrocity. Her family had thrown the usual Friday cookout, having a grill fired up, men and women of all type in her backyard, there was the smell of cooking meat, the sweet wisp of friendly chatter. She could recall the sun beating down on her pale skin, her feet were pattering hard on the soft grass as she chased after her friend Brook. For what reason however, she could not remember. She was laughing, something common among her daily life activities, something that calmed her down. With swift speed, she managed to grab the arm of the girl, pinning her to the ground, "Gotch'ya!" Her toddler voice had a sweeter sound to it, innocent and precious. Brook responded in her similar tone, "Nah!!! Get off me V!" She pushed, Veronica fell off, laughing subtly. Soon, they both broke into a serenading laugh, the two of them lying on the grass. There were some boys messing around playing on the seesaw,
No where near as fun as what 'we're' doing~ She giggled at her thought, rising up as she ran to her father. "Daddy!" He caught her in his arms, twirling around as the neighbors laughed, smiling, "Yes dear?" She gave him a pudgy and adorable grin, "When's the food gonna be readyyyy!?" He smile and rubbed his nose against hers, "In a minute or two." She groaned, "You said that a minute ago." Now they were all laughing hysterically, even at a young age, she had always been quite knowledgeable in getting people to smile.

The meal had been set now, picnic blankets were out and people were out in the yard, sharing their usual story of comedy, it was Ralph speaking tonight, he'd always had a funny accent, a stereotypical redneck. Everything was peaceful, Ralph was ranting about how Rick had come over to repair his car and what had happened to the exhaust when he tried, he hit the punch-line. As he hit it, the completely foreign sound rang through the air, shouting and whooping occupied after, there was a crashing as well, the entire back gate was smashed. Ralph was lying on the ground in an immediate pool of blood, people began shouting, shrieking, a car had come busting through the gate, armed thugs pushed through, an automated tearing sound filled the air, their was blood, staining her within the moment. She stood, beginning to run, however, within the first two taps of her young legs, she felt a sharp pain rip through her ankle, she fell to the ground, already unconscious from shock.

She woke up a near two hours later, blood soaking her body, everything was quiet. The pain was unbearable dare she look down, she did. A bullet had lodged itself there in her ankle, oozing as she stifled a prolonged wail. She began to crawl until coming in contact with her hand, it gripped firm around a shirt. A white polo, the very one her father had worn, a desecrated corpse lay before her, the tears built up immediately, she began to soak the ground with salty drops. Her fingers tensed on the dirt as she looked up, she exclaimed with the tops of her lungs, "WHY!?" Followed by other inevitable disbelief and shock symptoms, she managed to come out of it, tears still streaming and ankle going numb. She grabbed a nearby fallen piece of wood and strapped it around her leg, fear and pain gripping her as she made a make-shift stilt. She then grabbed a longer wooden pole, getting herself up straight. With solemn thoughts, she walked out of the blood-fest, parading her broken and bloodied body onto the street. It took a mighty twenty minutes to walk down that road, and a good few hours to make it to the police station.

The moon had risen high when the deathly figure appeared on their steps, a loud thump had stirred Officer Martin. He'd been asleep at his desk, with a newspaper covering his face, the informative paper falling to the ground as he stood up. "Who's there?" He began to walk slow, his boots creaking on the old wood, his right hand tensed as he felt the grip of his pistol, flinging the door open, he gazed upon a horrific sight. A pale-white girl, soaked in blood lay in a heap. With haste he panicked, "Hello!?" He went to her side, checking for a pulse, it was faint, but she was alive. "Are you alright!?" To no reply, he scooped her up in his arms and took her inside. He laid her down, phoning the hospital to send an ambulance, within minutes it had arrived.

She'd been in a daze of stimulated events, men and women, all shouting at her, passing lights through an open window one moment, the next, a single bright light above her, more arguing voices, blue colored figures moved in a symphony. She dreamed that she was watching a ballet, however, one of the dancers fell, not getting back up, the next fell, then the other, and the other, and no one was doing anything. It was then that the stage turned red, enveloping the beautiful women, the audience had left her. She'd felt some sort of fear creeping up, long before anything had even happened. There was suddenly a give-way on the stage, blood began to seep from the floor, as a crucifix rose, and upon it was the face of her father and mother, stitched into the rotting wood. With a sharp gasp she awoke, sitting up a little too quickly.

Her head collided with a brutal sturdy force, she groaned and fell back onto her bed,
A bed? She thumbed her fingers together as she waited for her eyesight to return. She couldn't see, the blinding light from the outside world was killing her. She managed to shield them for only a brief moment, flicking the veil open for a second, seeing a concerned look upon the doctor's face. Her eyes shut again, she sucked in a deep bit of air, Veronica felt a warm hand touch her's, "We're afraid that you wouldn't have awaken." She rubbed her eyes, "Wha'd'ya mean?" She pursed her caked lips together, he replied softly, "Well... You've been asleep for three months now. You slipped into a coma after your... injury." He patted her wrapped up ankle. She groaned, barely able to open her eyes now, she stared at the matured man. "Who are you?" She began to sit up as her consciousness, her thoughts flowing fast. Tears began to form, "Daddy... Mommy... They're... They're..." He put his hands on her shoulder, "I know. Say no more." And she didn't, she just began to cry.

Hours of her pain carried down her cheeks until she began to fear she'd dry her body up if she cried any more. As soon as the battalion of tears had disappeared and dissolved into weak sniffles, the doctor spoke again, "There are some men who would like to speak to you." He stood, and exited the room, two men in suits came in, she already missed the company of her doctor, he had a much brighter side to him. They were still kind to her however, they began their introductions, "Hello Veronica, you may call me Max, and this is my associate, Eric. They were both young men, sleek hair, dark brown eyes, if it wasn't for the structure of their faces, they could've been mistaken as brothers. "We understand you've had a hard time, recently, and we want to let you know that the government has stepped in and is open to placing you in foster care." She gulped, "B-But... I want mommy and daddy..." She began to feel tears again, they managed to console her quickly, "We know dear... but, they're in a better place." Veronica began to cry again. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... It's okay... We've got a family who's looking to take you in." He began to go on about some more trivial nonsense. It was okay, she had shut them out several minutes ago. All she wanted, was her family back.

More days were to pass until she was forced to move, to gather her belongings, get dressed, and head to her new family. She was shuffled around several times, receiving a return report of, 'Demented Child.' No one loved her. No one wanted her, and she never wanted anyone else, this continued for the next nine years, this is when her serious issues began. A family who lived in the ghetto took her in. Not the nicest home she'd been in, probably the worst. But, it's was where she had stayed the longest before finding her permanent home.

She walked through the door, immediately knowing that this place would be far more exciting. A girl at the age of fourteen, a real gem externally, but a beast internally, walked through the door of pain, knowing little of it. She was introduced to her family, settled in, and within no time at all, the father of the house was already beating her, the mother was a drug-addict, and she was involved in a gang. Veronica had actually found refuge however amid this gang, the true people who knew about brotherhood and sisterhood. If she had their back, they had hers. She began doing drugs, got a tattoo, learned to shoot, killed someone, got in fights, had sex, flunked school. Casual.

This entire way of life had etched itself into her mind, never wanting to let go, but the strength of loved ones, dead or alive, has a far greater impact than anything ever could.

It was a Saturday in late July, she had sat down at the table with the same men who had dropped her off in that hell-hole a year ago, a single parchment of paper in between them. Her belly-button piercing sparkling in the dying light of the evening. "The hell you want?" Her attitude had long since changed since she was young, she was warped, twisted, corrupted, and she was only about to be twisted, but this time, perhaps it was for the better.

They pushed the wrapped up parchment towards her. She itched her nose as her hand took it, she bit her pale pink lip as she unwrapped it. Inside was a photo, she put it down immediately, it was cracking the walls she had placed around herself, "No, take it back." The image was already burning into her mind. "They wanted you to have it. It was in their will." She looked at the picture again, her father and mother, both, smiling, her mother was pregnant, there was Veronica, still inside of her. A round and distinguishable feature. Tears flooded back, her walls were collapsing, she battered her eyelashes together as she looked away. "Take me away from here... Please." She stared at the photo, flipping it around as the fading white piece of paper read, 'Be the light in the world, do not be the darkness. If there is darkness, there'd be light for a reason, to fight it and win. No matter what we've gone through, we may overcome and defeat the darkness within ourselves.'

She was bursting into tears as her elbows propped on the table, covering her head in shame. "Take me away! I've managed to screw up my life! It's
my fault!" She was sobbing, the two men looked at each other, "Is that really what you want?" Veronica nodded, no hesitation. It had been hell from the beginning, but she only survived by convincing herself that she had become a creature from that very place. Now, she was in denial, there was no more running from the pain that followed her. "Take me away from here..." She kept repeating the same phrase, long after she'd been buckled in the same vehicle she'd moved around the country in. She spent several months in government custody, continuing the next bit of time an orphanage. Taking time to refine herself, she dressed appropriately, fixed up her hair after growing it out, put on make-up daily, she even began to go back to church, something she had remembered doing when she was young.

She'd made a better woman of herself, she was growing now, she was a healthy and drug-free sixteen year old, with her priorities well before her. It was as she patiently awaited a family to pick her out that she'd found the best of them all. The Jamesons. A high-credited family,
Don't they have enough kids, what more can I do for them? She was officially adopted, in 2013, she was seventeen then. She set hard to work immediately into her family, though it was hard to settle in, and very difficult, she found her home. They were all so gentle and sweet to her. Making her truly feel welcomed and loved, something she hadn't felt in nearly twelve years. She did however, remain distant form the other children, feeling a sense of longing, they were blood related, the true gem of the family, she was more of the abandoned puppy that she had taken in.

Of course, there were the other families that they were in close ties with, but they had their own representatives, she liked to disappear into the background whenever they'd get together. One in particular peaked her interest, Greyson Callahan. Every time the families got together, she couldn't help but observe him, watch him, of course, she never had the audacity to ever go and speak to him, in fact, she never had the audacity to speak to anyone. But Greyson, he seemed to have a way of carrying himself, a certain type of maturity she had developed on the streets. Regardless, at home and in the get together's, she had always remained anonymous, she was known, but she wasn't known. She had a name, but no nut to her shell. She was just an empty shell to everyone else, and she like it that way. Though, perhaps internally she wished for something more.

Academically, she was now excelling, having failed for her first two years of high school however, doomed her. She wasn't gonna make it too far, but she was showing promise, despite what recorded numbers may say. She managed to pass high school, not standing out much socially, and it had taken an extra year, but she had somehow pulled a 3.2 GPA out. Astonished enough, she received her degree and applied for the University of California. Along with this accomplishment at the age of eighteen, she gathered up a good deal of her funding and went out to the Caribbeans, isolating herself for some time as she took a very long vacation, awaiting her form to be accepted or denied. She'd only know by the next year. A year later had gone, no contact with her family, nothing. No admission to college either, with dampened spirits, she headed home.

She had spent her nineteenth birthday alone on a beach, sitting in her bikini as she stared out onto the oncoming lap of water. She'd managed to survive in Belize City. Part-time as a waitress, she'd been living with some kind folk who had taken her in. She only wanted to get some time to herself, that was her drive to staying alive. She'd phoned home six months ago to every family member, Jameson, Parker, Santini, Callahan, Montreal, didn't matter, and told them that she'd be there within a few weeks, here she still was, six months later. She had her luggage in tow, cap upon her head, sweat pants around her legs, sandals and a spaghetti strap tank-top. She anonymously boarded her flight home, not telling anyone she was coming, supposedly now, she wanted to surprise them. She was coming back to California now, her head leaned back against the comfort of her chair.


She is a mature woman now, someone who can demand authority, and along with the academic/street-wise knowledge, she can provide a warm gesture to her brother's and sisters. As far as violence goes, she's tried her absolute best to forget about that sort of thing. However, she retains many of her skills from her time in a gang, hoping she can rid herself of that side.


+ Mature




+Good shot with a gun


+Can be easily broken if a secret nerve is tapped

+Constantly fights with herself

+Has been absent for a year and knows nothing of the families struggles

+Still smokes a cigarette once in a blue moon to release stress



Thoughts on characters:

Greyson Callahan (@Stoked911 )

"If ever there was a WOMAN that scared me, it's gotta be this girl, it's the aura she gives off, the last family gather I attended, she gave this scowl from her face that I didn't even want to get near. Something about her is terribly masculine, it is dominant, and... well, maybe three years ago I would'nt have been afraid, but I'm different from that vicious girl, and yes, she scares me."

Sarah Montreal (@goldcat16471 )

"After all I've been through in life, it is good to see someone who can get mad at the little things. She's no where near the neglected girl she thinks she is, I dunno, maybe after I return we could... be friends, yeah. That'd be nice, to have a friend. I know a lot of the things I have done, she probably wouldn't agree with, but she is charismatic and a sweet girl, maybe she'll understand. Dammit! I still feel like for some reason I am saying and too much and I... Son of a..."

Violet Monteral (@xoloveox )

"Ehhh, this girl. She bears a strong resemblance to what I was when I was young. Maybe it's because she's overly intelligent of perhaps it is the hubris, but for some reason, I just cannot stand her. I mean, I love her, but I can't stand her, I would never hate her for being smart, maybe it's because she's paying her youth far better homage than I did. She's a better person, that it... I've gotta be jealous and... Are you kidding, and I do it... Oh, I see it now, this is just becoming an 'and' fest!"

Amanda Parker (@xoloveox )

"Now, here's someone I could breathe a sigh of relief with. She's kind and gentle, she seems kinda lonely, sorta like I am now, perhaps when I return, that very optimistic girl and I can just get time to sit down and talk or go out for coffee... If I had a best friend, it'd be her. God she's just so lovely and she's pretty and... Okay, seriously it's a polysyndeton! Leave me alone!"

Ingrid Parker (@pulpfiction )

"Okay, another Parker... Gee, thanks. No, terribly jealous of this girl and she just has this way of carrying herself through a room. I know she's becoming famous and stuff, and maybe, maybe that's what I wanted to be, before I messed my life up. Ah, I got it, maybe it's cause she's one of the oldest, same as me, I'm being challenged, she's got a maturity level that I wanna beat. Of course... what with me running out and everything, I'm sure I'm WAY behind."

Beatrice Callahan (@ShatteredSoul )

"Ah, thank you, another Callahan. Geez, it was just Parker after Parker, well, this girl, I'm kinda depressed with. Maybe it's cause she looks so good in all her photos, maybe it's cause she's close to the Greyson, I dunno, I envy her in every sense of the word. Then she's athletic, and it's like, damn, what the hell did I do to myself when I was young, these people are clearly my inspiration. Though, I'm still sorry that I had to leave. I really wanted to become close friends with this girl, though, her sarcasm, maybe I wouldn't have taken so lightly."

Ashlynn Jameson (@goldcat16471 )

"Oh, yay! Finally to my neck of the woods, so, Ashlynn, this girl, has apparently been handling her entire family long before I ever arrived, and that's drastically impressive. I admire her for her courage and audacity, I suppose, when I was adopted, I just wanted to do whatever I could to be the mature one in the family, one to be looked up to, but when I laid awake at night, I couldn't help but admire that girl, so, I guess that I stressed myself hard. Perhaps offering words of encouragement or just being there for her wasn't good enough, maybe next time I see her, we'll go catch a movie. She's my sis and all, but seriously, sometimes she just feels like a best friend."

Hunter Jameson (@ShatteredSoul )

"Ugh, alright, seriously, here's one of the trouble makers in the family. I have taken care of his messes for weeks upon end, partially why I love Ashlynn so much. Seriously, he acts like a punk, and he goes around like it's no one's business. Of course, listen to me being mature, I'm really losing that maturity contest now... He's got talent. I think, if he kept at it, he could one day be some sort of NFL star. He's my little brother, though, sometimes, since I'm technically NOT part of the family, I think I seem him staring at me in some ways... It's unnerving."

Quentin Jameson (@pulpfiction )

"Okay... We doing some sort of Parker/Parker thing, but now with the Jamesons? Seriously, c'mon... Alright, he's a huge party nut, only a year younger than me. One, smoking is seriously bad for him, two, he's too young to be drinking. I know how long he does his hair, and seriously, if he's that vain and doesn't want to lose his appearance, stop smoking! Wow... I'm a hypocrite, okay, I only smoke like once every two years. Not true, twice a month. I would probably light one with him if I ever actually talked to him. I am, after all, the outcast of this family, it's not like many people care about me."

Nora Santini (@Hexter )

"Her hair... I... I have no idea what to say honestly, I'm completely baffled."

Ace Jameson (@Sugar )

"He's... chill? I dunno, should that really be my response, he's a druggie, he's like I was. On top of that, he's as old as I am, God, sometimes I just wanna beat him like a little kid. He's actually a pretty skilled fighter, hell no, not getting into that sort of a thing, but honestly, if you took away the drugs, the way he can look like a punk, and made him a little less heartless... I dunno, he's kinda cute. What the hell... okay, that's incest isn't it? Right? I mean, not blood related... But it's like. Yeah, no, dammit!"

Emet Jameson (@InsaneEntry )

"D'awww... If I could have a kid, I'd want him to be Emet. There's just something so precious about him being young and I just wanna squeeze the life out of him. I love to play with him, because honestly, he's the only person I can talk to in the family. He's a warm-spirited sprite, it truly makes you love the little man. I bet he's gonna grow up to be exactly the opposite of Ace, I seriously got a problem with that punk, I mean, for Christ's sake, he's got a bong in the house with his little brother!"

Lexi Montreal (@KaoriMei )

"This is undoubtedly the most respectable girl I've seen. She's so... respectable... I know I just repeated myself, shut up. In all honesty, I have never once seen her lose her cool, she is like a refined mother, one that I wish... I wish I still had. Gimmie a sec."


"Okay, I'm back, she's a lovely girl, and, I'm really glad she's taken care of her life, she takes the most beautiful photos, it just... She's like the perfection girl that I've always wanted to be. Unfortunately, she beat me to it, but there is no better woman on this earth qualified. And she's only seventeen! Talk about a life ahead of her, of course, I'm only nineteen... Tons of growth left for me too."

Adelia Parker (@kawiibunnygirl )

"Ahaa... you bastards, another Parker, I see what you did there, seriously, how many kids can they have anyway!? Adelia is spriteful, it brings a cheeky little smile to see her getting along with everyone else. She really knows how to just live life free, granted, I don't agree with EVERYTHING she says, but then again, not everyone agrees with everything I say, and not everyone agrees with these Goddamn repetitive questions you keep asking me! And... I said and several times... didn't I, yeah, screw you too."

Avery Santini (@Shura )

"Another mature woman my age. I know she's gotten it rough in life, but damn, check out her rap sheet... Er, grades, sorry, ghetto word for those confounded numbers. I think? I dunno, it's been a few years. She can honestly scare the pants off of me, she's got a brain that ticks a million miles an hour. Then she's well toned, and... She got into college, damn you. I tried alright, never got my acceptance though, so, I guess, I'm glad for her. I wish I could honestly talk to this girl, I wanna be good friends with her, but, can't do much now, maybe I'll chat with her when I get back to California. I dunno... It just seems like I really am lonely, ever since I came into this family, don't get me, wrong, I love it, I just... I have never found a reason to interact with most of them."

Arizona Parker (@Lexi Whittaker )

"Alright, that's it! I'm done, you guys leave me alone with all the Parkers, alright!?"


"Ugh, fine... but only if you're paying me immediately after. Alright, she's... Well, I really don't know much about her, I know she is

highlighted among her family, being incredibly high-spirited, having left, much like me. I dunno, unlike most of the others, I really never saw her much, she seems like the one who could be the absolute closest to understanding me, she's just... I dunno, I wanna get to know her when i get back."


"Where's my ten bucks?"



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ChristinaXIV said:


Veronica Jamesons



Age (7-19):





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What defines the kindness that exists within a human's heart? To accept responsibility and to cover for others even when the blame is far from your own? Veronica is the perfect example of this type of person, she is a huge person on self-sacrifice, one who is loyal and kind, sweet, and innocent. Well, to some extent. Internally, she fights with herself constantly, wanting to fight against any opposed to her wishes, however, she also wishes to remain kind, which usually wins over her mind and she is isolated to silence the rambunctious voices. She can be generally seen as a optimistic sort of person, quick to throw around a few laughs or just view the good things in life, but, with the recent issues from the criminal organizations attacking her family, she has begun to let the more aggressive side of her show.

Somehow, she is able to retain her levelheadedness and her own ethical heart. She can be dangerous if tempered now, however, in the opposite effect, she can be calmed with ease. Onto her personality itself, not just how she appears, she is an emotionally torn girl, constantly struggling between the morals of right and wrong, seeing two different sides of the same coin. She is a strategical thinker, and an empathetic one at that. Constantly afraid for the life others, she prefers to keep them close, close enough to protect theirs with her own. She constantly dreams for the future and for a better world than the one they live in. She prays for peace, for love among he siblings, for the families, and for the soulless men who would see them dead.


Stare into Veronica's eyes, go ahead, the constant paradigm shifts of color between blue and green, will never once reveal the painful childhood that she had in store for her. Her story begins with a peaceful little family, growing up in a small town in Missouri. The location was unknown, and hell, Veronica wouldn't want to remember, even if she could, for the billowing trees would announce their sorrows to her if she would walk down that painful road again. The very road that had been stained red fourteen years ago.

She was a lovely child, a strong heart to her bright eyes, but she was one who grew to a withered drum, one in which society did not construct. Her views were far different from that of the worlds. She grew up in a sentimental and beautiful life, her mother was the stay-at-home type, her father, a hardworking college student. Both of her parents had been in college when they had met, her father, James and her mother, Mali, made her in the same year they met, while they were still dating. Veronica was a surprise, but a loving one at that, they'd wanted to raise her the best way they could, one of them had to drop out. So, Mali dropped, still pregnant, she began to live with her best friend in her apartment.

Her father, would remain, studying in New Jersey. After his very detailed four years, he began to live with Mali far more often, they picked a small lot in Missouri, and built their house in a small town. Veronica was born in Alpine, New Jersey, 1996. After a sweetened birth and much time spent with her mother, the new addition of a father-figure in the family intrigued her. He began to teach her things that her mother simply could not, no matter how kind they both were. They had actually been married for a little while, shortly after Christina's birth. So, perhaps his appearance wasn't so improbable, just foreign.

The small house on the corner of Whitewood street became a lively little center for the neighbors. It was a pure home, one that believed in love, gave money to fellow street-mates if they needed it. They were never quite rich or living in comfort, in fact, several times they had police on their doorstep, threatening to vacate the place. Naturally, no one could, as everyone around would revolt, the Cox family had had a huge impact upon them within the previous year they were there. Veronica grew up around the ghetto, but all of the kids were nice to her, treating her as if she was someone, they never once dared make her do anything wrong. For, they knew she wouldn't do it, to the contrary, she would try to talk them out of whatever it was.

Having such potential in her heart and in her mind, especially before she had even turned four, truly baffled her parents. Seeing this untapped talent, they began to turn her, making her pure and gentle, teaching her to give wherever, that one day she may be required to fight for those she cared about, and she would have to. She could hear them, but never understood until later in life.

She was five when she had remembered the atrocity. Her family had thrown the usual Friday cookout, having a grill fired up, men and women of all type in her backyard, there was the smell of cooking meat, the sweet wisp of friendly chatter. She could recall the sun beating down on her pale skin, her feet were pattering hard on the soft grass as she chased after her friend Brook. For what reason however, she could not remember. She was laughing, something common among her daily life activities, something that calmed her down. With swift speed, she managed to grab the arm of the girl, pinning her to the ground, "Gotch'ya!" Her toddler voice had a sweeter sound to it, innocent and precious. Brook responded in her similar tone, "Nah!!! Get off me V!" She pushed, Veronica fell off, laughing subtly. Soon, they both broke into a serenading laugh, the two of them lying on the grass. There were some boys messing around playing on the seesaw,
No where near as fun as what 'we're' doing~ She giggled at her thought, rising up as she ran to her father. "Daddy!" He caught her in his arms, twirling around as the neighbors laughed, smiling, "Yes dear?" She gave him a pudgy and adorable grin, "When's the food gonna be readyyyy!?" He smile and rubbed his nose against hers, "In a minute or two." She groaned, "You said that a minute ago." Now they were all laughing hysterically, even at a young age, she had always been quite knowledgeable in getting people to smile.

The meal had been set now, picnic blankets were out and people were out in the yard, sharing their usual story of comedy, it was Ralph speaking tonight, he'd always had a funny accent, a stereotypical redneck. Everything was peaceful, Ralph was ranting about how Rick had come over to repair his car and what had happened to the exhaust when he tried, he hit the punch-line. As he hit it, the completely foreign sound rang through the air, shouting and whooping occupied after, there was a crashing as well, the entire back gate was smashed. Ralph was lying on the ground in an immediate pool of blood, people began shouting, shrieking, a car had come busting through the gate, armed thugs pushed through, an automated tearing sound filled the air, their was blood, staining her within the moment. She stood, beginning to run, however, within the first two taps of her young legs, she felt a sharp pain rip through her ankle, she fell to the ground, already unconscious from shock.

She woke up a near two hours later, blood soaking her body, everything was quiet. The pain was unbearable dare she look down, she did. A bullet had lodged itself there in her ankle, oozing as she stifled a prolonged wail. She began to crawl until coming in contact with her hand, it gripped firm around a shirt. A white polo, the very one her father had worn, a desecrated corpse lay before her, the tears built up immediately, she began to soak the ground with salty drops. Her fingers tensed on the dirt as she looked up, she exclaimed with the tops of her lungs, "WHY!?" Followed by other inevitable disbelief and shock symptoms, she managed to come out of it, tears still streaming and ankle going numb. She grabbed a nearby fallen piece of wood and strapped it around her leg, fear and pain gripping her as she made a make-shift stilt. She then grabbed a longer wooden pole, getting herself up straight. With solemn thoughts, she walked out of the blood-fest, parading her broken and bloodied body onto the street. It took a mighty twenty minutes to walk down that road, and a good few hours to make it to the police station.

The moon had risen high when the deathly figure appeared on their steps, a loud thump had stirred Officer Martin. He'd been asleep at his desk, with a newspaper covering his face, the informative paper falling to the ground as he stood up. "Who's there?" He began to walk slow, his boots creaking on the old wood, his right hand tensed as he felt the grip of his pistol, flinging the door open, he gazed upon a horrific sight. A pale-white girl, soaked in blood lay in a heap. With haste he panicked, "Hello!?" He went to her side, checking for a pulse, it was faint, but she was alive. "Are you alright!?" To no reply, he scooped her up in his arms and took her inside. He laid her down, phoning the hospital to send an ambulance, within minutes it had arrived.

She'd been in a daze of stimulated events, men and women, all shouting at her, passing lights through an open window one moment, the next, a single bright light above her, more arguing voice, blue colored figures moved in a symphony. She dreamed that she was watching a ballet, however, one of the dancers fell, not getting back up, the next fell, then the other, and the other, and no one was doing anything. It was then that the stage turned red, enveloping the beautiful women, the audience had left her. She'd felt some sort of fear creeping up, long before anything had even happened. There was suddenly a give-way on the stage, blood began to seep from the floor, as a crucifix rose, and upon it was the face of her father and mother, stitched into the rotting wood. With a sharp gasp she awoke, sitting up a little too quickly.

Her head collided with a brutal sturdy force, she groaned and fell back onto her bed,
A bed? She thumbed her fingers together as she waited for her eyesight to return. She couldn't see, the blinding light from the outside world was killing her. She managed to shield them for only a brief moment, flicking the veil open for a second, seeing a concerned look upon the doctor's face. Her eyes shut again, she sucked in a deep bit of air, Veronica felt a warm hand touch hers, "We're afraid that you wouldn't have awaken." She rubbed her eyes, "Wha'd'ya mean?" She pursed her caked lips together, he replied softly, "Well... You've been asleep for three months now. You slipped into a coma after your... injury." He patted her wrapped up ankle. She groaned, barely able to open her eyes now, she stared at the matured man. "Who are you?" She began to sit up as her consciousness, her thoughts flowing fast. Tears began to form, "Daddy... Mommy... They're... They're..." He put his hands on her shoulder, "I know. Say no more." And she didn't, she just began to cry.

Hours of her pain carried down her cheeks until she began to fear she'd dry her body up if she cried any more. As soon as the battalion of tears had disappeared and dissolved into weak sniffles, the doctor spoke again, "There are some men who would like to speak to you." He stood, and exited the room, two men in suits came in, she already missed the company of her doctor, he had a much brighter side to him. They were still kind to her however, they began their introductions, "Hello Veronica, you may call me Max, and this is my associate, Eric. They were both young men, sleek hair, dark brown eyes, if it wasn't for the structure of their faces, they could've been mistaken as brothers. "We understand you've had a hard time, recently, and we want to let you know that the government has stepped in and is open to placing you in foster care." She gulped, "B-But... I want mommy and daddy..." She began to feel tears again, they managed to console her quickly, "We know dear... but, they're in a better place." Veronica began to cry again. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... It's okay... We've got a family who's looking to take you in." He began to go on about some more trivial nonsense. It was okay, she had shut them out several minutes ago. All she wanted, was her family back.

More days were to pass until she was forced to move, to gather her belongings, get dressed, and head to her new family. She was shuffled around several times, receiving a return report of, 'Demented Child.' No one loved her. No one wanted her, and she never wanted anyone else, this continued for the next nine years, this is when her serious issues began. A family who lived in the ghetto took her in. Not the nicest home she'd been in, probably the worst. But, it's was where she had stayed the longest before finding her permanent home.

She walked through the door, immediately knowing that this place would be far more exciting. A girl at the age of fourteen, a real gem externally, but a beast internally, walked through the door of pain, knowing little of it. She was introduced to her family, settled in, and within no time at all, the father of the house was already beating her, the mother was a drug-addict, and she was involved in a gang. Veronica had actually found refuge however amid this gang, the true people who knew about brotherhood and sisterhood. If she had their back, they had hers. She began doing drugs, got a tattoo, learned to shoot, killed someone, got in fights, had sex, flunked school. Casual.

This entire way of life had etched itself into her mind, never wanting to let go, but the strength of loved ones, dead or alive, has a far greater impact than anything ever could.

It was a Saturday in late July, she had sat down at the table with the same men who had dropped her off in that hell-hole a year ago, a single parchment of paper in between them. Her belly-button piercing sparkling in the dying light of the evening. "The hell you want?" Her attitude had long since changed since she was young, she was warped, twisted, corrupted, and she was only about to be twisted, but this time, perhaps it was for the better.

They pushed the wrapped up parchment towards her. She itched her nose as her hand took it, she bit her pale pink lip as she unwrapped it. Inside was a photo, she put it down immediately, it was cracking the walls she had placed around herself, "No, take it back." The image was already burning into her mind. "They wanted you to have it. It was in their will." She looked at the picture again, her father and mother, both, smiling, her mother was pregnant, there was Veronica, still inside of her. A round and distinguishable feature. Tears flooded back, her walls were collapsing, she battered her eyelashes together as she looked away. "Take me away from here... Please." She stared at the photo, flipping it around as the fading white piece of paper read, 'Be the light in the world, do not be the darkness. If there is darkness, there'd be light for a reason, to fight it and win. No matter what we've gone through, we may overcome and defeat the darkness within ourselves.'

She was bursting into tears as her elbows propped on the table, covering her head in shame. "Take me away! I've managed to screw up my life! It's
my fault!" She was sobbing, the two men looked at each other, "Is that really what you want?" Veronica nodded, no hesitation. It had been hell from the beginning, but she only survived by convincing herself that she had become a creature from that very place. Now, she was in denial, there was no more running from the pain that followed her. "Take me away from here..." She kept repeating the same phrase, long after she'd been buckled in the same vehicle she'd moved around the country in. She spent several months in government custody, continuing the next bit of time an orphanage. Taking time to refine herself, she dressed appropriately, fixed up her hair after growing it out, put on make-up daily, she even began to go back to church, something she had remembered doing when she was young.

She'd made a better woman of herself, she was growing now, she was a healthy and drug-free sixteen year old, with her priorities well before her. It was as she patiently awaited a family to pick her out that she'd found the best of them all. The Jamesons. A high-named family,
Don't they have enough kids, what more can I do for them? She was officially adopted, in 2013, she was seventeen then. She set hard to work immediately into her family, though it was hard to settle in, and very difficult, she found her home. They were all so gentle and sweet to her. Making her truly feel welcomed and loved, something she hadn't felt in nearly twelve years. She did however, remain distant form the other children, feeling a sense of longing, they were blood related, the true gem of the family, she was more of the abandoned puppy that she had taken in.

Of course, there were the other families that they were in close ties with, but they had their own representatives, she liked to disappear into the background whenever they'd get together. One in particular peaked her interest, Greyson Callahan. Every time the families got together, she couldn't help but observe him, watch him, of course, she never had the audacity to ever go an speak to him, in fact, she never had the audacity to speak to anyone. But Greyson, he seemed to have a way of carrying himself, a certain type of maturity she had developed on the streets.

Academically, she was now excelling, having failed for her first two years of high school however, doomed her. She wasn't gonna make it too far, but she was showing promise, despite what recorded numbers may say. She managed to pass high school, not standing out much socially, and it had taken an extra year, but she had somehow pulled a 3.2 GPA out. Astonished enough, she received her degree and applied for the University of California. Along with this accomplishment at the age of eighteen, she gathered up a good deal of her funding and went out to the Caribbeans, isolating herself for some time as she took a very long vacation, awaiting her form to be accepted or denied. She'd only know by the next year. A year later had gone, no contact with her family, nothing. No admission to college either, with dampened spirits, she headed home.

She had spent her nineteenth birthday alone on a beach, sitting in her bikini as she stared out onto the oncoming lap of water. She'd managed to survive in Belize City. Part-time as a waitress, she'd been living with some kind folk who had taken her in. She only wanted to get some time to herself, that was her drive to staying alive. She'd phoned home six months ago to every family and told them that she'd be there within a few weeks, here she still was, six months later. She had her luggage in tow, cap upon her head, sweat pants around her legs, sandals and a spaghetti strap tank-top. She anonymously boarded her flight home, not telling anyone she was coming, supposedly now, she wanted to surprise them. She was coming back to California now, her head leaned back against the comfort of her chair.



She is a mature woman now, someone who can demand authority, and along with the academic/street-wise knowledge, she can provide a warm gesture to her brother's and sisters. As far as violence goes, she's tried her absolute best to forget about that sort of thing. However, she retains many of her skills from her time in a gang, hoping she can rid herself of that side.


+ Mature




+Good shot with a gun


+Can be easily broken if a secret nerve is tapped

+Constantly fights with herself

+Has been absent for a year and knows nothing of the families struggles

+Still smokes a cigarette once in a blue moon to release stress



Thoughts on characters:

(Will be edited in.)

Daaaaaang that is an AWESOME bio

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