

A+ Daydreamer
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Character Sign Ups

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Born Dauntless Recruits:



Transfer Recruits:




Full Fledged Dauntless Members:(other than instructors)


Divergent:(can be from any category previously state, the character should also have a spot in the list above)




Resistant: (not Divergent but with similar, weaker traits of Divergent's immunity to things, character will again also be listed above as well.)



((I doubt all these spaces will fill up, but should they, I will add more to each section. For now it will stay as it is, and hopefully the RP will be full of a diverse balance of characters.))



(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter)

Nickname: (opt.)

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)

Age: (17+)


Sexual Preference: (opt.)

Years they've been Dauntless: (1+)

Original Faction:

Job Outside of Instructing Trainees: (no positions too high up, check with me if unsure)

Number of Fears: (5+)

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )


Born Dauntless

(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter)

Nickname: (opt.)

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)

Age: (16 of course)


Sexual Preference: (opt.)

Parents Positions: (if still alive that is, parents cannot be leader figures without my approval)

Position they want in the Dauntless:

Number of Fears: (6+)

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc)

Why they stuck with Dauntless: (a paragraph)

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )



(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter)

Nickname: (opt.)

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)

Age: (16, again, of course)


Sexual Preference: (opt.)

Original Faction:

Parents Positions: (if still alive that is, parents cannot be leader figures without my approval)

Why they switched to Dauntless: (a paragraph)

Position they want in the Dauntless:

Number of Fears: (6+)

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc)

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )


Full Fledged Dauntless

(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter)

Nickname: (opt.)

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)

Age: (17+)


Sexual Preference: (opt.)

Years they've been Dauntless: (1+)

Original Faction:

Job within the Dauntless: (no positions too high up, check it over with me if unsure)

Number of Fears: (5+)

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc)

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )


((As always, wait for me to accept you before posting, quality over quantity, respect everyone, yadda yadda.))
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Name:Known as Nick by everyone but the other instructors who knows his name as Nickolas

Nickname: Nick

Appearance: 189 cm tall, a rose on his back that has a snake curled around it. Slightly tan, dark brown eyes. Black hair. Have a scar on his foot after a fight with a factionless who bit him. A scar on his ribs after someone tried to stab him, but he barely avoided it, having his whole left side grazed with a knife. Has the names Anna, Marie, Ter Ana, and Mathew tattoed down on his right side of the ribs. (Reason why may be told later in roleplay)


Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Straight, though he often seems to be more into guys.

Years they've been Dauntless: 7

Original Faction: Erudite

Job Outside of Instructing Trainees: Military leader

Number of Fears: 9. He will not tell what more than 3 of those are.


Nick is as most dauntless, dangerous and into being brave. He can easily turn to being too strict, and will not hesitate with making the intiates into fools, or putting them in dangerous situations. He rarely lose his temper, though when he do, he really do.

He can be quite calculated, and never do anything without having thought it over.


Nick was born and raised in Erudite, with both of his parents and an older sister who chose to stay in Erudite. Here he always stood out a little bit, as he prefered to run around and fight the kids from dauntless instead of studying with his fellow faction members. He did study occasionally though, and usually that was about fighting styles and weapons, not about biochemistry and math. Thanks to this, he was asked by the Erudite leader to make a deal with her, without anyone elses knowledge.

During the initiation, he had to use a cold and clever mind, where he pushed his limits.

He knew he had to be on the top of everything every single day, otherwise he would fail his side of the agreement. If he failed, he had no idea what they would do to his sister. So he faught every day to be on the top, and he managed so, making himself be someone they did not wish to lose. He used the knowledge he had already gathered, and used that with cold calculations, and by the end of the day, that showed results.

After this, he was asked to be an instructor for the new group of 16 years old, which he said yes to.

Phrase: Don't be reckless, chose your fights wisely.

Status: Average


Be brave and stuff. yeah, that.

Anything missing?
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@Nat Looks good. You're approved. With the whole military leader thing, try not to go power crazy, and I think it'll be fine. Haha. I may have your character be more involved in certain events because of his position. Just so ya know, but all instructors should be pretty involved anyways.


Name: Vesper (no one calls her that, ever, no one knows that's her name either, so that's pretty much why)

Nickname: V

Appearance: She has a couple more extensive tattoos.

This one's on her left shoulder.


This one is on her back, between her shoulders.


V's upper right ear also has two cartilage piercings, a couple simple rings. That's it.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Years they've been Dauntless: 4

Original Faction: Dauntless

Job Outside of Instructing Trainees: She knows the city almost better than anyone, which is why they leave it to her when it comes to organize patrol routes. V is younger than some other members, but she's experienced, so aside from that she acts as an adviser of sorts, whether it be to other members or higher ups. Unofficially she often helps everyone train, when not out and about on her own jobs.

Number of Fears: 7

Personality: V is a closed book. She can be nice enough, when it comes to things outside of their duties as Dauntless and training, but she doesn't talk about herself much, unless you grew up with her or know her well enough to reminisce about old times, you won't know a thing about her other than what she does. It's not that she has a ton of secrets, because she has some, but it's more that she honestly isn't as social as some other Dauntless. She is just as crazy if not crazier however, pushing her bravery to its limits, but not past the point of stupidity.

When it comes to training, V gets serious. The Dauntless lifestyle may be full of fun and games, but it's no joke. She pushes those she trains hard, to their breaking point if she has to, just to teach people their limits and to help them expand them. It's not out of cruelty that she does so, however. V knows the things she teaches people now may vary well save their lives later.

There are few things she's really passionate about, such as the Dauntless, and one will find that it's on those subjects she so loves that one can get her to finally open up in a conversations. V knows things aren't all black and white, but she still tries to do what she thinks is the right thing to do, always, even if that means getting into trouble. Although, trouble hardly bothers her too much. She enjoys the challenge. Oh, and she loves a good competition as well of course. But who doesn't?

Bio: V was born into the life of the Dauntless. An only child, raised solely by her father. She doesn't talk about her mother and no one knows about her anyways. She was already riding the trains and going out to the fence by the time she was 4. When she was 10, she snuck into one of the testing rooms with a friend and went through her fears, a whole 6 years too early. Let's just say it was an enlightening experience. V trained harder, played harder moved faster, and did better after that. Her father was found at the bottom of the Chasm a few years later. That's when she became more of a closed book.

The weeks spent after Choosing Day becoming an actual Dauntless were easy for her. Things were mostly uneventful except for the expected fights and tension. She stayed out of it, although she did help some others, and eventually ended up with a pretty high rank among her group. She doesn't share her scores or things though.

For leisure, she often goes for a run, or zip lining, the typical crazy stuff. All in all, she's a Dauntless through and through. With a few exceptions. She often disappears, going off on her own to think as she wanders through the city, always keeping an eye out for trouble. Things have stayed pretty much the same for V, for a long while.

Phrase: "If you think it's the right thing to do, you can afford to regret it afterwards."

Status: Resistant

Other: N/A

Be Brave


Name: Melindise Greene

Nickname: She will choose to go by the name of Mel once she officially transfers to Dauntless.

Appearance: Light blueish-grey eyes with a complexion bordering on tan. She has dark brown hair that cascades down to her mid back and stands at a decent height of 5'4 without any shoes. Mel has a scar trailing from her wrist to her elbow on the top of her right arm from a big shard of glass after punching a bathroom mirror with her bare fist during one of her parents infamous fights.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Original Faction: Erudite

Parents Positions: Both work as professors for the Erudite college.

Why they switched to Dauntless: Mel switched from Erudite to Dauntless not only because of the stifling anxiety she felt just at the prospect of staying in the overwhelming knowledgeable faction, the anxiety being brought to the surface because she felt as if she knew that there was something brewing underneath within her home faction, but also because she couldn't stand how there was an agenda or plan for everything. She enjoyed the thrill and rush she got whenever she did something that gave her that boost of adrenaline that made her feel a bit more like herself. Perhaps even a bit more grounded and sane.

Position they want in the Dauntless: Mel wants to either be an Instructor or a Nurse in the Dauntless faction although it all depends on her scores in the initiation stages.

Number of Fears: 8

Area of Expertise: Stealth, Knives (either close up or the general throwing), and Hand to Hand combat mainly because of her ability to analyze and predict the weaknesses and actions of her foes from growing up in Erudite.

Personality: Mel is a feisty, stubborn girl who is driven mostly be her own determination and motivations. She is usually quiet and tentative around those who she doesn't know, hiding in the shadows from the uncomfortable feeling of being in the spotlight, and always unconsciously analyzes her surroundings. It's a habit that has been engraved into her head from being in Erudite and, after all, old habits die hard, right? Most of what she does is with a kind heart and good intentions but, if need be, she won't hesitate to take action for those who need the help or are rendered useless. On one side, though, if she ever needed to get revenge she'd probably do it with a smirk planted firmly on her face.

At least half of the time Mel is snarky and sarcastic with that witty flare but she is a relative softy at heart.

Bio: Being born in Erudite, Mel was looked upon with high expectations from her mother and father. She was the only child they had and they put all faith atop her shoulders. So, growing up around people, no less your own family members, who scrutinize and criticize your every move was actually quite a bit of pressure.

As the years passed by in a relatively slow manner Mel was a bit over the average student in the criteria of knowledge. It was kind of hard not to be, what with your parents being both professors at a high-quality Erudite college. Although, because of her parents both having the jobs they have, Mel rarely got to see them. They were mostly gone all day making lesson plans or homework and study packets before or during school while at night they would go out and enjoy their own time, to themselves. Away from Mel.

Once she was around the age of fifteen she began to grow bored of the repetitive and incessant cycle that was the same every day and started to seek out adventurous and dangerous tasks such as stealing knives from her own kitchen to practice hand-eye coordination and simple combat moves or making it a goal to find the highest tree to be found just to climb it and enjoy the simple peace and quiet it brought from being up high, the wind blowing around her hair and bringing an assortment of new smells. It was also around this age that her parents had begun fighting when they actually were home, the arguments turning into another reason for the young girl to get out of the house.

By the time she turned sixteen it was far pass the time for her to leave the continual stress from hearing the constant fights between her parents, the boring schedule she could recite without even blinking, the annoying sliver of ever growing anxiety that had recently bloomed in her chest about some suspicious overheard conversations between other faction members, and the pressure of feeling as if she was being judged for every little move or thing she did, all the while miserably failing.

Although, as ready as Mel was, or is, to move on and away from her life, she can't help but be antsy and weary about what she really is. About how her Aptitude Test approved her for Dauntless.

And Erudite.

Phrase: "Isn't there a saying that curiosity killed the cat? Well, if so, then I'd already be dead. Although, I wouldn't be dead because of the curiosity but more because of the fact that I was willing to take the risk to sate it."

Status: Resistant


.::Be Brave::.
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(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.e1ba7885b1f0c49ea3e3ecfb0e23238a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.e1ba7885b1f0c49ea3e3ecfb0e23238a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter)Allison Marie

Nickname: (opt.)Allie Marie

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)she has her ears priced, and she wears her fathers wedding ring and a locket her mom used to wear she wears them both plus the bracelets her aunt gave her.

Age: (16, again, of course) 16


Sexual Preference: (opt.)Bi she likes guys a little more then girls though

Original Faction:Amity

Parents Positions: (if still alive that is, parents cannot be leader figures without my approval)her dad died from illness a few months after she was born. Her mom is her mentor cause she in secret disobeys rules and tells her mom what she got.

Why they switched to Dauntless: (a paragraph)Well she has always secretly watched the Dauntless as secretly except not a secret to her mom done crazy Dauntless like things like climbing and then jumping out of trees. She has also secretly again to her mom it isn't secret put a knife under her bed and carries it with her. She has been known to all amity to be easily angered like certain Dauntless. She and her mom both are proud of that. She also refuses the Peace Serum a lot but because her mom is the sister of the Amity leader she has never been even warned about being thrown out.

Position they want in the Dauntless:Instructor for the Transfers

Number of Fears: (6+)8 she will only say two maybe 3 of those 8 to a friend mentor or instructor that doesn't know she has 8 fears

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc)Climbing and secretly knives

Personality: (at least a paragraph)Allie Marie though in Amity is a bit of a hot head. Meaning you anger her she will either fight or scream or refuse to calm down until an hour of being angry.Although she is friends to everyone who doesn't constantly tell her that she should have been out of Amity by now. She is very very protective and defensive of her close friends and family. She tends to keep her need of being Dauntless a secret so in a way she is a little shy.

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)Allie Marie was born Amity but has always had a secret need for Dauntless. Her dad was a dauntless to Amity transfer cause her mom was told she couldn't see him even with her if he was still dauntless. Allie started climbing when she was 5 at 5/2 she started jumping out of the tress. She never really had a chance to know her father cause he died when she was still a baby what she knows about her Father came from her aunt and mom. Allie Marie tends to be a really calm person but once you anger her or even try to get her to have the Peace Serum she will go crazy which her craziness has resulted in Amity members and once her mom getting hurt. People and Allie herself tend to think that she fears peace cause she hardly ever gets the peace serum. Although Allie tends to stay in Amity she has come close to nearly being warned cause once she hurt her aunt one time.

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)"Dauntless life is going to be much better for me I mean how many of you have heard life isn't fair or a joy ride well mine is far from it I think my dad is more in me then my peaceful mom once I am Dauntless everyone except my aunt and mom will be happy that I this Amity peace serum refuser and Amity's only life risker is out of Amity and where I belong Dauntless." /"If Divergent is so noticeable in Dauntless or so dangerous to be discovered in Dauntless then why has nobody found out of my Divergence?" She says this to her mom almost all the time and she is always thinking this saying. The one in italics she is thinking a lot once in Dauntless.

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )Divergent

Other:Be Brave

Did I miss anything at all



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Yeah would you call a mentor or helper to the Divergents a instructor @Frost_
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Full Fledged Dauntless


Name: Mike

Nickname: Ink.

Appearance: He has multiple other tattoos on his body, like a pin up doll in a margarita glass on his shoulder, of a cross on his wrist, and multiple words all over his body.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: He's not quite sure, so Bi-curious.

Years they've been Dauntless: His whole life

Original Faction: Dauntless

Job within the Dauntless: tattoo artist

Number of Fears: 7

Area of Expertise: Knives, shooting, and close-up fight


Unlike most of his faction, he isn't into fighting and jumping out of tall buildings, though he will do it with others. He is a loyal friend, and a creative soul, who chose to stay in his own faction to be near his family. He is the sort who would never hurt someone unnecessary. He enjoys joking with people, and is often considered a flirt, as he tends to invite anyone to dancing or to just chill with him.


Mike was born and raised as a dauntless, and that never quite questined why he wouldn't be one. Yes, he loved books, he loved the peaceful ways of the amity, and he loved how the stiffs always put everyone infront of themselves. But he always knew that the black and inked of Dauntless was where he had to be. It was where his heart belonged.

As he was an older brother, he was always sen with his little brother on his shoulders, running through the quarters of the dauntless with him. It never bothered him that everyone was sorted like that, it was nature for him. That some were to belong in the faction of brave, some in that of selflessness, and some in that of being without filter. He loved how the dauntless would come back after going out doing their things, shouting about a party coming up.

The year where he turned 16 and had to chose a faction, nature fell in its place and he let his blood drop into the bowl of Dauntless. He managed the iniations, not that it was easy. He almost got thrown out during the second round, though he managed it. It was never his goal to be a leader, so he didn't mind that he was on the bottom of the list, that he was just within the top 10. As long as he could wirk with the creative.

Phrase: If you can ink it, I like it.

Status: Normal guy

Other: He has a slight crush on V.

Beeeee braaaaaaave
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Name: Blake Jacobsson

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: unsure.

Parents Positions: disappear for unknown reason after their duty at the gate.

Position they want in the Dauntless: Instructor, but they didn't get a chance to do it.

Number of Fears: 8

Area of Expertise: Long Range weapon and stealth

Personality: Mostly happy- but deep inside is still torn by the disappearance of his parents. Joyful and peaceful meaning that he is good humours around strangers and random people, but he will fight when he needs too. When he is mad he is like a little child, and will get what he wants. Blake is considered stubborn when it comes to things that he wants, and also very serious when he starts ti

Bio: After his parent's disappearance, he tries to be joyful and tries to be busy all the time to distract him from thinking about his father. Until today, he is still thinking about his lost parents.

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often)

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Transfers

(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter) Isabella

Nickname: (opt.) Izzy or bella

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.) Picture is the same as my profile pic. BUT Izzy has a nose stud on her left side and a tattoo of a dream catcher on her back.

Age: (16, again, of course) 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: (opt.) Men

Original Faction: Amity

Parents Positions: (if still alive that is, parents cannot be leader figures without my approval) both dead

Why they switched to Dauntless: (a paragraph): Izzy switched to dauntless because she was tired of the same old. And he parents are both dead so why did it matter to her if she left. SHe wants to be free. She looks for adventure and danger. She wants to protect and serve because she feels that is what she was meant to do.

Position they want in the Dauntless: INstructor

Number of Fears: (6+)Fire, lightning, closed spaces. belts, heights, snakes

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc) very good in hand to hand combat, and knives. STealth is pretty good too:p

Personality: (at least a paragraph) Izzy is very stubborn, she will follow the rules but not without giving you a hard time first, she is brave and very protective of others and wont go down without a fight. She can be kind and caring hen it is needed, very selfless. She doesnt talk about her parents at all or where she came from.

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs) When Izzy was younger around the age of 5 or so, her parents mysteriously diesappeared from their home. Not a trace of them was left behind. Izzy was sent to live with a rather cruel neighbor who would never speak to her or feed her. Izzy would always have to find food for herself. and at times when Izzy was said to have been misbehaving she was hit on the bottom with a belt several times .

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often) Do what the heart tells you.

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP ) Divergent

Other: Be BRAVE.



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@Bella4444 She'll be accepted as soon as you change her age. Since this RP will be starting off on choosing day to provide a good place for everyone's characters to be in one place and introduced, all new transfers and born dauntless will therefor be 16, the age at which they choose, unless they are already independents at which point they'd no longer be able to change factions unless becoming factionless. So, you're character can either be 16, or older and already a dauntless.
[QUOTE="Frost_]@Bella4444 She'll be accepted as soon as you change her age. Since this RP will be starting off on choosing day to provide a good place for everyone's characters to be in one place and introduced, all new transfers and born dauntless will therefor be 16, the age at which they choose, unless they are already independents at which point they'd no longer be able to change factions unless becoming factionless. So, you're character can either be 16, or older and already a dauntless.

oops sorry:) it was a typo!!!!!!
We'll probably start in a day or two. Hopefully we can get a couple more people, particularly some more born dauntless people, to join up before then. I'll probably end up making another character too. @Bella4444
Alrighty. That'll be up to you if you want to create another character to mentor your own. That whole bit might be complicated since your character isn't even going to be Dauntless technically until after the whole Choosing Ceremony part of the RP so you'll have to establish that whole relationship, in RP once they've met. @Ella Swan Cullen

@Bella4444 If you want to, go right ahead. That'd be great actually.
Born Dauntless

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/beautiful-redhead-girl-orange-hair.jpg.f53f534cd375f158dc3f06f3a71f57b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/beautiful-redhead-girl-orange-hair.jpg.f53f534cd375f158dc3f06f3a71f57b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(an image of your character's appearance here, real or anime doesn't matter)

Name: (first or full name, doesn't matter) Briar

Nickname: (opt.) Bri

Appearance: (describe physical traits not shown in the photo, tattoos, piercings, etc. May change as Rp progresses.) A tattoo of a dragon on her chest . Belly button piercing

Age: (16 of course) 16

Gender: female

Sexual Preference: (opt.) Bi

Parents Positions: (if still alive that is, parents cannot be leader figures without my approval) not living

Position they want in the Dauntless: none, but the position she has now

Number of Fears: (6+) 6

Area of Expertise: (climbing, stealth, hand to hand combat, long range weapons, close range weapons, knives, etc) hand to hand combat, stealth, climbing

Why they stuck with Dauntless: (a paragraph) Well she doesnt really know much about her parents, but is hoping she could finally get some info out of some of the others about them. And honestly who wouldnt want to be a Dauntless, carefree, adventure, danger. She felt that every other faction was boring and not really who she was.

Personality: (at least a paragraph) Bri is hardcore, she doesnt take no for an answer and is extremely stubborn, She is protective and brave, has a very short temper might i add. So you might want to stay offher back. She is kind to those she knows very well .

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs) Her parents died on a mission when she was a small child, she was taken care of by the entire community until she was about 12. She doesnt know a whole lot about her parents and no one really tells her of them.All she knows is that something strange is going on beneath the surface.

Phrase: (a quite or statement that reflects your character or is something they say often) EXCUSE ME?

Status: (Divergent, Resistant, Average. Don't want to spoil too much. xP ) Average

Other: Be BRAVE!



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