
Born Dauntless


Name: Darren

Nickname: Dare

Appearance: His eyes are hazel, he has a few tattoos, but no piercings.

It’s on his right forearm.

This one’s on the back of his left shoulder.


The last one is on his side, just above his right hip.


Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Parents Positions: His father works closely with the leaders of the faction, his mother oversees a lot of minor things, like the instructors, checking up on their training methods, the patrols, daily reports, that kind of thing. Almost a low level supervisor of sorts.

Position they want in the Dauntless: One day he want’s to be leading the Dauntless.

Number of Fears: 10

Area of Expertise: He’s good with explosives(don’t ask), hand to hand combat, and long range weapons(kind of).

Why they stuck with Dauntless: All his life he’s grown up jumping from rooftop to rooftop, setting off fireworks in important meetings, and fighting to be the best he can out of those his age. Expectations were set upon him by his parents from the day he was born, and he doesn’t expect to be letting them down anytime soon. That and he loves the lifestyle.

Personality: Dare can be kinda stupid at times. His views on bravery often get clouded and mixed up with that of stupidity. He doesn’t know his limits, and his pride makes it so that he never backs down, from anything, or anyone, save for his parents and the leaders of their faction. This also mean that he never turns down a dare, which is why he got his nickname.

Dare is a smart kid, he just, ignores what his conscience and common sense most of the time, instead doing whatever he deems, Dauntless enough. His bravery knows no bounds, and it is this that will get him killed in the future, if anything. He takes too many risks without weighing the rewards. While he may be cocky and arrogant, he is honest and loyal. One might actually believe he used to be a Candor in a previous life. The guy has absolutely no filters on what he says, often stating the blunt and honest truth, even if it comes across as not so great. He makes up for his downfalls by his surprising willingness to go to the ends of the earth and back for his friends or those he thinks deserve his help. While he wants to be the best, he wants to achieve that title fairly and you won’t see him cheating his way to the top, by doing things like, stabbing someone in the eye, for example.

Bio: Dare is the youngest in his family. He has one older sister, who surprisingly, transferred over to Erudite when she came of age, two years before he did. His parents, fiercely loyal to Dauntless didn’t take it so well, but they, and he, got over it after a year, although Dare still never talks to her. He still feels betrayed. His parents put pressure on them both to go places within the Dauntless. She was the only person who understood, the only person he could talk to or go on adventures with. Dare’s sister showed him the fun side to being Dauntless, but he can’t blame her for leaving. It was hard not to let the pressure get to you.

By the time he was 15, he could’ve been a Dauntless already, what with the skills he so meticulously honed and refined. Dare was going to come out at the top of his group if it was the last thing he did. By the looks of the other guys and ladies his age, who seem to be, well, exceptionally skilled as well, he knew early on it wasn’t going to be easy, which is why he pushed himself extra hard. Now that the fateful weeks finally approached, he’s become much more laidback and relaxed, not wanting to stress out or overwork himself. His parents have the utmost confidence and highest expectations for him, and so does he.

Phrase: “Hah. C’mon. Fight me. I dare you.”

Status: Average

Other: N/A

Be Brave

@Bella4444 Accepted!

xD I apologize for my incredibly large picture size on Dare's CS, among other things. My computer is being very stubborn and weird at the moment.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/122_9876543.jpg.70c1411712222d46899ca762bc7c5646.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/122_9876543.jpg.70c1411712222d46899ca762bc7c5646.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Collin J. Vahn

Nickname: Mr. Wonderful (when referring to himself. )

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Someone badass

Years they've been Dauntless: 8

Original Faction: Candor

Job Outside of Instructing Trainees: Monitoring Internal affairs

Number of Fears: 9-10 depending on his state of mind.

Personality: His B.S detector is alert and active and nothing pleases him more than embarrassing the initiates and making them question themselves. The standards Collin judges potential students by is nothing less than perfection. Collin comes from Candor and he's brutally honest about whether someone has what it takes to be Dauntless or not. The style of teaching he prefers pushes initiates by criticizing them and pitting them against each other. He's a chatty guy but not very friendly. Physical pounding into someone isn't his thing as much as intimidating them with the force of his personality. Collin can back down if he realizes he made a mistake and it's in him to apologize, but he has a tough time taking other people seriously.

Bio: Collan has a twin brother who transferred with him but failed the initiation. He felt stifled in Candor and transferred after debating between Erudite and Abnegation. Dauntless seemed to give its members the most freedom which was what Collin thought he wanted at the time. He still isn't sure if he has a place where he belongs even now. Collin came from a middle class family. Both of his parents are still living and so is his brother as far as Collin knows.

He excelled during Dauntless training and ranked close to the top in his class. Collin carefully crafted his reputation as being talented but lazy. In his experience, it's best to avoid the attention of the people ranking above him.

Phrase: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/quote.jpg.0dc76b591fbb5d9f0919fcb345528825.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/quote.jpg.0dc76b591fbb5d9f0919fcb345528825.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Status: Divergent

Other: Collin is always losing stuff. Like student scores and important notifications. Now he writes on his hand anything he needs to remember doing.

Be Brave



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/rp22.jpg.8b064f27d556c920f31daa82b4feedaa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/rp22.jpg.8b064f27d556c920f31daa82b4feedaa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

: Eden

Nickname: ED (Pronounced E-D) (prefs the name Eden though)

Appearance: Flaming Red Hair, One tattoo that reads "The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive" Very much so a giner complexion. Very white skin with freckles.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Years they've been Dauntless: Her whole life

Original Faction: Dauntless

Job within the Dauntless:Works in the control room

Number of Fears: 23

Area of Expertise: Wits. Intel.


Known as"the virgin" of the group. Very sweet, pure innocent girl. Terrified of fighting. She should have been in Abnegation but didn't want to leave her parents. She is very untrustful of people and is terrified of weapons. Loving and sweet girl. Secretly dreams of having a family.


Eden was born Dauntless. She wanted to switch to Abnegation but didn't want to leave her parents. Shortly after the choosing ceremony her parents had an "accident" and were never seen again. After that she fended for herself. She always felt lonely. All she really wants is a friend.

Phrase: Someday it will get better

Status: Timid, but open for new things

Other: Really likes Darren.



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If your character is 16, she'd be a Born Dauntless and not a full fledged member since it's a yearly thing, and so she'd be going through the choosing ceremony which is happening in RP now. Also you're missing the regular Name section and filled in Status incorrectly. You should put either Divergent, Resistant or Normal. Something along those lines. And, since she'd be considered Born Dauntless and each character sheet is different, you'd have to tweak yours to match that of the form I put in the first post. Of course, you could just increase her age to seventeen if you so wish and keep her as a full fledged member. @Alaska Young
Well, then a CS should be made, but it doesn't have to be a long one. Just name, age, position, original faction and a little background really. I won't add her onto the list of actual people since she's just going to be a supporting character for Allison though, and won't have her own arc or super important role in anything. So, yeah.

Name: Xy Keyham

Nickname: 'key' or just Xy

Appearance: tribal wolf tattoos down his back, several scars running on his abdomen

Age: 16


Sexual Preference: both

Parents Positions: mother: regular soldier father:deceased

Position they want in the Dauntless:instructor?

Number of Fears: 8

Area of Expertise: stealth, close range combat, knives

Why they stuck with Dauntless: Due to the massacre of his family early in his life, Xy has developed a cold hatred for the factionless. Even though Xy is smart enough to be Erudite, he has convinced himself to stay so that he could get revenge against those who murdered his father and brutally damaged his younger brother. In fact, that's pretty much his sole purpose in life. However, Xy feels no connection whatsoever to the other members of Dauntless, usually opting to ignore much of their existence altogether. He is sure that if not for his want of payback, Xy would have transferred to another faction.

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

Bio: (2 or more paragraphs)

Phrase: "What? Don't kid yourself." ~Xy Keyham

Status: average
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