[Requiem of the Gods] The Little Tea House

Man, it's quiet in here. Well, I'm gonna set up a prologue thread, day before the actual tourney. The matches are gonna be solo threads as well, but other players can post in them if they are watching from the crowd.
Not quite. Flesh out your Backgrounds. Like, contacts and all that stuff. A couple sentences on each. Sorry to be so nitpicky, but, it helps me make character driven plots. I prefer being able to use a character's background points as plot fuel, not just mere numbers and boons. Makes the characters feel more like the story is theirs. It's also why I award 4xp for a fully finished one, :)
Would you like me to clarify anything in my character sheet / background as well? It's the first time I'm trying to put together an Abyssal and any feedback (even regarding my character image - i've presented 3 pictures, to tell me which one would be more appropriate) would be more than appreciated. :D
Well, for now, just make a small description and location for the manse. Stat it out later. Like, old one I had as a rank 1 air manse was a stone gazebo on a windy plain in marukan. Stuff as simple as that. Rank 1's are smaaaaaall
Alright. I'll get to it when I wake up (going to sleep now). Just a question though, regarding your introductory post. Could we say perhaps that my character is sponsored by Sijan due to its thematic affiliation or do you have a Sijanese competitor made already and tampering with it would alter your story? I only ask since I don't think that my character would have the necessary money to sponsor himself.
xarvh has messaged me with interest as a latecomer to the group. a DB immaculate martial artist...any protests?
Thank you for the Sijanese sponsorship. :D

I added you on AIM as well (my nickname there is the same as in these forums without "_" between the two words).

As for an Immaculate martial artist, well, my character may not have the best view on the Immaculate Order (seeking to depose their "false" religion in favor of ancestral cults) but other than that I think I'll be ok. Besides, I like very much Immaculate martial artists as a character concept and it's always interesting to see one in action.
Oh, as for Sijanese sponsorship, Sijan doesn't openly use any deathknights at this point in plot, so, may wanna be careful. There will be a publicly known deathknight though, from Thorns, so, there is always the option of revealing yourself...after all, what could possibly go wrong? :P
I should note however (since I forgot to in my previous post) that - regarding Dragonblooded in general, my character's background (and his near death twice) at the hands of arrogant Dynasts has made him not so friendly disposed towards them. Of course, should any DB displays signs of proper conduct, my character has no reason to regard him with hostility.

As for the Sijanese sponsorship, thank you for saying so, it seems that I may have to restrict myself and not display too openly my power, at least until the severity of the situation demands it. The fact that one Deathknight is participating already though, could mean that they're not regarded with outright rejection by the tournament but they're rather (even if reluctantly) accepted as worthy combatants.

Thing is though, that my character, while acknowledging the fact that he's elevated above common mortals due to the alteration in his nature, and while knowing that he made a pact with Death to be his champion (therefore he accepts that the term "deathknight" could apply to him as well), he is still largely unaware of the extended structure of the Underworld, of the Deathlords etc, at least to the degree a normally and properly indoctrinated Deathknight would.

If you would like me to alter something of the above, please tell me.
Hmm. Black Leopard doesn't care that much for the Realm or the Immaculates in general, but if he can get to know and determine the person in question to be of good character, less qualms there. It was the Dynasts who did him wrong as a slave boy, not the Immaculates after all.
Another question, that came up while I was looking over my charm selection. Would Perfect Defences be necessary in your game Thorn, in order to survive or will lesser defences (excellency-boosted DVs, defensive charms etc) suffice for the most part? I only ask since I tried to make my character thematically, as an exalt that had limited training in the general ways of Abyssal exalted, instead inducted in a closely-knit monastic society, which is reflected in his training and aptitude in the Hungry Ghost style, and his training on how to mitigate the adverse side-effects of his altered nature (resonance).

Personally I prefer the more relaxed approach, in which as a player I try to focus more on enjoying the story and the encounters, without worrying about dieing on every single battle, but in case that you make your games in such a way that perfect defenses are required and this is your playstyle, I'd appreciate it if you could tell us, so that I can modify my charm selection in order to fit your game better.

Alternatively (and on a second thought) I guess I could divide my focus - and instead of focusing fully on Hungry Ghost style, I could also explore the Resistance charm tree, since it fits thematically with my character and with gruelling regimes of martial training as well, supplementing remarkably the martial artists who are unable to use armor for defence while practising their style, relying instead on their superior constitution. (Same could be true for Dodge charms as well, with "superior constitution" being substituted by preternatural awareness, excellent reflexes and agility).
until the vast majority of you HAVE perfect defenses, they will not be necessary. i pace my games to what the players are capable of
Thank you for the clarification. :D (now I'll re-think my charm selection a bit more :wink: ).

An interesting change on the perfect defences matter, which I believe alleviates some of their issues, has been made in the Glories: UCS book, pg. 23. According to it, for a small xp cost (2), players that have the basic DV penalty negator charm (for example Shadow over Water) and its respective Perfect defence charm (Seven Shadow Evasion in our example) consider them to be the same, for purposes of charm and combo activation.

For example, if an exalted character wishes to defend against mere mortal soldiers, whose attacks can be easily negated by the basic defensive charm (which is also cheaper) he can use this. Now, if in the same action a powerful exalted character attacks him as well, he can activate the perfect defence charm without it counting as a different charm activation.
Yup, i've read that one. For the record, I currently own all published 2nd edition books, in dead tree format, pdf for the pdf onlies, and the ink monkeys ultimate collection. I have NOT read them completely, but, I pretty much have every canonical thing at my disposal.
Sorry about the radio-silence. My trip back from Montreal was killer, and then I needed to catch up on RL, but I'm gonna binge tomorrow night and get all caught up. Looking forward to this game!

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