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Active [Republic of Kuridan - Yale Village Outskirts] Whack 'A Mole

Mentions: Elvario Elvario IanThe170 IanThe170
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog% |



Bones broke as Martin watched as the creature before him began to implode before the crushing forces of his gravitational spell. A dull thump followed a lead ball slammed into the creature. And finally --


What looked and sounded like a simply slap broke the mole's spine, sending it hurdling backwards as it ragdolled along the ground. Martin stared upon the creature with pale blue eyes, thoughts flickering beneath the surface.

Hmm. It almost escaped. Perhaps more physical bindings would do better.

The sound of sparks carried his eyes over to the other creature -- who'd been similarly crushed in addition to being electrified by Joshua. The flash of lightning illuminated Martin's face for a moment, before it fell and most of his expression was wrapped in darkness. All save for a mouth which gave Joshua a crooked, amused smile at the phrase "Whack-a-mole" as the insides of his tanks bubbled.

"Close enough." He said simply.

"You're offense and defense are roughly the same in power for the moment -- though your defense is more versatile. It might do you better to attack and defend in sync with others. Even the weak can contribute." He spoke bluntly providing him with observations.

Holding up a single finger, Martin gathers mana in it. A faint purple light gathers somewhere on his index finger.

"It would do well to learn the magic of this world. It gives power to knowledge of many kinds. And it nearly as omnipresent. It permeates the atmosphere and most everything around. And indeed...." He points at the dead moles with the staff.

"It is said that it is said that monsters are formed from chaotic mana, manipulating the elements to conjure up malevolent spawn."

A shrug as he lowers his staff. "Have your of heard of Clark's Third Law? This magic may be supernatural and seemingly an affront to natural law, yet simply may be as staple a force as gravity, electromagnetism and both strong and weak forces. I would do well to make use of it as you would any other knowledge."

Martin realized he had talked too much. He also found the shark lady to be staring at him in the wrong way. Though, there was a corpse at his feet and she did say she was hungry. Martin merely raised a brow as he briefly looked at her, before something else caught his attention.

It seemed Jebidiah had found something alone and Martin would walk over until he was right next to the cowboy. [Movement]

Develius Develius

"Have you made a new friend, or a foe?" He said amicably to Jeb as he walked, despite the slight tension. One Martin would soon be escalating. "Let's find out." Martin reached into his coat and pulled a strange gun. He leveled the sights with the mercenary fox sometime after the fox drew his own weapon but Martin didn't fire. Not yet at least. [Aim]

"We've come to deal with the mole problem. Now, who are you?" Martin said to the fox, his own voice towards the fox stern and to the point.

A slight click would be heard as the firearm's safety was flicked off.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 6/6 (D Grade Vitality + 3 HP BUFF)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1 and 2.
Movement - Martin walks over until he is next to Jebidiah
3. Aim - Martin aims at the mercenary fox.

F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF

Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#

'Wickey' couldn't see a thing outside of a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel, although he was quite certain neither of them were actually things present in the cave with them. Grumbling and huffing quietly, the little incubus could only murmur softly as he had utilised his healing capabilities to try and fix himself up into better shape. Having heard about Koralia's supposed immediate exploits, he just lightly turned his head.
"I'm sure you got them good... " he grumbled, knowing he too felt the immense crushing power of the beastkin's strength. Maybe the moles had it easier than him, having squirmed around a bit much to the displeasure of the Koralia holding him. Finally finding himself placed on the ground, free and safe from the evil clutches of that carnivorous woman, Whizzie felt like a great weight was lifted from his soul and very being to be so free. Shrivelling up and recoiling if for a mere moment at the woman's headpat, his stare returned in fear as he held concern yet more brutality was going to be targetted at him. Albeit it turned out to be just a headpat, such a digraceful gesture was humiliating as he lightly shook his head the moment she turned. He wasn't going to stand for being petted like a mere... well, pet. Who did she think she was, calling such a POWERFUL being of dark origin a LITTLE MORSEL? His pain tiding over, the incubus toiled with his hands as he delighted in the thought of such a giant creature begging and pleading at his own mercy. Would he torture her by severing flesh to turn into delicious seafood? Perhaps shackle the beast up and use her as a beast of burden. Such a non-monster fool should watch their tongue when speaking to the Greatest.

Though, as he knew to take a deep breath and calm himself, Whizzie needed to turn back to the adorable and lovable Wicke which wasn't hard for the most adorable and lovable being to ever walk this peasantry land.
"Sorry my dear darling Koralia, but you had squeezed me a little to hard, now maybe if-" but his eardrums had been shattered by the powerful voice of the Shark-Lady. They really weren't being subtle about this, were they?
"YOU INSUFFERABLE FISH-BAIT, WILL YOU FOR THE LOVE OF-" Whizzie's patience ran thin, snapping at Koralia and challenging her loud yelling before realising such a confrontation was exactly not what he was looking for. Hitting himself in the chest and clearing his throat, he awkwardly smiled and giggled.
"-Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing great~! With you loud and proud in the mole-monsters' home, you'll be baiting all of them to us like fish for the catching~! Aha! I was just thinking of helping you, but finding that other voice might be more important! They could be in trouble" Whizzie nodded, a small waggle of his tail and sway of his body as he looked up at the shark with a highly delighted smile.

Turning his head away, he still felt the sickness of being held like a kid's toy not being cared for nicely. That, and he still held fury inside him for being so demeaned by Koralia. He'll make her pay and suffer in due time, once he finds away to benefit and exploit her power, he'll make her suffer every waking moment. Just like the rest of those idiotic non-monster fools in the party, and on this dreaded continent. They'll all see.

Alternate Identity (F)

Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown

2. Hold torchie and follow behind Koralia... you know, at a slightly safer distance

“<Oh, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve visited many dangerous places in the See with my big bro and sis! I helped them bring down lots of scary monsters…>” Kiyo's eyes beamed with pride at the mention of Siblings. “<...Though I don’t do the fighting>” he added with a slight laugh. “<my last job was in the East Empire, where I helped kill a big monster that was poisoning a town's wells.>” He explained happily, throwing his arms out to his sides to show how big the monster was. he then turned his gaze to the mole's corpses and frowned. "<I guess we will need to stop them if they’re harming people>”

His ears parked up in reaction to Koralia’s loud voice, which made him quickly run to her side and put his finger over his mouth. “<Shhhh! Be quiet! Those moles were only scouts, making loud noises will attract the rest of them!>” He said quickly to her with a serious look. He then turned towards the direction she was looking at and squinted his eyes. “<Is there something down there? More moles?>”

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob


| Common | #Abyssal# |
| Elvario Elvario [Fox Mercenary + Almeida] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat [Kiyo] |

Peering down the deep dark cavern, Cassidy was quick to spot a lone sword-wielding fox-kin on the other side of the rickety old bridge. He certainly didn't remember this guy being part of the group. As he asked who was there, the gunslinger would keep a hand raised above their holster in the event he had to take action at a moment's notice. "Right back at ya pardner!" he called out with his signature drawl in his voice. It was friendly enough but dripped with a serving of heavy caution, "Take it easy now, son. I ain't hear to cause ya trouble."

As Martin pulled up next to him, the gunslinger responded in kind. "Ain't terribly sure." he said unsurely as he eyed the fox closely. He seemed like an admirable swordsman to say the least. "Though he don't look too bad. I'd reckon he be-" Seeing his partner pull out that strange contraption of a gun of his, he was hesitant to actually let him fire it right off the bat if that's what he was going to do. Hearing the safety click off caused Cassidy to get a tad-bit uneasy. "Eeeeeasy now, cowpoke." the gunslinger growled lowly as he watched the stranger across them, "I think he's prob'ly one of de good'nes..." Still, he didn't blame Martin for being on edge either.

Nonetheless, Cassidy attempt to back him up with a confirming reply of his own. "What he said... What's a lone swordsman like yerself doin all the way down 'ere? This place be crawlin' with moles afterall, son, ya gots to be careful."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds VIII)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds VIII)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds VII)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds VII)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Will be updated if more are given. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds VIII)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds V)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. Character is however particularly keen on gleaning new information and connections for mysterious ends. These types of missions also make a suitable place to test out his spells and weaponry. (Rounds VIII)


As Koralia called out, a voice would echo back only moments later.

???: “Up!!!”

Up? Up what? It wasn't entirely clear. Yet short after Koralia called out and got the reply, the group could hear the happy tune of a flute start to echo through the cave. As the sound filled it, orbs of light started to form all over the place. They surely, yet steadily, showed them the whole area laid out before them.

Before them was a chasm going deep enough for the light not to reach the bottom. There seemed to be a few 'pillar' like places at about the same height as where they were at. There were also a few pillars that seemed to go a fair bit further down. Yet none could see the bottom of this abyss.

Someone had manually been carving out pieces of rock to serve as bridges between said pillars. The stability of them was perhaps a bit questionable. In the very middle of it all, a giant skull of a dragon could be seen. It seemed like it was partially encased in the stone pillar it was on. Or perhaps in. Surrounding the skull and some fragments of what might be a paws were what seemed to be your average skeleton undead. They weren't really moving about, standing by idly as if waiting for something.

On one of the islands away from it all was the source of the sound they were hearing. A fox with a bit of a 'Shaman' like appearance was playing a flute. The island/pillar had been cut off from the ones with the undead on it. Whilst the fox looked in their direction, the shaman didn't stop playing the flute.

Meanwhile, as things died down, Joshua was able to take some time to get himself back into functioning order (HP 2 => 4). It took him some time and self-Tinkering wouldn't be the prettiest, but he'd manage to get himself fully operable again. Yet when he started talking, a big rock broke loose from the ceiling. Perhaps it'd been shaking loose from the earlier fighting or the mole's efforts from before. It fell right besides him, which was extraordinarily lucky. Otherwise it'd have been big enough to catch him by surprise and instantly break through barrier and vat alike. It'd be a good reminder that cave was a dangerous place to be in and that he'd almost become brain-paste.

Assuming Martin wasn't going to squeeze himself into the hallway to truly get right next to Jebidiah and risk getting them both in an extremely vulnerable position with no dodge options, he'd end up having to wait a bit behind Jebidiah. He'd also have be careful about the BIV that had wandered and tried to get between him and Jebidiah.

The fox would call back upon hearing Martin call out.

Mercenary Fox: “The moles? We've already cleared out this part. You'll want to try get to the parts north of here, across the chasm. The rest is none of your concern!”

He turned to Jebidiah when he called out as well.

Mercenary Fox: “Good. We're not looking for trouble either. I ain't a lone one. We're here on our own mission, unrelated to the moles. That's all you need to know.”

The mercenary ended up giving a little more information, though it seemed he was reluctant to talk more than that.



From: Almeida

Almeida was rather confused by what the shark had told her. Her tail? She looked around. She was pretty sure she didn't have one. Wait, did the shark mean her hair? That was put up into two pretty big tails. She shrugged, whatever it was, she didn't mind. “<Sure~ Whatever tail you want me to lift, I don't mind! I'm all for equal trade-offs~>” It seemed she'd get to personally check if the underside of Koralia's tail was soft or not soon enough. Another curiosity ready to be satisfied and another thing to take off of the bucket list.

Almeida looked across the new revealed area. “<Wow. That's a long way to fall down.>” She wasn't exactly afraid of heights, but falling here would be extraordinarily annoying, if not outright lethal. That said, as she was looking across, she smelled something. Seemed there were two mole bodies. “<You want to try them?>” She'd ask Koralia. One smelled raw, the other roasted. Normally she'd wait before eating, but seeing how one was already a bit cooked, it might be worth a quick taste.

Joshua's remark make her scoff. “%I'd have gotten them if I'd gone first and if these tunnels weren't so narrow.%” She didn't seem to get it.

Meanwhile, Almeida was surprised when Whizzie seemed to shout something in Common at Koralia all of a sudden. “#Are you okay?#” She'd ask. Just to be safe.

Kiyo would soon rush over to try keep Koralia quiet. “<If you didn't do the fighting, how did you help kill a monster?>” Almeida was confused at the cat boy. “<Either way, I guess it'd be fine so long as you don't get in our way and don't get yourself killed?>” She doubted the latter, but shrugged. Not her problem.

Languages: "Common", "<Bestial>"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6
Point Booster: Attentive Student D
RP Goal: Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset; Downtime: None
Resilient [Surprised]

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat

"Fish-bait?" Koralia narrowed her eyes dangerously, looking straight at Wickey, while her lips become flat. Only after a few moments, that seemed to stretch agonizingly slow for quite a while, until eventually letting out a snort. "That is the idea: why go after 'em, if we can bring 'em to us? Saves for walkin'" Her tail swished back and forth, seeing little problem with her plan. Despite the earlier sounds, if those moles were the only thing that the cave had to offer, they were as good as done with the task. "That squeeze was a bit too strong?" Looking a bit puzzled, the shark continued. "I thought I was usin' the least of my strength, sorry 'bout that. Imma puttin' ya in the 'handle with care' category, squeezin' wise." With mischief written all over her face, she flexed one arm against her chest, making the muscles of her biceps bulge under the clothing.

"<Pfffft, we will be fine!>" Un-flexing, she waved her gloved hand at Kiyo. "<Ain't nun' waitin' for us gonna be much stronger than those moles anyway. And, even if they are, ain't none stronger than Koralia Ironjaw.>" Boisterous, confident and ready for a good tumble, that was Koralia. Her self-declaration of prowess came accompanied by her jaws opening and closing. The razor-sharp, pointy teeth clashed against one another, bones clanking almost like metal. "<Plus, ya cold use this opportunity to pop that 'never-killed-nun' cherry. Hit 'em over the head with a big rock, that should do it.>" Fun could only be had when bashing something's brains out, right?

"<Perfect, we have a deal then.>" She told Almeida, having secured a nice tail-for-tail dealio. With some expectation on her mind, the shark would force her free-hand to close, making her bones crack.

"UP?! UPDOG?!"

Koralia wasn't one to let herself being caught in shenanigans, so she rather pulled the trigger first. Soon enough, however, there was a lute playing and light that would have been great for killing all those pesky moly-moles. "<Yeah, seems a bit too dangerous to fall down into this chasm.>" She told Almeida, walking a bit further towards the impromptu bridge.

There, the mercenary started poking it with her leather boot, checking how firm and stable that thing was. That was, until the scent of the moles reached her nostrils, coming from somewhere behind her. Her nose flared at the scent, tongue darting out to wet her lips and her stomach let out an audible grumble, looking over her shoulder. "<Guess one quick snack won't hurt, right?>" Giving the half-construct a full smirk, she was ready to go for the meal.

Sheathing her massive Zweihänder on her belt-scabbard, the shark walked over the snacks. With much ceremony, she leaned down and snatched them off the ground, walking back and handing the cooked one to Almeida. "<Time to dig in!>" Bringing the fallen creature to her mouth, the shark opened her jaw, revealing the several rows of sharpened teeth. And, bringing the corpse to it, she took a generous bite of it, tearing off skin, flesh and fat from the monster.

And she began munching on it, caring little about how many of the juices were overflowing through her lips, staining her jaw before dripping towards the ground.

"<MMMMM~ Mmmmmm~ Dish ish goood.>" Talking with a mouthful, the sound of bones creaking were audible. After swallowing, she looked at the make shift-bridge. "<I think I might be able to lift that up and make a new path towards that fox dude playin' the lute.>" To emphasize her point, she pointed at it with her muzzled nose, before taking another generous bite of the mole.
Last edited:


| Common | #Abyssal# |
| Elvario Elvario [Fox Mercenary] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] |

It appeared the Fox mercenary didn't come here alone either. And yet their mission here was apparently unrelated to the moles that swarmed these caverns... something he wasn't keen on sharing too much. Cassidy couldn't help but be suspicious. Perhaps the mercenary didn't trust the group enough to relay their objectives, especially given Martin's more blunt and matter-of-fact approach. Fair play if that's the case. Though it really didn't help explain things either. The gunslinger tilted their head towards their partner and whispered. "All we need'a know, huh...?" Cassidy quoted sarcastically, "Notta' be a Nosey Parker, but that totally aint some dodgy moonshiny lingo he yappin' bout..."

Escalating the confrontation wasn't their best move, nor in their best interests. They needed to start off slow if anything; squeeze enough information though casual force. Anything more and they'd risk coming out with nothing to show. That and an angry mob of who knows who ready to strike harm into them.

Putting his attention back towards the mercenary, Cassidy took a light step forward towards the foot of the bridge. "Could'ya least mind tell us who ya mean by 'we'?" he inquired casually, "Just for tha record books in case we run inna em... like who ya with and how many of ya in yer possy?" Cassidy didn't believe they'll be able to get too much more outta the fox, but it was a start at least. If nothing else, a head-count and mug shot would be enough to keep their eyes peeled.
Whizziemin the Greatest

Equipped Titles:
Monster, Incubus
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Common | #Abyssal#
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

Whizzie tried to do his best in keeping himself calm, hearing Almeida ask if he was okay and giving a small smile as well as a nod.
"#Of course, it's no problem~#" he had chimed back in response, hoping the girl focused their efforts on keeping them safe rather than getting distracted by his frustration of dealing with the rather unprofessional and dangerous shark-lady amidst the group. Though, he was a little peeved that she was treating him like some vulnerable and fragile object. He'd have jabbed back a threat, but it wasn't exactly the best time to do so.

"I'm fine and can handle such, you're just not being very mindful of how tight you're grabbing people. We all make mistakes though, so I will forgive you" Whizzie answered, internally not really wanting to forgive the moment of almost being killed by the crushing hold of Koralia, though the matter of continuing on with the task to get it better done with was a more important focus.

That being said, his attention was also diverted to the slain moles for a moment. A blood sample or so from the uncharred specimen would be a good addition to collect for scientific research. Though Koralia's questionable shouting didn't make any sense.

"What? What is updog?" Whizzie questioned with an eyebrow raise, the non-monsters in his company continued to make less reasonable sense with every moment. Though he'd go to fill one of his small vials with unsinged mole blood. Seeing the shark directly eat from them felt quite unhygienic, considering these things had just been rolling around and digging through dirt. Though if she got horribly sick, that was her fault.

He eyed the matter of the chasm, not exactly wanting to chance the risk of crossing due to putting faith in something untrustworthy like the carved bridges.
"Isn't there a better way around this? Surely we are not expected to cross such a dangerous gap... " he uttered, repeating the same to Almeida in #Abyssal# afterwards so she too could hear his point. This felt unnecessarily dangerous and ridiculous, why or how was anyone else getting through this place? No wonder a stranger was stuck here.

"#Trusting all this is probably how they got trapped in the first place. Taking even a single step on any of those so-called bridges feels like a dearh sentence, you possibly couldn't be thinking of doing such a thing?#" he asked Almeida, wondering if the girl had any semblance of thought in her mind that also didn't trust what was in front of them.

Alternate Identity (F)

Alternative Identity (F), Deception (F), Seduction (F), Persuasion (F) - Name: Wicke La'Kaia - Titles: Fae, Beast - Looks the same, maybe with hiding his wings, tail or horns, but has a thematical appearance that could be convincingly passed off as one of the other races - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown
2. Collect blood sample

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Develius Develius
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog% |


"Just a precaution." Martin reassured to "Cassidy."

It was a tight squeeze, but Martin's stance became more bladed as he aimed down his sights. His body turned to it's side. And his head tilted to the side until both eyes were aligned with the sight, which by now was squarely aimed at the fox's center mass. Yet obviously, Martin had watched the fox and listened for his reply. As well as that of Jeb.

For a time, Martin was quiet.

There was something odd about this. Perhaps the layman's term of this would be a "gut" feeling. Something of intuition of instinct that told him that something might have been wrong. It was most curious that the fox was here for something else. Was he hiding something? Yet such vague paranoia seemed beyond rationale. He liked to think himself a man of rationale and reasoning -- not of paranoia to the point of conspiracy.

Still, missing information was quite the bother.

His social skills also left something to be desired. Martin was a pure performance. Being amicable and participating in such politicking didn't really feel as though it suited him. Though it might suit someone else.

"Very well." He said loud enough for the fox to hear, lowering his gun. "I apologize for any misunderstanding." With that, Martin walked off for the moment, leaving Cassidy to that man.

Thinking to himself however, he came to a decision.

Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy

As Martin approached the group, he took a brief survey of the environment. Light filled the area as well as the sound of a flute. He saw fit to turn off his lamp. To save his power. As Martin stood still, he began to become attuned to ambient mana, preparing to cast a spell once more.

For a brief moment, Martin watched as the shark ate the moles with an almost fascinated gaze. It was like watching a nature documentary or a creature at the zoo. Given the situation and potential enemies present, however, his attention gathered more in the moment.

One of the would feel the cold tap of a metal upon his shoulder.

"Wicke, right?" Martin said to the rather promiscuously dressed man. "I notice you are the....." The old man paused trying to think of a proper word. "Quite the charmer. Thus I notice your talents might be better spent elsewhere. You see..." Martin begins to explain the situation with the alternate path, motioning to where Cassidy is standing.

"We have a tight lipped and suspicious fox who seems less than transparent with us. He stands in the way of a path. We are unsure of his intentions and I am but a shut in -- better suited to dwelling in a dark lab conversation, you see." After the summary came the question.

"Would you see about talking to him? Perhaps you will gain information. Or perhaps you will gain that "alternate path" you spoke of. Cassidy will be there to protect you. He sees well in the dark and is good with a gun." An appeal to the sentiments and desire to be protected.

"I will happily trade places with you. I find myself better suited to a situation like this." He said, motioning to the area filled with destructive architecture and pits. Martin's face could hardly be seen beneath the hood he wore. But one could see a wrinkled smirk.

"Unless perhaps you'd rather be left in the delicate of Ms. Ironjaw, over there." A hand motioned to the woman-shark as she chomped away violently at a mole. Aside from that, the suggestion to "Wicke" was allowed to hang quietly in the open air.

Actions: 2/3

HP: 6/6 (D Grade Vitality + 3 HP BUFF)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)

1. Movement -
Martin walks eastward towards the group
2. Other - Martin turns off his lantern to save oil.


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D- 0 Posts Remaining
C- 0 Posts Remaining
B- 0 Posts Remaining

Text: #7DF9FF

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Almeida – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Increase her reputation with the Kuridan Adventurer's Guild. | Using Downtime to have stories of her deeds spread her reputation in other Adventurer's Guilds as well. | Become friends with 'Sharky'. (Rounds VIIII)
Femboy Femboy Whizziemin the Greatest, Reborn! – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Collect any samples (materials, blood) of interesting beasts, monsters and magical beings. | Get back to recovering from experimentation. Regain [One with Lymantraius Rex] title (had it previously). (Rounds VIIII)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia Ironjaw – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Meet the one that sent her a fan-letter. | Obtain The Republic Adventurer Guild F asset. (Rounds VIIII)
Develius Develius Jebidiah Boone – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | - Collect Monster Parts/Essence to improve arsenal. | Come across a new weapon (gun preferably) or gear if possible. (Rounds VIII)
IanThe170 IanThe170 Joshua Wincent – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Obtain metals or minerals which could eventually be used to enhance his body. | Finding any neat hobbies from the other characters involved. (Rounds VIII)
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat Kiyo – Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. (Rounds V)
Maverick Six Maverick Six Martin - Deal with the [monster] Mole problem. | Finance for himself an asset in the form of a [Secret laboratory] in the Duchy. | Martin is here to primarily make money. (Rounds VIIII)


The shark asking for 'updog' would not get a response, as instead the flute music kept playing. That was all they'd hear from the east of them.

The bridges did seem fairly stable, luckily. If anything, it seemed that whomever or whatever had made them, had rooted them into the rocks themselves. It'd be mostly those undead standing around and their own feet slipping that might become the biggest risks. Or their allies getting in the way. This time not due to narrow tunnels, but due limited footing on bridges and pillars.

Whizzie would be able to get his blood samples from the bits of limb and mole spilled by Koralia as she was eating it, although Almeida would hand him the roasted one afterwards, not really eager to continue eating it, in case he'd not get enough from Koralia's left-overs. There were still some juices in the half-baked one as well.

The mercenary would reply to Jebidiah, but he didn't sound the most eager to share information. Yet after a bit of a pause, he'd speak up.

Mercenary Fox: “Me and my group. If you run into another fox, it's probably one of us. If you hear a flute, that's probably our Shaman. He got stuck out there. If you help him get back here... perhaps we'll talk more. That's about all you need to know.”

There was a bit of a pause, before he continued.

Mercenary Fox: “Your turn. How many of you are there and what are they like? We wouldn't want to assume one of yours is just here to... get in the way.”

As Martin moved over to watch the scene unfold, he'd at least be able to put two and two together with what he'd just heard on the other side.



From: Almeida

Almeida nodded, both regarding the tail for tail deal and the chasm. “<I wonder what would be worse. Surviving the fall, but being stuck with no way up again or just dying on the spot.>” Those were definitely some encouraging thoughts to be having right before they might need to cross there.

She'd accept the electricity fried mole from Koralia, as she looked at how easily the latter managed to bite off bits of mole. “<I wish I had teeth like that...>” Almeida stated, as she had significantly more trouble to try bite through the mole's skin. Eventually needing to just tear off a limb with her hands to get to easier bite-able bits. “<Hmm... Kind-off salty and gamey. Lots of muscles, little fat and meat. I also think there's lots of sand in there.>” The added crunch and texture from the sand wasn't ideal. “<Definitely had better. Perhaps if we clean it more and deep-fry it...>” She'd conclude.

As for Koralia's plans, she wasn't sure. “<I wonder if those skeletons won't start acting if we get closer without a plan.>”

“#Alright~#” She'd reply upon learning Whizzie was still good enough. That said, she had to agree with Whizzie. “#It does seem pretty lethal. Perhaps we'd need to try doing what does mountain-climbers do. Tie a rope to somewhere so that if you fall, you don't fall all the way down and can climb back up?#” That was a thought.

That said, Almeida wasn't one to sit still, so she picked up a rock from the ground. Then she'd throw it over towards the nearest skeleton on one of the pillars. A surprisingly loud 'Bonk' sound echoed as the pebble hit it in its skull. Not really doing any damage, but definitely drawing its attention. The skeleton started moving towards the rock pillar, but something seemed to stop it from going onto there.

“<Ugh... how lame. I wanted to use Valerius to slam them off the bridge like we were playing baseball!>” Almeida would share her brilliant plan post-execution of it.

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