Maverick Six
This party stinks
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog% |

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Expert Tinkerer, Isekai, Mad Scientist, Student of Higgs Boson F
Languages: |Common | %Analog% |

Bones broke as Martin watched as the creature before him began to implode before the crushing forces of his gravitational spell. A dull thump followed a lead ball slammed into the creature. And finally --
What looked and sounded like a simply slap broke the mole's spine, sending it hurdling backwards as it ragdolled along the ground. Martin stared upon the creature with pale blue eyes, thoughts flickering beneath the surface.
Hmm. It almost escaped. Perhaps more physical bindings would do better.
The sound of sparks carried his eyes over to the other creature -- who'd been similarly crushed in addition to being electrified by Joshua. The flash of lightning illuminated Martin's face for a moment, before it fell and most of his expression was wrapped in darkness. All save for a mouth which gave Joshua a crooked, amused smile at the phrase "Whack-a-mole" as the insides of his tanks bubbled.
"Close enough." He said simply.
"You're offense and defense are roughly the same in power for the moment -- though your defense is more versatile. It might do you better to attack and defend in sync with others. Even the weak can contribute." He spoke bluntly providing him with observations.
Holding up a single finger, Martin gathers mana in it. A faint purple light gathers somewhere on his index finger.
"It would do well to learn the magic of this world. It gives power to knowledge of many kinds. And it nearly as omnipresent. It permeates the atmosphere and most everything around. And indeed...." He points at the dead moles with the staff.
"It is said that it is said that monsters are formed from chaotic mana, manipulating the elements to conjure up malevolent spawn."
A shrug as he lowers his staff. "Have your of heard of Clark's Third Law? This magic may be supernatural and seemingly an affront to natural law, yet simply may be as staple a force as gravity, electromagnetism and both strong and weak forces. I would do well to make use of it as you would any other knowledge."
Martin realized he had talked too much. He also found the shark lady to be staring at him in the wrong way. Though, there was a corpse at his feet and she did say she was hungry. Martin merely raised a brow as he briefly looked at her, before something else caught his attention.
It seemed Jebidiah had found something alone and Martin would walk over until he was right next to the cowboy. [Movement]

"Have you made a new friend, or a foe?" He said amicably to Jeb as he walked, despite the slight tension. One Martin would soon be escalating. "Let's find out." Martin reached into his coat and pulled a strange gun. He leveled the sights with the mercenary fox sometime after the fox drew his own weapon but Martin didn't fire. Not yet at least. [Aim]
"We've come to deal with the mole problem. Now, who are you?" Martin said to the fox, his own voice towards the fox stern and to the point.
A slight click would be heard as the firearm's safety was flicked off.
Actions: 3/3
HP: 6/6 (D Grade Vitality + 3 HP BUFF)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)
1 and 2. Movement - Martin walks over until he is next to Jebidiah
3. Aim - Martin aims at the mercenary fox.
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Text: #7DF9FF
HP: 6/6 (D Grade Vitality + 3 HP BUFF)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Heavy)
1 and 2. Movement - Martin walks over until he is next to Jebidiah
3. Aim - Martin aims at the mercenary fox.
F - 0 Posts Remaining
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B- 0 Posts Remaining
Text: #7DF9FF