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Graded [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

  • OoC Info

    Defense is semi successful, enough to incapacitate the Bronze henchmen, Nero was left semi conscious and will take the next 2 rounds to recover. though some characters got knocked out but so did the enemies only 3 are conscious.

    Note: all knocked out characters will be out for 2 posting rounds/ narration posts same with the enemies which gives those who are Still conscious 2 rounds to figure out how to get away in that time and if to bring the knocked out characters. Knocked out characters may post about getting knocked out this round but cannot post until the round after the next.

    Extra Note: special thanks to Maxxob Maxxob for helping me with the combat out come and calculations. if he get’s a portion of the narration bonus during grading for it he deserves it!

    While the effectiveness system is being used it is being used loosely and while I might be a little strict with it improvisation and narrative may influence outcomes within reason!

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman

Last edited:


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil

Almeida was reminded of just how badly they weren't in an adventurer's group right now. With some folk just trying to run, some instantly getting caught, others seeming to panic. As luck, or perhaps a combined effort between those that did manage to react, would have it, they managed to turn the situation around and took out Nero and his henchman instead.

“[Whew. That was close.]” She commented. She looked at Aedriana and Soreiel, both passed out, along with the goat kid. That wasn't ideal. Hmm... she wonder if this would reduce the pay on this guard job. She'd technically sort-off failed badly already, hadn't she? “[I know Valerius...]” She grumbled. He didn't have to rub it in like that.

She was pretty surprised, however, by what Keircy asked next. “%Huh? What? Why?%” She had no clue what he was on about, as she'd head over towards Livius, lifting Valerius up high above him. “%You might want to look away.%” She warned him, as she would attempt to use [Jab] on Nero whilst he was still down.

Jab – Contact F, Incurable, Continuing [Burning] F, Range F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Vorpal, Blight [Valkanite] F, Blind Fighter
Using the pointed end of the war-hammer to really pierce through someone's defences and using valkanite to set the target on fire.

After all, a chance like this was unlikely to come up again. Not only was Nero out in the open and defenceless, Aedrianna wasn't even conscious to have to see him finished off. She truthfully might've hesitated a tad more otherwise, but with conditions being what they were, this was perfect.

“%Can you take care of the other one?%” She'd ask Keircey, gesturing towards the Henchman. He didn't need to kill the Henchmen, tying him up or taking away the weapons somehow would be enough, with the boss already dead. That said, if Keircey wouldn't do so and she'd been able to take care of Livius, she'd try to finish off the Bronze Henchmen with a regular attack. Considering she wasn't sure if this dude had a heart, she'd instead try to decapitate him with the sharp side of Valerius.

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile
abilities: Healing hymn - Magic F, Performance F, Affinity Element [sound] F, Healing F, Magic targets F, Range F - a soothing song that has a minor cure effect on two target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Sonic blast - Magic F, Performance F, Affinity Element [sound] F, Range F - basic sound-based magic attack - grade F - 0 post cooldown
INT D (3)+ Catalyst E (2)+ Ability F (1)= Effectiveness 6
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Noelle’s song had the desired effect. Both Nero and the bronze rustbucket were put into a daze leaving them open to the electric ring attack from Keircey. The rustbucket was completely knocked out and Nero was left on the brink of consciousness. Sadly the two assailants were not subdued quick enough before they could make some victims. Aedriana, Soreiel and the little goat kid were all knocked unconscious.
Noelle quickly checked on everyone taken out. "Thank goodness" She let out a sigh of relief when she realised they were all still alive.

Even Though no one was dead. They were still seriously hurt. Noelle wanted to do something about it. She was able to heal two people with her magic at this moment. She decided to heal the little goat child because she felt sorry for the kid and slightly guilty that she was not able to save him from harm in the first place. Next, she was also going to heal Aedriana. Noelle still remembered that she had some healing capabilities. Or at least knowledge of medicine which would be a big help at the moment. Sadly she can’t do anything for Soreiel at the moment. The mermaid started to play on her lute. She played her [healing hymn]. a green glow started to swirl around the goat boy and Aedriana. The magic of the song was slowly mending their wounds.
When she was done Noelle walked over to Jack and gently stroked his head. "It’s going to be okay" she said with a warm smile.

Keircey made a good point when he asked Noelle what they were going to do. The best plan would be to get their fallen allies to safety and make sure they are okay. There was no harm in leaving Nero and the henchmen for the moment. They were not able to cause them any trouble as they were now. And the safety of their friends was far more important than revenge.
Noelle was about to suggest taking their wounded allies to a safe place when she noticed Almeida trying to eliminate the defenceless Nero. "NO DON'T!!!" Noelle yelled as she gripped her weapon and without thinking unleashed [Sonic blast] towards Almeida with the intent to stop her attack, or at least disrupt her enough that the android’s attack would miss. Noelle then ran to stand between Almeida and Nero. <"Stupid Almeida!"> She said seriously towards Almeida. It was clear from the look in her eyes that she was angry with the android. But at the same time, tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. She really didn’t want to be mad at her friend. But she just could not allow her to kill someone defenceless. She could not let Almeida become a murderer. <"No!... Killing!... Help… friends!… safety!"> She said as she made gestures with her arms hoping Amleida understood what she was saying as she knew the android could not understand a word she was saying. Then Noelle got an idea. "You!" She pointed towards Keircey "Tell her that she must not kill this man and that we need to get our friends to safety quickly" she said to the wanderer forcefully before returning to glare at Almeida. Noelle did notice earlier that the construct was talking to Almeida in that beep-boop language of theirs. Now to hope that the android would listen.

  • OoC Info

    Jack is healed Aedriana is partially healed, Keircey tries to talk some sense into Almeida, The Brinze construct starts self repair.

    Note: I will be putting in a dash of narrative for healing to work however I will be nerfing the attack a little bit to prevent friendly fire. But lessons for the day. 1. 2 F grade abilities cannot be used in a single post without the energized skill. 2. On a normal occasion Noelle’s ability for healing wouldn’t work as E grade magic is required for addons like magic Range. Narrative is being used for healing but second ability will fizzle out.

    Extra Note: 1 more round until Soreiel and the enemies wake up. Gotta come up with solutions quick.

    While the effectiveness system is being used it is being used loosely and while I might be a little strict with it improvisation and narrative may influence outcomes within reason!

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil

She was confused when Noelle started to call out. “<Stupid?>” She asked, having no clue what she was doing wrong. Did the mermaid wish to finish off this enemy. She'd look from Noelle to Livius, then back to Noelle. “<You?>” She asked, pointing at Livius, wondering if the mermaid was the type of man-murdering monster some stories from his past life had made them out to be.

That said, she had no time to debate it much, as Keircey interrupted. “%Revenge? Why would I want revenge?%” These folks were thoroughly confusing her. “%I was hired to protect Aedrianna, he tired to harm her, so logically I'd kill him so that he can't try again right?%” It seemed to be a pretty important part of her whole job. “%I already didn't manage to prevent her from being knocked out..%” She still felt bad about that part.

Even so, she was a tad annoyed. “%With those two out of the way, Aedrianna is safer.%” That was an undeniable fact. She sighed. If they didn't let her kill them, she could at least get them arrested. Taking out her hempen rope, she'd set away her hammer and [tie up] Livius Nero with half of it and the [Bronze Henchman] with the other half. “%Now, when the guards come, I'll explain them they are slavers that tried to attack and enslave us. Surely the beasts here have some honour and wouldn't randomly allow Humans from the East Empire to march into their country and enslave and attack their people, right?%”

That said, Keircey had a point. The Bronze Construct was auto-repairing, so perhaps tying him up wouldn't be enough. “%Don't worry, this won't kill him.%” She stated, as she'd hit him with a [Tippy Tap] on the head. “%That should slow him down for a bit, even if he could break free form those ropes~%”

She looked around. Surely, by now, the guard would be approaching from somewhere. She'd wave them over. “[Guards! We've got some criminals that attacked us and tried to kidnapping my friend!]” She hoped they'd speak Terran, or would at least hear from her tone of voice that she wasn't the aggressor here.

There was, however, one thing that didn't sit well with her. “%I'm going to make one thing clear though, don't take it personal, but I'm not going to just run like that. If we start running from scum like this, we'll spent the rest of our life running from them and I've got better things to do.%” She already felt like they were missing a golden opportunity by not simply finishing them off. “%If this guy escapes or gets paid out or something, it's on you if he harnesses any of us again and I won't spare his life a second time.%” She made that part as clear as she could.

With that all done, she'd check in with Aedrianna. “<Ouch?>” She asked, trying to ask the girl if she was still in pain or if the healing had fixed her up well enough.

Tippy Tap – Non-Lethal F, Incapacitating F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Vorpal, Blind Fighter, Selective F - A non-lethal attack to defeat, but not kill, her opponents. - Grade F – 1 Action – 0 post CD
Jack Hayfield
Jack was knocked out in an instant, not managing to get away fast enough. Not even a second went by from his perspective before he blearily opened his eyes, his vision blurry. A calming voice filled his ears, quelling some of the immediate panic he felt after regaining consciousness. “T-Thank you…” He mumbles out to his saviour as he recovers.

He heard a bit of arguing as he slowly stood up, rubbing his aching head. Looking around, he makes notes of his surroundings before looking at the concussed enemies. He takes a wobbly step backward before skittering away from the battle–But staying within eyesight. He would need to thank them once this was over, and didn’t want to risk losing them from running completely away.

Interactions: Tellussoil Tellussoil
Mentions: Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Aedriannas blue eyes blinked open, staring confusedly into the sunlight. For a moment, she simply laid on the ground, before she finally seemed to remember their situation. Pushing herself up slowly, stiffly, her whole body hurt. That's what it was like to be attacked by magic? Maybe she really wasn't cut out for this adventuring thing. Her thoughts began to turn dark and depreciating. When Almeida came into her vision, it was as if the sun had suddenly risen. She managed to smile easily, nodding and wiping some dirt from her cheek as she tried to push herself up.

["Not hurt. Thank you."] It was then that she saw Sorieiel. She gasped, and crawled over towards the kitsune. <"Oh no Sori...uhmmm"> She bit her lips and started to dig through her bag, pulling out a small bottle of clear red liquid. She pulled the cork off, and picked Sorieiels head up, resting in her lap, so that she could try and feed the potion to her. Humming quietly and reassuringly as she did. Almost like a mothers lullaby.

<"In the snow so deep and wide,
A white fox wakes at dawn's light,
In the quiet, he takes stride,
Through the winter, bright and white.>"
Her voice was quiet and barely above a whisper as she swayed from side to side, gently coaxing her to drink the potion. As she did the potion glowed, ever so slightly.

[Healing Potion] Grade E - [Magic] (Backlash rank 3) [Healing] F (Depletes Rank 3) [Alchemy] F [Lucky] F : Aedrianna uses a magic potion from her bag to heal someone. 6 Post Cool down (? I think cuz of depletes)

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Tellussoil Tellussoil

Aedriannas blue eyes blinked open, staring confusedly into the sunlight. For a moment, she simply laid on the ground, before she finally seemed to remember their situation. Pushing herself up slowly, stiffly, her whole body hurt. That's what it was like to be attacked by magic? Maybe she really wasn't cut out for this adventuring thing. Her thoughts began to turn dark and depreciating. When Almeida came into her vision, it was as if the sun had suddenly risen. She managed to smile easily, nodding and wiping some dirt from her cheek as she tried to push herself up.

["Not hurt. Thank you."] It was then that she saw Sorieiel. She gasped, and crawled over towards the kitsune. <"Oh no Sori...uhmmm"> She bit her lips and started to dig through her bag, pulling out a small bottle of clear red liquid. She pulled the cork off, and picked Sorieiels head up, resting in her lap, so that she could try and feed the potion to her. Humming quietly and reassuringly as she did. Almost like a mothers lullaby.

<"In the snow so deep and wide,
A white fox wakes at dawn's light,
In the quiet, he takes stride,
Through the winter, bright and white.>"
Her voice was quiet and barely above a whisper as she swayed from side to side, gently coaxing her to drink the potion. As she did the potion glowed, ever so slightly.

[Healing Potion] Grade E - [Magic] (Backlash rank 3) [Healing] F (Depletes Rank 3) [Alchemy] F [Lucky] F : Aedrianna uses a magic potion from her bag to heal someone. 6 Post Cool down (? I think cuz of depletes)

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Tellussoil Tellussoil

Soreiel lightly stirred, Aedrianna’s potion slowly slid down her throat as she sang, but didn’t immediately wake and began speaking in bestial.

“Mama… no… don’t go…. Please… don’t leave me… no!!..” she spoke while fidgeting as Aedrianna sang.

“Daddy… don’t leave me too, this man is bad, no!! Take me with you!!” Soreiel shouted as her expression showed she was either having a bad dream or a memory.

Soreiel then regained her consciousness and looked up at Aedrianna “I’m… sorry mistress… I tried to protect you, I guess I failed” she replied with a saddened expression on her face.

  • OoC Info

    Guards ignore the situation, The Enemies wake up (bronze destroyed) Soreiel is healed, Keircey tries to drag the group away without attracting more attention.

    Note: misunderstanding of HP calculations! There is a multitude of ways to calculate HP and I misunderstood it. So for my own lesson I’ll teach everyone else for reference.

    Without Armor (all of our characters): Character Grade
    Heavy Armor: vitality
    Light armor speed

    So the actual hp for our group of characters is

    Soreiel: D grade character (3 hp)
    Jack: D grade character (3 hp)
    Noelle: E grade character (2hp)
    Keircey: E grade character (2hp)
    Almeida: F grade character (1 Hp)
    Aedriana: F grade character (1 hp)

    So some characters hp are lower than I thought.

    Aedriana’s cooldown due to depletes is 7. 1 from E grade ability 6 from 3 rank depletes
    While the effectiveness system is being used it is being used loosely and while I might be a little strict with it improvisation and narrative may influence outcomes within reason!

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman

Last edited:


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil

Almeida displayed a sceptical smile upon Aedrianna stating she wasn't hurt. “[Are you sure?]” She didn't seem to be totally fine. She'd help the girl up, but Aedrianna was already crawling towards Soreiel. The latter seemed to be muttering something. She clicked her tongue. “%I'd have killed those bastards for you if they'd let me.%” She said underneath her breath, still annoyed at the direction this was taking.

Next, already annoyed, Almeida got even more annoyed when Keircey just killed the construct. “%Oh, come on, weren't you just all about not killing them?!?%” She replied, not even hiding the annoyance from her voice.

To add even more annoyance to the already filled-up pot of it, she didn't even seem to be able to draw any attention. “[Hey, what the fuck!?! Are you <idiots> blind or something?!? A fight breaks out in the middle of town, after some singer drew in bloody CHILDREN to the nearby area already and not a single guard comes running to check!?!? Are you all incompetent <IDIOTS> just waiting for slavers to come pick you up like this bastard was planning?!?]” She was thoroughly pissed off at it all.

When Keircey spoke to her, she grimaced. “%I'm sure they got the gist o that, at least.%” She scoffed. “%I don't care of they don't like us. Any sane person would like their people being enslaved less, especially if it's happening in their home-town. If we don't explain it properly and wait for the guards, we'll only be at risk of being made out to be the criminals instead.%” She counter-argued. “%You're only helping that bastard by fleeing now.%”

She was utterly shocked by what he stated next. “%DRAG HIM INTO THE ALLY?!?%” She practically shouted. “%Do you want it to look like we committed a crime here? Folk will tell the guards we've been hiding a body at best and telling them we were murdering innocents without saying we got attack first at worst!%” She shook her head. “%Ain't no way that's gonna work. I want to keep working as an adventure, so I can't be wanted in Kuridan for an investigation.%”

For some reason far beyond her understanding, the dog began to drag Livius. “[Oi! Bad dog! BAD!]” She called out. Did Hiruq want to eat the guy alive or something? She had no clue what the logic there was. Especially not with it coming from a dog.

“%No, no! We should stop the wolf.%” She replied to Keircey, as she grappled one of Livius' legs to start playing tug-o-war. “%Even if they might not like us, if we run, we'll only allow rumours to spread that will make things far, far worse.%” She was convinced of that much.
Jack Hayfield

“O-Oh, don’t worry about me, I’m okay! I’ve taken a few beatings in my life. I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay before I ran off…I’m not that experienced with medicine, but I’ll be an extra pair of hands if anyone needs it.”

The goat couldn’t really understand what Amelia was saying, but he did take a preemptive step back with her hostile tone. He didn’t exactly know who it was directed towards. His bell chimed as he shrank down, his ears flattening.

“S-Sorry.” He looks to Kericey. “I can’t understand what she’s saying…”

Languages: "Common"
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil

Aedrianna smiled down at the Kitsune with a serene grace. She reached up and swept away a few silver locks and made a shushing noise. "Don't worry Sorieiel. You didn't do anything wrong..." She frowned, looking up towards Almeida and Noelle, then over towards Jack.The whole thing seemed to be a mess. The other children were already scattered, the guards were surely on their way with the commotion that Almeida was making.
And Hiruq was dragging Livius away with a vengeance. Almeida now trying to stop him. She felt something inside of her grow tighter as it all just seemed....too much. She'd just used her magic, and she was feeling dizzy and weak. And this was all because he wanted his "Slave" Back? She pushed her self up, wobbling and stabilizing herself with Sorieiels help. Once she was standing, her blue eyes went to the man moaning on the ground. Being dragged by her fur brother. She felt an anger welling up inside of her, remembering the way that he'd snapped his fingers at Sorieiel the other day. Like a pet. Her feet started walking before she realized what she was doing. But even as she did, she wouldn't stop. She stalked up to the man on the ground, kneeling down next to Hiruq, and grabbing Livius by his coat. She glared at him and very quietly and sharply spoke to him.

"That was incredibly rude Mr. Nero...I was under the impression our families were business associates and friends. That is not how business associates act! I believe it would behoove all of us, to take shelter in my families shop. Before the guards come and remove Sorieiels collar themselves and kill you on the spot. "

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Tellussoil Tellussoil

Soreiel got to her feet and was imidiately tasked with keeping Aedrianna on her feet as well.

“Mistress, you need to rest, your still weak” Soreiel pleaded but was met with silence as Aedrianna was rushing towards the alleyway they were walking towards and she spotted hiruq and Almeida fighting over Nero.

“No! Don’t kill master Nero!” Soreiel pleaded as she tried to rush to them only discovering she was also wobbly on her own feet after the attack, and still recovering.

“If you kill him, my collar will kill me…” Soreiel added with a saddened expresion

Aedrianna turned her gaze over her shoulder, towards Sorieiel who was pleading for Livius's life. She released his jacket and pushed herself up, albeit stumbling slightly as she did. Then placed a finger to her lips. <"Shhh, Sori...I don't want him dead either. He's got ties to my families business. But if the guards come and see him and find out you're a slave and he's refusing to release you...They will take the collar off and kill him. They can do that..." She glared down at Livius as she said as much. But her gaze turned over towards Almeida then. She looked at her pleadingly. It was obvious her bodyguard was not happy about dealing with Nero again. She motioned for her to come closer, then pointed down to Nero. Pulling out her grans book, she flipped to the front page where a few key words had been sketched on the inside of the cover. ["Help....Go Home? Talk."] She smiled sheepishly. ["You hurt if bad?"]

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Thank the Lords everyone seemed to be okay Almeida would not kill Nero. Noelle wandered off a little bit and sat down. She had used way more mana these last few minutes than she ever did and it was starting to take its toll. But nothing a little rest could not fix.
Almeida seems to have started to go on a rant talking in not a single word of an understandable language to the mermaid. Annoyingly, most of her yapping was in analogue towards Keircey, which was even less understandable than Terran. But the mermaid could understand why she was doing it. She finally found someone who could understand her. Noelle would be doing the same thing if it would happen to her.

Noelle saw how Keircey zapped the bronze man with a bolt of blue lightning before it could repair itself completely. The silence now coming from the rustbucket was eerie in Noelle’s opinion. She got up and walked over to the now motionless man. Still nothing. In all honesty. Noelle had no clue how constructs worked. So she could not tell if the thing was destroyed or just turned off with the ability to be rebooted with the flip of a switch. "Is he going to be okay?" she said, looking to Keircey for a moment before returning to examine the bronze man. She noticed the spot where Keircey’s bolt hit [perception F] the scorch marks around it looked nasty. Lucky for the man it was made of metal or that would have left some serious scars. Noelle could conclude that the henchman suffered more damage from Keircey’s bolt than she would have liked to see even if it was a robot.

Noelle placed her hand on the man’s cheek and closed her eyes. She started to hum a sad tune. Almost mournful as she stroked the cold metal.
Noelle was broken from her trance when she heard Almeida rant in Terran with the occasional <Idiots> in it.
"Oh no… she’s starting to attract all the wrong attention if she continues yelling like that…" Noelle let go of the bronze man and walked to the group as they were trying to drag Nero into the alleyway. She arrived just in time to hear Aedrianna scold Nero for his actions and to hear Soreiel’s statement that if Nero would die she also would die.

"You better get moving and get Mister Nero to the shop. With the commotion of earlier The guards could show up at any moment now" She said as she nervously looked back to see if she could see if the guards were already coming. "And what are we going to do about the other one? We can’t just leave him there in the middle of the street…"

  • OoC Info

    After some convincing the group takes Livius to Aedriana’s shop. Keircey explains things to Almeida. Keircey get’s thrown under the bus. Hiruq drags Nero to the store

    Remember to use Language keys!:
    [Terran] “commom” %Analog% <Beastial>

    Aedriana’s cooldown due to depletes is now 5
    While the effectiveness system is being used it is being used loosely and while I might be a little strict with it improvisation and narrative may influence outcomes within reason!

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman

Last edited:


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)

Almeida, confirming the guards here were absolutely worthless, due to how they still hadn't shown up even though they were in the middle of the bloody town and had been making a ruckus for a while now, including fighting in broad daylight was getting fed up with just about anything at this point. She wondered if she'd ever been this annoyed in her entire life, or even if he'd been this annoyed in his past life either.

It's why her reply to Keircey wasn't exactly the nicest. “%Of course I'm upset, I'm trying to be logical hear. It would help if the bloody guards here had a single shred of competency to them!%” She countered his argument. “%Surely they can free her, right?%” She still found it absolutely ridiculous that the guards would have no way to free a slave when the enslaving between Beasts and East Empire Humans had been going on for a long time.

She turned to Aedrianna. “[If we go now. The guards will think. That we are criminals.]” She tried to explain what she'd been worried about so far. “[You father said. Guards can help Soreiel. Let's wait.]” She added, speaking slowly in the hopes of being understood well enough to make her point. There was one thing that Aedrianna said that she agreed with. “[Yes, I will hurt the bad guy.]” She would hurt if bad.

Upon hearing Nero wake up, a smirk formed. That would speed things up. She'd quickly turn around and slam Valerius down onto Nero's knees out of nowhere, hoping to shatter his kneecaps thoroughly with a Tippy Tap. “[Oh my, how clumsy of me, did that just slip onto your knees? That must hurt... I'm afraid I'll only be clumsier soon, however, as I'm so distracted by that ugly thing around my friend's neck. I fear my clumsiness will find a way to break all your bones if you don't quickly free her... Did you know there's apparently 206? I only have about half of them and the rest of me is metal rods and bits, but I assume I still have a good few left to break in your body... Oh, I am, might accidentally break due to my awful clumsiness~]”

With Nero's kneecaps shattered, it'd be near impossible to get him to the shop quickly, as he'd be unable to walk and needed to dragged, which would likely have him screaming out in pain the whole way through. “[You might want to hurry, before the guards show. I'm sure their ways of making you free her will be even more unpleasant than my clumsiness~]” She threatened than man.

Although she did feel bad for Aedrianna, who she was likely scarring for life here, as well as for Soreiel, who might be thoroughly Stockholm-syndromed, even for the goat kid, who'd just shown up in the wrong place at the wrong time, she did know one thing. If they ran now, they might all be seen as criminals. Fleeing a crime scene in broad daylight was NEVER a good thing. If she needed to play the bad guy by going overboard and torturing this criminal a little, in orer to give them all a chance to properly explain things later, even if her current actions might get herself more in trouble than the rest, so be it.

“%That should help free her first.%” She'd explain to Keircy, who'd finally informed her that the dude needed to free Soreiel before dying. “%Although I was told by mister Thaddeus that the guards could help as well. I'm sure they can free her before dealing with Nero, so long as we explain the situation.%” Even so, there was one tiny worry. It was a shame Kota wasn't around. She added a tad more silently “%If... If I do make a big mistake here, feel free to blame it all on me. Just... just please bring Valerius to a two-tailed Kitsune man named Kota. He's the only I'd entrust with him.%”

[Tippy Tap] – Non-Lethal F, Incapacitating F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Vorpal, Blind Fighter, Selective F
A non-lethal attack to defeat, but not kill, her opponents. Grade F – 1 Action – 0 post CD

Aedrianna blinked in surprise when Livius started speaking. In Terran. She pulled out her book ready to start translating, hen Kierceys little shock came. She couldn't help the little squeal that escaped her lips when he did. She stared at the scene for a moment, holding onto her grans little book. Her blue gaze a thousand miles away. The man's snark against Kiercey hadn't been missed. But his being a construct wasn't a problem. Despite having grown up in this world from birth, she abided by a love of all, for all. The Prejudices of this world always confused her. She smiled to the young man, trying to assure him with the silent smile that he didn't have to explain himself. But as Hiruq began to drag the man off, she was about to say to let the man walk. It would look less suspicious that way. And maybe he'd be more receptive if they were nice anyways. But just as she was about to suggest a different approach, Valerius made a high arc and came down on Livius's legs with a sickening crack.

Grans book dropped to the ground, and Aedrianna sunk down to the ground with it. She looked at the crooked mess of his legs and the blood slowly beginning to soak his pants legs. She felt her throat constrict and her chest tighten. It suddenly became hard to breathe. She saw the world around her begin to wobble as the hot sting of tears began to stream down her face. She reached up and scratched at her face with her sleeve sniffling, trying to breathe again.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil SoftSmile SoftSmile
Jack Hayfield

Jack nods to Keircey, taking another step back as the group continues to talk. He looks around for an opening to leave, every so often ever so slightly scooching backwards in little increments so his bell didn’t give away his position.

He cringes outwardly as Keircy smacks Livius, a few images flashing in the back of his mind. Jack puts his hands together, cracking his knuckles nervously as they continue to talk before Almedia gets worked up.

At the first sight of blood, Jack is already moving away. No. Nope. Not dealing with any of that. He had no clue what was going on but wasn’t ready to deal with any torture today. He was tired of seeing blood!

The chime of his bell was the only thing that alerted anyone that he was jogging away.

TLDR: jack fuckin runs away you guys are crazy

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

No one seems to care about the bronze rustbucket. They were all too busy with Nero instead. Noelle had heard Keircey’s explanation earlier about how he fried its circuits and that its owner could repair the man. [Insight F] Although Noelle did notice he wanted to refer to a different person but changed it at the last moment. Suspicious thing to do. Who or what was he trying to hide? It was probably not that important. Nor was it her place to question the man.

Nero woke up and spouted something in Terran to which Keircey slapped him to tell the man to speak common. Which Nero reluctantly complied to. Nero then said something that caught Noelle’s attention. It seemed Keircey and the bronze scrap man were from the same creator. "So that was what he tried to hide there" Noelle gave Keircey the side eye as she started to doubt if he was a good guy after all. Keircey explained to Nero what his options were. Either go to the shop and potentially live, or be handed to the guards and be killed most likely. To which the man wisely chose the former.

Noelle was busy keeping an eye on Keircey. he might say he was not tossing the fact he and the construct that attacked them were related under the rug but Noelle had her doubts. She was so absorbed in doubting the man that she overlooked that Almeida broke Nero’s kneecaps. The painful screams of the man chilled Noelle to the bone. "Almeida!? What have you done!?... you you…" she stumbled overwhelmed with various emotions. Shock, anger, disbelief. The mermaid didn’t know what to feel. Noelle closed her eyes as she felt tears welling up. She wanted to punch the stupid robot for that action. But she held back, hurting her, how much it may look like she deserves it, will not solve anything. At least she left the man alive for now. And Aedrianna might need her to protect her here if Keircey turns out to be evil after all.

After a few seconds, Noelle let out a deep sigh and opened her eyes. A few tears ran down her cheek but soon dried up as her eyes had turned dull. The light and happiness that were in them were gone for now as she just stared in front of her. The little goat boy had fled away. Noelle couldn’t blame him. This all was not something one would ever want to see. And especially such a young creature as him. All she could do was hope he would be okay and wasn’t traumatised for life by this.
"I-I’m going to await the guards…" Noelle said as she started to walk in the direction of where the bronze man still lying. A few paces in she stopped and turned her head to look towards Aedrianna and Soreiel <"Be careful. The construct might be untrustworthy"> With that said Noelle continued to wobble away. There was a light sway in her step but she soon reached her destination. The corpse of the bronze man.

Keircey might say it like it is the most common thing in the world to disable a construct in such a way. But Noelle knew better. Despite the possibility to just “fix” the man even now. does not take away that Keircey up and killed the man while he was down. "I wonder… how it felt to a heap of metal as you when your “brother” betrayed you? Are constructs even capable of feeling real emotions?" she mumbled as she pushed the man’s face to the side and placed her foot firmly on its cheek. "Heartless creatures… perhaps Nero is right and you are best to be used as the tools that you are until your usefulness is at its end." Noelle sighed " Which you are until someone knows how to fix you… such a shame." She said waiting for the guards to arrive so she could explain to them the things that had transpired. The singing and then The attack by Nero and the bronze man led to everything that happened afterwards.

  • OoC Info

    Nero’s screams alert the guards, Keircey talks to Noelle before they show up, Nero get’s taken in for investigation.

    This is the last round of runaway singers. if the characters have any last wor
    ds to say to the other or have one last thing to do now would be the time to do it.
    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman


  • OoC Info

    Nero’s screams alert the guards, Keircey talks to Noelle before they show up, Nero get’s taken in for investigation.

    This is the last round of runaway singers. if the characters have any last wor
    ds to say to the other or have one last thing to do now would be the time to do it.
    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman

(Well since certain things weren’t mentioned and this is the last round, time to have a little fun)

Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil SoftSmile SoftSmile

During the whole event in the alleyway, Soreiel had essentially made herself numb to it, she really didn’t have any reaction to anything Nero had said, or his conversation with Keircey. She didn’t hear what Almeida was essentially shouting at Nero, but she absolutely heard the crunching and snapping of bones as Almeida hammered Nero’s kneecaps.

She heard the sound of the little goat boys bell as he tried to hide his attempt to distance from the group, she couldn’t really blame him.

After the attack on Nero Aedrianna began to cry, so doing her best to ignore his screams of pain, Soreiel tried to comfort Aedrianna and get her to relax.

Soreiel then heard the sounds of approaching footsteps and metal being dragged away in the distance. “The guards are coming… what am I going to do? They can’t kill master Nero, I don’t want to die yet, but will anything convince him to release me?” She wondered to herself and before she realized it the guards were already taking Nero away.

She wanted to stop them but something inside was keeping her from it, maybe it was all the ways to act that Nero had hammered into her head, one of them was not to raise a commotion when in beastman territory. She realized that particular rule was so she wouldn’t be seen as a slave.

Soreiel stood up and took a deep breath “uh… excuse me… guards? Could you perhaps force him to release me?” She asked drawing the attention of the guards away from their prisoner with her open declaration of being a slave to the man, her eyes pleaded for freedom.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile |

Almeida watched the goat kid run away and was honestly glad he did so. He had nothing to do with any of this and if he'd stick around, he'd only risk getting implicated further. This would be far be the easiest and safest way out for him, so she silently wished him all the best as she saw him vanish along with the fading chime of his bell.

She noticed her actions had caused Noelle to be rather disturbed, but she didn't feel regret. After all, she was convinced this was the only way to keep everyone out of trouble. Sneaking off a criminal from a crime scene was going to be horrible, no matter what. They'd only get themselves incriminated. Getting the guards to find them where it all happened was the only option that'd allow them to explain things properly without looking too involved. She'd been convinced enough of that to risk being hated and disliked, a price she figured she'd have to pay for being reasonable.

“%You left me no other choice.%” She replied to Keircey. “%I was tasked to safeguard her and getting her into trouble with the guards due to sneaking a criminal out of a crime-scene, after causing a huge fuzz in the middle of town and calling for the guards, is definitely not the way to do so.%” She couldn't abstain from letting some cold anger slip through at his screaming, as she still believed him to be responsible for not working along with keeping them here to await the guards in silence. The responsible thing to do. She could understand it from an innocent girl like Aedrianna, but someone able to just kill due to 'it can be fixed because it's just a construct' like Keircey really should've known better. At this rate he should've just let her kill Nero as well, but she hoped the guards would now take care of it instead.

The guards, should they speak Terran or Analog somehow, would get Almeida's recounting of events without holding back, as she had no reason to lie to them. The earlier involvement of him abusing beasts under horrible conditions in some mines up north, the fact he was a slaver and that Soreiel was enslaved, his sudden attack against hem and her retaliation in tying him up and breaking his knees to ensure he'd not 'get away' as she'd phrase it. It was only a shame that her attack and her threat to start breaking more of his bones hadn't already convinced Nero to let go of Soreiel.

She made sure not to look anyone in the eyes, as she felt like they were all upset with her, due to not understanding the necessity of getting things like this properly sorted with the guards. Perhaps they didn't have a reputation to worry about, like her, with her desire to become a famous adventurer. Either way, she wanted no further arguing, so she just tried to keep an eye on Nero. She'd have kept an eye on the other one as well, but that one turned out to be gone already. “[Uhm... Guards. I think someone dragged off the other construct right under our noses. You can still seen the marks of where we beat him into the ground.]” She'd point at the place the other construct had been tied up at. “<Idiot... taken... away.>” She tried to explain in beastial, hoping to make them notice.
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna sniffled, looking around as she heard the stomping of the guards feet coming towards them. She watched Sorieiel stand and look to the guards, and then Noelle and Almeida arguing. Then finally her eyes went back to the writhing Nero who was obviously in pain. She winced, biting her lips. She shouldn't be crying. This man was obviously a bad man. He'd hurt Sorieiel and wanted to do it again. But still, seeing someone hurt so much; it made her sick to her stomach. Eventually she managed to push herself up weakly. Wobbling slightly and wiping her eyes. She looked over towards Almeida. Her hand came up and she waved it weakly. Doing her best not to look down at the mess of a man on the floor. ["Sorry, Almeida..I talk."] She managed to mumble out in Terran, pointing to herself and then towards the guards. ["You right. Bad man."] she waved her hand dismissively towards Nero. trying desperately not to look at his broken legs. The proper thing to do here, would be to turn Nero in for trying to abduct a beastkin slave across the border. Whether he was a family friend or not had nothing to do with it. In fact it would be better if there were no ties with him. Her family might end up being cast in a bad light. She had to think about these things. She managed a weak smile to Almeida, before looking over towards Kiercey. "I'm sorry you got caught up in all this...I hope you won't be in any trouble yourself..." A bit of concern etched across her expression, before she looked over to Sorieiel. <"They'll remove it Sori. Let's just tell them what happened. You'll be free for real soon."

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Noelle was staring down at the bronze man. If only she had a bit more strength she could crush his head. It couldn't solve anything. But if it could always be repaired. even in this dead state. Why shouldn’t she? Let go of some of that pent-up anger on this useless piece of scrap.
When Keircey started to talk to her Noelle gave him a quick sideways glance. Her eyes were still empty as she was stuck in her delusion. Before turning away from him again, making it look like she wasn’t listening to what he said. She didn’t want to listen to a murderer. but she did anyway. If only because there was little to do until the guards arrived. She heard him give her his life story. How his creator kept rebuilding him to make him into the entertainer he wanted him to be. And about his creator’s betrayal of him.
Noelle felt sorry for him. It sounded like he had a rough life up until now, Then he went on trying to scold her. Telling her not all constructs were evil.

Noelle let out a deep sigh. "You’re… you’re right. Within every race there are good and there are bad people. I know that" she turned and walked to Keircey. The colour has started to return in her eyes. "I-I don’t think all constructs would be the same. I’m sure there can be good ones out there." her gaze became a bit sullen " But unlike you it seems. I actually care that they live… you speak of understanding the mortality of other creatures. But what does the life of a construct even mean if they can “just be repaired” anyway?" She said with a rhetorical question as she grabbed her lute "I could kill you right here, right now and what would it mean to you? You can always “be repaired” and be back at it in no time, right?" she lowered her weapon again. "but that won’t solve anything" she started to sob "T-T-The reason I-I’m so upset is… is.." Noelle was quietly sobbing before she looked up straight at Keircey "YOU AND ALMEIDA ARE SO CRUEL!!!" tears started to roll down her cheeks "First you knock the bronze man out. To then proceed and kill him while was down. While he had no way to defend himself anymore. I-I don’t care how you feel about your “family” and what not. And even if you think it’s okay to kill because he can just be repaired! But to hurt someone who is unable to defend themself. That is… that is just not right!" Noelle wipes her tears with the sleeve of her dress. "same goes for Almeida. Nero was already down, wounded. He was not going to be able to run away. Nor did he show any sign of resisting. But she went and just made him suffer even more. He might not be a nice man. I will admit he might be bad. But to be made to suffer even more just because you don’t like the guy or something is beyond cruel".
Noelle stopped crying and took a deep breath. "And about Nero being a monster because of the terrible things he has done… Maybe he is a monster. He has done horrible things. But Everyone deserves a chance to make things right. How despicable they might be. That is the right thing to do…. Justifying being cruel to him because he did bad things doesn’t make you a better person. It makes you just as much, if not worse of a monster than he is".

Noelle got distracted when she heard the scraping of metal.[ Heightened sense [hearing] F ] Like something metal was dragged away. "Did you hear that?" she said as she looked around to notice the bronze man had vanished [Perception F]. "Where did the bronze guy go?" she questioned. This might make their story to the guards a little bit more crazy. But as everyone here would probably mention the bronze man and what he had done the guards might still be able to believe them of its initial existence.

Noelle overheard the things Aedrianna said to Soreiel. About how the guards would be able to remove that collar from her neck and free her. Noelle knew what she was going to tell the guards. She was going to tell the truth about what had happened here. But she would purposely make it sound like she didn't think that Nero was a slaver. The man was an unpleasant person. No one will deny that. But besides Soreiel he has not shown to actually own any slaves nor try to enslave anyone. The workers at the mine, although way undersupplied and Nero’s disdain towards them, were still just working for him. They were not slaves as far as Noelle thought. She would do this because she wants the guards to go easy on him. Maybe make it that if he releases Soreiel with no fuss they let him live.

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