Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men


One Thousand Club

Two years after the death of Nathan Wallace and Rotti Largo. The company known as Gen-Co has been placed under new management. The new owner of Gen-Co is know only as Larze. under Larze the soldiers known as Repo-men who reclaim the organs that Gen-Co finance to the public have used to control the people. But there is a rebellion forming to stop Larze and the Repo-men. The group is known as The Grave robbers lead by Nathan's daughter Shilo Wallace fight to end the terror known to the people as Gen-Co. Now war is brewing between Gen-Co and The Grave Robbers. Who will you choose? Will you join Gen-Co and try to live? Or will you fight for freedom and join The Grave Robbers? The choice is yours. The battle begins now.

Character sheet:




Side: (Gen-Co or Grave Robbers)

Weapons: (anything goes just remember this dose take place in today's time)





No God-modding

There can be romance just keep pg13 please

No instant kills

once you read these please put "I love rule 4"

My characters:

Name:Leo Grave

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Side:Grave Robbers

Weapons: Assault Rifle


Personality: Cool calm and collected

History: Father was killed by Larze. Mother died during birth. Leo joined the Grave Robbers to kill Larze for killing his father.

Name:Cole Turner

Age: 27


Weapons: custom made surgical knife looks like this:



Personality: Dark. He doesn't say much unless he has to.

History: Presumed dead by the government. Cole joined Gen-Co as a Repo-Man to make some money also because he had the skills to remove organs without damaging them.
Character sheet:

Name: Reno Heartsom

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Side: Gen-Co

Weapons: chainsaw with scalpel blades

Looks: Sixx/l_c5ab3ffe661b54f5aad27992e9f770a5.jpg



Personality: sick and sadistic but does his job well

catchphrase: "i do my job well and my job aint nice"

History: his family has worked for Gen-Co for years but he is the first ever to hold the Repo-man position
Name: Tane Konko

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Side: Grave Robbers

Weapons: Gauntlet Saw on both hands: (Bottom one)


Personality: Tane is fun-loving and whimsical, however, she's a sadist when it comes to Repo-men.

History: Tane has been a grave robber most of her life, inheriting the trade from her father. He died from a disease when she was a teenager, which she soon found out that she had contracted. However, her father had been robbing graves and selling the Zydrate not to fund a cure for himself, but for her. She used the money to fulfill his wishes and she was cured of the disease. She continued her grave robbing trade after she was cured, that being the only life she had ever known.

I love rule 4. Is that the one where Zydrate comes in a little glass vial? xD

Name: Candy X Cane

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Side: Grave Robbers

Personality: She is fun,punky,trigger happy and loves fist fights.

History: She used to be in a band but her drummer got in a car reck and had to get a new organ from Gen-co.

being in a band you realy don't get much money and they got repoed.

before he died she promised to kill the man who repoed him and killed not only her drommer but her brother.

Weapon: View attachment 3059

View attachment 3060

((that's fine and I'll post first))

Leo moved silently through the graveyard. He was looking for some bodies to extract from. He ran into Candy. "Oh Candy I didn't see you there." he said placing his hand on his assulte rifle.
Her back was to him when he ran into her and being caught off guard she turns then punches him rather hard.

"Ha gotcha!"after pointing her double sub machine guns at him she gasped.

"Oh my..I'm so..I'm an idiot. "
Leo flew back and hit his head on a headstone. "Ow,that hurt." he said rubbing his head. "What did you do that for?" he asked.
Hearing a noise behind her, Tane swiveled her head. It sounded like someone hitting a gravestone, so Tane ducked low, yet continued to quietly work. She already had done the hard work, now it was time for the easy stuff. She plunged the needle into the corpse's nose, pushing deep into it's dead and decomposing brain. Tane felt the sweet spot, pulling back on the plunger of the needle, watching the vial fill with a glowing blue substance. Only having pulled the needle back a quarter of the way, the vial was full. Jackpot! She quickly and expertly pulled out the vial and replaced it with another, not losing a single drop of the blue substance. She continued pulling back on the plunger until that one was full, then the next, and finally one after that. One corpse, four vials. Tane smirked at her work, placing the vials safely in her coat pocket where there were small pouches built especially for them. She then crawled to where she heard the noise earlier, and saw what she had suspected: Leo. She quietly hopped on the gravestone that he was lying at, looking down at him.

"You should be quiet. You know you could wake the dead?" Tane asked with a little smirk.
I love rule 4(;

Name: known as Ash Autopsy

Age: 18


Side: Grave Robbers

Weapons: A pair of razor sharp knifes hidden inside.

Personality: Ash is a daring bad ass. But when you really know her, she's sweet and funny.

History: No one knows her real name. She's gone by Ash Autopsy. She wont tell anyone anything about her abusive past. She's just here to kick some ass.

Name: Ravyn Roetter

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Side: Grave robbers

Weapons: A bunch hidden under her clothes and in her shoes and stuff.


Personality: Ravyn is funny and sweet but she likes to get into trouble.

History: N/A

((Accepted! Welcome to my world!))

Leo looked up. "Oh shut up I know that!" he exclaimed. Then he got up. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Then he walked over to a body. "This one is still fresh." he said pulling out a large syringe. "You know its the twenty first century cure." he joked quoting his father.
Leo smiled. "Well I'm sorry." he said pulling out the vile filled with Zydrate. "Ah, that's the stuff." he said lifting the vile. "Come on we should get back before the Repo-men find us." he said to the others.
Candy nodded she looked a little upset and kept checking on him.

She taps Leo's shoulder "hey you wasn't your fault I'm sorry."

she gets embarrassed and turns bright red.she was very why around Leo and never knew why.

"I.." she get shy and just walks off.
Leo turned and placed his hand on Candy's shoulder. "I know that." he said in a soft voice. "Now what were you going to say?" he asked.
Leo stopped and pulled Candy aside. "What's up? Why are you blushing?" he asked a bit concerned. "Did I do something?" he asked
When Leo asked what Tane was doing there, she simply rolled her eyes and opened her jacket, revealing roughly twenty vials of Zydrate. She then nodded her head towards Candy, deciding to acknowledge her. When Leo suggested they leave, she silently followed them, satisfied with what she had scored that day. Plenty of the Z to pay for her new surgery, an enhancement she had been looking at. It would have to be a back-alley surge, of course, seeing as she and GeneCo weren't exactly "simpatico". Oh well, she knew a good guy and if the money was good, the surge was good. She heard Candy and Leo exchange words and saw Candy blushing, in which Tane rolled her eyes again.

"Hey you lovebirds, either get a room or knock it off. I don't wanna run into any guards or Repo Men out here. I just want to cash in my Z, get my new surge, and go the **** home." Tane said with a bit of impatience in her voice.
"Me no it was just a stop light. "Her red pigtails covered her face when she turned away.She always hated when people could read her like a book But she liked the fact that he cared enough to ask about it.
Leo turned. "Fine then go home we'll catch up." he said. Then he turned back to Candy. "Hey, can I tell you something?" he whispered.
"Like a secret?"her icy blue eyes lit up.

She always loved secrets because they reminded her of when her and her brother would share secrets.

She looked at him and smiled with a nod.

"Yeah you can tell me."
Tane huffed at Leo, then walked ahead of them. Their loss. She'd get first dibs on all of the Zydrate junkies, which meant more money for her. She reached their normal spot, expecting to see all of the normals, but instead saw nothing. The alley was normally full of junkies of all flavors and varieties, but now she saw nothing, not even a rat. This caused immediate alarm to her, which caused her to press a button on her glasses, bringing up a small HUD in front of her eyes that scanned for any movement. Top of the line technology that costed top-dollar, but Tane could afford it. She looked around, but saw nothing. She pressed a small button on each of her gauntlets, causing a circular saw to pop out and begin spinning silently. She slowly crept into the alley, taking her time, just like her father had taught her.

"What the..?" Tane mumbled.

Before she could finish her question, she was met with rifle fire. Tane quickly took evasive maneuvers and dove behind a trash bin, a bullet narrowly missing her. The rifle fire was pinning her down, the bullets hammering the trash bin. She flinched when a bullet grazed her leg and immediately drew blood. Her HUD picked up movement everywhere due to the bullets, causing her nothing but a headache. Her only hope now was to wait for Leo and Candy to show up, if they were even going to.

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