News Reorganization & BBcodes

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I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Hey all,

So, we finally finished several hours of site maintenance. We would like to thank you for your patience while we worked.

There have been many minor changes to the site from an updated style designed by @Pineapple (that fixed broken portions of site pages) to changes to some addons to prevent errors from showing up on the site.

Yet the most obvious change to the site has been the reorganization of general (non-roleplay) forums. In this update we have instituted Xenforo's prefix system in all discussion forums. We believe that this will help make forums easier to navigate and help members find out where they should be posting certain threads. We also hope that adding certain prefixes to some sections will help us encourage some people to post content they typically wouldn't think about.

Beyond just prefixes, the discussion forums have been reorganized. Nothing was lost or deleted in the reorganization merely relabeled. Some basic definitions of each section are below:

Roleplay Discussion - This forum is used to discuss aspects of roleplaying from game mechanics to lore to asking for advice. This forum is can be used to share ideas but is not designed for interest checks or recruitment (that is what Roleplay Recruitment is for).

Creativity Discussion - This forum is for users to share their own creative works. This forum has prefixes for artwork, poetry and proses. However many other creative things can be shared by you guys to all of us!

General Discussion - This forum is for non-roleplay related discussions or topic-based discussions. There are many prefixes in this forum from Tech to Books to Anime to Video Games. Threads in General Discussion do count for posts but this forum should refrain from having merely spam.

Open Discussion - This forum is the catch-all place for off-topic and/or casual discussion. Basically it is a place for anything random, funny or personal topics. Forums Games are allowed in this forum. Threads in Open Discussion do not count for posts.

Outside of Discussion there are some other changes. This includes the return of the Questions and Information forum. This forums purpose is to replace the current Support Ticket system in order to better improve our ability to be contacted as staff, without feeling so corporate. As well we believe that having an open area to ask questions may allow other members to help one another and cut down on the repeating questions that are directly ask to the Staff.

Have no fear though, two new sections have been added to the Questions and Information forum. This includes Admin Contact forum, which allows members to privately make threads with only the Administration (this should only be used for personal, sensitive or very serious site issues), and the Roleplay Support forum that allows users to contact Roleplay Mods and other staff directly to report on problems within their roleplay (whether technical or user-based).

We hope these organizational improves will make the site run smoother and cut down on sections of the site that were confusing (new) members.


Lastly we cannot forget one of the major updates to the staff. New BBcodes and emoticons which were created by @Pineapple have been enabled for everyone on the site. We hope you enjoy the new functionality and we definitely hope you thank Pineapple for the work he has put into the community!

There are some updates that were not discussed fully in this thread. So if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post below.


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Did the ooc comment function get deleted in this update? I can seem to use it anymore :S
Looks great, but the top HUD thing doesnt follow the screen down anymore, make it just slightly inconvenient to scroll all the way up to see the tabs and such. I like it tho, especially the BBcoding
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]No, check again :) !

Oh looks like they just vanished for a bit, hit F5 and they popped up again xD
[QUOTE="Original Hylion]Looks great, but the top HUD thing doesnt follow the screen down anymore, make it just slightly inconvenient to scroll all the way up to see the tabs and such. I like it tho, especially the BBcoding

Check again :) !

Yziel said:
Oh looks like they just vanished for a bit, hit F5 and they popped up again xD
Glad to hear that its back, it could have just taken a moment to catch up.
Amazing! But how do we tell if a person's online or not?

Also, I rate the new BBCodes :five: out of :five:
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[QUOTE="John B]Amazing! But how do we tell if a person's online or not?
Also, I rate the new BBCodes :five: out of :five:

The online banner will still appear if that user is online, however no more offline banner.
This is amazing, guys. Yay, new website update prettiness for me to explore! ^.^
Really loving this! Things look a lot prettier!


I am loving all of the changes here! Though, is there anyway we can change it back to the old version, too? I would just like to have a little more time before I have to adjust to all of this new, exciting fancy stuff. xD
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