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Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

Cherry Snow Cones


The soft piano notes resonated through his earplugs, at last lulling Nerin into some sense of calm. His day had been busy from start to finish, and he was ready to at last wrench open the door to his motel room and get some rest. He fumbled with his keys, eventually plugging the right one in the right hole and twisting. The door swung ajar, revealing his modest home. Besides the assortment of clothing that sat in piles around his bed, the only other abnormality was the display he had constructed on the bathroom mirror. A web of red string, connected with sticky tac, tracing all of his possible leads in the form of photos and stolen documents. Empty coffee mugs and Ritalin containers were strewn across the floor from months of late-night investigative work. Several towels had fallen into a similar stage of disorganization, and created a makeshift carpet of sorts on the ground. Part of the reason he kept the place locked up so tight during the day was the fact that much of his bathroom was covered in dry blood stains in the form of caked crimson speckles.

A line of shaving razors adorned the counter top: he used disposable ones during the day, preferring to avoid the use of his prized gem. It was an old-timey looking thing, with a retractable razor and bronze handle. He fingered it lightly, and in a moment of longing, tossed out the plastic pink razor he had used that day, and pocketed his jewel of a blade. He hadn't been planning on going anywhere, but after a few moments of staring longingly at his only remaining picture of his parents, Nerin had just about enough. Scratching the tears from his eyes, he rose to his feet and decided to change into clothes less covered in his own blood. As he did so, Nerin flipped open his computer and refreshed the page he had been on. His leads were drawing blanks, and yet his greatest enemy was sending him hand-written notes. Nerin needed answers, but he couldn't implicate anyone else in his issues, lest they condemn him for what he was.

Slipping into a burgundy winter jacket, and fresh jeans, he made to leave his room again. He left behind his day's collection of fliers and possible crime directories, choosing to only carry with him his razor, and a knife. He would never know when he needed such things. Casually, he began to walk down the street. After about twenty minutes, an abandoned amusement park began to appear to his right. He had been there before when he was younger: in particular, he remembered consuming five cherry snow cones in one trip, and then regurgitating them on the first ride he got on. Good times.

The front gate began to appear, yet as it did, something seemed inherently wrong about the situation. Sticking to the shadows, Nerin pulled his hood up before slipping over the gate and into the drift. He really was exhausted, but if someone was in trouble and he could help, then there was no reason not to. As he ducked beneath various decaying rides, he noticed a group of Hispanic gang members entering the area with weapons drawn. They were looking for someone in particular. Nerin didn't want to himself implicate in another situation, but if they caught on to their victims, he would be there to help, presuming they needed it.
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Wanted Criminals

Wind of Change and Kangaroo Jill

Roan Streets

It came with great relief that the authorities were here to sort out the problem. The girl was giving him no respite for his actions of stopping her in the middle of her brutalising of the man's face. It would seem that someone had the guts to call the police about the matter, perhaps a few of the tens that passed them by. He looked on as the girl began to take on a stance, as if she were about to face the law head on. Was she seriously going to fight them all? He was right after all. She was just some halfwitted thug who only cared about violence. He was swiftly corrected in that thought when she sprinted away from the incoming uniformed men. Lucy smirked, as half of the group, numbering about five in total, departed to chase after the fleeing Australian, while the remaining two closed in on Lucy.

"Why, thank you, sirs. I must commend you for-"

"Pardon us, boy, but you'll have to come with us back to the precinct. You are hereby accused of armed robbery-"

Lucy didn't wait for him to finish his sentence. Already, he knew what sort of trouble he was digging himself into if he had let them calmly ship him over to a jail cell. No identity, no ID, he was going to be in a whole new world of just questioning and questioning and questioning. He took off after the Australian with the air beneath his feet. There was only one perceivable way out of this in his mind: to catch up with that lady and force her to explain the whole situation to them. He blazed past the officers before matching the redheaded lady step by step, who, herself, didn't seem very intent on letting herself be caught.

"Look, I need you to explain to them what's going on, and that I'm not related to you in any way." He spoke smoothly, unwinded by the run, and could only hope the lady could respond in kind.

"And what, let them take me away and lock me in a cell where my father will find me and disown me? No thanks. It's your fault for getting me in this here shithole too. Now find us a goddamned place to cover our arses with."

Lucy noted her accent had dipped. It seemed that the Australian in her went on a vacation whenever she meant business, or when it was a life-or-death situation. Charlotte's brows were furrowed in deep thought, as if working out a plan to evade her pursuers, and the bloody wanker beside her thought it funny to ask her to stop and explain to the coppers about the whole thing.

Now, kids, a kind disclaimer: It's always better to tell the adults what happened in truth, and not run away with your tail between your legs. It only usually worsens the situation. Doesn't help at all, except delay the inevitable. Thankfully, the cops here weren't that smart, and hadn't seen their faces clearly enough to check with their higher ups. After all, if they had been better, there wouldn't be that wall of hooligans blocking the path ahead of them.

"This is the way to the amusement park," the windswept-hair guy commented, "and it would be my prime location for a hiding spot, if it weren't for this jam."

Behind her, she could hear the voices of the police officers. Caught between the two different ends of the law, Charlotte made a split second decision. "Keep up," she hissed between gritted teeth, and made a mad dash to the crowed ahead of her. She took a leap, and twisted her body to spin slightly in mid-air, and planted her foot right into the closest hooligan's neck, sending him flying forwards, pitching him and his compatriots ahead onto the ground. Without losing momentum, she hit the ground running, and trod over the fallen hooligans. Lucy, not willing to be caught behind the now-closing hole in the wall, leapt over the bodies. The short clash with the group would slow them with a bit of confusion as to what just happened, and the cops hurrying behind should cause more of a mess.

"The amusement park's just ahead!" Lucy exclaimed, quite worried at the prospect of being chased by both hooligans and the police.

"I know! I lived here for half a bloody decade!" Charlotte retorted, incredulous at that her companion thought little of her capabilities.

Ahead of them, Charlotte and Lucy could see a large-bodied young man carrying a petite young girl, who, when compared with the one carrying her, was extremely tiny. Their names were not known to the two supposed criminals, but you, my dears, know them as Kei and Aria.

Roan streets -> Amusement Park

Aisha shivered slightly as she wandered the strange city streets taking in the sight. She knew she would probably get in trouble for leaving the airport before her host family could pick her up but she couldn’t help herself! After growing up isolated from most of civilization she couldn’t wait to start exploring Roan. The city was vastly different than back home much brighter and busier, the energy in the air alone was more intense than the calm quiet temples. People walked around with their heads down toying with strange devices that she couldn’t even hazard a guess as to what they did. The only down side honestly was the sheer amount of people and different auras was a little disorienting.

The teen shifted the pack on her shoulders as she ventured down a major avenue strolling at a much slower pace compared to everyone else who was practically running to wherever they needed to be. All so busy and caught up in their own little worlds, ignoring the little wonders that surrounded them. Her gaze shifted towards sky as it started to snow and the wind started to pick up. Aisha frowned slightly, no doubt who ever she was supposed to be staying with would be worried by this point, perhaps she could start heading back? She looked around unsure of exactly where she had come from, hours of wandering the streets had left her lost. It didn’t help that she paid much more attention to all the new sights and surprises than the actual directions in which she had taken. “Hmmm… Perhaps this way?” She thought to herself figuring which direction she had traveled before.

Aisha pulled the hood of her coat up over her head and put her hands in the pockets to keep her hands from getting cold. She could easily warm herself up with a bit of concentration but figured it was best to conserve what energy she did have in case she needed it later. She was no stranger to the cold, but that didn’t mean she was a huge fan of it either. Aisha looked around noting that her surroundings were even more unfamiliar than before! Still there had to be a police officer or someone who could point her in the right direction. As she scanned the horizon she spotted a strange assortment of structures just beyond a fence. She tilted her head slightly nearing the odd collection before recognizing a mammoth wheel with little carts along the rim to be a Farris Wheel. Something she’d seen in one of the many pamphlets she’d read while waiting for her flight to take off. Which meant that this was the amusement park .

She debated whether or not to explore the dark fairgrounds until she noticed that the winds were picking up and a real storm was still brewing. “There could be a place to hide out until the storm blows over…” She muttered to herself before looking around to make sure no one else was around and easily jumping the fence. Aisha giggled softly to herself as she quickly made her way closer to the fairgrounds excited to explore.

The Wolves, and a Van

Tiera almost shrieked, but she realized Greg was simply trying to be a hero, so she grabbed onto him and held on tight, hoping she wouldn’t slow him down. In fact, she was silently cheering him, hoping he’d run as fast as he could.

Then she saw the van, and it looked very cramped, but she didn’t say anything, she was too quiet around strangers, even those who’d save her life. Though, she probably could have ran here anyways.

Meanwhile, James was moving fast. He was jumping over fallen trees, over branches, vaulting and all that. Until he came to a halt with a wolf in front of him. And it was a big wolf, probably the Alpha. If James tried to move to his left, the wolf would follow, to his right? Same result.

So, James did the only thing he thought logical, and went to kick it. However, the wolf must have been kicked before, as it caught his foot between it’s teeth, and bit through his footwear into his foot.

Unsurprisingly, James let out a scream, but moved fast, his left foot coming around fast and nailing the wolf in the side of the head, causing it to let his right foot go, and for it to walk away, dazed.

James himself, almost fell over, but he balanced on his left foot, and started to hop forward. It wasn’t going so well, but luckily, his twin had seen the fight.

“James, that’s what happens when you run off ahead of people!” Jack scolded him, grabbing James around the shoulders to support him.

Together, those two went as fast as they could out of the forest, though it probably would have went faster if Naomi was there to pick her younger brother up off the ground.

And Naomi, was just behind Greg. But the expression on her face when she saw James being helped out of the woods? One of horror, and hatred for the wolves. She ran to them, and grabbed onto James.

“You need to be more careful!” She shouted at him, already thinking of what she could do for his foot. She’d likely have to tear an old shirt of hers and use it as a bandage.
Taylor Parker

Amusement Park, Roan

Taylor closed her eyes and began to listen to her surroundings. Which at first she only found silence and the occasional sound of an animal scurrying or attempting to chew on things that, under other circumstances, would likely electrocute them to death. After what seemed like an eternity, however, she heard voices. Were they in her head? No, they were real. She looked around, and it didn't take long for her to see the four people a small distance away from her. They were in groups of twos, one of the groups had noticed the other, but not the other way around. Taylor decided to keep quiet and only watch the groups for now, she couldn't tell anything about them at first look, and they could be trouble.
The Demon wants to go on a ride

Amusement Park

Kai smiled as he carried Aria, going easily at a fast pace. He spoke in his usual calm, almost situationally mocking tone.

"I'd say otherwise, the amusement park has plenty places to hide, especially in this blizzard. They'll see jackshit beyond a certain range, which is ideal for taking them at close range."

As he went leaps and bounds like he did it every day (technically true with his training), he noted voices behind him also exclaiming the amusement park.

They weren't Mexican and far younger in tone, which meant they weren't hostile compared to the crazed gun-nuts chasing them. They sounded as though they got occupied by police that happened to meet in the situation too though, which seemed a suitable situation. What else did police go for these days except foreigners shouting expletives and wielding a gun?

Running for his life from a bunch of hungry dogs.

Axel was running his hardest in one direction, trying his hardest to outrun the wolves, but being continuously sent in different directions by random wolves popping up everywhere. With each direction change, more and more dirt and stone walls were put up, but of course the wolves would just go around or jump over them, remaining very eager to catch Axel. By the time he caught sight of the group again, he had half a dozen tailing him, only slowed by the ever changing ground that Axel left in his wake. He saw that the group was running for a van full of musical equipment, so he made a last ditch all out sprint, the contact of his feet leaving huge mounds of dirt behind him in order to slow the wolves down. However, he was quickly running out of steam, and the van was still a good run away. He'd used up so much energy using his powers and running that he was about ready to drop. He caught up to the back of the group, breathing heavily, his legs burning intensly, and just pointed to the van, a questioning look on his face.

(@TheFallOfitAll I'm sorry this took so long!!!)
Aria - Gangsters?

Streets of Roan

Aria let out a long sigh, "Okay, fine, if you say that's gonna be a good hiding spot, it'll be a good hiding spot..." she said, "besides, I can use my ice powers to our advantage."

Aria noticed that the white crystals of snow had started to stick to her skin as her arms became covered in snow. She quickly brushed it off and looked up at Kai, "Hey, do you hear the gangsters behind us?" she asked him. She could hear voices, but they sounded younger, and weren't shouting expletives at them, "or are they even the gangsters?"

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