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Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

The Demon

City Streets

Miraculously enough, Kai was with his hands in his pockets walking by this alleyway at the time of the to-be assault of a woman. There was a large hulk of a man, similar build to the one he fought/stomped earlier, but scruffier and very different in demeanour. This man was dirty and he could smell the alcohol from here. It was clear this group of 5 not including the large leader where a group of thug.

Their target when he came in closer became clear, it was a little teenage girl, almost like a small porcelain doll. However porcelain dolls didn't usually move, or have such frightened faces either. Well, may as well be worth rescuing her. It's not like he had anything to do anyway.

He removed his jacket put kept his tshirt on. After putting it to the side he walked to the men, came close behind them and then cracked his neck.

"G'day folks."

Instantly his arms shot out towards the back of two mens necks, where he hit them on vulnerable points on the neck. This had them either out cold or in extreme pain.

From these arms they balled into fists, which smacked against their face, then following the heads momentum going out, pushed the heads out to two other of their comrades.

In the time the two were busy being in a heap with some unconscious people, his leg came diagonally up and struck at another mans head, brushing his cheek. What he did was not go for a straight up hit, but instead sent their brain bouncing. It was an instance typically aimed for in boxing and often simply happened by fluke, which would send their opponent out like a light. In this case though, it was a purposeful move.

In the time this third man came crashing down as the eyes rolled to the back of his head with his brain shutting down into unconsciousness, the two others came for him. His fist and leg shot out towards them the moment he saw them come up to get him. Straight towards their faces at high speed, a punch came squarely on the face and the other the foot smacked across theirs, sending them crashing down to the ground with a crunch from the force of the blow.

The men couldn't react fast enough, as his attack came just simply too fast from all that training.



As the leader approached, he did not look confident at all. In fact, from the sight of the pure martial technique before him, he had peed himself and it was visible on his pants.

"I-I-I'm-Imma-Im gonn-gonna slice ya o-open!!" The man stuttered in fear as he waved a knife at Kai. A man of his size, using a knife?

Kai smiled with his baby face at him.

"All I want is to give you a hug." He slowly walked towards him and while the man stood, waiting for him to strike to stab him, Kai...gave him a hug.

The sheer surprise on his face meant he had no idea what was happening. It was wide-eyed, clueless. He raised into the air with a hug, when he then felt it.

This wasn't a loving hug. This was a deadly embrace, like when a snake captured a deer. And like a snake to its prey...he was crushed with hug.


And that damage report didn't include the internal bleeding going on from the sheer force of the vice grip. This man would be in hospital for a long time if he was found soon enough.

Kai let go of the man and he fell to the floor, hearing the cracks of bones already broken shift even more. It was not a pretty sight, even if you couldn't see the actual damage.

Kai walked to where the woman stood, and smiled with his pale, smooth face that looked far too young and untouched compared to the scar riddled and built body of his. He bent down and offered a hand up, at the same time in a calm and friendly manner (which was his typical type of speech): "I hope the brutes didn't do anything to you, would be unbecoming on the smooth porcelain skin you have. Much like my face in some regards.".

He chuckled slightly and scratched his face slightly with his free hand with his hand out in offer to help.

"Before inevitable questions are asked, my name is Kai."
The Siblings

Samara, Russia (Kirk)/Streets of Northern Roan (Taylor)

The heat from the small fire relaxed Kirk's muscles, which had been tensed for days. He sat, visibly agitated, his sister in his thoughts. "You better hurry up with your fit and get back here soon," he said to the dark places where the fire didn't light, hoping that his sister Taylor was hiding in those dark places, and could really hear him. Though, beyond his words, he knew that the fight was his fault, and he wished he could apologize to her, but he didn't know where she had run off to.

Kirk stood up, nearly hitting his head on the roof of the small cave he had chosen to stay the night. He hoped she was hiding in a cave somewhere around their home while she threw her fit, so he had been looking for five days with no prevail. He decided it would just be best to head back home and see if she was there. If she wasn't, he would wait and hope for her to come back. He stood at the edge of the cave, the cool Russian air breezing past him. He was pretty high up on the mountain, and it was late in the night. He told himself he would move back home in the morning. He went back to the small fire, adding a couple more logs onto it, enough to keep it burning for most of the night, and laid back down.

Taylor counted every crack on the sidewalk as she walked down it. Going from Russia to Washington so suddenly was surprisingly difficult. Time change and climate change alike, she was having a tough time getting used to it. She was tired now, her legs barely picked up every step. She felt like she would fall asleep walking before the next block. Luckily, that block was the last she had to get to. She closed her eyes, she couldn't keep them open any longer. She walked along the building, feeling it until the corner came, and she followed it. Taylor opened her eyes to look into the small alley. She noticed the garage door to the building that wasn't currently occupied. She grabbed it by the bottom and lifted it, the broken lock giving way easily. She help the garage door above her head as she walked under it, and dropped it and let it slam. The cement floor wasn't a comfortable place, but the concrete roof offered protection, so she didn't complain. She sat down, back to the wall, and closed her eyes again. She rested her head against the wall, and quickly drifted to sleep.
Axel Mercer

Forest with the others

Axel smiled, not large and radiant, but gently, so as not to seem over-the-top, despite the fact that he already was. He nodded to the two that Naomi had introduced. "It's very nice to meet you all. I hope we can be friends. Hey, wanna see a cool trick?" Axel put a hand behind his back and grew a sixth finger, then took it back out again, wiggling all 6 of them. He toom another plum out and took a bite, then took out his phone.

Hey, I'm in the forest, coming back to the city soon, where do you wanna meet up?

Axel looked to the other two, Greg and Leyla, and then scanned the ground quickly, finding a plant he knew. He pulled off a leaf and stuck it in his mouth, letting it rest on his tongue. He grabbed a handful of the leaves and held his palm out. "Would you like one? It's a mint plant, they're actually quite quite good. Not as strong as normal mints, but I think the plants taste better, fresher."

@Darth Pai @TheFallOfitAll @The Empress of Ice
Ah-Li Siyuan

Harley's Bookstore w/ Jian Siyuan

Quickly flipping over the pages of a book titled "The Third Man" by Peter Mandelson, Ah-Li licked her somewhat chapped lips as her eyes scanned the pages rapidly. Feeling the familiar vibration of her phone, Ah-Li reached into the hidden pocket of her skirt and glanced down at the rather new smartphone. Without opening up the text message, the corners of Ah-Li's mouth turned up when she read the name of the one who had texted her.

Cheeks slightly red, Ah-Li didn't know if they were from the cold or not but liked to think that it was. Placing the book down almost too eagerly, Ah-Li took her phone in both exposed hands and quickly opened up the text message. Holding her breath, Ah-Li could feel her heart beat faster than usual. Dark eyes scanning over the words, Ah-Li giggled like a school girl and sighed, looking out the glass windows of the store.

"Hey, I'm in the forest, coming back to the city soon, where do you wanna meet up?" Jian's voice came from above Ah-Li. The older boy was towering above his little sister and staring down at the phone. His voice was monotone, perhaps hints of displeasure. Raising an eyebrow, Jian moved his gaze over to Ah-Li. "Who's this Axel person?" His lips were turned down in the shape of a frown as he waited for an answer from his little sister.

Ah-Li let out a little shriek and jumped back, holding the phone to her chest. Cheeks bright red with embarrassment, Ah-Li felt as if her heart was trying to escape from her body when Jian scared her like that! It was even worse when he asked her the questions. Shaking her head furiously, Ah-Li continued to hold the phone to her chest like her life depended on it. "I-it's none of your business!" Pouting, Ah-Li turned away from Jian and stared down at the text message. "Besides, I already told you who he is..."

Glancing back at her older brother, Ah-Li clenched her teeth together when she saw Jian with his eyebrow raised. "He, he's just a friend, okay!" Ah-Li's blush had spread up to her ears and turned them bright red. Hurrying off into the store, Ah-Li went to a small corner, away from her older brother, and then looked down at the text message.

Reading the words over and over again, Ah-Li's bubbly smile returned as she began pondering how she was going to respond. 'Maybe I should say "okay! let's meet at high school"?' As Ah-Li began to type the letters into her phone, she quickly began shaking her head with a small frown on her face. 'No... That would make me sound too desperate.' Pursing her lips, Ah-Li tapped her fingers on the back of her phone as she continued to think about how she was going to answer.

"Ah! I got it!" An imaginary light bulb lit up over Ah-Li's head as she turned on her phone again and began texting Axel. "This is perfect." Biting her lower lip, Ah-Li giggled as she pressed the ENTER button and watched as her text message appeared on the screen.

Hey, I'm in the forest, coming back to the city soon, where do you wanna meet up?
K. Meet u @ the Walmart? d(≧∀≦)b

@King Of Imagination

~ The Weeping Forest ~

~ Greg & Leyla Thames ~

Suffocating. The constant waves of sadness, of sorrow... Leyla could barely stand it, her breathe coming out in gasps inbetween her sobs. She clinged onto her brother, him being the only comfort she had. Once in awhile, she would sneak a peek at the two pairs of twins, her gaze filled with worry, and pity. A silent sorry echoing in her mind as she watched James take the plums. He was the one that the Mother Willow, her favourite tree in the forest, wanted to hug the most. The one she was weeping for.

However, Greg, was puzzled, staring at Naomi. "Uh... God, what's its name... Uuuh, winter herb... Uhm... Tie... No, no... Uhm, Time? UGH!" Clearly, he could not remember the herb's name, and to boost, it made him sound more and more like a liar. Which he wasn't. He groaned, but was shocked to feel Leyla tug on his jacket.

Her whisper was soft and he smiled. "Thyme. It grows in this forest, but only during the winter..." In fact, it was quite weird for Thyme to grow so early in the Roan forest but Leyla had been informed by Mother Willow of a small patch starting to grow more south of the woods.

It was the sudden jumping motion that made Greg stare at Leyla, her eyes wide before she put her hand in her pocket. "Terrence..." She whispered. Seconds later, the phone was in Greg's hand as Leyla kept shaking and sobbing.

Oi! Ray!
Uhm... Ray?
Where are you? U & Artie were supposed to be here ten minutes ago, I swear if you two are taking your time picking them fucking herbs, I'm gonna bash your heads in.
Sorry, got caught up in something. Ray is having one of those breakdowns again...
Shit! Shit, shit, shiiiitt!!! I'll pick you guys up, got the car with me, see you in our corner!
Taylor Parker

Northern Roan

Taylor opened her eyes from her much-needed nap, though directly after waking she wished it had lasted longer. She sighed, her breath visible in the sharp, cold air. She stood, and rummaged through her various items she's obtained since arriving in Roan, grabbing a plastic bag filled with stolen apples, and took one out of the bag.

As Taylor bit into the apple, pain shot through her teeth as the cold from the apple flowed through them. She didn't finish her bite, but instead opened her jaw back up to release her teeth from the cold. She was used to her brother keeping all of their food from getting too cold, and wasn't expecting the intense cold from the apple. She attempted the bite again, and this time, now prepared for the cold, bit all the way through and savored the first bite before eventually swallowing it and taking a second. While still eating her apple, she lifted the garage door back up with the other arm and slid under it, dropping the door afterwards.

She had been around this town a couple of times, and she wasn't a fan of the area she was hiding in now. She was going to walk across the city to the abandoned amusement park, hoping that she could find a place down there by the end of the night that she could use as a home until she had a more permanent one. On the way to the park, she began to worry about her brother... No, worry wasn't the right word, she began to realize how much she missed him. Sure, she was the one that always cooked and basically kept their hunger and medical needs sated, but all the materials that she used doing just those things, came from him. Now all she's been has been apples she stole from the supermarket, and she's not much of a trained thief, so she was lucky to get out with those. She walked along the buildings of the street, peering into every alley she walked by.
An Unexpected Rescue

Alleyways of Roan

Aria watched half in terror and half in awe as a big, brutish guy, probably her age or a year older, destroy all of the guys that had ambushed her. She couldn't lie, though, that she thought that he was extremely attractive, but of course, she'd never let anyone know that she thought that.

Aria backed up a bit, unsure if the guy wanted to save her or not, but her suspicions were confirmed as he walked towards her. He offered a muscular hand to her and she took it. As she looked at him, she felt a bit more angry. Angry that she couldn't save herself. Angry that this whole situation had happened in the first place.

The first thing she thought of doing when she was pulled up was to thank him, but that wasn't what she wanted to do. So she did what she wanted to do. And slap him right across the face.

"H-How dare you! I-I was doing fine!" Aria shouted, wiping herself off, checking her purse and grocery bag to make sure she still had all her stuff. She could feel her cheeks growing redder.
Roan Streets: Parking Lot

The Winds of Destruction and the one Who Came From The Land Down Under

As Lucy rounded the corner, past the junction between the Supermarket and a row of medium-class apartments, he came across quite the scene. A woman, probably in her twenties, was bent over a man lying on the ground, straddling the poor chap. From the back, it appeared to be some kind of next-level PDA, but as Lucy drew closer out of a mix of mild bewilderment and morbid curiosity, he realised she was in fact, beating the poor man's face to a pulp with a mangled can of what appeared to be corned beef, which was oozing through the torn lid. Reacting on instinct, Lucy rushed forward towards the very one-sided altercation, gathering air around his arms, and seperated the two with an empowered shove, which sent the woman reeling backwards. Turning to face the supermarket employee, whose face now resembled pickled plum, he stretched an arm out and attempted to pull him to his feet.


The plastic bag with the steak and its extra additions had been discarded aside at this time. Its contents were quite safe, with perhaps the exception of the can of corned steak, which was really in the disguise of beef. This was a rather complicated lie fed, a pun that you are free to give me dirty glares for, to her by her parents in order to persuade her to eat the mush of processed meat, so take this piece of information with a pinch of salt. The can was the first thing her hands had closed around when she was scrabbling around for something to bring down upon the miscreant's facial features other than her fist.

She was halted in mid-bash, when she was pulled off the bleeding, in both metaphorical and literal forms of the word, drongo, a word here which is a metaphorical insult, and shunted to one side of the carpark. She had felt it as a push, however, but dismissed it as part of her imagination, of which she usually lacked. She did know however, that being adrenaline pumped usually gave one more illusions than when one was resting. She turned to the one who had tried to play hero to the sod, a rather lean young man with wind-swept hair, and gave a scowl.

"Oy, git off my business, mate. This here feckin' ugg boot owes me an' about a thousand others their due. Wot you got goin' for him, eh?" Charlotte said, but more so gave a jab at the intervening man's intervening. "Some friend o' his done got mucked up in the same business? If that's the case, I'll just make an example outta both of ya bloody galahs." All of these Aussie terms are really difficult to translate, do try to understand. All you need to know is that Charlotte pumped her fist into her palm, as if challenging the newcomer to come up with his own wisecrack, not unlike a koala challenging another koala in an argument over a stack of eucalyptus leaves.


"She appears to be trying to communicate with me." Lucy thought as he stared back at the livid lady spouting Aussie accented abuse at him from the far end of the carpark. He recognised the distinctive accent from his year and a half spent roaming the Australian Outback, which he visited under the impression that the people there would be similar to those from Enlgand, his homeland, where the Australians originated from. Suffice to say, half of his time spent there consisted of him trying (and failing) to comprehend the speech patterns of the locals. He knew enough however, to barely make out the slander that was being hurled at him at supersonic speeds, and that she was challenging him to a fight (As if the clenched fists and palm punching didn't make it obvious enough.)

" I can't quite understand you there, Porky Pig, you've got some kind of... lisp. You know, the elementary school is just a ways down the road, they might be able to help with your ah, 'problem' you got there. No need to beat up this poor chap, I'm sure he gave you the directions to the Animal shelter by accident, it happens."

Charlotte was a brute, but she was no tottering tot as it were. It was very clear that the young man had chosen battle by words with them fighting ones. If that was the case, she would happily oblige. "Whassat? I can't hear ya over the sound of yer head bein' stuck up yer arse so far." She raised one hand to her ear, as if to mock a person hard of hearing. "Couldn't tell yer ass from a hole in the ground, I expect? Come on, then, mate, what's this wombat's health insurance policy got to do with ya?"

"Well it's really no business of mine, but usually when one sees another in danger of having his or her brains splattered against the pavement, it's expected of the second party to lend aid. Empathy, I think it was called? Usually those without it are known as 'sociopaths', or so I've been told anyway." Lucy circled the lot as he replied, eying the lass intently as he did so, preparing for the impending threat of attempted murder, or sexual assault at the very least. "What beef do you have with that lowly peon of society anyway? Surely toilet paper doesn't go out of sale this early in the morning?"

"Third party, you blithering dingo. Get your nummers straight if yer going to go on a verbal war. And I'd like to correct ya there, mate. Sociopaths do have their empathy, even if its a lie of one. The ones without, are identified as psychopaths." Charlotte sneered, following the young man's movement as he started to encircle the parking lot. It was clear now that he was in no way related to the true culprit of the origin crime. "As for the next question, the only beef I have on 'im is the one in the can."


A cold silence swept through the cold parking lot, which was a rather biting chill, so to speak. But the man made of wind, and the girl of Outback past, did not so much as shiver as their eyes locked in furious combat and they continued to tread around the parking lot, the girl's words lingering in the air. She was right for the first count, but this had only helped the wind elemental learn more of the language. It was nothing to be ashamed of, really. Learning was a good thing.

And for the second count, there was really nothing to be said for it. It was a pun that pierced through everything that could be said. Not even Charlotte could follow up with anything. That was, unless she gave a strangled sound, and started laughing at her own punniness, which is a pun in its own form, of the words 'pun' and 'funniness', see? The laugh was contagious, as all hale and hearty laughs are, and Lucy began to laugh as well. As the poor cashier began crawling back to the store, the air began to fill with laughter. It was a regular cacophony of laughter at first, but as it went on, it became clear that the volume of the laughing was increasing steadily. By now, both the air bender and croc hunter were glaring at each other, invisible bolts of pure death zipping through the frozen air. A few people, mostly joggers and early risers, passed by them, but wisely stayed out of harm's way, as the laughing just kept getting louder.

And louder.

And louder, until it seemed that their now flat 'Ha Ha Ha'ing was echoing through the neighbourhood. Youths these days. Is that how you conduct yourself in a democracy?

(A joint effort between two sworn frenemies: @Father Gigantor and @Armed Thief Hope you like it <3)
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The baby-faced Demon got bitch-slapped

City Alleyway

Kai was very much not expecting that. Had he just met a huge tsundere or something? He thought they only existed in forms of media. Well, clearly not. He could have caught and broke their arm, but decided against that.

Rubbing his smooth pale face, which contrasted heavily to the rest of his body, he was surprised and gave the honest expression to match. It was nowhere close to the damage he had received on his body countless times (his body is testimony of it), however it was still unexpected. Although from the way they clearly reddened at the cheeks, he could tell it wasn't entirely intentional. Probably reflex or something.

Kai then walked a bit to get his jacket and put it on and walked back. As he walked he said: "I suppose it I need to get a new edition of the Oxford Dictionary, since last time I checked 'fine' didn't fall under being close to assaulted by thugs."

He spoke in an honest and clam cheery manner, smiling gently. If she was more hot-headed (or whatever personality she had), he was as levelheaded as flat field with no hills at all. It was part of his nature, to differ from his highly violent now dead father and because it helped do better judgement in fighting.

As he spoke he thought about his future. He was only human with no super powers and for him, he was close to his foreseeable plateau of his abilities. A human body was only so powerful and only so fast. Even reaching the pinnacle of the human body as a target still has a limit.
Axel, completely unsure what's wrong, as well as completely unsure what to do

The forest

Axel stood there, kind of stupidly, unsure what to do. He felt bad for Leyla, unsure what to do with himself, whether he should try to help, or perhaps he was the cause of her panic, in which case he should back off. He decided to take a few steps back, bumping into a tree in the proccess and tripping over a root, falling on his butt with a quiet thud. He stood up, one hand behind his neck, a small blush in his cheeks at his own clutsiness. He patted the tree, apologizing for bumping into it. He then felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

Hey, I'm in the forest, coming back to the city soon, where do you want to meet up?
K. Meet u @ the Walmart? d(≧∀≦)b
Alright, sounds good. I'd have thought you'd want to meet at the highschool, but Walmart works too.

Xander heard something in the background, a muffled rustling sound, but just passed it off as the wind. "Well, perhaps I should get going back to the city. Are you all going back too?"

@Darth Pai @The Empress of Ice
Jian Siyuan

Harley's Bookstore w/ Ah-Li

Snorting in amusement, Jian watched as his little sister hurried off into the store to get away from him. Ah-Li was always so easily embarrassed, even if she did usually try to cover it up. Jian glanced over at the book Ah-Li had been reading and raised an eyebrow. 'The Third Man by Peter Mandelson? Why would she be reading a memoir?' Shaking his head, Jian sighed softly as he picked up the book and placed it back in its proper place.

Ah-Li always had a rather weird taste in things compared to most people but Jian didn't care. She was his little sister, it wasn't his job to dictate her life. "Hn." Tucking a wrapped package under his arm, Jian's gaze was quickly directed to Ah-Li, who was standing in a corner, staring at her phone. "She can do what she wants."

Turning around, Jian began to make his way to the cashier. His footsteps were silent and quick. Almost as if he were floating across the floor like a ghost.

"Jian," the wispy voice of a certain spirit caught the young man's attention. Blinking once, Jian glanced over at the faded image of a person and frowned. Raising an eyebrow, Jian gestured for the spirit to get on with it, not wanting to waste any time. "Well, they're meeting up at Walmart." The ghost turned his head to look at Ah-Li, who was making her way towards her older brother.

Nodding swiftly, Jian glanced over his shoulder and stared over at Ah-Li. "Thank you." Jian muttered under his breath. Turning around completely, Jian folded his arms over his chest, his hand gripping the package. Tapping his foot lightly on the ground, the older brother waited until Ah-Li stood in front of him to raise his eyebrow and frown a little.

"Gege, I'm going to Walmart to meet up with some friends, 'kay?" With that said, Ah-Li spun around on her heel and did her best to hurry off before Jian could stop her without looking too suspicious. She had to meet up with Axel at Walmart and she wasn't going to let her older brother stop her. Ah-Li didn't know how Jian would react but she remembered what happened last time she tried to go out with a few friends. He had locked all the doors and windows to prevent Ah-Li from leaving.

Jian reached out and grabbed the collar of Ah-Li's jacket with one swift movement. His expression was blank as he threw Ah-Li over his shoulder like a potato sack, despite her wiggling and desperate actions to try and escape. Heading towards the exit of the store, Jian chuckled lightly under his breath. "Looks like we're going to the amusement park."

By then, Ah-Li had stopped struggling and simply laid there on her brother's shoulder, hanging like a rag doll. 'Sorry, Axel... Looks like we won't be meeting up at Walmart...' Sighing with disappointment, Ah-Li supported her head with her hand as she watched as the snow covered bookstore became smaller and smaller.

Pulling out her phone, Ah-Li quickly texted Axel, stating that she couldn't make it to Walmart and they'd have to hang out another time. "Aw, man..." Ah-Li hung her head and kicked her feet a little. "Why do we have to go the amusement park?" Whining a little, Ah-Li knew that complaining wouldn't do anything, especially when it came to her older brother. But, she was thirteen now! She was officially a teenager! She couldn't bend to her brother's whims anymore!

Working up the courage to say no, Ah-Li opened her mouth only to shut it quickly when Jian began to sprint. Hanging onto her brother tightly, Ah-Li's eyes widened with shock and then quickly shut closed as she did her best not to fall off.

Jian frowned as he ran through the streets of Roan, heading towards the abandoned amusement park. "I told you before," He muttered loud enough for his little sister to be able to hear him. "We have to deliver a package."
A Smoke Filled Future

Roan Rooftops

Poet quietly watched on, her eyes shimmering with excitement, finally...she had found another vigilante/hero in this god forsaken, boring ass city. Her eyes scanned the obvious muscles and big frame of the man, then the girl he had saved. She looked to be well off, what she was doing in an alleyway looking like that baffled her. The girl looked like she had a low pain tolerance, an almost dainty frame, wearing a long dress. Poet looked at the girl in distaste, she couldn't have been right in the head, walking down alleys without any weapons, she saw no weapons except for that parasol...she carried a parasol. Rolling her eyes she continued on, leaving the two by themselves, a sharp slap rang out into the air as she left.

"Oh fu-"

Writhing tendrils of smoke clumped together, Poet reformed, ending up right on the ledge of the roof, staring down at the cars and walkers. Nothing interesting had happened so far, she was beginning to regret leaving the two until the abandoned amusement park caught her eye, sticking out and making itself apparent. Sharp pangs of nostalgia hit her like a truck, flashes of spending time at the park with her significant other, until he decided to bite the bullet. Shaking her head and clearing her mind, she decided to visit the park, damn that nostalgia.
TheFallOfitAll updated Remember Our Name with a new update entry:

Maturity Rating

Okay, so, based on events in RP, I'm moving the RP's rating up to Mature.
The f bomb's been dropped, it's a crime ridden city with who know's what going on, and all that stuff. And it's only going to get worse.

So, if you feel that you can't handle this, let me know, and we'll work a way to have your character written out, but that doesn't mean death.
Read the rest of this update entry...

Taylor Parker

Roan Amusement Park

Upon entering the abandoned amusement park, it seemed rather... Abandoned, as she had expected. There were no signs of people living here for any amount of time. Well, at least, no obvious signs. She admitted that if anyone that lived here wanted to stay hidden, it probably wouldn't be too hard. She looked around at first, trying to find any place that might work for a shelter. There were multiple building that served as indoor rides, so any of those would work. The first things that popper out to her were the haunted house, the indoor part of 'the phoenix,' a roller coaster, and the bumper cars arena, which was an only roofed establishment. For the time being, she decided, she would just use the bumper cars as a temporary shelter before she explored more the next day.

She walked over to the bumper cart area, and climbed over the railing. Once inside, she pushed a couple of the bumper cars around to form a circle-like area that can't be seen into unless the observer is inside of the bumper cars area, and sat in the circle, just high enough to see over the cars.

More Below

Kirk Parker

Samara, Russia

Kirk arrived at the sloppily-built house that he and his sister had build slightly north of Samara. Pushing the door, which was actually just multiple sloppily cut logs glued together, he wasn't surprised to not see his sister in the front room. He took a peek into his room, just in case, before walking into his sister's room. Not finding her there, he angrily slammed his fist into the wall. The wall simply being logs and planks he and his sister put together, it gave way. With nothing to stop his fist's momentum, it carried his arm with it, and, inevitably, Kirk fell forward through the wall.

Kirk pushed himself off of the ground, but his eye got caught on Taylor's journal. One day, while going through various places looking for items that would help he and his sister survive, Kirk happened upon a old notebook with a pen in it's spiral. He took it home to his sister, because he knew she liked to draw. For the first week or two, she drew in it and always showed Kirk what she drew once she finished, but after that she started writing in it and told Kirk he could never look at it, and eventually the notebook just disappeared.

He picked up the notebook and debated whether or not to actually look through to see what she had been doing. He opened the cover up, and a very clear message, stating this:

Kirk I swear, if you ever read past this page I'll gouge your eyes out and shove them up your nose so far you'll see your brain. Oh, and don't pull that "I didn't see your message in the front of the book thing," because it says your name, and you're self-absorbed as I'll get out.

Right before reading this, a small, folded piece of paper, obviously from the notebook, fell out of the front page. Kirk bent down and picked up the piece of paper while reading this message. "Welp, I'd rather keep the image of my brain a mystery to myself," he blurted, throwing the notebook back to the general area it was in... More or less.

Walking back into the front room, Kirk unfolded the piece of paper, which revealed another note, clearly addressed to himself.

I know you didn't mean all the things your said, but I still thing you need to spend some time alone to let out some stress. I know you've been stressed out lately, but don't take that out on your sister. I decided to go away until you stop being so mean, because I don't want you to end up like dad. I left my whereabouts one place I knew you weren't going to look unless you found a 'clue' of some sorts pointing you to it, so take this as your clue. If you're not as completely air headed as you act sometimes, it won't be hard. Don't come looking for me until you've gotten all that hot air out.

I hope I don't actually have to sign who this is.

Finally fully understanding what was happening, Kirk let out a breath of relief/disappointment. Sure, he was stressed out lately, and maybe he was a bit more mean than he should have been, but he would never do anything to his sister like his dad did. Kirk knew where Taylor was talking about, it was the river not to far from their house. Kirk didn't like water. Original, right? Fire manipulator, not liking water. Genius. Anyways, Kirk can't manipulate fire while wet, but on top of that, whatever Taylor put her "whereabouts" on, could have gone many miles down the river since her disappearance. The chances of him finding it have diminished by so much, he almost didn't find it worth looking for it...

...But he needed to find his sister.
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A Job's a Job-Andrew

You should click that.



His steps were soundless, as usual. The only thing audible asides from the occasional almost silent sound of the shots of his pistol was the whistling. Andrew was more than calm, his emotions at the time were almost not even present. Two more shots, two more dead gangsters. Andrew’s mask betrayed no emotion, although underneath that ghostly white mask was a grin, not one of an insane man, the grin of a man doing exactly what he wanted, and how he wanted.

From out of nowhere, he was punched, stepping back from the impact, and then another in his gut. Andrew gazed up, recognizing the man as the second in command of the gang. Andrew was then kicked, being knocked back into the wall behind him, and dropping his pistol.

“So, you think you can just walk into our hideout, and get away with killing so many of us, eh? Well now, you’re gonna die!” The man, Andrew knew his nickname as Blade, yelled at him, and pulled a switchblade out, and started forward.

Andrew stood fast, readying himself. When Blade lunged for a stab, he sidestepped, grabbing Blade’s wrist, and twisting hard. Blade dropped the switchblade within second. Andrew grabbed Blade by the throat with his left hand, and punched him hard in the face with his right hand.

Andrew stepped back, grabbing up the switchblade fast, and circled the dazed gangster. Blade made his move, which led to Andrew stepping aside, and easily slipping the switchblade into his mouth, moving it out to leave a gash on the man’s face.

Blade took a step back, his hands going up to the wound. It was the opening Andrew needed. Moving with quick precision, he struck. Three times the blade entered Blade’s gut, each one a different location. Andrew then grabbed onto Blade’s shoulder with his left hand, flipping around the switchblade and stabbing Blade thrice in the chest, then shoving Blade back, where he tripped and fell onto his back, bleeding.

Andrew then looked at his right hand. His formerly white glove was now stained in crimson. He tilted his head for a moment, and then tossed the knife away.

Andrew then picked up his pistol, and knocked the dirt off. He walked towards the dying man, and stood above him, pistol aimed right between the eyes. Andrew pulled the trigger, and then walked on, calmly dropping the emptied clip that was in the pistol, and replacing it.

Before him, was a set of double doors. It was a room which had been turned into an office. Andrew kicked open the doors, his gun at the ready. The was a man at the desk in front of him. No gun at the ready, nothing.

“Shoot me already, won’t you? You’ve already done your bosses dirty work. Might as well finish it, heh, he’ll probably have you killed too,” The man spoke, glaring at the assassin, “But once I die, someone else will take my place. We’re like weeds, us criminals. Stomp one of us out, another will just pop up in that place. There will always be a new enemy to fight.”

“A job’s a job,” Andrew replied, raising his pistol, and firing three shots into the man.

The Ascending

“Hey, what’s up with her?” Naomi asked, looking at Leyla.

There was a sound behind the group, and almost howling of noises.

“What was that?” Jack called out, looking around.

And then the loud howling came, and even more replied. Wolves. They could be heard running by, and circling. Tiera shrieked and grabbed onto her sister.

“Wolves,” Naomi said, looking at her siblings, and then the other three, “ I don’t care if we just met, but I’m sure none of you want to be wolf feed, so, RUN!”


The door to the diner opened, a man stepped in, with three people behind him. Each one of them had a gun in hand.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen! You know what this is, any of you call the police or try to escape, we’ll have to shoot you. Don’t make us do that,” He yelled.


They had watched from the other side of the street as a group of their comrades had been taken out. Now? They walked across the street, various weapons in hand, from guns to knives.

“Hey! You think you can just walk on over and save the damsel, eh gringo?” One of them with a handgun in hand yelled out, then raised it and fired, missing.

“You better run gringo!”

“Run Forrest, run!”
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Axel heard the howling as well and looked at the others. He didn't care at this point if they were trustworthy or not, he needed to buy them some time. He placed a hand on the ground and swiped along it, a wall of dirt and stone growing behind them, if but a small one. He stood back up, breathing a little heavier. He smiled again and then waved them on.

"If we're going to run we'd better get going, it won't take them long to get over that wall, and they're obviously faster than us, so let's go. No one gets left behind." With that Axel took off through the woods, his soccer skills helping him move swiftly through the woods.
The Koala-lover

Still Mucking About

Now, we can assume that the cops were either sleeping on their jobs whenever something else interesting happened elsewhere, in everyone else's stories. We can assume that, along with the fact that Charlotte had the high possibility of having been cursed to have the absolute worst of days by a witch doctor in Zimbabwe who had used the wrong voodoo doll. Not only had it been the time when the crimson river doth flow, she had been swindled, then confronted when confronting, and now, there was the presence of blue-uniformed men coming around the corner of the parking lot. These blue uniformed men were called many things by many people: pigs, scum, blues, coppers, flatfoots, popo, mom, dad, uncle. They were, however, identified as 'police' in the Oxford Dictionary, and they do prefer being called that, rather than 'blue uncle pig'.

"What's going on here?" one of the blue devils queried, despite having been told what the devil was going on here over the phone earlier when some rat ratted on the scene.

See, Charlotte was an Asian, which meant she ran on family values and honor and discipline and all that nice hat. Her father was an Interpol officer. If she were to be caught knocking out these patriotic men defending the safety of their country, she would be disgraced, or as the Chinese say "lose face". Completely dishonourable. Dishonour on her family, herself, and her cow. Dishonourabur. Charlotte, as said, was a brute in more ways than one, but she was no idiot, given her capability with punning and logical ability. She knew what sort of problem she was going to get into if she bashed their throats in. So she took in a deep breath.

The Wong family had passed down a secret that lay with them for centuries to their children, and their children to their own. For centuries past, the Wongs had come from different occupations: smugglers, thieves, loansharks, police officers, triad leaders, soldiers and fishmongers. Each of them had come across different walls in life, particularly walls that could either get you into a lot of trouble or walls that just kill you. In order to counter these walls, to surmount these heights, they taught themselves a secret technique, and taught it to their child. So now, faced with impossible odds at the risk of losing her honour, Charlotte called upon her ancestors. She took in a deep breath, shifted her feet, and flexed her fingers, raising her hands slightly.

She, then, turned on her heels and started sprinting away from the scene at the opposite direction.
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~Serena Williams~

~Roan Cafe~

Serena's head shot up and looked at the door, her eyes widening at the sight. Really? They just had to do this at this time of day...Crap how am I going to get out of here...? she watched as the men splitted in the shop, keeping an eye out on the people. Once most of them had their backs turned to her, she quietly got out of her seat and made her way to the door, hopefully, she'd make it. But, by the time she pushed the door, the bell to the door went off and her eyes widen, making her look back and see the men turn.

She shoved the door open and broke into a run.

A shot was heard, and glass shattered, causing her to cover the side of her face as she ran by the window, running down the street Damn it, damn it, damn it! And soon enough, there was someone following her, causing her to run with all her might, the snow crunching underneath her feet and a rapid smoke coming out of her mouth like a train and disappearing into the sky. Honestly, she had no way to get away but run. Knowing her, she had a pretty stable stamina, but not one that would last forever.

Her heart pounded against her chest, scared and worried for her fate. Would she be cought and Killed? Or would she manage to get away and hide where he wont see her? Looking over her shoulder just barely, she quickly snapped her head back to looking ahead Dont look back! It'll only make things worse...
"Mexicans? It's almost as if they want stereotypical henchemen. Henchmen with guns though."

He spoke as he basically hauled the girl from where she was in a princess holding position and dashed around the corner, hearing bullets whizz behind them as he took the turn. He was sure he felt part of his jacket rip too.

"I don't like guns, they're almost like cheating. Although..."

He kept carrying Aria. She was really light, being small helping. With his strength, he could carry for miles. He thought a plan on how to deal with them, then noticed the snow.

Of course.

"To the park we go m'lady."

His plan was to hide in the cover of the snowfall and various bushes etc. in the park. That way he could deal with the enemies 1 on 1 and not have to worry about long range with guns. If he faced them, he will be faster than them pulling the gun. They became only an issue if he was at a distance though, since you cant outrun a fired gun.

The Irregularity

Roan's Oldtown


Seamus was perplexed by the sudden turn of weather. Sure,the sky was blanketed by a uniform steel grey cloud,and there was snowfall,but it was light. Now,in the time it took for him to buy a Bluetooth system for his phone,a full-blown BLIZZARD!? Insanity. And he heard stories from Canadian tourists that Ontario and British Columbia had schizophrenic weather systems... Regardless,Seamus made his way to his...Abode. Seamus was between apartments,right now,and so,he started squatting in the abandoned fairgrounds in Oldtown. Not exactly glamorous,but he's abandoned such standards long ago.

Seamus stepped into the abandoned Hall of Mirrors. He chose this particular attraction because the mirrors provided some built-in security. At least,the ones that weren't completely shattered. He stepped into the heart of the maze,a route he now knew by heart,and arrived at his little home: A sleeping bag,a portable generator,a jerrycan,a lamp and heating coil. Pouring some gas from the jerrycan into the generator,Seamus hauled on the ripcord,starting the machine up,springing the heating coil and lamp to life.

His home warming,Seamus pulled out his new phone charger,and unpackaged it. It was in that damnable plastic that's almost impossible to open,and when you do,it's liable to chop off a finger. Who the Hell thought that was a good idea!? Regardless,he pulled out the charger without injuring himself,and plugged it into the power bar that everything else was hooked up to. Seamus checked his stolen phone,mounted to his forearm by a glove,and saw he had no new messages. Nodding,he popped it out,and plugged it into the charger. It was at about 5%.

Seamus sat down beside the heating coil,and reached into his sleeping bag,retrieving a pair of what appeared to be legs for his pants. He attached them by a zipper at the bottom of his shorts legs,and allowed his mind to wander. Unbeknownst to him,someone had followed him to his abode...
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Taylor Parker

Amusement Park

Taylor shivered, rubbing her hands on her arms. "It's so damn cold..." She whispered, being used to a fire at all times she wasn't moving. Uncomfortable, she stood up a little bit to get situated, fixated her situation, and sat back down, still shivering.

More Below

Kirk Parker

Samara, Russia

The cold water engulfed Kirk, which destroyed any sense of being tired from his body. The strong currents confirmed Kirk's suspicions that whatever Taylor put her location on would have kept moving until they got stuck on something or in the mud. With luck, that wouldn't be too far down the river, but that wasn't likely. His jump into the water caused the marine life in the river to go into a state of chaos, kicking up mud everywhere, making it impossible to see more than three inches in front of his face. He went back to the surface, taking a breath for the breath he exhaled when he hit the cold water. "Screw this..." he muttered to himself before slamming his first in the water, creating a huge splash. He then climbed out of the water back onto the bank, where he sat down. "Maybe I can just... Wait for the water to calm and just... Look for it from the surface..." he suggested to himself. It was unlikely that this would work, but the chances were probably about the same as trying to find it in the murky water. He stood up, dripping water off of his drenched clothing. He started to walk back to the house, once he was dry he would come back to the river, because by then the water may be clear again.
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-Deleted Post-

I didnt think it was good enough. Will re do this if i think i can.

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~ The Girl Who Cried Wolf ~

~ Greg & Leyla Thames ~

Somethings you're just not ready for... But wolves, Leyla was ready for, her countless treks in the forest teaching her how to handle the beasts yet she also remembered the panic she went through the first time she came across a pack. Heck, it was much like how everyone else, except Greg, was reacting. Scream, run, throw what you can to slow them down. Luckily, for Leyla, she also had her powers. Her saviors, the trees, took it upon themselves to aid her when she called for them.

And, something she also came to learn, is that wolves are pack animals. Never alone. Ever. So catching four or five by the legs using the vines on the trees would be enough. So what was it that Leyla and Greg weren't prepared for?

That's an easy question. What Leyla and Greg weren't prepared for, was Axel. The weird nice dude with POWERS. He had powers. Powers.

P-O-W-E-R-S. Their gazes were filled with shock, but they scrambled to their feet anyways, running alongside the guy. A growl resounded next to them, and suddenly, one of the wolves was there. Standing straight in front of them. Leyla, subtly, caught the wolf with a root, Greg jumping forward and smashing its head with his bat.

A whimper escaped the beast, and Leyla sighed with regret before taking her brother's hand and continued to run. They were running with the rest, until Greg noticed that they were going the wrong way. He put his palm to his face before grabbing one of the other girls, forcing her to go the other way. He didn't even look to see which one it was, before his voice echoed among the trees. "THIS WAY! MY FRIEND IS WAITING ON US!"

~ Money, Music, Thieves and Wolves ~

~ Terrence Orthom ~

While Greg did claim that Terrence was waiting for them, she kinda wasn't. Sitting comfortably at the driver seat of her van, both the door to the passenger seat and the back of the van wide open, she was instead counting money. Her feet were propped up, her baseball cap on and a cigarette laid perfectly in between her teeth, to be removed once in awhile. The van was propped with different instruments, barely any space left but enough for three people to sit comfortably.

She'd murmur a few words from some song once in awhile, recounting her money three to four times before putting them in her pocket. She always counted the dollars, never the cents as she would have to go to the bank and change them into dollars anyways. To say that they didn't

trust her head counts was an understatement. Even if they were always right, and they would sigh with annoyance when she pointed out that fact.

She was comfortable, relaxed until she saw a car pull up a few yards away. A tall, a bit chubby, man with deep red hair climbed out of the driver seat, his gaze set on her. She recognized that car, she recognized that dude and she sure as hell was ready to leave now. He had been staring at her while she performed, and he had been staring at her mug filled with dollars too.

"Shit!" Terrence put her feet down, and threw her cigarette away. She kept her eyes on the guy, checking for Leyla and Greg, while continuing to curse under her breathe. Seconds later, she breathed a sigh of relief, Greg's screaming reaching her ears. But only for a second. Greg was screaming. Greg never screamed. AND she was sure as hell he didn't have a cute redhead girl for a friend.

Another thing was that Greg caught the mans attention. They were out of time. "HURRY THE FUCK UP!"
Too Frail to Fight

Aria- Streets of Roan

Aria looked back and saw tons of greasy, gross henchmen shouting slurs at herself and Kai. She stood up a bit straighter, ready to take them on, but as soon as Kai picked her up she started to flail.

"L-Let me down! I'm not some little doll, I can take them!" she shouted kicking Kai, but leaving him unscathed. He led them towards the amusement park, assuming he wanted to hide there, "wh-why are we hiding there? There are so many better places to hide! Let me down!" she cried loudly.
When Snowballs Thaw, Fires Spark

With Chaucer and Friends

The target of Chaucer and friends soon shifted from each other to the pedestrians meandering across park sidewalk. The open, snow-carpeted field provided little cover, so their reign of terror was widespread, and effective. Children ranging from the ages of toddler to preteen were seen in litters of corpses across the snowy field, piles of white on their bodies.

The cops arrived at the war-torn slaughterfield and scratched their heads. The culprits were nowhere in sight, and the survivors were picking themselves up, sobbing, wailing all across the way.

Frozen footsteps broke across white grass in hurried, messy markings. The trial broke at the fence, where scattered snow made chaotic piles all around.

They'd escaped, and far down at Roan's Red Diner they laughed in retelling of the expressive horror they'd enacted on the park's populace.

Over hot cocoa and tea, the party's exhuberance winded down. As time passed, they came to laze about in their booth, and restlessness had them nudging one another, a playful foreplay to the eventual wrestling that erupted. Chaucer beset Oreo with forceful pushing, and the action was returned in swift rebuttal. The table shook, shuddered, even fell on the bystanding friends. Charity screamed, Melvin cowered, Rae laughed, and with that show of aggressive affection, the employees had enough.

The group was unceremoniously thrown out.

So they hovered outside the warmed place in a crooked half-circle, unsure of what next action to take.

Rae looked to Chaucer, who hunched his shoulders against the biting wind.

Chaucer shot Melvin a glare as the gloomy boy shuffled a little closer to Chaucer's sister.

Charity, every bit a white marshmallow by her fluffed jacket, huddled closer to Oreo, and the young boy turned his gaze on Rae, anticipating her initiative.

She blew out a cloud of hot air. "Alright." She said, bouncing a little to keep off the chill. "Let's go. To my house. The aunt's out for the day -- gone shopping or something." She mentioned video games and Chaucer motorized his tongue.

"Thbbbtttttttt....." He iterated the age-old sound of dissent, and paced, voice raised in dramatic offense. "I will not be caught up in a world of fantasy! Nor will I have any of you, my stalwart allies, fall to such filthy deception! If we are to be in the company of one another, it is one another we will enjoy, not some stranger's work!"

"Then what exactly did you have in mind?" Rae drawled. "Or does anyone have any bright ideas they'd like to share?"

Oreo shrugged. Melvin shivered.

Charity whispered, "I'm cold... and I'm wet." She shook her left shoe, and it sprinkled cold water across the paved walkway. "I want to go home".

"Gather your spirits, men!" Chaucer called out, then hesitated. "...and women. There is still aught we ought do."

"Like?" Rae pressed.

"Swords!" He raised his fist in the air. A collective sigh rang out across the group. A million times a million was the number of experiences they'd had with Chaucer and swords. In nearly every one, it had ended in crying, angry yelling, and an assortment of button-sized purple spots all over their bodies.

But they followed their marching leader nonetheless. To Rae's house still they went; the blades were stored in her basement, under blankets and beside metal polish. They passed by an abandoned amusement park as they travelled, for it was a large atrocity erected along the way, a mere block down.

Rae went in first, to scout the place out, for her aunt's vehicle was unexpectedly in the driveway and that didn't bode well for the destructive group. She gathered four weapons and snuck out the back, an extra scarf draped across her neck. And in her absence, a fury had come to dominate the peoples' discussion.

"No more! You always do this!" Charity's voice squeaked in unhappy dismay.

"What do I do, Charrie?!" Chaucer was backpedalling, defensive, but his temper bordered in the tenseness of his jaw. "What is it about me that upsets you so?"

"EVERYTHING!" She screamed. She flew at him as if to hit him, her little fists wheeling, but he sidestepped the little fury and hit his palm across her face. Charity staggered back, wailed, and, half slipping, turn and ran away.

"What happened..?" Rae whispered, sidling up beside Oreo. He murmured some vague explaining of how Charity wanted to go home and Chaucer had tried to keep her, and how the ensuing disagreement had lead to harsh words exchanged, then this. Though that was Rae's interpretation. Oreo had said much more in sympathy of Charity's upsetness, namely that Chaucer was pushy and unkind, while she had responded in all dignity, as he always. There were times Rae wondered if Oreo was partially blind, only seeing the good in Charrie and none of the bad. But that was the way of it. Young men are easily broken beneath a girl's charm.

Rae sighed. "So are we still doing this or should I put the swords back?"

"No, bring them." Chaucer said. Melvin had already taken off running after Charity, and Chaucer couldn't let them be alone. He broke into a slippery sprint on the icy walk, Rae and Oreo trotting easily behind him.

The swords jumped in Rae's arms as she stumbled. She realized what may happen should she fall on this treacherous surface, and so she slowed to a walk, letting Oreo tarry on ahead.

The amusement park loomed down the bend, and as she approached, Chaucer was climbing over its high fence, calling out for Charrie. He dropped in first, Oreo after, and Rae went to look for a hole in the barrier for entrance.

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