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Fantasy Rejected CS


New Member
You can be a human - normal person

or a reject - a human with supernatural abilities, who if discovered to be different, will be killed!




Are you defective?: 

If you're defective, what are your abilities:



Name: Sean Backster

Age: 37

Gender: Male



Defective?: No

Personality: Strict, harsh 'cruel'

Backstory: To be revealed, but I can say he hunts Defects for a living

Other: N/A
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Name: Autumn Morgan

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Are you defective?: Yep!

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has ice abilities, and can drain energy from things she touches. She can freeze things, decrease the temperature in the room, and can also create an ice shield around herself (among other things). If she touches a tree, it's leaves will turn brown and fall off, as if in autumn. She absorbs the energy from it, but this only happens if she concentrates. So it isn't an involuntary thing that happens.

Personality: Soft, kind, strong (physically and mentally), intelligent, cunning.

Backstory: Will reveal eventually, but she's had a troubled past, and she's been an orphan since the age of 13. She's used to hiding her powers, and finds it easy. She ran away from her orphanage many times, and finally declared independence at 16, when she moved to a beautiful cabin beside a lake, and a large forest. Where she met Anastasia.

Other: Lives with her girlfriend, Anastasia.

(I'm going to make a CS for Anastasia now...)
Name: Anastasia Green

Age: 19

Gender: Female





Are you defective?: Yus.

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has water abilities, and can transform into a "mermaid" at will, and has gills on the sides of her ribs (a few inches under her armpits), and on her neck, which she can hide with a scarf, and usually has some realistic latex skin to cover them too. She can also create a water "bubble" around herself, just as long as there is water nearby, and she can loosely control water.

Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, paranoid, worrisome, resourceful.

Backstory: Ran away from home at the age of 15, and lived feral in a lake for over a year. Autumn found her, and now they live together in a cabin next to that lake. 

Other: Her powers for controlling water are relatively weak at the moment, but are growing stronger every day, as she and Autumn train their abilities.






Are you defective?: 

Most certainly

If you're defective, what are your abilities:

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gennadi's senses are greatly better then a human's. He has double the hearing and double the smell. Gennadi's body is flexible, he can turn his head a full 270 degrees like an owl, he's able to throw his leg over his head and be totally comfortable with it, etc. He can create a scaly, transparent bubble around him if need be. Gennadi's blood is poisonous, touching it will case serious harm to your health and if not treated properly you will die in 2-4 days depending on how healthy of a person you are.[/SIZE] 


Gennadi is a very kind and quiet individual. Though they tend to be disclosed from everyone except their snake, Willow, who seem to have a great understanding of each other though not speaking the same language. Gennadi is not afraid to say what they think and when they do, they don't sugar coat it. The downside of speaking his mind, Gennadi is not the smartest person in the world. He's quite slow when trying to understand problems.


Gennadi was born to a defect and human. This small family of three isolated themselves from the world for 10 years. It was really peaceful, those 10 years of Gennadi laughing and playing with his parents. But of course as all stories go, it went all down hill. Gennadi and his parents were out by the lake when he noticed something big and white slithering across the forest they lived in. He chased after it for 15 minuets. caught it, and this creature was the number one animal he adored named Willow who will now always protect him. He walked back to the lake, only to discover the bloody corpses of his parents. Ever since then he's lived alone in a tree house with Willow.


Gennadi is fully blind and has been for 2 years. The story for this will be revealed.

Ever since living with Willow, Gennadi developed scales that grew from his feet to his thighs.


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Name: Autumn Morgan

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Are you defective?: Yep!

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has ice abilities, and can drain energy from things she touches. She can freeze things, decrease the temperature in the room, and can also create an ice shield around herself (among other things). If she touches a tree, it's leaves will turn brown and fall off, as if in autumn. She absorbs the energy from it, but this only happens if she concentrates. So it isn't an involuntary thing that happens.

Personality: Soft, kind, strong (physically and mentally), intelligent, cunning.

Backstory: Will reveal eventually, but she's had a troubled past, and she's been an orphan since the age of 13. She's used to hiding her powers, and finds it easy. She ran away from her orphanage many times, and finally declared independence at 16, when she moved to a beautiful cabin beside a lake, and a large forest. Where she met Anastasia.

Other: Lives with her girlfriend, Anastasia.

(I'm going to make a CS for Anastasia now...)

Name: Anastasia Green

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Are you defective?: Yus.

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has water abilities, and can transform into a "mermaid" at will, and has gills on the sides of her ribs (a few inches under her armpits), and on her neck, which she can hide with a scarf, and usually has some realistic latex skin to cover them too. She can also create a water "bubble" around herself, just as long as there is water nearby, and she can loosely control water.

Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, paranoid, worrisome, resourceful.

Backstory: Ran away from home at the age of 15, and lived feral in a lake for over a year. Autumn found her, and now they live together in a cabin next to that lake. 

Other: Her powers for controlling water are relatively weak at the moment, but are growing stronger every day, as she and Autumn train their abilities.






Are you defective?: 

Most certainly

If you're defective, what are your abilities:

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gennadi's senses are greatly better then a human's. He has double the hearing and double the smell. Gennadi's body is flexible, he can turn his head a full 270 degrees like an owl, he's able to throw his leg over his head and be totally comfortable with it, etc. He can create a scaly, transparent bubble around him if need be. Gennadi's blood is poisonous, touching it will case serious harm to your health and if not treated properly you will die in 2-4 days depending on how healthy of a person you are.[/SIZE] 


Gennadi is a very kind and quiet individual. Though they tend to be disclosed from everyone except their snake, Willow, who seem to have a great understanding of each other though not speaking the same language. Gennadi is not afraid to say what they think and when they do, they don't sugar coat it. The downside of speaking his mind, Gennadi is not the smartest person in the world. He's quite slow when trying to understand problems.


Gennadi was born to a defect and human. This small family of three isolated themselves from the world for 10 years. It was really peaceful, those 10 years of Gennadi laughing and playing with his parents. But of course as all stories go, it went all down hill. Gennadi and his parents were out by the lake when he noticed something big and white slithering across the forest they lived in. He chased after it for 15 minuets. caught it, and this creature was the number one animal he adored named Willow who will now always protect him. He walked back to the lake, only to discover the bloody corpses of his parents. Ever since then he's lived alone in a tree house with Willow.


Gennadi is fully blind and has been for 2 years. The story for this will be revealed.

Ever since living with Willow, Gennadi developed scales that grew from his feet to his thighs.



Name: Lilly Ripple

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's very small for her age and her natural hair colour is bright red:


Are you defective?: Yeah...

If you're defective, what are your abilities: Largely unknown... She doesn't really have much control over her abilities, but as a side effect her hair (And sometimes her eyes) change colour in accordance to her emotions. She does have some minor control over this change, but only if she really concentrates. Her skin also glows sometimes.

Personify: Lilly is very timid and Shy, she often hides away from people she doesn't know. Although due t where she lives, she doesn't have to do this often.

Backstory: About a year and a half ago, Lilly was adopted by a lovely couple, she thinks of them as her parents, her mum had died giving birth and her father was never the 'fatherly' type.

Other: Sorry it's brief, I'd like to reveal more through RP, hope that's ok...
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Name:Jack Marlow

Age: 20

Gender: male



Green guy.jpg



Are you defective?: yup

If you're defective, what are your abilities: He can Transform into a werecroc. Can speak to animals and control plants.

Personality: Head strong, and not the brightest. He is loyal to his friends. He doesn't get along with most humans so he lives in places like swamps, or wooded areas.

Backstory: He was kicked out of the house at 16 because of his powers and the last words he heard from his dad was "Your a freak and should have never been born." Ever since then he has never trusted another human. He has been living in a tent in the woods for 4 years now and has some animal like habits.

Other: Even though he has control over when he turns into a werecroc he still turns when he is vary angry or in a lot of pain. He is friends with a wolf pack and a big albino alligator turtle called Snaps.
Name: Lilly Ripple

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's very small for her age and her natural hair colour is bright red:

View attachment 195895

Are you defective?: Yeah...

If you're defective, what are your abilities: Largely unknown... She doesn't really have much control over her abilities, but as a side effect her hair (And sometimes her eyes) change colour in accordance to her emotions. She does have some minor control over this change, but only if she really concentrates. He skin also glows sometimes.

Personify: Lilly is very timid and Shy, she often hides away from people she doesn't know. Although due t where she lives, she doesn't have to do this often. 

Backstory: About a year and a half ago, Lilly was adopted by a lovely couple, she thinks of them as her parents, her mum had died giving birth and her father was never the 'fatherly' type.

Other: Sorry it's brief, I'd like to reveal more through RP, hope that's ok...

Name:Jack Marlow

Age: 20

Gender: male



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View attachment 196001

Are you defective?: yup

If you're defective, what are your abilities: He can Transform into a werecroc. Can speak to animals and control plants.

Personality: Head strong, and not the brightest. He is loyal to his friends. He doesn't get along with most humans so he lives in places like swamps, or wooded areas.

Backstory: He was kicked out of the house at 16 because of his powers and the last words he heard from his dad was "Your a freak and should have never been born." Ever since then he has never trusted another human. He has been living in a tent in the woods for 4 years now and has some animal like habits.

Other: Even though he has control over when he turns into a werecroc he still turns when he is vary angry or in a lot of pain. He is friends with a wolf pack and a big albino alligator turtle called Snaps.

Name: Amara

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Are you defective?: Yes

If you're defective, what are your abilities: Ice/Teleporting 

Personality: Stubborn/Brave/Cold/Trustworthy/Strong

Backstory: Her parents weren't defective. When they learned she was, they abandoned her at her defective aunt's house. She lived there ever since. 

Other: Has a cat named Yumi



Cat's Appearance:


Name: Abe  

Age: 17 years of age

Gender: She is a Female 

Are you defective?: Yes, but she tries to keep it hidden.

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has the strength of ten men (never uses it), generates immense amounts of body heat, (always uses it), she shifts into a bear (you know how it is), great climber (but who isn't?), nice swimmer (but lots of kids are)

Personality: She pretty laid back, misuses "hip" terms, very self conscious of her existence. But other than that she's a cool as a cucumber. 

Backstory: As a kiddo, Abe was taught to fear humans, that they didn't understand her kind, that they didn't care to understand.  she grew up with others like herself always hidden from humans. Always in fear. But after her tenth birthday, she came to realize that the humans might have a reason to hunt them. Maybe they're scared of the Defectives. So once her father died due to hunters, her entire attitude changed. "I went from chill, to completely dead inside. But whatever." She doesn't care about the humans anymore, but she doesn't want to die, because of her mother. But other than that she is who she. But if anyone asks, she is not a defective. I mean she is, but she hides it. 

Other:  She shifts into a bear. BTW, she never does it in public, obviously.  But in the woods that is what she does. She also tries to steer clear of hunters at all cost.

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Name: Amara

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Are you defective?: Yes

If you're defective, what are your abilities: Ice/Teleporting 

Personality: Stubborn/Brave/Cold/Trustworthy/Strong

Backstory: Her parents weren't defective. When they learned she was, they abandoned her at her defective aunt's house. She lived there ever since. 

Other: Has a cat named Yumi



Cat's Appearance:

View attachment 197105

Name: Abe  

Age: 17 years of age

Gender: She is a Female 

Are you defective?: Yes, but she tries to keep it hidden.

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She has the strength of ten men (never uses it), generates immense amounts of body heat, (always uses it), she shifts into a bear (you know how it is), great climber (but who isn't?), nice swimmer (but lots of kids are)

Personality: She pretty laid back, misuses "hip" terms, very self conscious of her existence. But other than that she's a cool as a cucumber. 

Backstory: As a kiddo, Abe was taught to fear humans, that they didn't understand her kind, that they didn't care to understand.  she grew up with others like herself always hidden from humans. Always in fear. But after her tenth birthday, she came to realize that the humans might have a reason to hunt them. Maybe they're scared of the Defectives. So once her father died due to hunters, her entire attitude changed. "I went from chill, to completely dead inside. But whatever." She doesn't care about the humans anymore, but she doesn't want to die, because of her mother. But other than that she is who she. But if anyone asks, she is not a defective. I mean she is, but she hides it. 

Other:  She shifts into a bear. BTW, she never does it in public, obviously.  But in the woods that is what she does. She also tries to steer clear of hunters at all cost.

View attachment 197104

Name: Kamara Black

Age: 30

Gender: Female




Are you defective?: Yep

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She can become a shadow, become almost invisible, teleport short distances, become smoke, which allow her to do quite a few different things. 

Personality: Quite cruel, but she has a good(ish) moral standpoint. Loyal to friends, not afraid to kill or torture, somewhat promiscuous.... 

Backstory: I'll reveal more as the rp goes on... But the basics are; She used to be a hunter of defects, but realised her own powers, so is now in hiding.

Other: Is very dangerous and somewhat unstable...
Name: Kamara Black

Age: 30

Gender: Female


Are you defective?: Yep

If you're defective, what are your abilities: She can become a shadow, become almost invisible, teleport short distances, become smoke, which allow her to do quite a few different things. 

Personality: Quite cruel, but she has a good(ish) moral standpoint. Loyal to friends, not afraid to kill or torture, somewhat promiscuous.... 

Backstory: I'll reveal more as the rp goes on... But the basics are; She used to be a hunter of defects, but realised her own powers, so is now in hiding.

Other: Is very dangerous and somewhat unstable...








Are you defective?: 



Mason is somewhat more of the calmer hunters then the ones that occasionally surround him. Unlike a certain Sean that he knows, Mason is responsible of bringing in defects into court. He constantly runs his mouth and doesn't know when to shut it. He means well, just has a really bad mouth. Mason is really stubborn and once his mind is set on something, it is very hard to change it. The only person who could was his ex... 


Mason doesn't really hate defects, but doesn't care for them either. The only reason he's a hunter was because he comes from a family of them. His mother and father were hunters as they're parents before them. His cousins were/are hunters. He was basically forced into this job, if he could choose, he would rather work as a... Candy maker or something. Mason hates talking about it but, he used to have a girlfriend who suddenly, mysteriously disappeared one day. Mason, after months of searching, claimed to the conclusion she was dead.






Are you defective?: 



Mason is somewhat more of the calmer hunters then the ones that occasionally surround him. Unlike a certain Sean that he knows, Mason is responsible of bringing in defects into court. He constantly runs his mouth and doesn't know when to shut it. He means well, just has a really bad mouth. Mason is really stubborn and once his mind is set on something, it is very hard to change it. The only person who could was his ex... 


Mason doesn't really hate defects, but doesn't care for them either. The only reason he's a hunter was because he comes from a family of them. His mother and father were hunters as they're parents before them. His cousins were/are hunters. He was basically forced into this job, if he could choose, he would rather work as a... Candy maker or something. Mason hates talking about it but, he used to have a girlfriend who suddenly, mysteriously disappeared one day. Mason, after months of searching, claimed to the conclusion she was dead.

Name: Jacob

Age: 40

Gender: Male



Are you defective?: Yah

If you're defective, what are your abilities: He can manipulate smoke however he likes, it's the reason he carries started smoking. He can also take on a completely invisible incorporeal form. He also has very mild psychic powers.

Personality: He comes across as completely heartless, but deep down he is the complete opposite

Backstory: To be revealed

Other: He is one of the VERY FEW defects who is also a hunter. His collegues are aware of his condition and he tries to use his abilities as little as often as he's disgusted by them.
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Name: Fang


Gender: male

Are you defective?:  Yes

If you're defective, what are your abilities: He has the ability to not only carry up to 200 pounds with simply telekinesis but he also has a seemingly rare ability among defective. He has been known to take many more hits than normally found. Such as a shot through the heart. And quickly heal. Though anything involving the head seems to be more serious and takes a fair amount of time. before healing truly.

Personity: Calm. Quiet.

Backstory: To be learned.

Other: He is known of by hunters. And has been known to have killed 3 in total when attacked. Approach with caution.

(If needed this can be altered.)
Name: Amelia Dagger
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Are you defective?: No
Personity: Sweet, kind girl who will help anyone i need.
Backstory: She lived with her family for a short amount of time before moving out. She moved into a town where many people have told her there is something wrong with them but wont tell her in what way. So, she has lived there wondering what is creating problems for everyone.

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