Reign of Retribution [Character Creation]

Name: "Hawkeye" Morrison Higgs

Age: 28

Guild & Rank: Keim of the Elfen Streik

Vocation: Greatbowman


Morrison Higgs is known as the Hawkeye among his peers,who are the finest marksmen in all the land. He has been said to skewer two Bloodflies on a single arrow,and shatter a Bone Moss host at the same time.

-Greatbowmanship. A greatbow is the prize pig of bows. They are by a great margin larger than the person using it,making them incredibly difficult to aim,but giving them peerless draw power. They are the ultimate expression of a marksman's skill,patience,and strength.

-Fletching. A greatbow is a very unique weapon. Few people learn to use them,and fewer still bothered to keep using them. As such,few people know how to make a proper arrow for a greatbow. Higgs is one of those few people,and he takes great pride in his work.

-Modified Stick-Fighting. Higgs knows that his greatbow is worthless up close. As such,he's learned to use his four-foot arrows as lethal melee weapons.

-Pugilist. He didn't exactly study the art of fist-to-face,but his size and strength make his punches feel like a blow from Kalameet,and he knows how to drive a man,or beast,to the ground and break every joint in their body.


-Leather vambraces.
These bracers protect the inside surface of Morrison's forearms from his bowstring. He has similar elbow protection.

-Greatbow. What defines Morrison Higgs. A nine foot bow,it generally has to be left outside. At present,it's a normal recurve,but he plans to take it to the Jade Drills to get a compound made.

-Reinforced Quiver. Made of a hollowed out log of ironwood,and banded with iron for good measure,this thing is probably a weapon in it's own right. However,it's home is on Morrison's arrows.

-Great Arrows. Four feet long,they resemble javelins more than arrows. For the most part,they're barbed broadheads,with the heads clocking in at about half a foot long. He has bodkin arrows as well,but he only packs them if he's anticipating armoured prey.

-Logic and Reason. His left and right arms. His hooks pack enough force to put the common man to sleep with one swing at the jaw.

-Hook and chain. For when he needs to climb somewhere.

-"Armour". A hodge-podge suit of armour made from the bones and tanned leather of his kills,this macabre outfit provides protection only from the elements,and most abrasion.

Location: Jadetown terminal of the tram line.


Stands seven feet tall,and weighs 280 pounds of muscle. Just ditch the helmet.


And there's his ugly mug!

Personality: To describe his personality is to describe a flask and it's contents. Outwardly,he is an understated and obliging man,almost seeming like a doormat. However,like any human being,he can only take so much before he boils over. However,when he does boil over,woe is you,for his fury has been known to topple some buildings in Elfencrown. Less explosive outbursts include hoisting grown men by the throat,and asking them to rephrase what they just said in an even voice that implies a violent death if ignored. Thankfully,however,it generally takes quite a bit to push him to this point.

Background: The Titanic Treetops. In these wild lands are home to many people,but are some of the most wild and unsafe lands in the world,where an unassuming vine can break your neck and eat you alive. Morrison Higgs was born and raised here,in the paranoid reaches of Elfencrown.

In Elfencrown,he was an oddity. Surrounded by slender men and women,Morrison is a giant among men. However,despite his great size,he still found himself gravitating towards the use of a bow. His aptitude fir the weapon quickly drew the attention of the Elfen Streik leadership,and they snatched him up into their ranks.

His training was grueling and intense,just like all other guilders,but for him,it was particularly difficult. He didn't know magic,nor did he have the aptitude for it. He couldn't swing a sword to save his life,and while he could handle knives well enough,he commented that they were far too short for his liking. When given polearms,he initially tried to fire them from his bow,before proclaiming that they were too clumsy to wield in melee.

Eventually,the instructors passed him a greatbow,made specifically for him,and they were blown away by how he was able to use the weapon. He fired arrows quickly,and his shots were generally quite accurate. When he graduated from the academy,he was hailed as the most promising marksman to grace it's halls.

From then on,he led an illustrious career as a hunter of beasts for the Elfen Streik,shooting targets and putting them down when his peers simply couldn't. However,every now and then,Elfencrown would be shaken to it's support pylons by one of his fits of rage,when they forget that the gentle giant among them is a force of nature when provoked.

Today,after an outburst that actually leveled one of the more popular watering holes in Elfencrown,Morrison was assigned an escort duty contract in the Canyons of Eternal Stone,and he saw it as an opportunity to get one of those fancy compound bows that people keep telling him to get.
@Kasai Kodakuna "The Raven" Dākofaia is accepted! Sheena appearance for the win~! 
@Riddle78 "Hawkeye" Morrison Higgs is accepted! Yet another great character, my friend!
Name: Gaxif Yertor

Age: 39

Rank: Advanced Keim

Class: Sniper (Marksman. I.E Stealthy guy with a bow, just bad at thinking of names)



Guild: Elfen Streik, Recon Corps.

Personality: Gaxif could be known as the humorous one from his family, the one to play tricks on his younger and older siblings. Serious when he needs to be, but when he isn't out on missions he's a fairly laid back guy. He's a fairly persuasive or at least likes to thing he is towards the person average person. He isn't one to get excited, it is a rare occasion for anyone to see him "hyped up" as he normally approaches things very calm and tries to keep a "cool head"

Minus the weird magic on the end of the bow.

History: Born in Elfencrown with an older brother and sister, both 5 years older than himself. It was only 2 years later that his younger brother was born and another year after that his youngest brother. So being in the middle Gaxif didn't really have much responsibility around the house or helping their mother whilst their Father was out with his corp. At a young age Gaxif didn't really understand much about Elfenstreik or its corps.

This is what Gaxif liked to think bonded him with his father, he was always eager to learn more about what his father did and where he went, His father would tell him stories about slaying creatures of like of bloodflies and all other assortments of beasts. By the age of 14 his Father started to teach him how to wield and fire a bow. Gaxif wasn't the best at aiming his shots but over time he would learn and train himself to become more proficient in the way of archery.

By the age of 18, Gaxif and taught himself how to wield a knife as well as throw them with decent accuracy. Although he never used it as a throwing weapon as he always needed something to use if anything got to close for his bow to be able to deal with and handle. He seemed to really be the only out of his siblings interested in following in their Fathers footsteps.

By 21 he was a Guild scrub in Eflenstreik, given his own armor from the armory, although he kept his own bow he'd flected less than a year back and his dagger. He was a scrub for to years with the Recon corp. Scouting out Bloodfly hives and tracking packs of Sus Scofa Saliendo packs and on rare occasion clearing out these hives and in the winter sometimes helped to scavenge for food.

2 years later and he was promoted to to Guild Cadet, and started to go on my physically and mentally challenging "Outings". He was now scouting much more dangerous beasts out of the Titanic Tree tops that were posing threats to travellers coming and going. Mainly on the road from Schnee Palast dealing with Crocuta Titanius even though it is only one of these beasts on their own they're deadly enough to kill a man unprepared or even prepared. The size of the horse they could intimidate any man when it is charging at them.

4 years later and Gaxif had became a Guild keim and well known to a lot of the Recon corp now, although there was fewer than there were at the beginning of Gaxif's "Career". It was too often one of them had fallen to make the simplest of mistake or the whole of their group underestimating the challenge they would be facing. One too many times he had seen the friends around him getting torn to shreds by hellish beasts or shot through the heart by bandits.

Another 2 years later and Gaxif was 29, Still a keim and would be for the next 8 years, He advanced his skills and became one of the greatest track finders in the Recon corp. He could start to distinguish what animals excrement belonged to which animal. His mother passed away this year and his father would pass away in the next to come dying at age 58 and 62.

He also remembered a man in the Elfenstreik tearing down a tavern in Elfencrown, he didn't know him but heard the man went by the name of Higgs and seemed to have quite the temper, Gaxif certainly would never want to get on the bad side of him.

8 years later Gaxif now being 37 years of age had risen to the rank of advanced Keim he'd also started to become proficient in the use of Javelins and had his on specially forged one, the point dipped in poison to weaken his foe before firing a volley of arrows upon them. Now living on his own and away on his own in what you could call a solitude where as Gaxif just classified it as loneliness. He'd always enjoyed his Dad's company and now he was gone there was just a sort of blank emptiness somewhere inside of him trying to scream at him to forget about him so that he would never have to feel this loneliness.

Now 39 Gaxif is currently in Elfencrown and awaiting his next mission with his Squadron from the Recon Corp. It would probably come within the next few days as he hadn't received any for quite some time but instead just going to the occasional tavern or going to the market place. Or just sitting on his own reminiscing about when he was younger.



His personal bow he fletched almost over 10 years ago.

Steel dagger.

Poison tipped Javelin.


His armor is comprised of complete leather, Going from a leather hood to leather boots and gloves to make him all the more agile because he is not weighed down by leather where as with the likes of much heavier armor such as steel he would be.


Take's a cool mind set into every engagement of his pre-planning how and when he will attack.

Has no "friends" as it will, all he has are his fellow corps members, he has no one he is social with and in result is rather lonely.

(After 5 billions years of writing, it is done.)
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  • Name: Layla Deluna

    Age: 27

    Rank: Sub Befehl



    Sub Class:

    Administrative Expert


    Titanic Tree Tops, Elfencrown



@ninbinz Layla Deluna is accepted! Nin I can't express to you how much I love your ability to write, my friend. Thank you.
Name: Reine/ Death Blossom

Age: 27

Rank: Advanced Keim

Class: Weapon-master

Location: Indefinite

Guild: Schnee Maiden


Reine is a very soft-spoken and reticent individual, with a heavy emphasis on individual. Very rarely does Reine ask for the assistance of others for help on a mission, and it should be an omen of horrible things to come if the Death Blossom comes a-knocking. However, she will never turn down a helping hand or a raised sword, be it for mere company or a friendly battle. Reine is a prime candidate for a training session, as she is one of the few known warriors to be disciplined with a myriad of weapons. Like a good handful of Guildmembers, she is always hungry for a battle, and has never been known to turn an eager duelist down. The Death Blossom very rarely loses a fight, and when is not the victor, her stellar performance can hardly be considered 'losing'.




Not much can be said about Reine the Blossom of Death, as she has never been known to reveal her past to anyone. All that is known is that Reine was abandoned at birth, and was found as a wool-covered cradled infant on the stone steps in front of the colossal Schnee Maiden Guild doors. The woven patterns of the soft wood that made up her crib were so intricate and foreign to the style of any other weavers in the area that Reine was theorized to have come from a different land other than New Wahrheit. This theory was even furthered when the silent babe grew up to be an extremely mature child of 8, and started her surprisingly-early Page training under the wing of the beloved Baynard Lochbuster, who had just begun his duty as Paladin Commander General. She would never hear it from the man himself, but villagers and those who witnessed him at a young age told tales to the lass of how the boy easily could have run the Guild at 13. This fueled Reine to try her best, though she kept the excited determination hidden within her, and covered it with an expressionless mask. Baynard displayed to his very first apprentice a large rack of varied weapons, and to start things off, Reine indifferently grabbed a short sword, not bothering giving it a test swing or two before facing her Mentor, who had a brightly shimmering red sword unsheathed and in the defensive stance. Baynard noted how comfortable his apprentice seemed holding the standard sword, and how she seemed to have analyzed a good amount of detail from it just in the few seconds she held it; Reine noted her mentor had one of two blades unsheathed, the second one was in its ornate scabbard at the Paladin Commander General's side. Reine mimicked his stance almost perfectly, and Baynard acknowledged this with an impressed smile before he himself charged the armed-youth. The girl looked up at her superior with her analytic amaranth pink eyes as the two locked swords. However, Baynard took this instance to draw his second sword, which glimmered a beautiful blue, and proceeded to swing the flat side of the bright azure blade towards her size.

To Baynard's genuine shock and awe, the girl stopped his attack half-way with the tip of a second sword of her own, which the Paladin did not see her grab at any time. In a flash, Lochbuster appeared behind her as if he had teleported, which the young Reine did not know he could do. The mentor applauded the girl for her cunning speed, and told her that twin swords was the perfect weapon style for her to fight with. The girl looked up at Baynard and softly declined this observation. Reine walked over to the weapon rack and returned the swords to their respective slots, and turned to her Paladin mentor. "I will fight with them all, sir." Such a statement confused even the Paladin Commander General, one of the greatest fighters ever born, and he figured she meant trying to hold them all at once. This confusion was dispelled with a pearly grin of excitement and pride in his apprentice as he suddenly grasped her meaning, which was at the same time she had grasped a halberd-style polearm known as a naginata. The two sparred for several hours, each weapon Reine had effortlessly handled countered the balanced swings of Baynard's glorious swords, whose blades dazzled vibrantly with every swing and strike, as if to manifest the joy of their wielder. After each weapon was confirmed to have been demonstrated efficiently by Reine, Baynard gave his approval for her to study at the Fendor Guild Academy. Before that time, however, Baynard helped tutor Reine in the usage of her special magic, which the Paladin noted was almost like a personal void. When all was said and done, he gave her the correct inscription for a type of passage rune to channel any weapon of her choice from the void to New Wahrheit; to Reine. Baynard was proud of her intelligence as she explained to him she would put them on the palms of her hands, and would do her best to train this magic so she can equip any weapon in an instant. The Paladin Commander General placed his gloved hand on her shoulder and told her had no doubt that she could accomplsh such a legendary-worthy feat.

When Reine was about to set off to the Academy, she stood at the gate, only to be greeted by a very frantic-looking Baynard, who had slung the girl over his shoulder effortlessly, speeding through the streets to the Cathedral. The two waited outside a dimly-lit hallway, her mentor drumming his fingers on his knees in overwhelming anticipation. Reine sat next to him, calmly observing the drumming pattern of his fingers, noting that they were in a tempo that no song has ever been written in before. The wait was almost too silent for even Reine to handle, and right before Reine was about to do the impossible and start a conversation, the small chamber door slowly creaked open as an elderly priest stepped out. As if by preempted determination, the priest shuffled his old bones out from in the doorway to allow the two rushing warriors access into the room. On a luxurious bed lay the breathtakingly gorgeous Annaleise, whose face was the auspicious horizon after the scariest and harshest of storms, and cradled in her arms was a newborn baby who Reine observed to be a gift from Heaven. Baynard ran up to his family, gently kissing his wife's forehead before scooping his first son in his arms. The Paladin Commander General had shed off his formal skin, and Reine watched from the wooden chair she was sitting in as her mentor bounced on his heels in a comical jig to rock the infant, who was surprisingly silent, just like Reine herself was. The only difference was that she was kept quiet by the blowing wind, and the boy, who they named Alden, was silenced by his beautiful smile.

When she graduated from the Academy, she did not immediately return to her home. Having become at Guild Cadet at the astonishing age of 10, which had only been done a select few times in the history of the Academy, so many different job opportunities arose around Fendor that she would have been a fool not to stay at earn the gold. She finally returned to Schnee at age 16, having done so surreptitiously enough to not cause any awareness; except for Baynard, of course. When she joined her mentor in the Baynard family home, she was given the shocking news of Annaleise's unfortunate death. Baynard explained that his wife sacrificed her life to protect Alden from a savage monster attack, and Reine had no words, only looking down at 8 year old Alden Theodore Lochbuster, who was horrendously trying to draw a pair of swords. Baynard and Reine promised each other that they would eradicate as many monsters as they could for Annaleise. However, it was only a year later, when Reine easily earned the rank of Advanced Keim, that she came back to the news that Baynard Lochbuster himself was presumed dead. Of course, she would never in a thousand Generations believe such an idiotic assumption was true, and instead rushed to the house to see what had happened to Alden. A spiteful-looking villager explained to Reine as the Ad. Keim approached the burnt family house that the "monster child" was locked up in the Cathedral. It took all the restraint that Baynard had instilled into Reine to keep from discharging her entire arsenal on the woman, and instead maneuvered her way onto the tiled rooftops of the city that she was so familiar with her entire life, running from roof to roof until she reached the Schnee Cathedral.

From then on, Reine (who had then been widely known as the Blossom of Death) ascended the enormous Cathedral to check on Alden, and became thrilled when she witnessed him practicing swordsmanship with the priests, who also served as practice for Reine when she was first caught scaling the building. She knew that he would become an excellent fighter, and eagerly awaited the inevitable day when he would join the Guild, and she swore to herself and to Baynard, wherever he may be, that she would watch over the boy from shadows or in the Schnee Maiden battle area; which was pretty much the entire establishment.

After he finally did join, to Reine's internal joy, she was one of the first to greet him not as indirect family, but as a Guildbrethren; and a rival. She, along with a female who the Blossom of Death had figured was his girlfriend, would serve as the lad's sparring partners. The young Lochbuster failed to land a hit on Reine for the longest time, but she could read from every little thing he did during their battles that he was learning his mistakes, and this ensured the girl that her mentor's son would be nothing short of a legend. But before that time came, Reine the Death Blossom, and her mysterious arsenal of weaponry, would serve as a frightening force on the battlefield as man fought nature.


If you can name it, Reine can fight with it, and there is a good possibility she can fight with your weapon better than you can fight with your weapon. She mainly sticks with her naginata, Ugly Betty, and a select few other weapons; such as a broadsword, two rapiers, a small battle axe and a large one, and many more that go unknown, serving their purpose and going back into Reine's void before a human eye can even begin to process her fighting.


-As a battle maniac, Reine fears absolutely no enemy, and such a mindset puts her in constant danger.

-When sparring with other Guildmembers, the Blossom of Death likes to mimic her opponent's weapon of choice and fighting stance.

-She keeps a rather-ominous looking fox mask with her at all times, albeit its purpose often differs depending on the situation. When trekking the snow, she wears it properly as to keep snow from biting her face. In the Treetops and other such places where ambush predators reside, Reine keeps the mask to the back of her head, which often intimidates said monsters, and keeps them from attacking her from the back. She also has a collection of other masks in her Guild chamber, along with the beautiful basket she was brought to her home in

-Although she is considered a Wilder mage because of her special magic, she has never yet tried using this power for anything other than weapon changing.

Katherine Elaine Lerkelashvor


Age: Seventeen

Rank: Sub-Befehl


Schnee Palast

Guild: Schnee Maiden

Personality: Katherine is a tender individual and a woman of beauty and elegance. She is sweet and kind but fierce like a tiger born from the ashes of her enemies. Her natural skill in most assets normally cause jealousy and fights among other companions of Schnee Maiden. She is determined, loyal, observant and tentative.




As a young girl, she thrived to see herself in the spot of glory. She intended to surpass normal goals and shoot for higher and more dangerous contracts to pick up along the way, which caused her to get into massive trouble. The mission was attained from the Guild Contract Board within seconds of being posted. Katherine's task was to deliver a letter along with rations to Scorch Plains village of Khal'Zar due to their lack of money and food. She was heading towards Blizzard Peak Expanse with the squad Holy Corps.

Just before a fork in the road when the squad was attacked by multiple individuals. She fought as best as she could but was outrun by the amount of Supplicants of Kalameet flanking her. She was eventually beat to a pulp and knocked out. No one had room to say that capturing her was an easy task. She had put up a deadly fight against her kidnappers but was surpassed. Everyone else was wiped out but her.

The intention of her kidnapping was unknown to her for the longest time. But after a little while, it came clear to her as she resided in the stone Kalameet, that she was to be made sacrifice. The girl was coated in stone, unable to breath and unable to see. The only reason she is alive today is due to the fact that her old friend Tybalt joined the rescue party in search of her squad and found himself staring at the bodies of the people, noticing that she was missing from the bunch. As it is clearly known of the sacrifices made by the Supplicants in Kalameet, he charged onward and saved her just in time.

(We could totally role play this part, where she is knocked out of the stone and whatever happens when she is saved. :'D)


Katherine carries a beautifully composed katana with her. The hilt is crafted from shimmering obsidian with small skulls made of white gems that have been molded into the hilt. This sword is dangerously sharp and can cut through flesh as if it were parchment.

She also carries a bag with healing supplies, food and water.

Other: FINISHED. :c Sorry it is short. I just wanted to finish it. That, and I really want to start role playing. @Delta

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[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]
Renshii Akahero




(Former) Guild Keim. (Now)Rogue




Just on the outskirts of Platim. He stays in a small cave blocked off to outsiders by a wall of ice. But, with it bordering the Blizzard Peak mountains it looks natural for it to have the ice covering the area.


Rogue Guild Member once a part of the Jade Drills.


Before he lost his mind? He was quiet and a little on the happy side. He didn't say much but always did what he could to help others. Now? The desert heat and it switching back and forth each time he neared his home. As well as being alone for two years have gotten to him. He's that one you want to stay away from if you come in contact with him. Your life may not be safe. Renshii is quite the maniac and enjoys messing with beasts of any kind.



Renshii, being young never understood the separation of his mother and father so the thoughts of this haunted him for many years, at the time he was four when him and his brother split. Renshii would head with his mother off to her home town. She had taken him in an agreement that they would never meet and neither of them would have to meet again. He had been a quiet child and spent most of his time sparring against others and training dummies he set up himself. Renshii also kept to books learning what he could hoping to remove the memory of leaving his beloved brother. As time progressed and Renshii hit the teenaged years he began to take on an act of thievery for the sake of his love for guns and weapons. He would steal them from merchants and people around the town before being caught by his mother. Once caught by his mother his actions were seized and he was forced to stay in doors most of the time. He would then return to the books only to work on obtaining his knowledge in the beasts residing inside the caves.

As time passed by Renshii would join the Jade Drill team, his love for weapons assisting him in becoming a high ranked officer as he mastered the art of pistols and rifles. Three long years would pass as his title would soon reach that of Guild Keim and trained his own squad. Renshii kept the squad in check and trained them in pistols. He would do his best to keep them as perfect as can be. He ran drills with them, kept them nice and fit. Everything was perfect.

Along the third mission him and his team went on. They would go just outside of the town Platim. Renshii obtained a large egg, he kept it in his bag and away from others until it had finally hatched into a small baby ice dragon. Renshii kept the dragon by his side at all times, through missions and just for fun when wandering about town.

Everything flowed perfectly for an entire year and fit perfectly with life to Renshii. Until one final mission in the squad. That mission had been quite daring as they were asked to clear a small group of dragon spiders that were attempting to make a nest close by. Renshii led the squad perfectly and marked them all to die executing things as well as possible, until one of the members decided they were able to take them alone. Renshii would quickly chase after the squad member only to watch the boy be engulfed by one of the larger ones. The squad would only leave the dragon spiders with the boy and leave everyone aborting the mission.

Two months had gone by since that final mission before Renshii had decided he wasn't fit for a guild if he could not keep his own safe. In this decision he would pack his things up only to leave the town in the middle of the night. He hated this but knew he should not be a part of something he felt he could not protect


Two pistols (As advanced as the Jade Drills I think flint lock is most advanced.) And a rifle with a small telescope attached to the top giving it the looks of a makeshift sniper rifle



He's been out in the desert for years, he knows his way around.

Living out in the desert he has learned how to make traps and set them up where he wants in the desert.

He has a baby pet Ice Dragon named Silver


He hates the giant spiders. Not to fond of those things.

He's decent at hand to hand combat but not really good

His dragon being touched. He hates when people mess with or hurt his dragon

Dislikes people, doesn't do perfect in a crowd.





Somewhere between a small dog and a medium sized dog


Newborn, only been out of the egg for 5 years


Frost Breath? Has the ability to shoot ice out of it's mouth and give a light coat of ice over anything he wishes.

Fireball: Very small, no bigger then a baseball, general use is to make fires for a fire place


@Highly Unorthodox

Name:Jack Morgan




Basic Pirate?


The Sea, somewhere in the middle and heading for the docks.


None Yet.


Enjoys having fun with people. Messing with them and watching them freak out. When anyone harms anyone on his crew, do be careful of his pistol. He will shoot without notice and drink a bottle of rum while doing it.




Jack Morgan was born as the son of a sailor and a young woman from the town of Lavendale

The town was always filled with pirates of all sorts, naval ships. Just about anything you can

imagine, if it was on a ship it had been to the town. The town of Lavendale was just off the

Western coast of a distant island. It took in resources and traded them right back off for more only

keeping partial sections of the resources for them selves. Jack as a kid always followed his

mother while she worked in the Tavern, he always stood by to listen to the great stories the

pirates told. He loved hearing about the ocean. As he got older he even engaged in conversation

with the pirates, he never had stories to told but enjoyed talking to them hearing about the adventures they would go on. When Jack reached the age of 16 he left Lavendale to travel with a pirate group on a ship known at the time as the great Kurosora, or in english terms blacksky. He worked his way to the title of advisor of the captian. Two years went by before they ran into a larger ship which attacked the ship. They took most of the ship's goods including the gold from each of the pirates, as well as killing the captain. Jack then pushed his attention to the broken boat and fallen crew now taking the status as Captain. After two long years Jack had formed a new crew to mix with the old and a much larger ship naming this one Kuromun. The name came from the name of the last ship, Jack had only changed the name slightly now making it the black moon rather then the black sky. He now sails upon the seas searching for new crew along with obtaining gold and riches of the world.

Weapons/Equipment: Dual flint lock pistols and a dual swords.


Crew Members:


Henry is the assistant of the ship, he runs the boat when

Jack simply doesn't feel like doing so. Henry specializes

in throwing daggers and knives, he is also very well with

acrobatics which gives him an edge when he wishes to hop

between ships when in battle or chasing someone through crowds

His personality is very calm and relaxing he enjoys company and

taking care of another crew member named Squirt.




The youngest of the group, he's only just turned 18 and like

Jack he joined the pirates at a young age, he worked with a angry

chef who threatened to chop off his hand and the captain before

Jack over heard the ruckus and took Squirt with him to clear him

from the angry chef, Squirt is very childish in a sense and

only 5' tall, he's pretty much a loli type person. His speciality is

cooking really and fighting terms, he does pretty good with his

cutting utensils or a pistol


Black cloth pants, no shoes normally and a light grey cloth shirt.

His hair is a beach blonde colour, giving him the appearance of a young

teen if needed.

Daniel & Hect:

About the dumbest or average pirates you can meet they waste

the money they receive from the captain by spending it

on stupid things, generally a woman for the night.

If they aren't wasting money on women it's being wasted

on alcohol of some sort and food. They specialize in basic

sword fighting and such, nothing really special


Daniel wears a rad and white striped outfit,

bandanna and a red striped shirt, his pants

are a torn up black cloth. Shaved head and such.

Hect is the same appearance as Daniel yet he wears a

blue outfit rather then a red outfit. They could be

considered twins if they wore the same outfit


The oddest one of the bunch. He sits back and stays away from

everyone if he can. He generally does what he's asked and goes

back to the lower decks to sleep and count his share of gold he never

spends, generally saves it up for new weapons when he needs

them. He specializes in heavy weapons normally a sword but

will settle for an axe or something if need be.



His outfit is a basic ripped up black outfit, and no shoes.

His hair is Pretty long when he doesn't decide he wants it cut. When he cuts it, it's generally

as short as you could get when out at sea. He generally carries his broad sword on his back.

@Highly Unorthodox Katherine Elaine Lerkelashvor is accepted. I hope you have fun, and I thank you deeply for joining. I award you with all the lindor chocolates your wondrous heart desires~!

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