Reign of Retribution [Character Creation]

@Flip Jester Boy Finlow Sartely is accepted! ...Try not to die, Scrub. 
@Paranoia Eha Mägi is accepted! Her Wilder magic is completely bad ass, and you added the perfect setbacks~! "Certain fee" is kinda freaking me out, but that is okay. Hope you have fun when the RP launches! So just sit tight until then, and I might quiz you in case you get rusty beforehand. ;D
Delta can you PM me an explanation on that wilder and binding mage stuff, I'm still having debates about my char
@Speedwagon Llanelli Rodriksson is accepted! The way you wrote the history was vivid and I could picture it clearly, and usually I don't like first person writing but this is easily one of my favorite Histories so far. Blythburgh is one smooth mofo. You are an excellent addition to Reign of Retribution, and I thank you tenfold for giving my RP a chance, Speed madam! * ^* 
To all my faithful Guildbrethren whom I am deeply honored to have on board~!

As much as it pains me to disappoint all of you, the launch date will be pushed back a day or two. ):

The updates I plan on adding will take me some time to write, as I want to make this as best as possible for all of you, and won't be done soon enough as I can only get on late at night. Alas, I will do all I can to make this up to you guys, and here's to the Reign of Retribution!!

  • Name: Cailet Ti'Fashar Saffren, the "Mistbinder".

    Age: 28 years.

    Gender: Female.

    Rank: Guild Maiden.

    Class: Mage.

    Location: Schnee Palast

    Guild: Schnee Maiden

    Personality: Sly as a fox and incredibly manipulative, Cailet enjoys spinning others around her fingers like twine. Taking the philosophy; "Only the strongest survive" to heart, Cailet is distrustful of most of her peers, and in all honesty, could care less about her duties as a Guild member. While she displays warmth and kindness, it is all a facade, for all she cares for is power and prestige, and the Guilds are a way to achieve that goal. One day, she plans on becoming Schnee Maiden's Master Arms-Maiden, but she has even greater ambitions . . . to one day rule over all of New Wehrheit as its Governor General. She will do whatever it takes to fulfill this dream . . . even lead others to their destruction if necessary.

Nice one Len. Schnee looks like a cold one too. >.>
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Now, now Delta, she's just expressing herself through manipulation and evil deeds, she just wants the world to know she's happy when everyone else is sad
Hehe, the Sins of the Father are what makes a person who they are . . . or at least in the case of Cailet and her own father, Chevasto.

  • Name: Jayne Elygia, the "Bard of Life"

    Age: 20

    Rank: Guild Knight(Or Maiden at first glance)

    Class: Wilder

    Location: Schnee Palast

    Guild: Schnee Maiden

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Delta, our fair leader has fallen victim to parental computer restriction. Fear not, for he will be able to continue and hopefully begin RoR on Sunday, he will write down everything he needs to and get that sorted out. Here were his exact words to me,

"Son of a (cute name for his purncess inserted here.)!!! Hey Elleh, I need you to go on RoR and let everyone know I'm grounded from my computer until Sunday to get caught up with school for this week (am behind). But let everyone know I'll have written down everything I needed to update, and that the Official Reign of Retribution will commence bright and early Sunday morning (: If you could do this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it, lad."

Yeah, so read that so there's no interpretation excuses. Alright, that's it. Until next time.

Lorelei Von Faye

"Who will tend to the fallen, if not I?"





Guild Quartermaster




The Royal Port City of Fendor


Holy Corps

"Oh, hello. Have you come to receive healing?"

Lorelei, at first meeting, may seem reserved and even distant. As he is constantly immersed in his work, he tends to constantly assume that anyone who takes a moment to speak with him needs some sort of treatment. If they don't, then he usually ignores them for more urgent matters. This makes him seem rude, but for Lorelei the passage of time means life or death to some of his patients.

Standing at a mere 4'11, Lorelei is uncommonly short for his age. This, coupled with his thin build, tends to make him look as if he's malnourished even though he's not. His green hair, oddly enough, is natural. No one really knows why, although many speculate this it is a mutation that occurred due to the Strike of Ragnarok. After all, what is one's hair color in comparison to the entire island's geographical changes?

"I see. I will answer your inquiry, but make it quick."

If one were able to get Lorelei to speak with them, they would find that he is an exceedingly intelligent individual. That is, as long as they were talking about healing magic. When it comes to everything else, Lorelei is probably as knowledgeable about it as a bush baby.

To Lorelei, healing is not only his bread and butter but an entire lifestyle. He has never bothered to study anything else, not even the beasts that inhabit the world. (That is, unless they somehow relate to his healing studies.) While healing is his only skill, he is an expert at it. Some have gone so far as to dub him 'Saint Faye', although the term is a bit contradictory considering that he's not religious.

"Why must we become beasts, to slay beasts? Is there no better way?"

Lorelei may be kind and warm, but he has a secret that would get him killed if he ever spoke of it. He doesn't show it, but he believes that if people were somehow able to communicate with the deities that they would be able to come to some sort of understanding. If people and beast were able to come together and live in harmony...who knows? In this way, Lorelei's naive nature knows no bounds.

The seed of this thought was planted when he met a man who had 'bargained' with Kalameet, the One-Eyed Dragon of Calamity. The man was Lorelei's patient, as he had lost a limb in the process. Since Lorelei had an excellent bedside manner, the man told him all about how the deity actually spoke with him, even if it was only to hear the man beg for his life. Although the man made it very clear that the deity was a sadistic and merciless creature, Lorelei couldn't help but think, 'If one deity can speak with us, then why not the rest of them?'

From then on, Lorelei would occasionally put out an anonymous request for various members to communicate with the deity, although to no avail.

"We are the lifeblood that makes sure the strong keep running strong. Always."

Like most young mages growing up in Flake Village, Lorelei was snatched up at a young age and taken to the Arcane Academy the instant it was found out that he had magical capabilities. It was soon blatantly obvious that he could only do healing magic, but oh, could he do it. He quickly surpassed other students his age, even being able to perform basic healing on several people at a time before he became the youngest Fledgling Mage at the age of eight.

From then on, he joined the Holy Corps, using his abilities wherever he was needed. After twelve years of hard work, dedication, and gratuitous amounts of studying and practice, he is one of the newest Guild Quartermaster. He is currently unmatched in his healing abilities (Except by the Master Arms-Knight), which make him a valuable asset to humanity despite his incredible lack of fighting prowess.

He has not risen any further in rank because even though he is somewhat of a prodigy in his field, it's the only thing he's really good at. He can defend himself about as well as a wet sponge, much less kill anything. Because of this, many see him as useless. That is, until they're within an inch of their life. Nothing like a healing mage to patch things up, eh?


None. (besides obv clothing, monies, and such)


Lorelei may only be a priest, but his expertise in healing magic make him valuable to any mission, great or small. He is also capable of making difficult decisions; that is, if he were asked to point between two people and decide who lives and who dies, he would do it without hesitation.

He has little to no fighting skills whatsoever, which means he would probably be dead meat in a one-on-one fight.

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  • Age: 19

    Rank: Guild Page

    Class: Quick Twin Blade/Magic fighter

    Location: Schnee Palast

    Guild: Schnee Maiden

    Personality: Alden is a very optimistic person, having confidence in himself and especially in his friends. The lad has never in his wildest dreams even fathomed backing down from a challenge, or putting his friends at risk for even the smallest gain. If he sees his friends or Guildbrethren doing something right, Alden will not hesitate to be the first one to praise and admire a good dead; if an ally is to make a mistake, Alden will ask how he can be of assistance instead of simply acknowledging the error and expecting the culprit to fix it themselves. Despite this bright mindset, Alden is still plagued very badly by the disappearance of his father, Paladin Commander General Baynard Lochbuster. If his father is mentioned, it is not uncommon for Alden to space out and poignantly ponder on the word "Dad".




    Alden Theodore Lochbuster was born as the manifestation of the replete and sound love of Annaleise Kunze and Baynard Lochbuster, two admired and cherished villagers of Schnee Palast. The couple was showered with ornate bouquets of beautiful flowers from the neighboring regions; and Schnee Palast was in a temporary state of immense merriment. Alden would never know, nor even begin to think that such a cold and unforgiving city had at one point cried out in jubilant excitement for him; instead what he grew up in was the blame for Annaleise's death. For the longest time, he would not know living with just his father was anything different, Baynard had made sure of this. Unfortunately, Baynard could not silence each and every neighboring child that whispered harshly to his child accusations that were not true in the slightest. When Alden realized the significance of him growing up in a home with no mother, his father explained that she passed away giving birth to him. "She gave her life to you, son. Your mother's passing was no accident; she gave her heart and soul to you so that her beloved child may grow up to the be brightest star, much like she was."

    These words carried on with Alden until he reached the age of 9. It was a day like any other spent inside the Lochbuster family's cozy cottage that Alden scribbled little pictures on spare parcel when his page flapped indignantly from the sudden gust of cold wind. Alden's head jerked up to see where the page had flown off to, and his eyes followed its papery dance into the gauntlet-gloved hand of his father, Baynard Lochbuster, who was a tall silhouette standing in the doorway, decked-out in his simple, yet overwhelmingly regal attire that he wore when going into battle. Baynard turned his head slightly to look at the drawing, which spread a smile across his shadowed face as he folded the picture and gently slid it into his breast pocket. Without facing his son, Baynard Lochbuster disappeared into the snow flurry, leaving words for Alden that would linger in the child's heart forever. "Shine like the bright star your mother and I know you can be, Alden. When you do this, your heart will light the path that will lead you to me. Times will be hard, and there are forces out there that will try to conquer you, but do not stray from the path of righteousness and all will go well. You can achieve the greatest; after all, you are my son."

    Shortly afterwards, Alden was moved into the Schnee Cathedral, a beautiful structure that loomed over Schnee Palast. Now that the village viewed him as an utter abomination for killing his mother and driving off his father, there was no reason for him to leave his new-found residence, so he continued to grow up under the tender guidance of the priests that occupied the cathedral. Around this time, however, Alden did the seemingly impossible; he had made his first friend. The girl was a pipsqueak named Rynn Brauchvich, and the two grew to be the closest of friends. She often mentioned joining the local Guild, Schnee Maiden, and she explained to Alden that it was a place for warriors who made names for themselves by defending the people from horrible monsters. Baynard's words flashed in his mind, and he knew that joining the Guild would allow him to shine like his father was counting on him to. Alden ran home that night to beg the priests to teach him how to fight. After he gave his reasoning, they revealed to Alden that ontop of healing and volunteering for the village city, the priests were secretly battle-hardened warriors, and that it would be their honor to train him.

    He was taught both swordsmanship and magic, although his progress of swinging a blade left his magical abilities in the dust. Due to the vast space of the cathedral and everything being made of stone, the place as a whole was used for battle-training. The priests were experts in what they taught Alden, but one occasion surprised even them. During a standard one-on-one sparring/training session, 14 year old Alden was instructed by Father Stahl- who the boy bonded with the most during his residency- to walk over to the weapons rack and pick a weapon of his choice to spar with. It was not surprising that Alden armed himself with a wooden sword, but Stahl was in confusion when his pupil picked up and gave the second sword a few test-swings, all the while holding onto the first weapon.

    "What are you doing, child?" Father Stahl asked the boy, amusement hinted in his voice.

    "Well, Grampa Stahl, I figured; if a sword is one hundred, why not add one hundred to get two hundred? Two hundred is always better than one hundred, right?"

    The priest merely chuckled and raised his own mace, leaving the fast-learning boy to judge his own idea. Despite Alden not being the brightest fellow around, what the lad lacked in book-smarts he made up for tenfold in logic and ability. When Alden proved to the Battle Priest that he could learn to wield two swords, which was never before seen in Schnee Palast, Father Stahl reckoned he would grow up to be a fine Guildmember. When he was ready to be moved into Schnee Maiden after having finished Scrub duty, Father Stahl ushered Alden to a secret corridor the boy never knew existed. Stahl rummaged through dust-caked boxes before he held in front of Alden a surprisingly-clean red outfit, a glove that had a oval-shaped sphere attached to it, and two swords; a dark red one and an equally dull blue sword, both resembled unlit lanterns waiting to burn brightly once again.

    "When I was in my thirties, a certain Baynard Lochbuster- who was then your age- taught me how to wield a weapon when all I could previously do was use healing magic." This confession bewildered Alden, and he felt his jaw begin to drop. Not only did his father teach the man who could efficiently use every weapon Alden had volunteered Stahl to use in their training sessions, but he did it when he was 14! Grampa Stahl continued speaking, and Alden's attention snapped back to the elderly man. "These are two of the swords your father used in combat. Before he vanished, he left me these blades to give to his son only when the youngin proved to be heading down the right path. Although I couldn't teach you much, and you have so much more to learn at the Guild; Alden Theodore Lochbuster, I feel that in joining Schnee Maiden, you are heading down this road your father destined you to travel. Take these swords in their empty states now, and learn their secrets as well as their names, to use them as tools of justice to help guide you down the path set before you." This statement confused Alden. Sword with names? What was so special about them that they had unknown names? How would he go about finding their names and secrets? How wou- The boy shut himself up, knowing Grampa Stahl would just tell him to seek his own answers. Alden bowed gratefully and rushed to embrace the aged priest before running back upstairs to promise everyone he would visit soon. With the sword and words of his father, along with the guidance and wisdom of the Cathedral Priests, Alden made his way across and down the extremely large village city to reach the gargantuan oak doors of Schnee Maiden; not as a place of proving (for about a second), but as a home.


    Alden fights with two swords that seem to shine when he faces a tough opponent. They never leave his possession, and he refuses to stop fighting with them until he learns their secrets that no one could answer for him.


    -Alden absolutely cannot refuse a challenge, no matter how strong the opponent. He does, however, refuse to attack an unarmed person or someone who poses no will to fight other than to simply battle.

    -What he lacks in sheer damage output he makes up for in speed and determination, telling himself that a fast two hundred is equal to a normal four hundred.

    -Very rarely does he use the magic taught to him, and he only seems to remember what he did learn in times of desperation. Alden can be quoted saying "Most magic really pisses me off. Hiding and ambushing an unknowing enemy is cowardly."

    -Alden isn't a big fan of women, as he finds them to be complicated and dangerous creatures. The exception is his bestfriend Rynn, though he worries about her tomboy-self as she slowly starts to side with the overwhelmingly terrifying and beautiful Cailet, whom he recognizes as the most dangerous of the lady-folk.


Too damn tired tonight, it's almost 4 AM. Thank you so much to sticking around, and I promise you I will do my best to deliver an RP worthy of all the amazing people that have signed up.
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Name: Anja Dagmar

Age: 26

Rank: Second Quartermaster, currently Errant.

Class: Craftswoman

Location: Platin

Guild: Jade Drills' minor guild.

Personality: Immature, and often childish, it seems as though Anja has matured very little, if at all, since her already early entry to the Jade Drills. While her outward personality may seem somewhat counterproductive, with tools in her hands, Anja is practically a different person altogether, the person that really earned her position as second quartermaster.

Anja is of relatively average physique, just over five and a half feet tall with an athletic build, though the only exercise that she gets is from forge work. Plenty of work, but not laborious enough to build much muscle.
History: Anja was born underground, deep in Platin, grew up there, and has spent the majority of her adult life there. While in her childhood she'd wanted nothing to do with the guilds, when she discovered her talents at working metals, at crafting weapons and armour, as well as virtually any other tool or device that the guilds used, she began having second thoughts. Soon, by the time she was thirteen, Anja was nearly always smithing something, if she wasn't working the tools, she was drawing designs, and if she weren't doing either of those, she was sleeping, usually with complex schematics dancing about in her head.

Obviously Anja wasn't the only one considering her entry to the Jade Drills, her mother also considered it, and had actually arranged a meeting with one of the recruiters, unbeknownst to the potential recruit. Lukas, the girl's father, had once been a member of the guild himself, though he'd never returned from one of the many journeys he'd been compelled to go on, and while she was hesitant to send her little girl to the same fate, Irma knew that at least as a crafter, she would never need to see real danger beyond initiation.

Anja's entry to the guild happened at an unprecedented early age of fourteen. The girl had unbridled talent in the crafts, and on multiple occasions outshone the work of her trainers. It was no wonder, with her talents, that Anja had become lead crafter in her class, and graduated early, moving on to become a real guilder at not even sixteen. By twenty, not only had Anja accomplished more than many Drills do in their entire lifetime, she'd done so with candour. Every blade was sturdy, but maintained an unparalleled edge, every hauberk made efficient use of materials, and had masterfully designed curvature to prevent direct injury. Beyond the simple crafts that were expected of an apprentice, even a journeyman, she designed several cannons which improved upon what was already used to defend Jadetown, though they were destroyed as the information was too dangerous.

The design that made Anja's name famous though, for those few that cared, was what she called the Gaunt-lock. A simple design really, simply a series of minor mechanisms in the armour to lock a joint, such as the hand to prevent being disarmed.

Now, at twenty-six, nearly twenty years ahead of her time, Anja has been promoted to Second Quartermaster in Platin, second armoursmith, and fourth weaponsmith in the world. The only problem with Anja's appointment to this position, is that despite her ingenuity, she simply does not have the experience that comes with time, and must travel outside of the city for the first time, to truly learn what it is that she crafts, and why it is that she crafts them. A crafter needs to see their products in action, to see the way that dynamic events may affect their construction. A minor flaw in the workshop may prove the difference between life and death for someone that the Quartermaster will never meet, so before she is truly appointed to her new office, Anja must travel alongside normal guilders, and see her crafts in action.

Weapons/Equipment: Anja carries a side sword of her own design, though there is nothing particularly special about it over her normal works. The same goes for her armour, which is only of a lighter variety as she lacks the conditioning to take advantage of heavy armour or shields.

All is more or less depicted as above, beneath the platemail, is a suit of ringmail sandwiched between two layers of leather.

Strengths: Anja is a world-class craftswoman, hence her newly appointed title. Not only is she remarkably talented with the manual labour involved with crafting guild tools, she is also a brilliant inventor, often mocking up dozens of new schematics in a day.

Weaknesses: While she may carry a sword, and wear armour, Anja has no skills with either, and tries to avoid fighting in the first place, as she's dreadfully awful at it. Besides the blatant lack of combat experience, Anja lacks experience with the outside world, and has actually never even been in a single room or space with more than thirty people at any one time. Not only has she had relatively little interaction with other people, Anja has never left the city of Platin, and as such, never seen unfiltered sunlight, or felt a natural breeze. Obviously with such a lack of experience, Anja has never seen a monster either, even anything as harmless as a spore creep.
@heartsteal22 Anja Dagmar is accepted!! Yet another awesome character, my friend! Just know that if Anja is looking to possibly being ranked to Sub-Befehl, she will be in competition with the quartermasters of the Major Guild as well! Glad to see you're still on board!! :D
Just curious, Delta, but didn't you say the RP was gonna be up yesterday? :P

Or did you post it and I missed the link or something -.-
[QUOTE="The Villain King]Just curious, Delta, but didn't you say the RP was gonna be up yesterday? :P
Or did you post it and I missed the link or something -.-

The RP is located in the new RP system. Look there.
Cressy said:
I posted my application in page 1.. Im a bit confused on ranks if your on Holy corps if there the same as before or not but yeah. I posted it a few days ago there
Edit: Also im on Tapatalk so idk if i can ooc comment @Delta
Ranks work for the same, the only difference joining a Corps does is that you'll be in a Squadron geared towards what that particular Corps does and how they operate. :3
@Cressy Everything looks good, though I would change your rank to either Advanced Keim or Paladin Knight, the latter being a step higher than the former.

Alesander Moreno




First Mate


Fencer / Duelist


Royal Port City of Fendor


Galleon Guild


Alesander is not what most people would call a shining beacon of humanity by any means. He's made himself a reputation of always being angry, drunk or both with little to no middle ground to be found. He seems mad at everything and anything, so much so that it isn't a stretch to say he hates the world and the people in it - including himself - and he has no problem telling people exactly what's on his mind. He avoids contacts with strangers as much as possible, only associating with the absolutely necessary and the rare person he actually likes to be around. These few people see an all new side to the man, one that's calm if not a bit short tempered, sharp witted and somewhat wise but questioning of why hope is so strong in this day and age and without a doubt bitter with his own life. Once sobriety is all but gone, he's a very grim man, preferring to be alone more so than usual. Often time he'll just sit there and stare at the floor as he puts down a few pints. Anyone who irritates him at this point is in for a rude awakening. If he's ill tempered when sober, he's goddamn mad when he's drunk with little of his skill dulled and all his rage focused on his target.



Look a few years into the past and the name Moreno use to hold some weight in Fendor. One of the nobles houses, they were well known for filling your lamps with oil and putting plentiful and cheap meat on your plates. Yes, the Moreno owned the best whaling ships in the city. The other cities had their animal husbandry and lumber milling but whale was where the money was really at and everyone knew it. They lived like kings and the plentiful supplies of oil, fat and food brought plenty of business.

Born to Brenson and Jennete Moreno, Alesander was born on a midday in spring, blessing his loving parents with a healthy baby boy. His upbringing was typical of his status: he was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, food being plentiful and delicious, his education coming from the best local scholars and anything he wanted at his call and beckon. By the time he'd turned into a young boy he was spoiled rotten, getting anything he desired and growing bored with it the moment he got his hands on it.

After a while he realized that he was getting bored. He had what normal folks could only dream of but he wanted things outside of his own reach and among all his aspirations, adventure was the greatest. One day when he was twelve he asked his father for a fencing instructor and within the week one of the best tutors arrived. Neither this man nor his father expected more than a single lesson to go by, especially when the young man found the very basics to be difficult. Suffice to say, they were surprised when he insisted on more lessons. And then more. And then more.

Fencing become Alesander's great passion. He was able to match his teacher after a good year of training and found himself beating him a few months later. Without so much as a second thought the old tutor was fired and a new one was hired. The first lesson went so badly for the man that he actually left the house crying without even his starting payment. Very few who were invited to the home stayed more than a single lesson and those who did helped the young fighter adapt, learn what they had and beat them before sending them off. By age sixteen he'd given up on teachers and found professionals to fight, sparring now replacing practice. By age seventeen he'd challenged over a dozen other noblemen to duels to first blood in defense of his honor and had won all of them.

Apparently satisfied, Alesander took a break from fighting and went back to simply enjoying his position. He began learning how to run the whaling operations the family had set up and he began indulging in the finer and more forbidden pleasures that were available to a man of his age and position. Of course he always kept his edge sharp, never wanting to get out of practice and still having fun bouts from time to time. Few could deny that the young man could fight. The few times he lost over the years, he came back with even more determination and found himself the victor eventually no matter what.

Then the Strike of Ragnarok occurred. While the city of Fendor still stood by the end, few can ignore that the Strike cause plenty of damage and more than enough casualties. Among them were Alesander's parents, all the ships they owned and their home. Left with little to nothing, what savings he did have on hand didn't last long. It didn't take much time before he found himself without a job, without money and without much hope. Even if Wahrheit had survived, the world ended for Alesander Moreno.

With his limited business knowledge being next to useless, all he had to fall back on was his swordsmanship. While the few lives he'd taken over the years had been in duels of honor which were few and far between, the desperate Alesander found it surprisingly easy to take a life as he became a monster hunter, especially with his anger directed towards the beasts that he now blames for everything. He'd go up and down the beaches or down the roads into the city and every now and then he'd come back with a couple of dead beasts and a handful of bounties to profit from. It wasn't long until he got into drinking. Medical attention that he could afford rarely gave pain killers and even he wasn't able to avoid every hit from the inhuman monsters. What started as a way of coping with pain became a way of coping with life. With barely enough money to keep above homeless stature, his work became all he could manage to do when he wasn't drinking.

One day a position on a ship leaving port caught his attention and he jumped on it without much thought. The idea of getting away from land and making a bigger wage seemed like a dream come true. Up until he realized he'd signed up on a pirate ship, a crucial detail he had all but ignored. Left with a next to worthless position and quickly finding life on the sea to be living hell due to his crew mates and the next to non existent alcohol rations he got, things were bad for Alesander. Depressed and expecting the worse anyways, he slipped out of his work on the lower deck when they were in dock and drank himself silly from the ship's own stock before passing out right next to the barrel he'd been swigging from.

When Alesander woke up, the fact he was alive at all was a surprise. He'd expected to have been found and dumped overboard long before now. Going up on deck, he was surprised to find out that there'd been a mutiny lead by a strange woman he'd never seen the likes of before. Hung over and afraid that he'd instantly thrown in with the old captain's lot, he drew his blade and in turn half a dozen other men did. With a raging headache and the temperament of a wounded wolf being pushed into a corner, he disarmed and injured all of them before going for the one who'd taken over the ship. She managed to disarm him with a smile and the strangest words he'd ever heard.

"Well. Guess that makes you first mate."

Since then, Alesander has found himself in the strange company of Miss Pandora Belleville, the craziest pirate that ever did live. With a better position and a better ( if not more confusing ) captain on hand, he's found that life on see isn't as terrible as it could be. He does his best to try and make sense of his captain's bizarre orders and mysterious agenda as well as make sure the ship is safe, going as far to teach the men swordsmanship personally though none of them have reached him level yet. Holding a strange sense of respect for the strange captain, rarely has he thought of leaving the ship nor has he questioned any order he's understood.


Liance - The first real sword he ever owned, this rapier is well used but still elegant in design with a high detailed guard, fresh leather grip and a blade that's sharpened to perfection.

Seam - A tool worthy of any real duelist, this parrying dagger appears to be a twin of it's brother weapon as it's overall design, material and detail mirror that Liance.

Maria - The newest tool in his arsenal, this very plain and standard blunderbuss pistol that Alesander keeps on hand in case things get messy. While he prefers a clean fight, this weapon is his ace in the hole for a quick and dirty kill or hit depending on the situation.


Alesander's skill with a sword is unquestionable, even when drunk. He's been known to get into his share of bar fights but when push comes to shove he's been shown to fight with just as much skill and triple the blood boiling rage while he's scarcely able to form sentences. Admittedly most of his opponents are just as drunk as he is and it's untested whether or not this holds water versus a sober enemy.

While no soul has heard it from him directly, anyone who's around him can put together that he has a fear of failure. He puts all his effort into everything he does and anytime a mistake falls upon him he takes it out worse on himself than anyone else who'd bother to try doing. Anything goes wrong on his watch and he'll avoid eye contact or anything that's not an order for days.


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