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Realistic or Modern Regis Academy ➳ Once Great, Now Broke and Desperate (OPEN)

Melosa Cuestas & Evan Trinh

"It's dope as fuck to finally be out of Tennessee! We're fuckin' here! Regis Academy." Evan said as he got out of Melosa's car. He popped the trunk open and took out his bags and belongings.

It's nine in the morning. I have barely slept. Do not start this so early. This is a rich kid school. Act cultured." Melosa, the lovely lady friend of Evan, got out of her own car and reached into the back for her own things.

Our dorms are right next to each other. You fuckin' know what that means." He shot her a sly smile.

Before you say anything else, you owe me. I sacrificed a lot to come here. And I had to sacrifice a lot of my own stuff just to make room for yours. You came here without a car. You need to get one."

We went over this. Until I meet up with my sister, you're my escort."

You planned everything else out but that." She sighed.

"Yours-" Evan grabbed a tightly packed luggage and handed it to Melosa. "Me and her are gonna work this shit out. Don't worry about it."

Melosa looked towards the front entrance to the school. Crowds and crowds were already gathered around the front. She spotted a sign, it seemed to be about some sort of meet and great. She hardly cared. What interested her more was the free food.

Evan. Free food."

"Oh shit." He popped his head up. "For real?"

But what are we going to do with our stuff? I don't want to leave my car out here with all of our stuff in it." She paused. "On second thought, I think it would be more important to get settled. You need to call your sister before anything."

Yeah, I really do. Okay. Let's get our shit taken care of, and then you and I need to meet up. Our dorms are in the same hall. Let's go find them."

The pair took off with their belongings into the building, sadly, to Evan, past the free cookies. ); Both of them found their respective dorms and began to unpack. Despite their attitudes upon first arriving, they had high hopes for their new environment.
So he couldn't go in his room, since the freshman were unpacking for him. So about that football game, he thought about getting the word out on Twitter. He almost had everyone who was anyone's Twitter, plus everyone checks it. He pulled his phone from his pocket, and typed, "Darcine Vs Osborne pickup football game! Guys only. Noon at the courtyard!" He opened his texts, and searched for Madi's number. "Wyd?" He couldn't type more, as a uproar of his name filled the Darcine hall, as his football friends began to chant his name excitedly.
Euphimia Dexter

Euphimia took in the school, taking pictures as her dad took out the two large boxes from the trunk, that held all the priceless things she couldn't live with out. Her parents were going on about not liking her so far from them. They knew here feeling on wanting to go on her own path but then again she was their youngest. The baby of the family. "Oh the fun you will have!" Sonya exclaimed happy for her and hugged her tightly "Just stay away from the boys," her father said, making her want to dig herself a hole and die. "If you guys are going to be like this, then I should have made you guys drop me a mile away from school," I told them, "This is why I brought my board, so I can take my things in by myself." Her parents made a face but she gave them one back as they gave up. Hugging her good bye, and entering the white SUV once again. Euphimia waved them off and loaded her skateboard with two boxes that reached to the waist. A duffle bag on her should, Camera hanging from her neck and a rolling suitcase behind her, she pushed her way to the Hart dorm.
Nicki walked around the dorm. She felt nervous and socially awkward for the first time in her life. She missed all of her friends from the school choir at her old school. "Pull yourself together Nicki." She said to herself. "Maybe I should introduce myself to the others." Nicki thought.
Adira said:
A small, but bubbly girl finally arrived, giving a quick kiss to her mum before heading off to her new school...full of people she didn't know. Celeste knew she would have EXTREME trouble making friends but "Who cares?" she thought. She silently exited the car and gave a soft smile and wave to her after taking out her luggage. She noticed a lot of faces looking her way, and she immediantly got scared for she thought the issue was about her height. With that note, Celeste quickly left the car lot and scampered to her dorm. Being probably one of the shortest people on campus was terrifying, with all the people swarming the hallways. She finally reached her dorm and opened it to find that there was no one there yet. Was she going to be alone all year? Although it was quite possible, she had arrived a tad eariler. She didn't care that much and began unpacking and organizing her room to her standards.
Nicki knocked on Celeste's door. "Hello is anyone in there?" Nicki asked. Nicki hoped to make some new friends this year.
KarenAKAMint said:
Euphimia Dexter

Euphimia took in the school, taking pictures as her dad took out the two large boxes from the trunk, that held all the priceless things she couldn't live with out. Her parents were going on about not liking her so far from them. They knew here feeling on wanting to go on her own path but then again she was their youngest. The baby of the family. "Oh the fun you will have!" Sonya exclaimed happy for her and hugged her tightly "Just stay away from the boys," her father said, making her want to dig herself a hole and die. "If you guys are going to be like this, then I should have made you guys drop me a mile away from school," I told them, "This is why I brought my board, so I can take my things in by myself." Her parents made a face but she gave them one back as they gave up. Hugging her good bye, and entering the white SUV once again. Euphimia waved them off and loaded her skateboard with two boxes that reached to the waist. A duffle bag on her should, Camera hanging from her neck and a rolling suitcase behind her, she pushed her way to the Hart dorm.
Nicki stood in the hall waiting for more people. She saw a girl and ran over to say hi. "Hello! My name is Nicki Queen! Are you new here also?" Nicki said quickly.
"Yeah," Euphimia answered taken by surprised by the sudden girl that came up to her, "My name's Euphimia Dexter, it's nice to meet you." She let go of her suitcase and extended her hand to Nicki.
KarenAKAMint said:
"Yeah," Euphimia answered taken by surprised by the sudden girl that came up to her, "My name's Euphimia Dexter, it's nice to meet you." She let go of her suitcase and extended her hand to Nicki.
Nicki shaked Euphimia's hand. "Are you a freshman also?" Nicki asked.
"As fresh as I they come," she joked. Taking her hand back she pointed at her things and said, "Ah... I think I should put this in my dorm room before I lose hold on it. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be right out."

I pushed my things forward once more, finding her room on the bottom floor. Grateful it was since she was wheeling in her things and as a dancer, Jumping and dancing would be a huge problem for the rest of the girls. She tossed her duffle bag on her full bed suit case on by the door and just pushed the boxes as softly as she could to leave in the middle of the room. Just like she promised she came out and meet up with Nicki. "Want to find more people to meet?"
KarenAKAMint said:
"As fresh as I they come," she joked. Taking her hand back she pointed at her things and said, "Ah... I think I should put this in my dorm room before I lose hold on it. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be right out."
I pushed my things forward once more, finding her room on the bottom floor. Grateful it was since she was wheeling in her things and as a dancer, Jumping and dancing would be a huge problem for the rest of the girls. She tossed her duffle bag on her full bed suit case on by the door and just pushed the boxes as softly as she could to leave in the middle of the room. Just like she promised she came out and meet up with Nicki. "Want to find more people to meet?"
"Sure, but just to warn you most people already know eachother. What are you going to study here btw? I'm studying arts in general." Nicki said with a grin on her face.
"Preforming arts!" Euphimia exclaimed, excited to have meet another art student, "Well mostly focusing on Dance and Acting."
KarenAKAMint said:
"Preforming arts!" Euphimia exclaimed, excited to have meet another art student, "Well mostly focusing on Dance and Acting."
"OMG! I'm mostly focusing on Music and Painting! I love dancing! I've been taking ballet since I was 6! It's so exciting to meet someone with similar interests!" Nicki said excitedly.
"I was apart of a theater group on my off time," I recalled the plays, "Dancing started like a hobby, well it still is but now I take more seriously."
KarenAKAMint said:
"I was apart of a theater group on my off time," I recalled the plays, "Dancing started like a hobby, well it still is but now I take more seriously."
"I wish I could act. It's like the thing I'm the worst at next to geography! I'm actually starting a choir group and I need some members. Do you want to join?" Nicki replied.
"Sure. I mean I'm not as good, but good enough to have been apart of one Musical," Euphimia replied.
KarenAKAMint said:
"Sure. I mean I'm not as good, but good enough to have been apart of one Musical," Euphimia replied.
"It's fine! We meet every Monday afternoon! We should go meet some other students!" Nicki replied happily!
Melosa Cuestas

Melosa had finished unpacking. She looked at her organization. She was amazed by herself.

She was very into decorating. However, due to her having to sacrifice some of her belongings to make room for Evan, she wasn't able to bring everything that she had wanted to. Her room was too dull, she thought.

She remembered that she had agreed to meet Evan after getting herself settled.

She stepped back out into the Osborne hall.

Where is that guy? Is he still unpacking? I thought men took less time than women when it came to these things. That idiot. He's probably not even doing anything. I swear to god if he ran back to go get those free cookies...

Maybe he's calling his sister. Hm.

That would be very productive.

...So then he's probably not calling his sister...

He had dropped her off at her dorm first, so she had no idea where his was. She decided to just wait for him in the hall.

She looked around to see if any other students were here with her.
Madison Prescott

NightSky said:
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The familiar sound of Madison calling Courtney a loser overfilled her with joy. "Yeah.. Sorry about that, I would've got here earlier but I had to take the buses here." She said with a sigh. "Cole was super busy with work so he couldn't take me." She added as they pulled away, she begged her brother to take her but his new job was demanding so she eventually accepted to travel by bus. Even though it was a horrible decision. She raised her eyebrow at Madison regarding the comment of the Student Union but gave her a light nod after she said she would tell her later. Courtney smiled to the new girl next to them. "Oh, nice to meet you! Shampoo is something I always run out on.." She quietly added as she realized it but then remembered her manners and introduced herself. "I'm Courtney, if you ever need anything just drop by my room; second door on the right." She was glad her room was so easy to remember. Last year it was one of the last rooms at the end of the corridor.

Madison turned back to Courtney, notcing that the new girl had walked away. She smiled, glad to have been finished with that. "Ugh, way to flake, Cole." Madison teased, she rolled her eyes as if he was there to feel shame for not dropping his sister off. Madison suddenly moved, as if it was reflex, she stood back a step and crossed her arms. She looked at Courtney's outfit, smiling. "This is why we're friends." She remarked, "So edgy." She threw the last bit in as a tease, referencing the almost all black outfit. At that moment, her phone buzzed with Jamie's text.

ReverseWells said:
So he couldn't go in his room, since the freshman were unpacking for him. So about that football game, he thought about getting the word out on Twitter. He almost had everyone who was anyone's Twitter, plus everyone checks it. He pulled his phone from his pocket, and typed, "Darcine Vs Osborne pickup football game! Guys only. Noon at the courtyard!" He opened his texts, and searched for Madi's number. "Wyd?" He couldn't type more, as a uproar of his name filled the Darcine hall, as his football friends began to chant his name excitedly.
Madison raised an eyebrow. She unlocked her phone and sent off a quick reply, "w/ courtz" and sent it off. Madison looked around then, to see who was in the hallway with them. "Long story short, I dumped David and he was the second person I saw." Madison quickly said, shoving her phone in her purse. "It's awkward."

David Reyes-Shaw

David was now trying to reach a zen mode. He went upstairs from the union to get some quiet and just chilled out on a couch near the entrance to the Academic building. His feet were propped up on one of the couch's arms, and his hands were stretched behind his head, the small of his back leaning on the other armrest. With sudden buzzing from his phone, he reached for his pocket again, and pulled it out. His lockscreen was his dog now, but his last lockscreen of Madison was permanently burnt into his brain. He really needed to get his mind off her, it was unhealthy. He saw the groupchat between old Osborne residents exploding about the football game, and scrolled through to see that someone was already working to add new residents to the groupchat. That was the fun of Osborne, it was a pretty accepting and eclectic group of residents. The chat was exploding, trying to recruit any residents to play the game at noon. David miserably replied that he would see them there, and locked his phone. Who knew, maybe it'd be just his luck that a charming new lost student wandered into academic, and David would see them and offer to walk them to their dorm. They'd hit it off, talking to each other- and who was he kidding? He smirked, maybe this year he'd be a total player and hook up every weekend because his heart was numb and he could finally be the badass guy that avoided relationships.
Brice Tang

"I wish. The drive would have been far too long, though." Granted, there was a possibility that she lived no closer than he did, but his parents were likely to never put up with making that drive again, not since they first brought him two years ago. ...At least until he graduates. Dakota had continued speaking and he had to make up the rest of her words sometimes as she was hard to hear at times. He couldn't understand why the girl was so nervous. Was she afraid of life itself? Maybe she was right, though; maybe it was just exhaustion. "Tired sounds like a fair explanation... That's what I have this for," he tapped the coffee cup and took another sip. "Maybe instead of reading, you should be getting to your room, hm?" He then reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and check the time before slipping it away again. "It looks about time for Mr. Tang to be on his way too..." He made a smirkish smile.
Miracle Corgi] [FONT='Book Antiqua'][SIZE=18px][COLOR=#ff99ff][B]Madison Prescott[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] Madison turned back to Courtney said:



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After talking to his Neanderthal friends, he slipped back into his room. Luckily the freshman were finished, and had organized it. Not bad. He walked over to his desk, and sat in his office chair, and propped his feet on the desk. He pulled his phone out, and read her message. "O... Well if you wanna hang out with Courtney that's kool, but I was gonna make a McDonald's run if you'd like to come with? Also could you send me David's #?"
Daniel Rodrik Jackson

Dan arrived at Regis Academy, late as usual. He got out of his Uncle's car, skated to the trunk and got his suitcase out. They said their goodbyes and Dan skated towards Hart Hall. He asked to be away from the boys as he didn't want to be beat up for how he
dressed like last time. He thought boys were mean even if he was gay. He skated through Hart Hall, looking for his dorm before getting lost.

@Anyone in Hart Hall
MuffinRPs said:
Daniel Rodrik Jackson
Dan arrived at Regis Academy, late as usual. He got out of his Uncle's car, skated to the trunk and got his suitcase out. They said their goodbyes and Dan skated towards Hart Hall. He asked to be away from the boys as he didn't want to be beat up for how he
dressed like last time. He thought boys were mean even if he was gay. He skated through Hart Hall, looking for his dorm before getting lost.

@Anyone in Hart Hall
Nicki noticed a boy in the Hart Hall. She rushed over to him to say to welcome him! "Hello! My name's Nicki Queen! What's your name?" Nicki greeted him. She was slightly confused about a boy being here but wanted to make him feel welcome.
A girl named Nicki started talking to him and smiled slightly, "I'm Daniel Jackson but everyone calls me Dan. And yes I know this is the girls dorm. I just don't want to be with the boys after a group of them put me into a coma because I dress like this," He skated in a circle.


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