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Fantasy RedStone - OOC

What is Webtus climate like I am looking at the maps and am still unsure is it cold cause it north or what?
It's on the cooler side but not what I would call "cold". We're currently in early summer, so temperatures are on the warmer end. ~70 F
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur What are you going to do if one mission finishes way earlier than the others? Are you going to give them freetime till the others finish? Or send them on another mission?

Also I remembered you gave individual ranks to the missions, did you calculate the average rank of each team for each mission and saw if they matched the requirements?
MiraAutumn MiraAutumn I'll send them back to the guild hall and bring in some matters of the background plot.

And yes; Ava will be serving as a means of helping balancing things as well.
btw how would we organize transportation to another province I had made it so my character mostly made the journey on foot, or would there be another way there? PeanutLemur PeanutLemur
btw how would we organize transportation to another province I had made it so my character mostly made the journey on foot, or would there be another way there? PeanutLemur PeanutLemur
Long distances on land can be traversed by train if you have the money, by carriage, or by foot. There is also the option to ride a mount.
Also does the guild provide transportation out of their own pocket, or is it expected that the Shard Hunters procure transportation for themselves?
Also does the guild provide transportation out of their own pocket, or is it expected that the Shard Hunters procure transportation for themselves?
The guild will help shoulder travel fees within reason.

Mitch Conner Mitch Conner
It's summer as the crops are growing; partially why our Eagle-Wasps' attacks are so damaging
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur Ain't it going to get a bit confusing when we have 3 different missions going on the same thread?
I've done multiple mission in one thread. Its not confusing if everyone tags and/or states their current location.

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