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After jolting down the stairs, Sarah continued her sprint, avoiding the series of columns lining the subway tracks. The beast was fast but not as maneuverable as her; an advantage she'd have to exploit. With her adrenaline running thin, she launched herself across the tracks to the other side of the lower floor and stormed into a bathroom. Inside, the floors were coated with water. The sinks had been continuously running since their use before the cataclysm. She looked around the bathroom for any weapons, coming up empty handed. She readied her knife, preparing herself for confrontation with the abomination. Winded but hopeful, she prayed for a miracle.
Interaction(s): Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Milen navigated the waters with ease, stalking a somewhat overweight, dolphin-like creature. He watched it slowly near the surface of the kelp forest surrounding them, and in a quick motion, he shot out of hiding and grabbed the dorsal fin of the magnificent creature. The dolphin emitted a high-pitched scream of distress as Milen's poison shot through it's bloodstream-to the heart. After a second, the dolphin ceased it's struggle and died in an instant. A pang of pity shot though Milen, though it lasted for only a split second. He began to pull out his carving knife to begin the task of gutting the creature when he felt a strong... change in the waters. A strong, electromagnetic pulse caused him to freeze, as very few things could give off that much power. Milen whirled around to see a rift, sucking in water and the carcass that otherwise would've been his dinner. He realized with a jolt of excitement and fear that this was one of the rumored interdimensional rifts that seemed long forgotten. The Scuthex attempted to swim away from the portal with little success, and was pulled into the darkness.
Milen opened his eyes, first noticing how blurry this world was, and how dry it felt. Then he attempted to breathe, yet couldn't. Retching for oxygen, Milen struggled to his feet. A strange sense washed over him, and suddenly he was able to breathe. He collapsed, holding his trident, so disoriented that he couldn't even sense the massive lizard barreling towards him.
There was a fair bit of distance between him and the bushes when Seth came out of then, running toward the pair of people. But then the woman was just next to him, arm hooked with his elbow. He scanned the surrounding area as they moved forward, taking in at a glance the position of all the combatants. He noticed and filed away the... abilities of the man who had come through the portal as well. When the woman pushed the blade toward his hand, he looked at it with both bewilderment and a hard glint of suspicion in his eyes. "Ma'am, I will do what I can to keep us all out of your way and out of danger." He took the weapon but had no plans to use it. Instead, as the woman turned to face the swarm of bee-like creatures, he tried to usher the cow closer to the tree with the woman.

Now would be a really good time for some cover or camoflauge... not sure it would work against bees though. As the thought crossed his mind, a shadow seemed to fall over the space they were in, almost like a cloud had parked itself just over their position. His brain noted the occurence but didn't find any importance in it, instead focusing on the stab of pain that went through his head and the threat surrounding them.

To an outside viewer, however, the trio did not disappear but somewhat... faded out of awareness. They were still there but something about the shadow around them discouraged the eyes from noticing that anything was there. Although Seth was ready to defend the woman and cow with his own body, none of the creatures approached them, instead focusing on Aether and Zudo. Seth yelloed when the bee headed for Aether, ready to sting, "Watch out!" FearItself FearItself


Amana stepped under the partially opened garage door, surveying the scene. The corner of her mouth quirked up in a smirk that didn't reach her eyes. "Put down the mechanic, you're terrifying the poor man." Her voice was melodius, quiet, soft although with a strange hint of something... otherworldly and off. Perhaps it was that it sounded emotionless in tone, despite the words being right. She reached into the pocket of her dark navy blue jeans and pulled out several hundred dollars in cash. "Will this be enough to cover the materials?" she asked the mechanic, stepping forward without any heed for Bobby to place the bills in the man's hand. All told the money added up to $500 dollars. She didn't really wait for an answer, instead straightening and looking at Bobby with an eyebrow raised. "You look like you've been through Hell." FearItself FearItself


In Madison Square Garden, where Harloteck and Milen had just appeared, the Minotaur had already run out the majority of people in the area. No one dared approach the block, instead slinking past in the shadows for fear of being charged. One man, figuring it would be faster to just sprint, started across the open space. Almost immediately the monster rose from its feast and charged for the man, using one massive horn to pierce right through him. The whole thing was eerily quiet and the Minotaur simply returned to his meal after, its thick and tough hide ignoring any of the objects in its way as it crashed through them. Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Phrog Phrog


Although Sarah was certainly much more maneuverable than the monster, it managed to follow her, whether by scent or some other sense. Vertical movement certainly seemed an issue as the creature had to use it's claws and tail to move down onto the tracks and then back up onto the other side. It was a few moments before it slowly came around the edge of the door to the bathroom, peaking in with wicked eyes to see Sarah, standing in the pool of water on the bathroom floor. Click cliiick clickclick. Then a soft hiss came out of its mouth as the orange glow built before the beast spit a basketball sized ball of fire at her from the doorway. Unchosen Unchosen
The blast of fire exploded beside her, sending her into one of the stalls and destroying the sinks nearby. Water began to flood the room and spill into the subway at a moderate tempo. The force bruised her whole body, and singed her anterior. The sudden pain and it's magnitude pushed a flurry of tears down her face along with a loud groan. "Nnng fuck." She said aloud, before forcing herself to stand. "I'm not...afraid of you." Her legs buckled under the shifting waves and stress of injury. "And I'm not gonna die here!" The adrenal filled warcry triggered her anomaly and sent the pooling water swirling out of the room, sending the creature into the subway until eventually, it slammed against a pillar, shattering it. Sarah's breathing hastened as she pursued the beast, her newfound powers in their infancy.
interactions: TheresaMelania TheresaMelania Phrog Phrog
harloteck charge was stopped by a fish-like a creature falling onto the ground of nowhere, to harlotecks eyes he was touched by many threads... and flows interesting it was unusual to say the least then again, sniffing the air one more time there was something else.. a minitour.. at least it had a similar scent to the ones he had hunted before interesting again, it would make a fine broth turn to the fish thing on the ground harloteck gave it a small scowl "you get up now, i can't have something like you attracting any predators with your useless flailing, now if you can get up and move to follow me.. you might just live do you understand?" harloteck didn't give the creature any time to answer and the larazit slowly but surely making its way toward the minotaur his gun raised ready to blast the creature the larso glok, on the other hand, remind with the creature looking at it seeming slightly worried "oh..umm..hello..creautre..sorry about my blood brother.. he is very very... on edge..."

The sound of the voice behind him caused him to whirl around aiming the shotgun in her face, only to quickly lower it with a bashful look as he realized he was a bit too on edge. It became even more shameful to him when she offered the man money. Breathing a sigh of releif the mechanic nodded. "That'll cover the work and the Gun." he said nodding as he dusted himself off once let go. "Thank you." was all bobby said at first when the man went to gather the materials. He returned with a rolling chair and several tubes of epoxy and an applicator. "Shut it kid, i just want you outta my shop, preferably with my brains in their proper place." bobby nodded and took a seat lifting his arm to show where the cracks started.

As the mechanic worked bobby shifted his gaze suspiciously towards the woman who had arrived to help him.
"What do you have to gain from helping me?" he asked flatly with his eyes scanning her face for any and all microexpressions. "I dont have much money and i dont like owing people favors." he seemed to be feeling a bit of pain from the mechanics work as he spoke through gritted teeth, yet surprisingly he never put the shotgun down. Keeping a firm grip on it and keeping his arm loose and ready to use it if need be.
TheresaMelania TheresaMelania
Aether & Zudo

As the young man shouted aether whirled around to face the approaching creature only to feel a look of disappointment wash over her face along with the creatures guts. A rick about the size of a baseball had been thrown by zudo slamming into the creature smack between the wings exploding its thorax all over the princess. The jerk didnt even wait to see if it had hit before whirling back around and grabbing one of the bee folk and using it as a cudgel to swat aside the others that approached him. He wore a smile of enjoyment as he had found something that he could actually warm up on without worrying about the moral qualms. After all no body liked bugs. Meanwhile the cow seemed either to not care or not know the danger it was in as it simply crunched casually on the well kept grass.
Anthony & Crew

There were nearly eight men in the parking garage with a series of verhichles gathered around with the trunks open and a variety of firearms, ammo, even a bat or two. They also had bottles and light cigars containing something other than tobacco. They all seemed to be hyped up and excited when Anthony pulled up in a black escalade and shouted for them to "load up" and shouting "lets move". The crew was quick to load up the guns and ammo each one taking their favorite weapons. From 12 gauge shotguns, to AR-15's, even an Ak-47, and of course a wide assortment of pistols.

It was about 6 minutes later when they were rolling through times square armed to the teeth. The sun roof was open and the man with the Ak was poppin out of it keeping his rifle scanning forsomethin in need of some bullet holes. Meanwhile the others kept their windows down and their eyes scanning for the same while Anthony Swerved through the traffic even occasionally using his big car to push smaller ones out of the way. At least until they came by an overturned trash truck. "Alright ,b#$%hes were on foot from here." He said as the car filled with gorans and teeth sucking but nonetheless the doors opened and the guys climbed out

"Come on. them stores aint gonna give us their cash." he said and the guys began to split into teams of two and spread out each heading to a different store. One group to a corner store, another to a pawn shop, and the third and the one Anthony was in went to a jewelry store. They would take anything of monetary value including the Atm's and the cash registers. However by now there would likely be people holed up in their stores, armed if they could be. So they made sure to be careful, quiet, and ready to shoot first.
Captain cosmic

Akuma's ship emerged from the red portal high above the earths atmosphere but close enough that the planets gravity immediately began to pull the ship in. It took him just a few moments to get his bearing but it was made easier with Gigas. "Fire off a deep scan Gigas i need to know where we are." the suit hummed for a bit before responding "We have no record of this sector of space, however the nearby planet is suitable for landing and has a breathable atmosphere for your puny lungs, in addition there is a 94% chance that the planet is inhabited. Scans indicate a vast network of communications and several hundred primitive artificial satellites are in orbit around it. Sadly for you thats is the extent of the good news."

Akuma rolled his eyes. "And the bad news?" he said in an annoyed tone. "The ships damaged state gives us 78% chance of breaking up on reentry, and we only have an 18° margin for adjustment. The only place we can land without casualties or collateral damage to the natives around the site would be in the ocean...which gives us a 100% chance of our ship being unsalvagable afterwards." it didnt take akuma more than a second to make up his mind. "Casualties are unacceptable, bring us in over the water and let me know when i need to eject." he said boldly without hesitation. "Yes sir, after all im sure we can find another warp capable spacecraft on this backwater planet. Its not like we will be stranded here or anything." it said in a tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I hope your right gigas, we cant afford to be here for too long." he said oblivious to the A.I's sarcasm. Moments later the ship jolted as it began entering the atmosphere and Gigas directed akuma to fire the damaged engines a few times to adjust their trajectory. To onlookers from the ground it would look like a meteor screaming through the sky, flying right over the statues of liberty head before slamming into the hudson. To an onlooker with a good view, they wouldve seen the "meteor" break off an smaller piece right before it hit the water, a piece which flew horizontally towards the hudson docks with a blueish hue as opposed to the reddish fire of the larger "meteor". Upon landing and seeing an oxygen rich atmosphere Akuma opened his helmet for the first time in hours. Blood spilled out of it onto the ground, it was a good amount, likely from his broken Nose which had gone untreated and even under stresses for a few hours now. He would have to get that set and soon before he was stuck with a crooked nose for the rest of his life. "Alright gigas, you think we can link up to this communications network you mentioned." he said earning a sigh from the A.I. "For you anything, oh great cosmic master." the A.I said unknowingly trying to hack into a military network.
The creature slammed hard into one of the subway pillars, letting out a roar of combined pain and rage. The pillar crumbled behind it and some fell onto the creature as it landed on the ground on all fours. A low growl started to rumble from it as the fires in its limbs, which had briefly gone out, came back to life in a burst. Slowly it rose and roared across the subway at Sarah, its small black eyes filled with hunger and hatred. Fueled by a desire to kill, it began moving toward her at speed, raising one massive arm with claws for a swipe and another fireball building in its throat. From cracks in its armored exterior, drops of a green material left a trail behind it. Unchosen Unchosen


As Harloteck and his larso approached the Mintoaur's territory, it sniffed the air and turned toward them with a huff. It shook its giant furred body, flinging blood everywhere, and fixated its gaze on the pair. Just like a bull, it's nostrils flared and in its eyes you could tell it was ready to charge at the slightest provication. One of its hooved feet stomped and its tail swished angrily. Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3


Amana watched the mechanic carefully as he gathered the materials and began fixing the cracks in the armor. Her gaze was clearly that of someone who was experienced with combat, though it lacked the suspiciousness that usually came with it. When Bobby addressed her, she looked at him with a gaze disturbingly blank of emotion. She cocked her head to the side slightly, making it clear that the blankness of her gaze but not by intent. "You have a purpose and needed assistance. I rendered assistance," she said, as if that was all the explanation that was necessary. "There is no need to owe me a favor. I will simply accompany you in your endeavors. I can be of use to you." Her gaze drifted to the shotgun and she seemed aware, but unworried, that he was prepared to use it on her if necessary. FearItself FearItself


Seth watched with amazement as the man and woman went through the bugs like a hot knife through butter. Something strange was certainly going on. Although the pair looked liked humans, the woman had conjured up weapons of fire and the man had more strength and speed than any human had a right to be. Much stronger than any of the men he had the fortune to have served with. Maybe they were not, in fact, human?

As Seth watched, the two of them finished off the last of the bugs and he breathed a sigh of relief. At least until the portal they had originally come through pulsed an angry red and spread, letting through ten more of the bugs, but these wearing armor and carrying weapons. Behind them came through two giant centipede creatures with giant pincers and a silvery glow of magic on every appendage. They moved and took up position on either side of the portal out of which a human-like woman came out, armored and carrying a pair of swords. “I am Anthera, emissary of the Hive! I have been made with the DNA of your people to deliver the message that you are soon to be under the rule of the Hive.” FearItself FearItself




Harima and Eskal heard the sounds of the vehicles pulling up as they searched through the “pawn shop” they were in. It was full of interesting jewels and treasures, which Harima has already begun to tuck into the bags on Eskal, with padding in between to prevent the sounds of the jewelry from revealing their location. The building was extremely dark, which suited them.

Eskal... slip out back and trail the others, she whispering in his mind as she took up position in the corner lowest to the doorway one of the men was coming through. The shadows thickened around her according to her will, making her even more difficult to see in the darkness. Although the men scanned over the area, they saw nothing even as she crept up behind one and silently slit his throat with a blade. The blood washed over her hands and arms and she smiled with sharp teeth. Although the blood tugged at her senses, she could not control it. The second man had begun to turn around, strange weapon pointed at her. “Wha-“ he began before she stabbed her blade into his stomach and then used a second to cut his throat. More blood spilled over her, covering her face and upper body. Once she had dropped the corpse to the ground, she slit a spot on her upper arm, pulling the blood to her blade and coating it with a sharp, toxic edge. She headed toward the jewelry store where she had seen another pair go in.

Meanwhile, Eskal had slipped into the jewelry store, hiding himself in the shadows where he could pounce at Harima’s command.

“You men here to play?” Harima purred from a room in the back of the jewelry store where a brief light showed her slipping in through a back door. Almost as soon as she had spoken, she had moved away from the area and began slipping up behind Anthony. She let them men react and waited for the right moment. Then she commanded Eskal to pounce on the other man while she slipped up behind Anthony and pressed her blade to his neck. “The blade is poisoned, don’t move an inch.” FearItself FearItself
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interactions: TheresaMelania TheresaMelania
harlotecks clawed foot scratched agiesnt the ground his eyes dead set into the creature only a few feet taller than itself the larazit roaring a bellowing call into the distance at and the creature before charging it fire off multiple shots at the minitour the waves emitting from the gun in a red blast, this was simply a distraction for harlotecks larso glok, as glok had a rather potent secret up its self a disorientating poison on a dagger as it began sneaking around behind the minitour utterly terrified that it was going to be crushed, but it knew his duty was to get the dagger into it.
Drenched in cold water, Sarah exited the ruined bathroom, ushering water spilling through behind her. She was amazed by her miraculous abilities, feeling a sense of destiny course through her, one that granted her a lion's heart of courage. The water, her new media of creation and weaponry, rushed between her legs. A sudden mixture of emotions fell over her; power and desire had seeped into her psyche. "I am a GOD!" She screamed, and began her slaughter.
She swung her arms, motioning the water towards the beast with them. A swift wave overtook the creature, sending it throughout the subway like a leaf in the wind. After disorientating the creature, her eyes locked on a large broken piece of the pillar. "Perfect." Using the water to manipulate the object, she flung the object up and crashed it down into the creature's head repeatedly, a certain bloodlust in her eyes. "Does that hurt?" She teased, humored by the weakness of the beast she feared less than a few minutes ago.
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He was very quick to turn and train his guns on the door when he heard the voice...just not quick enough to see who had uttered the words. Luckily she revealed herself to him, kinda. Next thing he knew she had a knife to his neck and a big ass cat jumped on otis. He could hear otis's shotgun clatter across the ground and he cursed. Of course the dumbass couldnt train the one gun they had that would kill that big cat on the target. But he was no better this chick had an apparently poisoned knife at his neck. "Isnt that a little redundant? Your already gonna slit my throat what the hell do i care about poison." he said as he lowered the guns slowly. "Not trying tell you how to do your thing, just saying its a bit over kill." as he spoke he began to slowly tilt the guns in the direction he hoped her legs were in. Just as he was about to get the guns tilted one of his other men came running in the door from the corner store. "Hey boss i uh...wha-" he started before cutting himself off and raising his gun at the tiger. At the same moment Anthony decided to take his shots, firing several times behind him at a steep downward angle hoping to clope her knee or shins and not get sliced ear to ear.
TheresaMelania TheresaMelania

Zudo & Aether

Aether watched as the bee warriors began to surround them cursing under her breath as she dispelled her whips but not the sword. She would need to be smart if she wanted to get through this. Zudo on the other hand simply approached Anthera with a friendly smile. "I beleive your lesser kin may have learned not to attack strangers before getting to know them. I trust you and your band will not make a similar mistake?" he held out his hand to greet the bee woman a mere few feet from her. Yet despite his friendly demeanour magical energy was welling up within him as he preparred his magic for use. "However if you want to learn from experience i can oblige, after all it'd be a shame to waste such a good warm-up." His voice was loud and booming both to intimidate the strange beings and to make his words audible to his allies. Aether just sighed "Sir im afraid you may be required to help me in this. If these knights attack i cannot fend them off alone." She said to the young man whome she had given the sword. "I am Princess Aether of the kingdom of Magi, tell me your name sir."

It didnt take long for bobby's armor to be patched up after all he was considerably smaller than the cars the mechanic was used to working with. He thanked the mechanic profusely and listened as this strange woman said she could be of use to him. He nodded "I can use all the help you can give. I have no idea where we are of how i got here. One moment i was ho-...well now im here. I need to-" he paused for the second time mid sentence, this time for much longer as he wracked his brain coming up with what to do next. He couldnt simply return, he was stuck in conservative mode and it would take at least a day for him to recover, probably more considering the damage. But he couldnt just wait either. If the vorinex started coming through this world would be doomed without a defense strategy. "Where are we first of all?" he said finally after a few seconds.
The Mintoaur's nostrils flared with anger at the challenge and its eyes seemed to redden in rage. With a mighty bellow, it stomped its feet and began a charge at Harloteck, head down to point its massive horns at the lizard. It gathered speed as it moved and completely ignored anything in its path as it charged for what it saw as a rival to its territory. It was still far enough away when Harloteck fired that the blasts did not truly affect it. Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3


As the creature tried to summon another fireball to spit at Sarah, the wave of her power and the water slammed into it once more, extinguishing the flames. It smashed into several other pillars as the water carried it through the subway before finally depositing it on a platform where it tried to rise. Although it was an inhuman creature, it seemed that maybe there was a spark of fear in its eyes as green liquid dripped from every crack in its armor and the fires on its body were permanently extinguished. As Sarah used the water to crash the pillar piece onto its head repeatedly, it roared loudly and then more softly, pitifully, before falling quiet on the subway floor. The force of the pillar had broken through its armor, leaving it a figure no longer recognizable as the terrifying creature from before. Unchosen Unchosen


Eskal saw the man at the door just as he finished off the man on the floor with the strange metallic club. The new man also brandished a strange weapon, though from this distance it seemed unlikely that the man would be able to do anything to him. Growling low in his throat, Eskal turned to face the man, his black fur bristling and his white fangs glinting threateningly. Without a moment's more notice, he pounced with extreme speed and agility, aiming to kill the man at the door with a single bite.

Harima laughed throatily at the man as she held the knife to his throat. "I would like to ask you some questions, get some information. The poison is so that if you thought you could get away with just a scratch to the throat, you'd realize that isn't possible..." She practically purred the words, ignoring the events between Eskal and the man at the door. Eskal could handle himself. She noticed the man she was threatening moved his strange weapon but didn't think anything of it until he fired several times. The weapon made a deafening noise which made her flinch and jerk backwards in surprise. Luckily, only one of the projectiles hit her on the side of her calf, leaving a streak of burning pain and causing her to bleed. She growled in pain but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle, though she wasn't certain what she would have done if it had hit her more fully. "That was a mistake." Her blade sliced across his throat, cutting deeply. FearItself FearItself
After dispatching the creature, Sarah's adrenaline began to wane. Her abrupt surge of vigor deteriorated just as fast, and she returned to her mentally sound self. Stunned at the events before her, she looked at her hands; soaked with water, but she perceived it almost like blood. Despite the mindlessness of the creature, she had commit murder in a sense. "I can't let this miracle become a curse." She said to herself.
Sarah backtracked up the stairs out of the subway station in search for Kevin. "Kevin?" She called out into the open area after failing to spot him. "Kevin are you here? You won't believe what happened." She called once more, hoping the childhood friend would reveal himself unharmed.
Anthera stared at Zudo until he extended his hand, which she looked at strangely. She blinked extremely slowly just once then smiled back at him while extending her hand to take his. "My kin performed their duties for the good of the Hive. Now it is my turn." Once her hand came in contact with his she gripped his hand hard and darted forward, under his arm, attempting to wrench his arm behind his back and place him into a hold where she could use her stinger to her advantage. She was surprisingly strong and quick, especially compared to the earlier bee creatures and the humans she apparently was based on.

Seth looked at the woman who had given him the sword, his expression twisted with regret. "I'm Lieutenant Seth Shrapshire, ma'am. I'm unfamiliar with your Kingdom of the Magi but I would be happy to help you in any way I can that does not involve direct combat. If you need a spotter, I'm your man. I'll defend you and the non-combatants but I will not strike any blows." He glanced at the bee woman while talking and frowned deeply. "That glow around that woman looks similar to yours and the man's. It's very intense. What does it mean?" he asked Aether. FearItself FearItself


"We're currently on a planet called Earth. It does appear you are human or at least humanoid so you may be familiar with the planet. If you are familiar with it, this is a different Earth than you were previously aware. Currently this Earth is in grave danger. If you recall the tear that you came through, there are hundreds more. Monsters and beasts have been coming through them and ravaging the city, which is called New York." Amana recited the information in a deadpan voice, clearly not emotionally invested in the events that were occuring. "If you wish to render aid, I can direct you towards the areas with the highest density of portals and aid you in combat." FearItself FearItself


No answer came from the quiet of the subway station which was now seemingly completely empty of any kind of life human or monster. However, near where Sarah and Kevin had split as the monster pursued them there was a small bag like the ones freshman college students wore in the first week of class and exactly like the one Kevin had worn to the concert. It lay torn on the ground, a crushed bottle of water in a pool of water and several ripped and empty granola bar wrappers strewn nearby. But there was no sign of Kevin, not even a trail of blood. Unchosen Unchosen


"General, we're detecting an intrusion on our network," a man at a station called across the room. On either side of him were others talking on headsets in hurried tones. "What is your position?" "What does the creature look like?" "We have a call registered in Central Park from a Lieutenant Seth Shrapshire. Requests backup and notes civilian targets of instectoid creatures." All of the conversations were in the background as they attempted to react to the apocalypse that was occuring.

"What do you mean an intrusion? Some hacker in their basement is really choosing this time to try something!?" General Thompson roared back.

"No, sir. It appears to be some sort of advanced AI. It could be from one of the invaders. Should I send it to the specialists to have them attempt to block it and begin contact procedures?"

"Yes, do it now. Whoever this is, if they're friend we need them and if they're foe we need to handle this quickly."

With the click of several keys and a brief call, the issue was transferred and a team of people began working on both blocking the hack and trying to hack into the intruder. FearItself FearItself
interactions: TheresaMelania TheresaMelania
Both massive creatures charged at one another both intent on killing the other one, at the point of impact harloteck sidestepped the monster not before on of its horns left a gash in the larazit’s side, the mintoaur came off worse for wear as multiple for harloteck’s weapon hit is body as it was left to careen into whatever would stop its charge.
Sarah took a moment to analyze the evidence left behind by Kevin. She concluded that he might have returned to the car after they had parted ways, as no blood or remnants of another beast were present. She prayed she would find him there, as now she would be able to defend the two of them with her powers. Swiftly, she took the torn bag and exited Penn Station; stealthily approaching the car. She noted the other creatures fighting around the area, realizing her powers would not defend her from all of them especially without the abundant resources she had in the subway. She knocked on the window of the car. "Kevin, you in there?" She asked, unable to see through the tinted windows from the outside.

As the man walked from the docks to the nearby city streets it quickly became apparent that things were hectic. Smoke could he seen on the horizon and the energy readings were going crazy. He was just about to pick a direction to head in when The A.I chimed in. "We seem to have some security problems." the sarcastic voice chimed in his ear. "What do you mean?" akuma said taking note of several people who pointed at him then ran away. He had to admit his angel armor was a bit intimidating so he didnt think anything extra of it. "We have been blocked, and a signal is attempting to connect With our communications systems." Akuma rolled his eyes. "Why didnt you say so sooner you idgit. Top of the line my ass. Patch us through." He said hearing an "Well your not so state of the art yourself old man." Akuma knew better than to respond. Years of working with his A.I let him know he would have been patched through as soon as he said to do so and any extra words would be wasted on the new man. "This is Captain Cosmic, Interdimensional Justice enforcer...to whome am i speaking and whome do you speak for." His tone was one of confidence and professionalism. He knew he could help he just needed to know how.
Zudo & Aether

The burly man let out a cry of surprise when the woman tweeked his arm behind his back. However it was not one of pain but sheer surprise, he had hoped his words had reached her. "I take it you've never heard the phrase catch a tiger by its toe. Let me educate you." as he said this his voice trailed off into a growl and his body began to expand. The bee womans grip would be loosened by his wrist expanding in her hand and finally broken by his skeleton no longer allowing his limbs to bend in such a way. Standing where Zudo once was there was a lion at least nine feet from paw to shoulder, and twice that length. Rather than let loose any more words The great cat let out a roar that shook the very ground and traveled throughout the air as if it were thunder.

The beast was freed and aether couldnt help but admire the large creature. Zudo had only transformed like this a few times yet it was still just as breathtaking to withness the fur grow out of him and his bones swell and warp. Seeing the roar shift the bee's attention to him she took the opportunity to silently gesture towards an ally across the street from the park. Then nodded at Seth to let him know she would cover his retreat. The others who had been saved from the bee's by Zudo's Warm up seemed panicked but this Seth seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. Slowly Aether began gathering magic, she didnt know if the bee's could sense it but if they could they would likely try and stop her, which would be a good thing if it meant them getting close. Nonetheless she gave Seth the signal and braced for the worst.


The moment of victorious joy he had at being able to sneak his shots in was quicjly interrupted by the blade cutting cleanly across his throat. "awww f%&k" he tried to say but all the sound that came was a gurgling coughing sound. His vision faded black and he was vaguely aware of a feeling of cold and the sound of a thud as his head hit the ground. However he was too distracted by the shadowy figure approaching him frpm the door outside. This figure walked through the giant tiger which Anthony had only just noticed was completly immobile. He thought it was weird until he spoted the fly. The small bug hovered unmoving in the air. The shrouded figure walked past Tony and went to the man who had just been pounced on and pulled him up, out of his body and to his feet.

Anthony wanted to struggle and move but it felt as if he was chained to the floor, all he could manage was to get on his knees by the time the shrouded figure made its way to him. Up this close he could see the empty sockets looking back at him, but rather than a skeletal figure it was a gaunt but still flesh coated being. The look of the cloak was actually two large ravens wings curled around the being. There was no doubt in his mind, this neing was death. As its thin gaunt hand reached out to Him anthony mustered all the strength he could and managed to swat the hand aside earning a look of perturbed confusion from the eyeless figure.

it took its right hand holding it out behind it allowing strange reddish blackish energy to condence in its palm forming a scythe. As the creature swung it Anthony was ready for his death to come. However much to his shock it never did. As soon as the blade of the scythe touched him the energy it was made of fizzled and was sucked into Anthony's body. Yet he was knocked back and when he shot back up he once again felt the comfort of his guns in his palms but was surprised to find himself laying face first in a puddle of his own blood. His neck itched a bit but as he raised his hand to it he felt a thin line of scabbing. Also he didnt seem to recall anyone moving but both the woman and the big ass cat were in different positions than when he fell.
"Hey b#÷×h, im not done with you yet, tell your P#!$y to back off or imma pump both of yall fulla holes." he was still groggy and by no means ready to fight, but he had guns and they didnt so a fight wasnt what he was anticipating.

The cyborg listened closely to the woman as she spoke. Surprisingly it all made a good amount of sense. The scientists of his earth had long theorized other earths existed. The question was what did it mean to him. His earth was clearly beyond saving but was this one? No. He wouldnt accept that. This was his second chance and he would be damned if he failed again. "Well then lead the way, im not about to let another world die on my watch." the mechanic looked at the two with an odd expression. "Ya know id say yall are both crazy, but seeing as how im talking to a robot and a crazy lady at the moment i am not so sure it isnt me thats the crazy one...either way you guys dont seem to want any trouble...so...care to leave my garage?" Bobby looked at the man woth a serious look before nodding and walking out the garage door he had come in. Only to pause and wait for the woman to catch up and be his guide.
Milen took notice of the creature and sprang up at the sound of a bellow. He eyed the creature with weariness, attempting to show no sign of fear. He braced his trident, slowly backing up. "What the hell is going on here?" he tried to speak in his native tongue, failing in a mess of wet gurgles. He focused on using his lungs - a new concept - and slowly pronounced words. "What... hell... on here"
((sorry for extremely short post, school is mauling me rn))
Location: Penn Station Parking Lot
Players: Unchosen Unchosen (Sarah)
Not too far away from the bloodied car, there was a groan. Between the cars, just meters away, there was Helrica, lying on the ground, hand over their eyes. Ancient and barbarian, they had no place being in a parking lot by Penn Station: if it wasn't for the utterly antiquated garb, reminiscent of a Mycenaean, they would still have the ancient weaponry they were armed with. All of which pales in comparison to the pair of curled ram horns that grew from their forehead, circling back behind their ears and forward, with points capped in silver.
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Sarah approached the woman with questionable demeanor. She gave it a long stare before readying herself in case it ended up becoming hostile. She drained her clothes of the water that drenched her into the air and constructed a loose ring of water around herself. "Did...You see a man come by here? Kinda tall, white, can you hear me?" She finally asked, not considering the creature might not understand her to begin with.
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Location: Penn Station Parking Lot
Players: Unchosen Unchosen (Sarah)​

This elicited another groan from Helrica, opening their bleary eyes as they pushed themselves up with their arms. They blinked, looking at Aspen, then they glanced to the car to the left, followed by the one to their right. Finally, they looked Sarah over, from the ring of water to her eyes, before saying with an indeterminable accent: "By the seven-wind-stead of Heort, who are you?"
Location: Penn Station Parking Lot
Interactions: NovaAres NovaAres (Helrica)​
Sarah was taken aback by the mysterious woman's first words. Maybe she truly was a god. "I'm-I'm just a human. My name is Sarah, what's yours?" She extended a hand in offering to the woman, examining her further. Her face was brandished with unknown symbols. They fascinated Sarah beyond belief. "I'm just looking for my friend Kevin. We were separated not too long ago." She explained, hoping the helpless boy was somewhere nearby.
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"Captain Cosmic?" A female voice sounded skeptic before a voice, quiet in the background, scolded her - "Just find out who he is, captain." The woman sighed. "Hello, Captain... Cosmic. I am Captain Rhiannon Bellin of the United States Army. We detected you attempting to hack a military network. First, we request that you cease and desist in your attempts. Second, we wish to know whether you are friend or foe? Please be aware that if you declare yourself a foe we will terminate you with extreme prejudice." The woman recited clearly and efficiently before awaiting a response. FearItself FearItself


Anthera leapt backward with a startled buzz, her stinger twitching angrily. "What kind of beast are you?" she demanded over the roar. After a moment taken to equilibrate, she darted around the lion and to the warriors, grabbing a sword from them before darting back toward Zudo and swinging it at his neck.

Seth saw the woman's gesture toward the alley across from the park and saw the brightness around her strengthen. Clearly she was planning to use some sort of attack. "When I say go, we go," Seth announced to the other people with him. As soon as Aether gave him the signal, he said "Go!" and began a crouching run toward the alley, staying at the rear to cover their retreat.

As Aether gathered magic, the bee warriors turned to face her, approaching her slowly but steadily in a semi-circle, seeming to block her from going to Zudo's "rescue." FearItself FearItself


"Hey b#÷×h, im not done with you yet, tell your P#!$y to back off or imma pump both of yall fulla holes." Harima heard the voice, which seemed to be that of the man she had just killed, and she turned with a startled gaze which quickly morphed to disbelief and then rage. Blood from the bullet scrape on her leg welled and streamed from the wound up to her blade, coating it, just before she threw it straight at his chest. "Eskal!" she growled and a moment after the blade made contact, the panther leapt, teeth bared, grasping Anthony's skull in his maw and crushing it between his jaws before backing away. The pair watched his corpse carefully. FearItself FearItself


Amana nodded at Bobby, following him, and then looked back at the mechanic as he spoke. "We will leave your shop now. Be careful and lay low. Keep that shotgun prepared. There are monsters coming. If you can make your way to a military center, that will be the safest." She then raised her hood and followed Bobby the rest of the way out. "We should head toward open areas. There is Central Park up north, Madison Square Garden, and Battery Park next to the ocean. These seem to be the major areas of portal concentration currently." Her eyes seemed to unfocus for a moment and she even seemed to fade slightly. "Though they are changing rapidly," she muttered as she re-solidified and shifted her strange gaze to him. FearItself FearItself


The Minotaur growled as its horn came in contact with the lazarit's side. Although it could feel the hits from the weapon rattling through its body. It rammed into a building on the other side of the square which halted its rampage for the moment. It shook hard, the debris falling off its thick hide, then it turned and bellowed a challenge once more, preparing for another charge. Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Location: Penn Station Parking Lot
Players: Unchosen Unchosen (Sarah)​

Helrica tilted their head as they got to their feat, a gesture which highlighted the golden tattoo under each eye: a horizontal line with three diagonal ones beneath it. Then they stood, leaning against the car to their right. They raised an eyebrow at sarah's extended hand, not seeming to recognize the gesture. Puzzled, they said: "What? Human? Of course you are, but what does that have to do with anything? Why are you wearing those ridiculous clothes and where is this?" They paused for a second, pinched their nose and then continued, with a more constrained attitude. "Helrica Ramsblood. I haven't seen your friend. Or anyone: I just got here. Wherever that is."
interactions: TheresaMelania TheresaMelania Phrog Phrog
haloteck was momentarily distracted by the fish creature attempting to speak luckly even while wounded he had already sent the minitour into a building "i no not what is happening creature only that im am currently hunting this creature" while the minitour turned to charge again the glork and managed to with its four-limbed nature and speedy build allowed it to get close enough to plunge its poisoned coated blade into the beast, the dagger itself was designed to simply plunge into the flesh of any target delivering its payload, for the minitour the toxin would take effect quickly it did little to slow to creature down but only caused it to begin to hallucinate multiple harlotecks and another beings would begin to show up within its vision, harloteck charging back at the creature ready to contuied this deadly dance anew
Location: Penn Station Parking Lot
Interactions: NovaAres NovaAres (Helrica)
Sarah scratched her head before speaking. "I'm sorry, I can do some explaining in a moment. I need to get my bag." She said abruptly, turning to the car. Kevin's tinted windows would be difficult to break, and without her lockpick set, she couldn't open the door. Instead, she channeled a column of water in her hand before conjuring it into a poorly constructed knife, then hardened it into ice. She stuck the edge between the windowsill and the glass of the window and attempted to pry it open, only to have the knife shatter in her hand. "For fucks sake." She mumbled to herself before turning back to Helrica and eyeing her weapon. "Hey, can you break this window open?" She asked her, gesturing to her weapon.

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