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Denji - Male - Loner - Power:Earth
"Yuki, that's a beautiful name. Also I am sorry to hear that. This place isn't like the mountains but we are heading into winter." He turned glancing behind him before turning back to Yuki. "I can show you around, that is after you have slept. You must be tired my den is nearby and you may stay in it until you b come familiar with everything. There is a secondary den close by but it doesn't have anything inside yet." N Nonexisting

Skylar - Male - Healer - Light Pack - Power:Healing and earth
Sky nodded, "My brother brought a rabbit back." Sky stood and went to grab it placing in front of the pup. "I figured you would need something to eat from the amount of blood you had lost."

Tex - Male - Fighter - Light Pack - Power:Wind
Tex glanced around, "Streak, Shaman." He was almost to the lake, he could smell their scents.​

Tyzer - Male - Dark Alpha - Shadow
Tyzer smiled as the deer went still completely. "Splendid..." He said as he let the deer go, "Shall we take this back and get some sleep or spend out night out and sleep through the day."
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Her answer was delayed as she licked the blood from her chops. "You need rest...but there's no reason we can't stay out a bit longer. We don't get much time to ourselves," She said, "Besides...i want to know who else is out here." Alara was curious about who they heard earlier, and why they were out here. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Akeyra timidly swung at the rabbit, verifying it was dead before glancing at skylar. Despite not being used to eating infront of strangers, he slowly fed on the rabbit. "Thank you..." The pup cleaned the blood of his fangs. He wasn't sure what would happen to him in the light pack either, but Akeyra was pretty sure we wouldn't be kept there against his will.

( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising )
Tyzer - Male - Dark Alpha - Shadow
Tyzer smiled, "Sounds good to me, but love... didn't you say you wanted alone time." He nuzzled her licking a few spots of blood from her coat. He smiled, "But I guess we can go see where the wolf is and who he is."
FireMaiden FireMaiden

Skylar - Male - Healer - Light Pack - Power:Healing and earth
Skylar smiled, "No problem pup, now as for staying here. The Great One's asked that we keep you here in the light pack. But that is only if Shaman and Streak, our alphas, don't mind. I hope Shaman won't mind you and Sephera being able to visit each other." He glanced over at the pup, "If you don't wish to stay here then I guess we wouldn't hold you against your will but..." SadSnake SadSnake
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"Well, yes I did. But, my curiosity is getting in the way," Alara said with a chuckle. This wolf may be what she smelled eailier, so she just wantes to know. "He could be lone...or part of a trespassing pack," She added, just to make sure Tyzer would come along. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Shaman - Alpha of Light Pack

Shaman looked at his mate with furrowed brows. He had no idea how to help her and she looked so sad. The wolf licked her cheek, embracing her softly. "My Sun, please tell me what is wrong? I want to help you. You know this. Please..." Anyone could hear the gentle yet anxious tone in his soft voice as he spoke. He couldn't stand to see her this way. It hurt him and with every fiber of his being, he had sworn to protect her. However, in this moment, he felt as if he was not and it tore him up inside. His blue eyes gazed lovingly into hers as he brushed his fur into hers, standing too close.

Amaria - Healer of Dark Pack

Amaria nodded, sure of her abilities to help. She had known of the healer of the Light Pack had healing powers of sorts, but she did not. It would take her longer to heal Sephera, however, Amaria didn't really mind. "Okay..." she spoke glancing at the walls around her. "Inflammation calls for marigold. It will also help with itching and stop any bleeding," the wolf said, more to herself than anyone. She had a habit of that she noticed. "Dock for pain..." The brown she-wolf walked to one of the walls that held a golden flower and picked it up, dropping it in front of Sephera. She stepped to the other side of her den, grabbing a green leaf in her mouth. She began chewing both the flower and leaf to form a yellow-green poultice of sorts. She hated the taste of it, it was too grassy for her liking, but anything to save another she always said. She began applying it to the wounds, gently, careful not to wake her. After finishing with the herbs, she looked to the Great One, bowing respectfully. "That is all I can do."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Cosmos Cosmos
|| Streak ||
Streak smiled softly back at him form the lick to her cheek and listened to his gentle words with a look as though she longed ever so greatly to just tell him the truth, to admit everything about all that had happened and all that she wanted, her smile slowly flickered after his words, eyes filing with tears as she closed her eyes and looked away towards the ground, "I'm stupid, stupid and foolish Shaman that's what's wrong!…." She replied, paws digging deep into the autumn leaves below and claws stabbing into the damp​
ground beneath.

"Why did you choose me to be your mate? Their's so many other wolves you could have chosen! So many prettier, stronger, braver, m-more anything wolves!? I'm just…. I'm just an abandoned pup trying to pretend that she's a leader!?" She began, at first her tone yelling and almost as though angry at herself before changing to much more of a whisper and a small whimper left her lips as she lay down and buried her face inn between her arms, the position making the bulge around her mid section far ore obvious if one was aware enough to notice it, her body seeming to pull away at his contact, maybe these pups had taken over her mind more than she thought, she was so- emotional! This wasn't like how she normally acted, even in front of shaman she could usually…. so why now did she just feel like this, sh never spoke about back then! Shaman never let her because…. Because shaman didn't like her doing it. Those times were different, and scary and of lack of any better or ore mature worshippers they were bad, under all that pride and leadership really did lay a small puppy who'd never grown up, one left abandoned under a tree before they were even old enough to make a sound, in the heart of winter without so much as a clue to who her parents may have been, or who she was meant to be.
Storm - Female - Hunter - Light Pack - Power:Water
Storm felt a mix of pleasure and irritation, "Do you think I am unable to protect myself..." She asked him her eyes narrowed a bit but she still had a soft look in them.​
_Exodus_ _Exodus_

Tex - Male - Fighter - Light Pack - Power:Wind
Tex stopped hearing the soft voice of Shaman. He padded over silently not making a sound, was Streak hurt?​

Tyzer - Male - Dark Alpha - Shadow
Tyzer growled slightly, "Surely one of their pack wouldn't be so bold." But she did hold his interest to see if one would be so bold. "Shall we go my love."
FireMaiden FireMaiden

Sephera - Female - Hunter - Dark Pack - Power:Earth
Nightshade smiled at the she wolf, "You do a splendid job Amaria. I took her to the light pack healer to have the damage done to her brain fixed. I know you wouldn't be able to fix that." Sephera opened her eyes slows, "W-where..." She looked over seeing Amaria, "A-amaria...oh...I'm back."
Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie
The pup attentively listened to the healer. Akeyra understood that a lonely pup in the wilderness against the will of greater one's wasn't going to last long. Especially after him and sephera were ambushed. He stood there for a few seconds. "....what now?" He probably needed the greenlight of the alphas to do anything. Maybe spending some time with skylar wouldn't be that bad, he thought, sitting next to him.

( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising )
Shaman - Alpha of Light Pack

The Alpha's mouth hung open in shock but immediately closed it. He sat with his head down for a moment, eyes closed and thinking hard which caused a crease to form on his forehead. Shaman had always hated it when she brought up her past because inside he knew it didn't define her like she thought. He had always loved her pup-like sense of humor and her ways of thinking. He loved her because she brought out of a side of him he didn't even know existed. Before he had met the kind she-wolf, he was bitter and harsh, only ever focusing on his quest to become a successful fighter. He trained relentlessly in rain and snow, good or bad weather. The day he met Streak was the day he had a spark inside of him that it wasn't just about the fighting. It was like he became whole the moment he laid eyes on her. "My Sun," he spoke, turning his head in her direction with blue eyes staring holes into hers. "I loved you from the moment I saw you. Sure. They are other wolves out there that are prettier, stronger, smarter...whatever else you say. But they are not you." He smiled and laughed a bit. "Whatever the things that make you may think are not true. I chose you because you are the Sun to my Moon. I was cold hearted and ruthless before I met you. I let the shadows consume me. But you. You showed me that I didn't always have to fight. You showed me I could be a great leader. You lit up my dark world when I met you by the river." Shaman paused for a moment, scooting closer to his mate and brushing his fur once again against hers. "My Sun, I love you more than you will ever know. I would have never become Alpha without you. I want you to know that. I need you. I chose you because you complete me. I am not me when I am without you."

Amaria - Healer of Dark Pack

"Thank you for bringing her back," the shewolf spoke. "It means a lot to have her here, but what am I to do about getting the pup? Surely soon, someone is going to ask questions." Hearing Sephera starting to wake up, her ears perked forward and her attention gravitated towards the wolf lying near her. Amaria smiled kindly getting up and sitting down beside Sephera. "Are you feeling okay?"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Cosmos Cosmos

Skylar - Male - Healer - Light Pack - Power:Healing and earth
Skylar glanced at Akeyra, "Once the alpha's get back and are rested we will go see them. I am sure once I tell them that the Great One's wish for you to stay in this pack and we keep up the story that Sephera is your mother." He glanced out of his den only faint rays of the sun started to creep through the sky. SadSnake SadSnake

Tex - Male - Fighter - Light Pack - Power:Wind
Tex stayed silent as he watched his alphas, he wondered if it was the pup/s that were messing with Streak's emotions.

Sephera - Female - Hunter - Dark Pack - Power:Earth
Nightshade nodded, "I must take my leave...I have been down here far to long as to what you tell your alpha. Well if his borther is really worried im sure Tyzer will be visited." Sephera groaned, "I feel sore but okay..." She tested her legs and found she was able to stand. She stumbled a little, "I am rather tired as for now...Akeyra I will get him back..."
Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie
|| Streak ||

Streak kept her head within her paws for a lot of the heartwarming speech, looking away as though still unsure with those big puppy eyes, finally after a few moments had passed and his words had properly sinked in she nodded, "I love you so much shaman….." She muttered, sitting up and resting her chin upon his back, burying her face into his soft and whispy fur before smiling, "I don't know what I'd do without you by my side, you may say I am the sun but to me, to me you are the moon…. And as you know there cannot be light without darkness, nor does it work the other way, you are the twinkling stars far above in the sky that light up my world and guide my path and the warm rays of moonlight that keep me safe at night~" She whispered.

Slowly getting up and after debating it over and over again in her head she took a deep breath, "I-…." She let the words trail off as she stood up, her eyes still glancing away before she shook her head and her twitching ears came to a rest, taring him straight in the eyes with her own, "Shaman I'm-…. With pups." She whispered out in but a tiny voice beauty her words, her face a flustered shade of light pink beneath her coat and her tail curling in a somewhat embarrassed manner.
Denji - Male - Loner - Power:Earth
"Yuki, that's a beautiful name. Also I am sorry to hear that. This place isn't like the mountains but we are heading into winter." He turned glancing behind him before turning back to Yuki. "I can show you around, that is after you have slept. You must be tired my den is nearby and you may stay in it until you b come familiar with everything. There is a secondary den close by but it doesn't have anything inside yet." N Nonexisting


yuki shook her head gently and exhaled trying to forget things."that,that sounds nice. thankyou,denji." she told him and stepped closer with a light flick of her tail in thought. He didn't seem like that bad of a wolf and fairly kind so she saw nothing wrong with his offer as she had decided it was safe to accept it. He was right she was tired, she had travelled a good few days without much rest what so ever. The company would also be nice.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising



shadowz1995 shadowz1995

rune paid attention to her mate's thoughts and shook her head lightly. "awe,don't be like that...at least one would end up like you anyways and that's not a bad thing...." she told him nuzzling and licking his head affectionately trying to soothe him a little. "you're a good wolf and i know you couldn't help what happened back then,you were only a pup then and nobody should have to go through that....there was nothing you could do,sadly. though you aren't a pup anymore now..." she told him shifting over to paw at his side gently rolling onto her side. "you really shouldn't worry though,soma...i don't think you're the type to really abandon me. i'm pretty intelligent and clever myself,plus, i don't think a bear would be able to get inside my tree nor break in....the outside bark is too thick and the only entrance is at the roots,there enough space for us but not bears and they aren't exactly common to see..." she explained exhaling deeply before getting up slowly. she seriously understood soma's worry and why he did but it was also kind of irrational to her. she stretched and poked her nose at the entrance. "the only thing i worry about is other wolves,i'm especially not fond of those pack wolves...one wrong move and you could have the whole pack at your throat literally,i should know...when i was younger i was forced to watch my mother get torn apart completely...even after they had killed her they continued to destroy her body....it was disgusting and vile." she told him and sent him images of a rouge traveling pack that had attacked her and her mother with the events of that memory letting him see what she did.
Denji - Male - Loner - Power:Earth
Denji was glad she had accepted his offer, he could tell she was tired just by looking at her. She didn't seem bad, so he figured he wouldn't have to worry about being killed in his sleep. "Follow me, it isn't far from here..." He wasn't joking either all they had to do was go through the narrow tunnel and his den was on the other side. along with the second unused one. He had made it just for such purposes like this. N Nonexisting

Tex - Male - Fighter - Light Pack - Power:Wind
Tex watched as Streak told her mate she was with pups, he wondered how Shaman would react. For all he knew the alpha could faint from both shock and joy. He chuckled under his breath at the thought, before becoming serious once more. He patted out so both Shaman and Streak could see him and cleared his throat, "Not to ruin the mood but Skylar sent me after you Streak... He was worried I'm sure he would have found you himself but he is currently watching over a pup. Which brings me to my second reason of finding you two..." He said bowing his head to both alphas. Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie Cosmos Cosmos

Dark Moon - Female - Fighter - Zarah's Pack - Power: Poison & Shadow
Moon jerked awake in her sitting position, she growled under her breath. She followed Zarah because she owed the she wolf a great deal for pulling her out of her very dark path. Zarah had once suggested that Moon try being the hunter instead but... That clearly did not work. They had been travelling for what seemed like forever and only stopped here and there. Moon always try to stay awake when the other slept, she wasn't sure if it was out of habit or the fact that they were constantly in unknown places. "I wonder if the others are awake..." She stretched out her aching neck muscles and then her shoulders, "I really need to stop falling asleep while sitting up..."
SadSnake SadSnake AssassinHD AssassinHD Abana Abana

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Zarah was still sleeping. She usually took more rest than the others, prehaps because she needed to use her powers to prevent aging. The wolf was laying on her side, her tail slowly swiping. She never found a use for dens, and the leaves that fell on her body didn't take Zarah out of her slumber.

( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising )
Connor - Hunter - Zarah's pack

Connor walked along the edge of where the pack slept, he only slept when he knew they were safe and this area kept an uneasy feeling within him. He needed sleep since he had not slept in what felt like days but the safety of his new pack came first. "There will not be another death under my watch."

His ears twitched at the sound of rustling, letting him know one of the wolves within the pack had awakened. Not seeing any danger he walked back to where they slept to see the female wolf, Moon, awake. He nodded towards her before plopping down, exhaustion beginning to take his limbs but again sleep would have to wait. He glanced at Zarah, the leader of their pack, she still slept but her tail swiped around letting him know she was aware but chose to ignore. Probably because Moon and he were awake and alert for her. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SadSnake SadSnake
I have no idea what's happening, I'm just going to throw myself in.

Ming || Pup || Light || No powers
The little wolf pup they called Ming leaped out of her den(?), hurling herself out into the open. Ming had quite a long nap. Naps ought to be long when you have nothing else to do, nobody your age to play with. What would Ming do today? She'd explore every area of her home, even though she basically had it memorized. Maybe this time she'd find a way to get into the great outdoors!

And so Ming toddled around, with nothing to but wait for a role player to reply to her.

Aku || Hunter || Dark || Superspeed
Aku was walking in I have no idea where when he spotted Sephera, a fellow hunter. She seemed tired. Much slower than normal. She even stumbled. He walked towards her, though he was pretty he looked like he was trotting.

"Heeeeeey!" He said slowly (hoping it sounded normal and not at super speed to Sephera). "What happened? You seem very tired."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Sephera - Female - Hunter - Dark Pack - Power:Earth
Sephera glanced over to Aku as he trotted up to her. "Um...I should be fine once I get something in my system and rest a bit." She said softly, she was always amazed at how quick he was. "There is a cougar on the loose...and...it almost got Akeyra...now the light pack has him..." Her voice was filled with hurt, but it was all fake. She was glad that the pup was in a good pack. No, not even that she was just glad Akeyra didn't have to face Tyzer. She would though and she could only imagine how he was going to react.​
doneanddusted doneanddusted

Dark Moon - Female - Fighter - Zarah's Pack - Power: Poison & Shadow
Moon stood fully and padded over to Connor, "Get a bit of sleep while Zarah is still sleeping. I have watch covered now." Her eyes showed a small bit of softness, but not much. She and Connor where similar in their watchfulness, never trusting the places they ended up stopping at. Her different colored eyes blinked at him before she turned and padded to sit and watch the sun slowly rise.​
Abana Abana
Aku || Hunter || Dark || Superspeed
The wolf raised an invisible eyebrow at what she said. Who was Akeyra again...? Right, the baby. Oh, the baby. The cougar would definitely be first priority though. But how was Sephera gonna deal with... him?
"Er... Tyzer's gonna kill you." Aku said. "We're probably going have to deal with the cougar too... and Akeyra."
Aku's speech, to the normal ear, sounded awkward. Some words were almost combined, some words had long spaces in between them. He looked at the sky. Dawn was here, with her rose red fingers, turning the sky into something serene and quiet. Many say the sun rose quickly, but to Aku, it was nice and slow. Aku took a deep breath and sighed.
"Ishouldn'tbebother- er... I... shouldn't... be bothering you with stuff that you already know," Aku laughed nervously. "You should get some rest."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Conor - Hunter - Zarah's Pack

He glanced up as Moon came closer to him, her eye color always seeming to amaze him, telling him to get some rest while she took watch. He seemed a bit doubtful to let his guard down but Moon was a fighter for this pack. She was exceptionally strong and reliable in a fight. "Moon. If you feel anything wrong, wake us." He had a feeling she would take care of any problems without letting him or Zarah know.
He glanced at Zarah once more before resting his head against his paws. He would sleep and rest as Moon suggested but he wouldn't sleep a deep sleep until they were within safe territory. He grunted to himself. No place is ever safe. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
>male-dark pack, hunter- illusionist,shadows<

The large dark colored male stirred from his sleep awakening with a small stretch before pushing himself up. Walking out of his den opening his heterochromic eyes and looking around with a exhale before looking up. he turned his gaze to the side seeing aku giving a snort of amusement before eyeing sephera and amaria curiously raising a brow tilting his head. "...heh heh heh. he's right you know...." he told them with a snicker before sauntering off.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
doneanddusted doneanddusted
Sephera - Female - Hunter - Dark Pack - Power:Earth
Sephera frowned, surely he wouldn't kill her, now possibly beat her yes. But kill, she highly doubted that the wolf would go to that length. Tyzer had a bit more respect for his pack than to kill her over losing a pup... didn't he... She growled slightly when Naga came up laughing, the wolf always kind of creeped her out. "I will go rest for now... hopefully Tyzer will understand..."
doneanddusted doneanddusted N Nonexisting

Dark Moon - Female - Fighter - Zarah's Pack - Power: Poison & Shadow
Moon sighed, this small pack was so different from her last one. At least the four of them cared for each other in a sense. Her previous pack wanted nothing but her to do all their killing and so did. She followed her alpha until he told her to kill pups. She had just had her own, she couldn't do it and it had lost her everything. She closed her eyes against the pain the surfaced in her heart.​
Aku || Hunter || Dark || Superspeed
Naga came over, pulled some creepy "Oh yes you'll die" line, and left.
"G-Goodluck," Aku murmured.
It was quiet. Aku turned away as quickly as possible. He didn't want to look creepy. The gray wolf sighed and, being bored, walked (trotted) around the area. He didn't want to talk to Naga. Naga was literally the personification of shadows.
The wolf growled deep in his chest at the images that flashed through his mind. Instinct was already dominating his mind to protect his newly mated and the frustration built because he could do nothing about it. It also dawned on him that Rune just saw the whole story of his family and he rose his head to stare at her for a moment. She just.... took it in stride. Well, that was different...

A low rumble of a chuckle left Soma's throat as he brought his mate closer to him, "Aren't you sweet with words. I think I should be suspicious of you..." he teased lightly

N Nonexisting
(Finally, I can post. My god you wolves get no sleep, do ya?)

Dakota "Frost"


Frost awoke from his rest where he lay in his den, curled up in the corner with nothing to provide warmth - just the way he liked it. He opened his eyes and sniffed the air a few times in this position; smelling the damp air, the dandelion that finds a way to grow just inside the enterance. He got up and pushed away the bush at the enterance and stopped abruplty when he smelled wolves, awake. This was rare, for most people are still asleep at this time, waiting for daybreak. That was why this was his favorite time of day - peaceful, cool. Even the birds were still sleeping. The only noise came from crickets and cicadas. A thin frost covered the green grass, and the cloudless sky shows signs of grey, signaling the sun was beginning to awake from its slumber as well.
Frost finished admiring the surroundings and began his patrol around the dens, checking to see if everything was all right. He wandered by the Alpha's den, sniffing the ground, when hr didn't smell anyone inside the Alpha's den. Frost began to panic, inspecting around the den. There were no fresh footprints near the enterance, meaning the Alpha's haven't even gone to their den yet, or his nose was failing him and they were inside. He pushed away the bush and peeked in, worried, and when he saw no signs of Shaman or Streak whatsoever, he began to worry even more. Taking his head out from slightly inside their den, he looked around, not thinking straight but trying to think. Frost knew their favorite spot to go was the river, but they never stayed this late. Something must be up. He bolted over there, channeling the cold winds behind him to speed him up more.

He saw a glimpse of Tex and Shaman through the trees, but no Streak. They were talking about something, but he didn't fully make out what was said. But he could see Shaman's face, and it was racked with concern. Frost ran faster.

"Shaman! Tex! What's going on?!?" he yelled. A cold gust of wind blew through the clearing and past the wolves seconds before Frost himself did. He saw Streak now, hunched over, in pain, Shaman looking as if he was trying to protect her from some imaginary threat. Frost stopped, his breath heavy. He had just woken up, this is not something he wants to deal with right now.

(Topaz is still sleeping by the way, like a normal wolf.)


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