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Fantasy ~Rebirth: Rise From Discord~

"Save it for later," Galatea warned as she dragged the injured girl next to the wall. She took a quick glance back at Tanaka who was standing firm in place as a guardian to their rapid escape.

Galatea reached into the satchel on her belt and dug through various, small containers and envelopes. She produced five cloves and stuck them into the girls mouth. "Chew," she instructed as she returned to her searching.

She pulled out a small, parchment envelope and peered inside. With a frown, she shook her head at the small amount of turmeric powder that she still had. It had gone quicker than usual, and she wondered when she might next be in a warm enough climate to gather more.

"Nothing for it now," she murmured and brought out an empty, wooden vial. She dumped the remainder of the orange colored powder into it and filled it half-full of water from her water skin. With a gentle hand behind the girl's head, she placed the vial at her lips. "Drink," she simply said. "This will ease the pain."

Galatea spared another glance at the elemental battle. The mages seemed to be holding their own at the moment, and the creature's attention was centered on the battle and not Galatea, her patient and the other girl who had helped drag her clear.

"Once that sets in, and you feel the pain lessen, we'll move you back into the other room," Galatea said. "We'll take a better look at your condition there."
Auria could only blink twice for confirmation as her limbs begin to numb, along with the pain. She was grateful for the help and would express it as soon as she was able. She glanced at the how others to see how they were fairing and inwardly sighed in relief as they seemed to be holding their own. She eyed the damage she had caused and was glad that she had been somewhat useful to the cause before...before becoming unable to help. Auria let her eyes flutter close, waiting as her body steadily recovered.
Jadus stopped flinging lightning seeing the girl looking rather endangered. To him, a woman in danger was far more important, so after shooting some more lightning, moved to where she was.

He looked her over, it was rather a bad condition.

"Doctor here, well son of one. Let's see the damage."

Jadus rolled up his arms, his toned slender body showing, and was on his knees looking Auria over.

He felt over her body, at times using a slight impulse to see nerve reactions. Her body was functioning it seemed, so that wasn't too bad.

He noticed the possible fracture in her right ribs and arm. She must have turned slightly and used them to soften her blow against the wall. Better that than a broken spine and end up with paralysis. The nakle appeared also to be sprained.

"Alright, lets see what I can do."

Jadus cracked his neck and fingers. First he ran his fingers to her outside right thigh and released some impulses, which shut off all feeling and control to the right leg for a temporary time. He then put his hands to the ankle and shocked a few nerves to avoid any swelling and massaged them. After then performing some mobility moves, he let it rest.

Jadus then moved on to the ribs. First and foremost she needed to breathe properly, so put his fingers to her spine, then on around the middle where the nerves where, using the autonomic sympathetic nervous system, dilated the bronchi in her lungs to help her breathing. Right now what she needed was to breathe properly. He however also with a similar way made her lung contract some to avoid the broken ribs puncturing any tissue. Her feeling of releasing some chemicals along with Gala's painkillers have her with little feeling to her body, which was better that way.

"Last but not least, a womans most needed and used tool." He was referencing the slap of women.

First he put his hand to below her shoulder, pressed and shocked a nerve, which temporarily completely limped the arm of feeling. He then using some cloth from part of his sleeve he just ripped, made a sling for her. He didn't mind, it was a worthy sacrifice. Besides he his jacket with hood should protect him enough that he shouldn't need his long sleeved shirt fully. Afterward he shocked a few parts of the nerves so that blood vessels in the arms widened to increase blood flow and allow ofr the injury to heal quicker.

With her feeling to her leg and arm and ribs largely lost, he brought her to sitting from where she was against the walls, then put his fingers against the upper part of his sine, then zapped a few nerves that would release endorphins to the brain and generally make her feel more pleasant. A large part of healing was dealing with the pain, so why not turn that pain into pleasure?

He then sat close to her and asked in a gentle voice "Feeling any better dear lady? I've done the most I can do without sticking my hands inside your body, and that isn't my area of expertise."
Galatea reluctantly moved aside from her patient as Jadus interjected himself. Before she could even begin to assess the injuries to the girl, he practically pushed Galatea aside and took control of the situation.

"Well," Galatea muttered as she collected her medicines back into her satchel, "I guess I'm not needed anymore."

She stood back and looked over to where the fight with the ice creature continued in earnest. Galatea's companion still stood his ground as the last protector between the monster and her. She realized that the battle would probably remain in the outer chamber, and with her attention no longer required for the injured girl, there was no reason for her wolf to keep his position.

Galatea finished putting her things away and picked up her longbow as she stood defensively next to Jadus and the girl. "Tanaka," she called, "tame watashi!" The wolf turned his head at his name, and on command, immediately sprinted back to Galatea. When he arrived, she reached over and ruffled the fur on the top of his head between his ears.

"We've done all that we can here," she said to her companion. "The rest is up to them, now. Come."

Together, the girl and her wolf turned and headed back into the room with the frozen fountain.
Aisha aided in gethorrithe girl to safety. She took up a deffensive psition in the hall of the room in case the monster or anything thing else that could have flowed. She shivered at the sudden blast of icy wind spiraled past her followed by more horrid screeing which caused her ears to ring. She watched a flurry of colors took on the ice monster wondering how she could be of assistance.
Auria lay still and prone on the ground, flinching slightly whenever the sounds of battle reached her ears. She had at first resigned herself to unconsciousness but of course within seconds she was watching the fight from the corner of her eyes. She was beginning to become increasingly worried as the battle continued to drag on longer than she had anticipated. Auria tried to move but it was no use. She was far too broken.

She tried to speak but her fractured ribs wouldn't allow her enough breaths to spare. It wasn't until she saw one of the others coming her way did she let herself relax and mentally breath a sigh of relief. Auria wanted to go back and help but she obviously wouldn't be able to in the state she was in. So when the young man announced that he was doctor, or at least his father was, her eyes shined with hope. She lay patiently and waited as he examined her body for injuries, excited on the prospect of a faster recovery.

Though the second she felt his fingers brush against her thigh did Auria realize that she was letting a complete stranger freely touch her body. A light blush coated her cheeks as he continued to heal her wounds. She had to resist the urge to laugh at times when his hand would graze several of her sensitive and ticklish spots. In the end, she still ended up even more numb than before but the pain was now barely noticeable. She let herself be propped up against the wall, assuming the 'shock treatment' was over and done with when she felt his fingers rest against the lower part of her neck. Auria had barely enough time to register what had happened when she felt a nice buzzing warmth flow through her body.

She felt strangely light headed but alert at the same time. Auria could at least sense the figure that sat next to her but could barely register the words that they seemed to say. She had only made out that they were asking if she was okay to which she answered with the gentle bobbing of her head.

"Fine...completely fine...just a bit tired..." Auria mummered, before her head fell softly onto his shoulder, eyes fluttering closed. She wasn't completely asleep nor awake either but seemed to be in a strange meditative trance where her body was asleep but mind alert.
Jadus smiled. Looked like his work was done. He wiped some sweat off his forehead from the mixture of firing lightning and some precision application just now.

There was just one more thing to do.

"Princess needs to be somewhere safer so she doesn't get mauled again. My fingers can only work so much magic."

As such, Jadus carried her further into the building, much like a princess, so that they were further from the battle.

For now the best thing he could do was to occasionally provide pain relief with his shocking of the nervous system of points and watching over her in case of any emergencies.

This is also to do with that Jadus isn't completely numbnuts and would rather not fight a hulking large monster. Besides, it appeared the rest of them looked far more willing to.

He sat next to her as he paid attention and relaxed next to her. It seemed like an easy way out, but then he was no superhero. Rather actually take care of human life rather than fling thy own to a monster that swats people like flies.

He looked the girl over as she rested. She was really fragile, like a porcelain doll. There was a sort of protective instinct called forward when seeing it. Trust his machismo to want to watch over the female from harm and make their life easier.

Tapatalk is being used for this post.
Auria slowly blinked. Her vision gradually cleared as she quickly took in her surroundings. Confusion than slight panic settled in when she realized she was in an unfamiliar cavernous room vacant of life...or at least that what she had originally thought. With a start, she noticed a figure leaning over her side and in reflex, slapped the unknown assailant across the face. It was only after she preformed the abrupt attack did she realize that it had been one of the elementalists and the man who had healed her before. A fierce blush coated her other wise pale face as she began to stumble over her words, apologizing profusely. What was even more embarrassing were the tears that had begun to blur her vision. She had the terrible habit of crying whenever she gets worked up, which in itself is a rare occurrence due to her otherwise lax persona.
...Well that wasn't a first. Good thing her proper slapping arm was in a sling.

Noting her reaction though it appeared to be a reflex. Though honestly he even didn't mind those that were on purpose. It showed feistiness after all. Well at least this girl could stand up for herself.

Jadus slightly rubbed his cheek and zapped a bit so that the face had no idea there was a pain there. Made a part of his face numb though.

While the woman was seemingly in tears in panic for her actions, Jadus smiled gently, wiped the tears off her face and took her free hand.

He spoke in a gentle, soothing, almost sultry tone.

"Don't worry my dear, I just took you somewhere safer. I wouldnt want the brute to harm such beautiful, supple skin. There is no need to shed those tears which run across your delicate face."

He lightly kissed the top of her hand and smiled gently again as he sat partially crouched beside her.

Tapatalk is being used for this post.
Del gritted his teeth against the onslaught from the massive beasts flailing arms as they crashed against the torrents of flames. The air pressure of his motions alone were enough to dispel some of it, but Del's temper was enough to rage against the beast, fueling the fire further despite the monster's best efforts.

Though even that wasn't enough to dissuade against the monster as it advanced upn Del's form, spouting cold and terror as it's massive form continued to terrorize his presence. "Fassi DelFuque" he'd curse under his breath a second before he'd bring his still burning hands before his form and press more and more of his anger into them, fueling the fires and blasting him back several tens of feet before finally coming to a stop as he brought the thrust backwards to counterbalance the massive show of force.

He'd glance up at the beast, noting the stone that comprised it's core, and placing it at the back of his mind before he let himself be distracted b the others whom had flocked to the mysterious white haired girls side. A part of him felt sorry for the girl, despite his previous notions that she had infact betrayed him. He'd sigh a moment, between tense and shallow breaths, taking in hollow air as he attempted to compose himself before his next assault. Though in all truth, the more his eyes glanced toward the mysterious girl, and the others, the more anger he felt. Be it the injuries the girl had taken, or the interest the others had taken to her, or even perhaps a twinge of jealousy that burned within him, reminding him that he had no friends, nore would he ever. All the same, a new found fire burned within the young man, burning at his very soul, and shaking him to the bone as the flaming river above him vanished into the air, burning itself to simple ashes in the wake of a newfound rage.

Now there stood personally rage, unfiltered and pure. And with it came the personal assault of a flame fueled child, one who had long abandoned any notion of friendship, though perhaps somewhere deep down still hoped for its embrace. "Fassi Dal Mecc" he'd mutter under his breath, cursing once more in his native tongue a second before his rage so filled him that he was unable to hold it back anymore. His hands burst with flame, his feet followed, with the sort of intensity that only existed in the hearts of forges the young man fueled his fires. Bursting forth, and thrusting himself forward by the propulsion of such heat, he was a blur, an after image, lost in the mirage of heat and the blanket of smoke as he hurtled toward the dead center of the creatures core. Arms at the ready, feet held cocked and bent as they hurtled him forward, and off the sultry bonds of the shallow earth, to meet his monstrous foe. No longer did gravity apply, nor logic, nor sympathy, only a fist burning like white hellfire as it hurtled to meet dead rock.

Del would collide with the beast's core, avoiding its heavy set top, and it's sturdy legs, for the solid strike to the weak place he had seen in his brief moments of clarity. though now being so far from it, he'd smash away, hot white hands smashing against the stone, warming it's' surface and burning it red hot with his strikes as he furiously collided and struck away. Meanwhile his still burning feet took hold on its' structure, burning their own personal holes into it's form as his hands continued to collide with undying intensity.

He'd tear this thing apart, if he had his way, and he'd do so as a monster...
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Galatea watched the farce play out between Jadus an the injured girl with a snort. She absently scratched behind Tanaka's ears as she said, "And that's why I keep my distance from most men."

Tanaka turned his head upward and tilted it in an almost questioning manner. His yellow eyes glared at Galatea in an accusatory manner. "I said, most," she protested to him. "Don't give me that look."
The Golems focus on the small fire boy had left him open to the blast from another the ice weighed heavily on it upper half throwing it balance off a good bit but it managed to stay standing. It turned its attention to the one who had cast the Ice readying to strike when it was again assaulted by the fire fueled human causing it to go crashing into the ground. The creature let out another screech as its protective layers of ice and stone were chipped and melted away. Growing angry and a bit frantic it started to scratch and grab at the rabid human that attacked it fully intending to try and crush the smaller creature.

Aisha brought her hand up to block out the bright aura which surrounded the fire boy his aura nearly blinding as he attacked the Golem. She realized that he probably stood the best shot to melt through to the golems cores but couldn't do it on his own. She turned to Xander with an idea. "Xander, try using your ice to freeze the Golems hands so it cant fight back." She called over.

@King Of Imagination @killerlung
Xander nodded to Aisha and brought his hands out to either side, the nearby snow and ice rising and connecting together. He considered the best place to bind the golem's hands. He knew binding them together wouldn't work, but perhaps binding them to it's legs? It would make moving around and fighting practically impossible. Xander brought his hands forward and all of the ice and snow bound the hands of the golem to it's legs.

"All yours."

Del smashed away at the massive monster, blow after blow, hitting it with an intensity unmatched by men. Though it wasn't quite healthy and in no ways reserved, it was pure, and unadulterated. It was essentially his anger given form, given shape, and perhaps most importantly, given a target.

That in mind, the beast took note, being moved and melted by the wild boy it reacted with furious swipes and crushing blows from its massive appendages in order to silence the would-be killer. Of course Del took notice of the movements, the shifting of weight of the beast, the stone as it bent at odd angles beneath his fists, flexing and crumbling as the beast's strength was suddenly directed back towards itself, back toward him.

But Del was long gone, flying by instinct alone he'd blast the beast's core with a torrent of dense flame, enough to send his own body flying from the creature, thrust back just as one of it's terrible arms came to strike, though not quite soon enough to dodge the tips of it's other hand like appendage, as it reached for him. Del collided with the stone, propelled by his own flame into the beast, he'd fall several feel to the ground after the inadvertent crash, his head reeling, his hands just barely able to project enough flame to counterthrust the fall a bit and save himself some pain as he'd hit the floor.

Beneath his hair his head was bleeding from a fresh gash, blood trickled down in warm streams, soaking his already red headband and threatening to obscure his vision. Granted his vision itself was blurry, and all of the voices around him seemed distant, heck even the towering monster seemed distant for a moment. His ears rang, and his back ached terribly, but all the same he'd stand. His footing was wobbly, and his body heavy, but despite this he'd manage it, he wasn't finished quite yet, it wasn't the Rona way.

As he stood he'd notice some girl shouting to some other invader, one of the countless others that he had assumed were his enemies. Of course now they seemed to be fighting the same beast, and as the man froze it's arms, just before it could finish Del he'd come to a sort of basic understanding. Even if they are my enemy, they've made an opening in this fight.....I'd be a fool not to take it he'd think in a voice that sounded so distant from his own.

As if on cue the fires on his body began to reignite, and his body temperature spiked higher than ever before. By now the blood seeping from his wounds was evaporating in small clouds of steam, his cuts sizzled shut momentarily, while a few of his tattoo's began to fade and shift slowly, the black ink quite literally being boiled out of his skin. He'd look like a moving canvas, the ink slithering and writhing like coiled snakes as he began to slowly step forward. His knuckles cracked, and he bit a small cut into his lip, savoring the taste of blood, the taste of iron, and focusing on that single point of pain as if to better concentrate.

Anger was the fuel, but this was the strike, one hit game over, he had to finish things now or else he'd be too weak to defend himself from these strangers, or perhaps even flee. Of course he wasn't thinking long term, no, the pain, it had riled him, had pushed him past the point of anger or rage, and towards survival.

Fight or flight, went the saying, and in this moment, the adrenaline and flames seemed to point toward the former rather than the latter. The monster's struggling roars fell on deaf ears, as Del continued to step forward, with each new step the flames engulfing his feet began to grow in intensity. In fact these flames were now lapping at his stomach, burning upwards in flickering strides as he finally stopped before the massive beast, staring it down as if an ant before a bear.

His arms were now pillars of flames, his body sizzling and steaming at the touch, he'd glance up at golem, though his pulse pounded and the adrenaline raged he seemed somehow calm, his actions slow, and his gaze silent and cold, almost as if he was calculating or toying with his prey. But that was nothing more than an illusion, one that was shattered without warning as he leapt up, as if rushing up uneven stairs each step brought him higher, his feet held steady on columns of flame, as he rushed up, up, up towards what could only be described as the monster's face.

He gritted his teeth, a low guttural growl resonating in the back of his throat as he spun, the pillars of flame bursting from his feet colliding uncontrollably with one another as he fed more and more of his fight or flight, his instinctive will to live into them. In a split second the pillars evaporated as Del leapt from the lengths of dense swirling flame and collided with the giant's eye, his right and left arms now burning white like hot irons, he'd plunge them into the stone, seeping through the rock and ice like a knife through butter, he'd pry and pull and break everything, digging a hole, a crevice an opening in the hopes of finding a way to the thing's center. As if on cue, he'd find a bit that was hollow, cracking beneath his burning hands, the likes of which were now buried to their elbows in the creatures rock like dome. Then after a long excruciating shout, all the flames on Del's body extinguished, and all the flames in the building dimmed, almost flickering out for a moment.

"Get out" he'd mutter between exhausted breaths as a wave of silence washed over the room, perhaps even the monster didn't know what happened. Perhaps it thought it was merely blinded in one eye, or fine. But what it didn't know was that all of the fire, all of the flame that was Del, his rage, his survival, all of it, was now within the massive creature. As if on cue Del pulled his fists from the hole in the monster's head, though as he did fire burst through the hole in an explosive display, sending him falling from the beast as the backdraft of the once vacuumed flames burst through cracks and crannies, through chips and scratches, and through ice and snow. Steam soon filled the room as most of the ice melted by the extreme flash of sudden heat, causing miniature explosions of condensed water vapor and released air to riddle the monster from some of its innermost parts.

Meanwhile Del would fall to the ground in an ungracious roll, finally coming to a stop on a jagged piece of earth left behind from his previous scuffle. His breath would come in ragged pants, his body would ache, and his fire would fizzle out, no longer fueled by much of anything. Del was tired, all too much so from his little display, he wasn't sure if the Golem was still alive, or even if it was planning to crush him this very instant, all he knew was that he was out of anger, heck out of fight. If this was his death, as bizarre a circumstance as it was, he'd accept it, he wouldn't have done Mulani proud, but perhaps Agni liked the fireworks...he always did love fireworks.
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Norman stood back, shielded himself, and watched as the others went to work on the giant ice golem. The small group seemed to know their craft fairly well. The small hot headed fire wielder was an unknown factor, his bi-polar could prove an issue if they were to group up. Every attack was intended to kill, maim, or halt the beast, every attack was well coordinated despite no knowledge of each other.

Norman's shield and Stoneskin protected him from all the monster's attacks and the back blast from the small group. He watched as the wounded got pulled from combat to be treated. Norman threw out Stoneskins to those not participating in combat so they could be a little safer.

After the fire wielder dropped and passed out Norman sprung into action. Pillars of earth shot out from under Norman's feet and shot him towards the golem. At the same time a panel of earth moved the fire wielder out of the way and back to safety. Norman threw his shields at the golem's feet and at the same time he threw out and earth blast towards the golem's head. As Norman fell to the ground he balled his fists and slammed them into the ground, sending a massive shock wave and a plethora of shards of earth towards the golem.
Bound with very little in the way of fighting back the Golem had no deference for the onslaught the followed. The howling wind died down slowly allowing the dust and snow to settle. The large body of ice and stone that once formed the golem was now an unmoving pile of cracked and destroyed stone. There was a small whisp blue light which rose up from the stone dissipating into the air. The blizzard which had taken over the area died down completely allowing the light of day to shine in through the ruins of the Temple entry way.
"Oh my, well isn't this pleasant."

He looked up from where he sat beside Auria. The golem was vanquished and they could now enjoy themselves in the peace of the sun and not freezing cold.

"Looks like we can now enjoy some peace and quiet, which I certainly prefer over hectic battles. Though I'm not sure how those two punch-drunks will deal with a moment of tranquility..."

Jadus did a combination of a small chuckle and a sigh as he sat beside her on the wall. His back was rested on the wall sigh one leg pulled slightly in to rest his arm on his knee. The sun reflected rather fetchingly across his face and hair.
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Auria sighed in relief as she saw the golem scattered in unrecognizable pieces among the debris. She brought her hand to the sunlight, letting the tips of her fingers weave through the welcoming warmth. A nice tranquil breeze rustled through the temple entrance and wound itself around her figure as she nodded in agreement to Jadus' words. She was slowly beginning to become comfortable around this man, perhaps maybe because he had helped her or because she thought he was genuinely good company.

Her eyes wove through the group, their overall safety and health was at the top of her priority. It seemed that everyone was accounted for except for Del, the boy she had been with earlier. She focused on the air around her and smiled when she pinpointed his location by his familiar, slightly erratic breathing. Auria craned her neck to see where he was resting only to have the smile completely ripped from her face. Among the ruined stone lay his body, unmoving.

"No no no..." Auria breathed, shaking her head in disbelief. For one frantic second she had thought that he had passed when she remembered that she had felt him breathing. Though she could feel it becoming increasingly shallow by each passing second. So with unsteady legs, she hoisted herself up onto the temple wall with the intention of making her way to his fallen form. But Auria had barely taken a step forward before she collapsed onto her knees. Her injuries might have been healing but her body was still weak.
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Aisha winced slightly as sunlight poured into the temple and the frigid cold started to subside to a more manageable normal winter chill. Her haze scanned over the rubble that used to be a moving mass of ice and stone seeing no sign of it rising again and let out a sigh. She glanced over to Xander and smiled slightly. "Thank you, that went better then planned." She spoke up before scanning the rest of odd folks who had collected at the temple. All were for the most part healthy and well. The girl with the silvery aura had dimmed slightly showing hear weakness but was still vibrant with life, a sign that she would recover with rest. She shifted her gaze to the strange who had hurled rocks at the beast and felt and air of fight and intimidation around him. What concerned her more was the former rather than the later.

Her her sights finally landed on the fiery aura which laid still upon the ground glowing mutely compared to how brightly he burned before. There was no doubt he had suffered some injury from the fight and seeing as the other's were already tending to the injured girl Aisha figured she would at least check to see if there was anything that needed immediate attention. She approached the dark haired boy cautiously not knowing if he would find her to be a threat as well or not. In the past she had seen others in a state of fight or flight and just because the danger had passed didn't mean the person had calmed or returned to a normal state of mind. Her amber eyes scanned over him taking note that there was no large wound or obvious displacement of bones, though he did look pretty banged up from being thrown about by the beast. She smiled slightly trying to appear as non threatening as possible as she knelt next to him feeling a subtle heat still emanating from his body. "Hi, I'm not a threat, just want to help." she said softly.

@King Of Imagination @killerlung
Del panted in harsh breaths as he rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with the sort of gaze that despite his best intentions, still seemed to betray his exhaustion. Either way there wasn't much he could do about it now, or rather not much he felt like doing, what with the ringing in his ears and the energy he felt leaving his bones. He'd note his vision blurring, coming and going at seemingly random points that weren't actually all that random at all. With each breath out, the blur would come, and with each one in, his eye's would focus once more. It took a while, too long really, but eventually he'd figure it out. So I fought a monster Agni, Mulani....an actual monster.....this time it-it-it... he'd pause a moment, unable to compose his thoughts clearly before finally coming back to the conclusion this time it wasn't the person kind either, nope the real deal he'd think with an almost delirious sense of pride. He'd grin foolheartedly glancing up at the ceiling he'd swear he could see them both staring down at him, smiling with those same childlike grins they used to wear around the caravans they called home. He'd throw up a thumbs up and giggle a bit to himself right as the girl happened upon him, kneeling down beside him she'd assure him she wasn't a threat.

Of course Del tensed up at the sound of her voice, but he wasn't in the right sorts, so rather than fear, rather than anger he'd actually smile. His vision blurred once more as he glanced over toward the girl, "Hi there lady, oooh you're pretty!" he'd cry, obviously a little concussed, and a tad crazier than usual. He was like a kid, smiling and giggling as he sat there, "hey! shuddup Mulani, I don't have a crush on her! I don't even know her...for all I know she could be a m-m-monster" Del would freeze as he struggled to get the words out, his eyes darting over to the girl nervously. "...You-You're not a monster are you?....." he'd ask the question in a terrified tone, but even that would fade away when his concussion fueled attention span moved on, "boy, I hope you're not a monster, cuz I don't wanna burn up any pretty ladies" he'd say that last bit with the same childish tone, but chances are he was far from joking.
He was getting quite comfortable until he saw Auria's face, clearly looking worried. She got up and started moving, but her injuries failed her.

Jadus dashed over and got her, placing her carefully back on the wall.

"Before you worry about others make sure you're okay yourself. Otherwise you'll end up dead, which would be a shame."

He let a few impulses out to help numb her legs where she landed. That should negate any pain he got just now.

"Just relax and heal. There are people closer and more able to hand to help him."

Tapatalk ahoy!
Deeper in the temple, away from the battle and its aftermath, Galatea inspected the frozen fountain and the area around it. That her reason for coming to this place seemed to be meeting the others was secondary in her mind. There was something about this place, this fountain.

She slowly walked around the circumference of the fountain. No discernible pattern emerged which might account for the condition in which it was found. It appeared that the environment simply became too cold for the incoming flow of water to resist, and so it sat.... lifelesss.

With Galatea's affinity for plants and natural things, the frozen fountain offered no sensation of wrongness. Ice froze things – it was only natural after all – and the water in its current state was only a natural reaction of natural forces.

Her attention then turned to the opposing alcoves in the room. Tall, wide columns stretched up to meet the lofted ceiling above. They were plain and unadorned with any markings save for those that endured from their original construction. Stone was definitely not her specialty, so Galatea dismissed the six, cylindrical giants who kept their silent, ageless vigil.

Back at the fountain, for it dominated the room with is still presence, Galatea chipped lightly at the surface of the ice with her dagger. She bored a small, irregular hole half a finger-length deep and still was unable to penetrate the thick covering to access the freely flowing liquid below. Either the conditions had become incredibly cold or the ice had had a lot of time to work against the water. Galatea stopped her prospecting for water as the thickness of the ice continued to deter her efforts.

Tanaka looked on, unimpressed. Large teeth were revealed as he opened his mouth wide with a yawn. Galatea chuckled lightly at her companion. The wolf licked his nose as he closed his mouth and looked up at her with his expectant, yellow eyes.

"Yes, yes, I know," she said with mild annoyance. "I dragged us all of the way up here for no obvious reason and none of this is your fault."

Galatea took one, last glance around the room. There was nothing to be found here.

"Come," she said as she scratched Tanaka behind his ears. The wolf flattened his ears at her touch and closed his eyes as he reveled in the scratching. "Let's go check on the others and see if we can't figure out just what we're supposed to be doing here."
Xander, unsure of what to do otherwise, followed Aisha over to the fire boy. As soon as the boy started talking, Xander knew that he had expended a lot of energy fighting that golem/rock-monster/thing. He pulled out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to the guy. "Drink this, slowly."

He turned to Aisha. "I've seen people act like this before, he's just expended a tremendous amount of physical and mental energy, he's a little delirious. All he really needs is rest."

@Shura11 @killerlung

(Lol, Doctor Xander)
Aisha was fairly weirded out by the boys behavior but kept a slight reassuring smile. "No. I'm not a monster. I just want to help you really." She explained "Just drink the water and rest." she encouraged. She looked over to Xander then the rest of the group in thought. Although the blizzard had dissipated there was still a strong chill in the air. There was only a few hours of daylight left and things were just become even colder. "Perhaps we should move deeper into the temple?"

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