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Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

Ok Your clear. No rule posted against it so Hop in whenever. Accepted.
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[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
Name: Kazuto Kiritsu
"Kazu" "Kazu Kun"

Age: 23


Thread Type:



Without Armor:

View attachment 177331

View attachment 177332

With Armor:

View attachment 177334



View attachment 177335


View attachment 177333

Kazuto was seperated from Kano when Kano was ignorant of the Consequences of becoming a Weaver. They both knew how to battle really well since their parents were weapon smiths who knew how to handle most weapons well. But Kazuto didn't think Kano was not fully prepared. After a few weeks his parents sent his off to become a Weaver too, to help Kano if he was still alive or not.

Reckless, Can't be persuaded unless he knows you are in higher power, Protective, Not too caring for others, Goes with the Flow.

Anything else we should know?:
Kano's Older Brother

Kano's last name is Kiritsu

Accepted. I'll add all the new characters when we get settled into this god-awful motel. Eurgh.... No, gross.
Name - Kokan Toshizumaru

Age - 23

Race - Weaver, Asian American

"Thread" - Smoke



Squad - 3

Personality - He's serious, but with a guilty mind. He's a troublemaker most of the time and violent, but when assigned something stealthy or aggresive, he's right on the job. He also tends to imagine music.

History - He was born into a poorer family, not having all the fancy stuff. However, he always put a great deal of whatever he was allowed to spend on fashion or style. He hated work. Absolutely despised it, so he usually got lower grades due to not turning ing most of his work. As he grew up, he became more of a trouble maker and eventually turned into a thief, just never really caught. He got ratted out once, and punched the hell outuva guy for doing so, but was considered innocent of it anyway.

(More shall be revealed and this will be edited whenever it happens.)

Theme - [media]
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Krekire said:
Name - Kokan Toshizumaru
Age - 23

Race - Weaver, Asian American

"Thread" - Smoke



Squad - Unassigned (Mainly because imma Dumb-Dumb)

Personality - He's serious, but with a guilty mind. He's a troublemaker most of the time and violent, but when assigned something stealthy or aggresive, he's right on the job. He also tends to imagine music.

History - He was born into a poorer family, not having all the fancy stuff. However, he always put a great deal of whatever he was allowed to spend on fashion or style. He hated work. Absolutely despised it, so he usually got lower grades due to not turning ing most of his work. As he grew up, he became more of a trouble maker and eventually turned into a thief, just never really caught. He got ratted out once, and punched the hell outuva guy for doing so, but was considered innocent of it anyway.

(More shall be revealed and this will be edited whenever it happens.)

Theme - [media]
[/media]looks all good to my. Accepted.
Krekire said:
Name - Kokan Toshizumaru
Age - 23

Race - Weaver, Asian American

"Thread" - Smoke



Squad - Unassigned (Mainly because imma Dumb-Dumb)

Personality - He's serious, but with a guilty mind. He's a troublemaker most of the time and violent, but when assigned something stealthy or aggresive, he's right on the job. He also tends to imagine music.

History - He was born into a poorer family, not having all the fancy stuff. However, he always put a great deal of whatever he was allowed to spend on fashion or style. He hated work. Absolutely despised it, so he usually got lower grades due to not turning ing most of his work. As he grew up, he became more of a trouble maker and eventually turned into a thief, just never really caught. He got ratted out once, and punched the hell outuva guy for doing so, but was considered innocent of it anyway.

(More shall be revealed and this will be edited whenever it happens.)

Theme - [media]
I love that man's jacket (<3.<3) anyhow, I can only accept you once you choose your squad. I suggest 3, as it's stealth or maybe 8 (or was it 7..?) that has I think defensive? I forget, and I'm too lazy to go to the notes tab xD But yeah, once that's in, have Aurath give u the green cos I gtg for the night. I wish I didn't need so much sleep *^*
Anyway once your squad is chosen you can always get a trancefer if your not happy with it. Join in whenever. Have fun in it.

  • tumblr_miji64AyRJ1r4hwp4o1_500.gif

    Name: Max

    Nickname: The Demon of Squad 8

    Species: Human

    Squad: S8 - Damage Dealer

    Age: 19

    Height: 6'0

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Max is quiet, laid back, and chill guy who usually gets along with everyone. However, his
    bipolar personality surfaces when in battle with weavers, he transitions from his usual laid back, chilled-out self, to an obnoxious, blood-hungry, and maniacal person. He has no current goal, only to exterminate every enemy weaver on the planet.


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Maxwell Catastrophe] [CENTER][IMG]http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc496/Mr_Malevolent/deathwing1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [Tabs] [Tab=General Info][imagefloat=right][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cEE3gvE.jpg?1[/IMG][/imagefloat] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Name[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]Maxwell Catastrophe II[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Nickname[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]The Lonesome Wolf[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Species[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]Weaver[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Thread Type[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=10px] Blood[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Squad[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]:[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=10px] S0 - Assassination Quarters | Specialized Assassins[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Age[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]20[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][B][SIZE=12px]Height[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=10px]: 6'0[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Gender[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]Male[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][B][SIZE=12px]Sexuality[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]: [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=10px]Heterosexual[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px][B]Personality:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px] [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=12px]Maxwell Catastrophe II through birth said:
Blood Manipulation[/URL] - Specializing in: Haemokinetic Combat (Combat Enhancements via Blood) | Blood Empowerment | Blood Teleportation

[*]Enhanced Blood Cell Regen - Prolonged usage becomes hazardous towards the user | Fatigue | Severe Headaches | Inability of Blood Manipulation | Death

[*]Peak Human Condition - Blood Knights undergo severe-death experiences within training camp, raising certain human conditions drastically; Maxwell's specialties: Combat | Sensory | Agility | Intelligence | Speed | Accuracy

[*]Master Assassin - After dispatch from the Blood Knights, Maxwell studied in the Arts of Assassination: Stealth Tactics - Camouflage & Silent Movement | Fear Inducement | Killing & Physiological Intuition | Weapon Proficiency - Swords

[*]Apathy - Maxwell's troubled past indirectly caused the capability of emotional suppression: | Fear | Regret | Indecisiveness | Worry [/Tab]




  • Blood Knights - Maxwell, well as other Blood Knights are lethal to one another due to the: Mark of Pertheseus. The Mark of Pertheseus prevents the use of Blood Manipulation against Blood Knights; Implemented after the Coup D'etat of Raxas; Cousin to Pertheseus.
  • Anti-Blood - Maxwell is often against the notion of using Blood Manipulation tactic, the cause being his rough childhood within the Blood Knights - Maxwell in most cases strictly uses Assassination Tactics; Rarely does he initiate his thread prowess.
  • Prolonged Battles - Blood Manipulation takes a heavy toll on Maxwell's physical endurance, prolonged confrontations are not advised.
  • Superiority - A stronger opponent than Maxwell himself.
  • Loyalty - Maxwell's loyalty can be distorted into a weakness in the right hands.


Maxwell Catastrophe II. Born into the seventh generation of Blood Knights on October 17th; A well-known prodigy supported by his deceased father's reputation.

The Catastrophe family were within the most prestige families within the House of Blood, granting immediate induction into the facade, disguised as an academy for prestigious, and talented children previously known as The Facility of Excellency.

A young Maxwell, climbed to the top of his classes in a short increment of time. Adopting the name: The Genius of Few Words, for his decisive selection of speech, and genius level aptitude.

Graduation neared, those who passed the final examination would move on to provide within their chosen fields based upon test measured capabilities. The young Maxwell Catastrophe II was soon inducted into the militia; The Order of Blood.[/tab]

[tab=Extra Information]

  • The Blood Knights are an organization/miltia trained by aristocrats from the House of Blood - Anything in relevance to The Blood Knights is plot irrelevant.
  • Squad S0 will be for Master Assassins / Assassins in training.
  • Maxwell due to his Assassin occupation harbors multiple swords, daggers, toxins, and manual explosive.
  • Maxwell without his standard Assassin uniform looks like this:



I'm sorry but... This character won't fit into the rp in multiple ways. It is a very well-made character, though ^^

If you need to know the main reasons why I cannot accept this character, then:

-there is no squad 0. There will never be one, sadly.

-Blood weaving is not allowed

-there is no such thing as a blood knight in this rp.

-there is no was assassination can fit into this rp.


(not sure why these tab things are showing up on my post, its not going away either l:)

[tab=Extra Information][/tab]
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* Name: Cain Fitzbach

* Age: Around 25

* Weaver or Human?: Human, seemingly

* If Weaver, Thread Type: --

* Squad: *Leader of the 7 Sins*

* Appearance (Anime-style photos preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526b5374_AnimaPromto.jpg.dc95bde5d06dc3bf8989a25736c7f39c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526b5374_AnimaPromto.jpg.dc95bde5d06dc3bf8989a25736c7f39c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Anime style)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526b923a_OnlyPrompto.jpg.df3a978c4cfb9ca4dfaf46a2cc38da32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526b923a_OnlyPrompto.jpg.df3a978c4cfb9ca4dfaf46a2cc38da32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (realistic style)

History: Scourge's only son, and despises humans despite being one. Was the one who helped create the 7 sins, and leads them.

Personality: Hates Revnoir and anyone who isn't against him. Isn't as fond of Scourge as you'd expect.

Anything else we should know?: He's the strongest character. About 7 times stronger than Grim for anyone who's been here when we had the whole Grim fight.


(this is the guy who is the main enemy for the next season so he won't be dying. Just a heads up)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526bcb09_Promptomarryme.png.a76823cf12e636f994e51c1d1ab2bf63.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c526bcb09_Promptomarryme.png.a76823cf12e636f994e51c1d1ab2bf63.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jacqueline (Jacki) Mars

Age: 32

Weaver or Human? Human.

Squad: Not Assigned (yet)



History: The second of three children, Jacki showed a competitive spirit from an early age. She would wrestle down all the boys and girls on the playground, and continuously play-fought with her own siblings. By the age of 14, she exhibited great athletic capabilities, and set her sights on the army. As soon as Jacki enrolled in the army, she turned out to be a solider with a lot of potential. She's fought abroad in two separate campaigns, and has a lot of war experience. When the Reapers showed up, she lost her mother and older sister, and her younger sister went missing. She really beat herself up, and at one point turned to alcohol. As soon as the weavers were introduced, she found herself in awe of them, but also jealous of them. With barely any effort, they were suddenly much stronger than ten years of her hard work with the military.

Personality: Jacki has become a woman who has hardened her feelings to advance her combat prowess. She shows respect to superior officers, and requires respect from her juniors. She stays proud and aloof for most of the time, except for every one in a while when she breaks down in private. It's easier for her to make allies or a strong team than making a friend. Her fighting skills are quite good for a human. She's angry at the weavers for their skills, and feels like she's been cheated.

Anything else we should know?: She's a slight alcoholic. Hopefully that won't be a problem.
Mango said:

Name: Jacqueline (Jacki) Mars

Age: 32

Weaver or Human? Human.

Squad: Not Assigned (yet)



History: The second of three children, Jacki showed a competitive spirit from an early age. She would wrestle down all the boys and girls on the playground, and continuously play-fought with her own siblings. By the age of 14, she exhibited great athletic capabilities, and set her sights on the army. As soon as Jacki enrolled in the army, she turned out to be a solider with a lot of potential. She's fought abroad in two separate campaigns, and has a lot of war experience. When the Reapers showed up, she lost her mother and older sister, and her younger sister went missing. She really beat herself up, and at one point turned to alcohol. As soon as the weavers were introduced, she found herself in awe of them, but also jealous of them. With barely any effort, they were suddenly much stronger than ten years of her hard work with the military.

Personality: Jacki has become a woman who has hardened her feelings to advance her combat prowess. She shows respect to superior officers, and requires respect from her juniors. She stays proud and aloof for most of the time, except for every one in a while when she breaks down in private. It's easier for her to make allies or a strong team than making a friend. Her fighting skills are quite good for a human. She's angry at the weavers for their skills, and feels like she's been cheated.

Anything else we should know?: She's a slight alcoholic. Hopefully that won't be a problem.
accepted. heads up, this season is ending soon. There is a second on its way, but it'll take a couple days or so to make the new thread. (also, this is the last character I'm accepting. Thread will be closed for the rest of the time it's alive)

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