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Fantasy Reaper 3: Final March

Asilia listens, unmoving and fascinated. "They couldn't have been that happy...... They aren't here anymore right...... Something killed them......"
"Hoho, you are very attentive." Kirsa chuckled and nodded, making a ball with her fist. "One day, there was a huge meteor the size of the moon that crashed onto Earth, wiping all life as we know it." She made a gesture, slamming the ball into her hand. "But the story does not end there. As the dinosaurs ended, the humans rose into existence. If not for this deadly rock, you and I wouldn't be standing here."
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"The Tsukiborodo family would....." Asilia said. "Daddies jornal is not just his.... It goes back threw the family.... The leather is suuuuper old...... It says the Tsukiborodo family came from the..... N..eph...ilem....?"
Kirsa was just as confused as she was. Nephilem? She had never heard of such a thing. The Reapers were the strangest thing to occur in her life, as well as Threads, though she was still struggling with them. "Are you trying to say Nephilem?" She smiled, pushing the hair in Asilia's face behind her ear. "I have never heard of it.. Your father sounds like an amazing man."
"Daddy was a hero and saved many people....." Asilia said.(know the story of David and Goliath? Goliath was a nephilem.) "And the nephilem..... Where like humans.... But bigger and around with the big lizard thingies..... And ate them....." Asilia turned to a page in the huge leather book and read it out loud, only stumbling on a few words here and there. "The Tsukiborodo family are of the nephilem, witch is why they grow to be so tall. Nephilem eventually devolved do to lack of oxygen caused by the sudden loss of plant life. This caused less bone density and caused slight height changes threwout generations, although none of the family have been less than 6"."
She listened in awe as the young child, much younger than her, was tell her of such a story. Kirsa thought the Reapers were terrifying but these Nephilem sounded just as strange. "I see.. " She responded, rubbing her hands. "I appreciate you educating me on this. You are a very smart girl.. uh.. What is your name?"
"Asilia Tsukiborodo. Director Zen is my uncle... And so is squad 3 leader Rev-war. Yulier is my mommy.... She is hurt bad right now though.... "
"We will help her." Kirsa reassured the girl, however was unsure herself how to help them. She has just joined the main group recently after years of traveling on her own. Many mates mentioned of these people, but never fully clarified of who they were. She let out a heavy sigh, in a way, she was isolated from the rest but that shouldn't discourage her. She has to try her best to help the fellow Weavers.
"Uncle Rev-war said that this company use to be the main unit of Weave... The ones who made the weavers......" Asilia said. She was now worried she was being too talkative. She didn't like to get on people's nerves. But it seemed she almost always seemed too.
Kirsa was intently listening to every word, to absorb the information that was being fed to her. She enjoyed ones company, not many people in the group talked to her so far. She sometimes has random 'berserk' attacks so travels off far from the team, afraid she might hurt someone. "Really? I wish one of them could teach me.. I such at it. I can barely make a Thread."
"Ah! I am in 3, with Revnoir." Kirsa responded with a smile, her hand had begun to start twitching. An early sign that her 'berserk' would start soon but she shoved her hand in her pocket.

Soon, Leah was trudging with determination through a ruined world of white. She was unaware of this, but the Sins' new base was many, many miles from the makeshift land that Weave now used, days, probably, and she was only headed in that general direction. Her guess was off by a good deal, but she kept on, her only hope of finding Weave (to her knowledge) being simply stumbling upon it. Again, she did not know of the Sins' ability to track each other at any time.
Asilia finaly got out of the woman's lap and looked around. No one was watching so she pulled on revnoir's all too big hoodie and walked out into the snow. She liked the cold sometimes. It was crisp and refreshing to her. She didn't know witch way he whent, but she started wandering away in the snow looking around for Revnoir. She wandered for a good long while before she became compleatly lost. Suddenly she felt something strange, something propelling her forward. She senced someone.... A long way off but she thought it was Yulier. She continued towards it, not knowing just how far it was away, or that it wasn't even her mother. In fact she was sensing Leah. Because Asilia was born of two sins, she was a sin too and could track other sins, tho she did not know of this.
after zen finished laying yato down and covering him up he started patrolling again.being with the others had taken his mind off his own problems for a while but they were starting to come back, his jittering became intense twitching and his mumbles became maniacal giggles. he hugged himself tightly and repeatedly told himself to calm down. the way he was walking made him seem as if he had just escaped from an insane asylum but it was his only way of staying calm
Vayne sat down on a log and thinks of what he is gonna do, he looked down at his feet Vayne was pretty down of what happened lately I never drank a good wine since this happened he thought and sighed.
Asilia stoped for a moment. She had no idea where she was at this point. She became scared, and cold, just wanting to get back to her mother.
Revnoir, who could be found not too far from the makeshift shelter, started sensing a familiar Sin had left the base. He didn't know if it was Asilia or Yulier, but either of them were not fit to go out with the weather this bad. He decided to hurry over to make sure they were alright. It wasn't long before he saw Asilia's figure blending in with the snow. He hurried over, his worry only growing. She must have been cold, even with his jacket (which, might I add, has fur?). Come to think of it... Why wasn't Revnoir cold? All he had was a long sleeved shirt that had been under that same jacket. And it was freezing outside.
Asilia sat in the snow shivvering, wishing someone would come get her. She was worried she would never see the others again.
Revnoir hurried over, trudging through the snow, and picked the girl up. He smiled a bit. "Let's not go adventuring out alone, alright?" He said jokingly, hurrying back towards the 'base'. When they arrived, Revnoir put Asilia down inside the makeshift building and sighed. "It's too cold out for you to go outside." He muttered.
"Uncle Rev-war..... I was looking for you..... You forgot your jacket..... It's cold outside..... Don't freeze!" She muttered softly
Revnoir chuckled a bit. "I'm Canadian, I can take the cold." He said with a grin. He adjusted his jacket on the little girl, making it so it kept her as warm as possible. It wasn't thick enough to keep the cold out completely. They would have to find something for her... "Did you need anything? You hungry?" He asked, kneeling to her height as he always did. He acted as if she were his own, which was strange as he never liked kids. I guess Asilia was a different case.

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