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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Cain started laughing even louder. "I'd fucking love to see you try!!" He stood up, and grabbed a sword that had spikes on it. He stabbed Aura in the stomach and started wiggling the blade back and forth relentlessly.

(Gtg in 10 mins, let's finish this up xD )
Lucius shouted his question as he pushed the doors, but they were locked. Now he remembered that he needed to use the tunnel they had dug, and even though he got a little dirt on his clothes and boar, he made it into the building. "Fresh bacon anyone?"
[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Aura was rushing around the bace, looking for someone pissed as hell.

(seems about right)
Aura's composure finaly broke compleatly and he let out a scream of pain that could be heard for miles practically
Cain laughed, having gotten his wish. To make him scream. Zero was watching Revnoir, and had caught a glimpse of the gun he had, but thought nothing of it and ignored it. He'd rip Revnoir's tongue out through his ass another day. The two left, leaving the two Shadow Weavers alone again. Revnoir slammed his fist against the ground, shaking. How could I have not taken the fucking shot..?!

(I'll be taking my leave now. -bows- I'll be back later on in the day to torture Aura some more)
* Approaching Lucius rubbing hands licking lips"

"I would love some bacon even more so if its fresh and crispy"
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Good, I'll grill it then. Is that oven still working or do we need to make a fire? Wait, is that arya who is shouting? ARYA! What wrong!?
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"Kill who and why also yes do you want bacon"

*The smile and joy of bacon gone from his face a bit concerned but still the hope of bacon cares on*
Good, get a fire started. I could also cut some chops for dinner, or do we have dinner already? (how does food work at the base??)
(Oh, does that mean chops from the boar for dinner is not possible? or could he just eat them with his squad/a small group?)
"Im sorry..! I couldn't take the shot, Zero saw me..." Revnoir was apologizing over and over, getting closer to the hallway and leaving his corner so Aura could see him. "I'm really, sorry, I swear..!" He started to blame himself for everything, staring in shock at just how mangled Aura's body was now. It would surely heal, but Cain would undoubtedly do something even worse again.
"You did good.... If you had taken the shot with Zero here our chances would have been blown....I'm glad you didn't fire...." Aura grunted out.

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