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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Daggora Keket

Unlucky in Life ;P
Please Include the Following:


Nickname: (Optional)



Your Gift:




Dorm Mate: (Just put N/A if you want me to assign you one when we have enough people to start)

Martial Status: (If your dating/married/engaged to someone or not)


Other: (Also Optional)
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Name: Daggora Keket(Nickname:Dag)


Gender: Female

Gift: Shapeshifting

Abilities: Can turn into any animal in existence except bugs (But prefers that of a black House cat); Can turn parts of her body into those of an animal; slight telepathy (only enough for her to talk to other in her animal forms); Can understand and talk to animals no matter what form she is in

Personality: Kinda crazy and mischievous, but also nice. Loyal to the bone, unless you lose her respect or are doing something she is against. Keeps a distance between her and everyone else, but you wouldn't know it to look at her, because she is such a social butterfly. Is almost always cheerful and happy, but sometimes she has fits of anger and violence. Can also be serious and level-headed when it is called for. Never speaks about her past, always avoiding the question or changing the topic when it comes up. Rarely shows her weak side, and no one knows that to this day she still blames herself for her mom and 'Uncle' Toram's deaths.

Bio: Her Gifted father, Psy, was murdered by hunters while her Human mother, Mary, was 5 months pregnant with her. It caused her mother to become depressed, and weak. Because of that, Her mother died during childbirth. Daggora went to live with her dad's best friend, a Gifted named Toram. Toram used what he knew from her dad, as well as other gifted shapeshifters that he knew, to teach her how to control her abilities. At the age of 7, she accidentally lured a small group of hunters to her house, which they burned to the ground, with Toram still inside it. She only survived by clawing one of the hunters across the face before climbing a tree, turning into a black house cat (the only full shift she could do painlessly at the time), and jumping from tree to tree until she reached the edge of the forest they lived in, where she climbed down and turned back into a human. She was found by the human police and put into foster care. She quickly learned not to tell anyone about her abilities, or about the truth of what happened to her. She is a trouble maker, so she was forced to move around to different houses and families in the foster care system, and quickly built a wall around her so as to not get attached to people, only for them to leave her. She secretly taught herself how to control her abilities, until one day, at the age of 15 she was placed into the home of Alice and Joseph Blakley, who were both Gifted as well. She lived with them and they help her master her abilities. They also taught her how to fight up until her 17th birthday, when they sent her here, to Raven-Wing Academy.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Martial Status:Single


Human Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/download.jpg.7a9e34773e85c29b30dbdb6003704e27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87380" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/download.jpg.7a9e34773e85c29b30dbdb6003704e27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Main/First Animal Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e085d9b_download(2).jpg.0b7e270dbb5b461fe278da9cd4c1d031.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e085d9b_download(2).jpg.0b7e270dbb5b461fe278da9cd4c1d031.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Is an extremely skilled fighter with bladed weapons and hand-to-hand combat; LOVES salt and chocolate; Has a double scythe that was given to her by the Blakely's as a going away present.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e4cb0bd_images(5).jpg.853a58c724eb956eadcfce171805d541.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e4cb0bd_images(5).jpg.853a58c724eb956eadcfce171805d541.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Morris Harper

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Your Gift: conjuration of planes of light, to the touch they are solid. These conjurations can be used in two ways

1) use as a shield (defense)

2) shot as cubes (attack)

Abilities: Besides having an affinity towards the arts Morris is, for the most part, average guy without any exceptional abilities or talents.

Personality: Carefree and quiet. He much rather weasel out of something than fight or argue

Bio: Morris grew up in a quiet town in the country side, here life was fairly uneventful.

At a young age he learned about his abilities when protecting himself from a fallen branch while playing in the woods. This gift that probably saved his life however earned him much scorn and ridicule by the few residents that also occupied the small community. Due to this fact Morris never cared much to use it and as a result is quiet shaky at best in conjuring. Attacks with this power are weak and drain his stamina quickly, while defense is decent.

Wanting to help their son Morris's parents sent him off to Raven Wing Academy where they knew he would be safe and with others who had gifts such as him.

Dorm Mate: -You may choose-

Martial Status: Single



((would he be ok to join? and are any changes needed ^w^

[QUOTE="Your King Goldfish]
Name: Morris Harper
Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Your Gift: conjuration of planes of light, to the touch they are solid. These conjurations can be used in two ways

1) use as a shield (defense)

2) shot as cubes (attack)

Abilities: Besides having an affinity towards the arts Morris is, for the most part, average guy without any exceptional abilities or talents.

Personality: Carefree and quiet. He much rather weasel out of something than fight or argue

Bio: Morris grew up in a quiet town in the country side, here life was fairly uneventful.

At a young age he learned about his abilities when protecting himself from a fallen branch while playing in the woods. This gift that probably saved his life however earned him much scorn and ridicule by the few residents that also occupied the small community. Due to this fact Morris never cared much to use it and as a result is quiet shaky at best in conjuring. Attacks with this power are weak and drain his stamina quickly, while defense is decent.

Wanting to help their son Morris's parents sent him off to Raven Wing Academy where they knew he would be safe and with others who had gifts such as him.

Dorm Mate: -You may choose-

Martial Status: Single



((would he be ok to join? and are any changes needed ^w^

Accepted! No changes need! :)

Amethyst Rose Matthew.







Your Gift:

The ability to "manipulate" gravity. Gravity on Earth, as we know it, can be explained simply. As Sir Isaac Newton had experienced, if an apple falls from a tree, it will fall due to gravity. Amy's little "trick", is being able to manipulate the gravity surrounding an object so that it no longer converges to the Law of Gravity on Earth.


She's able to lift an object off any surface, and prevent an object from falling onto a surface. For example, if she were to play a game of darts, she could easily manipulate the dart into flying straight to the center, even though she may have thrown it in the complete opposite direction. These abilities have been tested many times, and so far they don't have a specific weight limit. Of course, she couldn't just pull a mountain off the Earth and lift it, but she can still lift heavy things such as boulders or cars.


Although untalkative and anti-social, Amy's far from shy. In fact, she's anything but shy. Never afraid to speak her mind, or point out one's ignorance, she's quite harsh. Though, she considers it being straightforward. Anytime she does happen to speak, it's often in sarcastic tones. She's not particularly keen towards incredibly over-friendly, over-affectionate, nosy people. Amy prefers to remain in her own bliss, free from distractions or annoyances. Rarely, on the most abnormal occasions, may one see a smile on her face. Most of the time, her gentlest moments are when she's taking care of her younger brother, Nick. Though she only considers him family since they're from the same orphanage, he is her entire world family-wise. Since she also has to attend school, she's enrolled him in a private school armed with maximum security and armed guards to ensure his safety. She visits him on holidays, and calls to check in. Even though she's sharp-tongued, she truly cares. She may be yelling and screaming, shaking you all over, but she's just trying to see if you're alright. It's hard for her to express her affection. Tough love, right? ??


The typical orphan story--at the age of six, her mom passed away in a car accident. Being so young, Amy really needed the warmth of a strong maternal figure, yet the drunk taxi-cab driver had robbed her of that. Stricken by utter grief, her father commited suicide three months later, leaving six year-old Amy all alone in a world full of animosity. Passed from unwelcoming relative to relative, she eventually found herself given to an orphanage. Unlike the usual "abused at an orphanage leads to runaway children" story, her orphanage was very warm and welcoming. It was the first time in a long time after becoming an orphan, that she felt like she belonged somewhere--that she had a purpose. One cold, rainy August evening, when she had turned ten, one of the younger boys had run outside, insistent on playing in the rain and jumping in the puddles. The adults had tried to stop him, but he had escaped right between their legs. Almost as if they had been brain washed, the normally well-behaved children all ran outside, each going in a different direction. Including Amy. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, running deep into the woods behind the orphanage. She smiled brightly, feeling rebellious and like one of the "big kids" running away from authority. The rain had begun to pound onto the Earth, and she had to stop and shield herself underneath an area of tree. Ten minutes had passed, and she suddenly heard gut-wrenching screams and the screeching of a car slamming on its breaks. Pale and shaking with fear, she ran back to the orphanage. There were flashing red and blue lights everywhere. Ambulance surrounded the place, and there were dark crimson puddles everywhere. Caution tape had been placed around the orphanage, and the blaring sirens had put Amy in state of perplexity. A policeman had shouted something, and started running towards her with a flashlight. Her tiny legs gave out, and she fell onto the floor. The policeman wrapped a blanket around her, and carried her into an ambulance. It was when she had arrived at the police station when she started bawling. It finally hit her--the puddles were blood. The policeman had been surprised to see her because she was the sole survivor. Her friends were dead, never to be seen again... Or so she thought. A day later, they brought in a cold, shivering boy. It was a boy from her orphanage. Apparently he had escaped the terrible misfortune by doing the same thing she had; he had hid under a nearby shed in the forest, and had lost his way. With no idea what had happened until Amy had told him the situation thus far, they hugged each other and cried for the rest of the day. He was much younger than she was--maybe around five. This pale, shaking boy was all she had left from her once big family. Amy knew--though she was only ten--that she would protect this tiny life with all she had. The same year, when they had been put into a foster home, more misfortune followed. Their foster mother was an abusive, drunk, drug-addicted mess. Constantly, she would pick on the boy, Nicholas, who was much weaker and less-likely to fight back than Amy, who was much more strong-willed. Amy always tried to take the beatings for Nick, but their foster mother always found a time and way to pick on and beat Nick. One day, Nick had accidentally broken a cheap plastic plate while setting the table, and their foster mother broke. Never so angry before, she picked up a big rock sitting in the garden, and hurled it at Nick. That rock, aimed straight for the boy's head, would have killed the boy. Amy immediately jumped in front of him, and something inside her flipped on like a light switch. She stuck her arms out, and the rock stopped in its tracks. It stayed midair, astounding all three of them. Somehow, she could control it. Concentrating, she chucked the rock back at their foster mother, rendering her unconscious. Taking Nick by the hand, she ran with him as fast as she could, never looking back. When they were considerably far, she finally stopped, completely out of breath. From their on, only more dangers threatened them. Nick, who she now considered a younger brother, was constantly in danger. The more she risked herself to protect him, the more of her smile she lost. The once bright, blinding smile that was on her face all the time, was no longer seen. It had been lost, having been exposed to fatal doses of the horrors of reality over and over again. She had encountered so much at twelve years old, and it had affected the rate of maturity. At age twelve, she was more mature than that of someone eighteen. A year later, when she had entered middle school, she enrolled him in Kings Academy, a prestigious academy with top-level security. She couldn't just hand him over to anyone. Amy could barely afford the place, but it seemed that they knew of her parents. They took off a portion of the price, and she sold the amethyst necklace her mom had given her to pay for the rest.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:

Currently single, but not particularly looking for any romance. If a sign happens to come her way, so be it; however she is not searching for love.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.dd253424e654eb8ff0cbfd58630d74e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.dd253424e654eb8ff0cbfd58630d74e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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princxss said:
WIP. ;~;

Amethyst Rose Matthew.







Your Gift:

The ability to "manipulate" gravity. Gravity on Earth, as we know it, can be explained simply. As Sir Isaac Newton had experienced, if an apple falls from a tree, it will fall due to gravity. Amy's little "trick", is being able to manipulate the gravity surrounding an object so that it no longer converges to the Law of Gravity on Earth.


She's able to lift an object off any surface, and prevent an object from falling onto a surface. For example, if she were to play a game of darts, she could easily manipulate the dart into flying straight to the center, even though she may have thrown it in the complete opposite direction. These abilities have been tested many times, and so far they don't have a specific weight limit. Of course, she couldn't just pull a mountain off the Earth and lift it, but she can still lift heavy things such as boulders or cars.


WIP forgive me ;~;


Forgive me forgive me forgive me ;~;

I will work on this, promise!

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:

Currently single, but not particularly looking for any romance. If a sign happens to come her way, so be it; however she is not searching for love.


View attachment 196296

Other: (Also Optional)
Accepted, just try to finish the Personality and Bio before the RP starts so that I know who to pair you with for the Dorm Mate thing. :)
Another head hangs lowly...

child is slowly taken.

And the violence caused such silence

Who are we mistaking?

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family!

In your head, in your head. They are fighting!

With their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs, and their guns.

In your head, in your head. They are crying...

In your head, in your head!

Zombie, zombie, zombie, hey, hey!
NAME: Aoi Rainne Bluestreme

ALIAS: Blu, Rain, Stream, Bluey

AGE: 15

GENDER: Female

GIFT: Aoi uses healing and water attacks. She can use her water to heal people, and so far Aoi can only use a little bit of water for her attacks.

ABILITIES: Other then her super talent for herbs and healing people, Aoi is really good at helping people emotionally and is a really good singer/pianist.

PERSONALITY: Aoi is a quiet, shy girl when first met but she can later turn into her nice, bubbly, cheerful self. Aoi is rather clumsy and absent-minded but she is good with grades and bad with her powers. Although, she is very trustworthy and loyal once you get past her barrier of fear.

BIOGRAPHY: Aoi was born from a rich family, spoiled she was but at school it was a completely different story. In elementary Aoi was bullied and beaten through her days. Her rich parents never cared, however, and told her to get stronger if she'd ever complain to them. She never dare report it to teachers either, worried what would happen to her if her parents found out. Although, in middle school Aoi learned of her healing powers and her powers of water when getting severely beaten by a gang of boys from her school. Her parents found out about this and enrolled their daughter into Raven-Wing Academy despite how fearful Aoi was of it.



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xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx said:
NAME: Aoi Rainne Bluestreme
ALIAS: Blu, Rain, Stream, Bluey

AGE: 15

GENDER: Female

GIFT: Aoi uses healing and water attacks. She can use her water to heal people, and so far Aoi can only use a little bit of water for her attacks.

ABILITIES: Other then her super talent for herbs and healing people, Aoi is really good at helping people emotionally and is a really good singer/pianist.

PERSONALITY: Aoi is a quiet, shy girl when first met but she can later turn into her nice, bubbly, cheerful self. Aoi is rather clumsy and absent-minded but she is good with grades and bad with her powers. Although, she is very trustworthy and loyal.




Accepted! But like I told princxss, Please try to finish the Bio (that means biography btw, I'm not sure if you knew that, because you put biology, and I just want to clear that up just in case, I'm not trying to be rude or offend you or anything) before the RP starts so that I know who to pair you up with for the Dorm-Mate thing.
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Dakota David Yammar

Duck, Kota



Your Gift:
Dakota can create portals. He can make as many pairs as he wants, each pair allows him to go through one portal and come out the other portal. Objects can also go through the portals. If he put portals together he can shoot through the portals. Duck can't make portals to different dimensions and he can't make portals that go to places he doesn't know or are to far away.

Dakota has excellent sword skills and will often strain with swords. He is also a pretty fair chef and knows a lot about birds.

Dakota is a pretty playful boy, using his powers to prank people more then in fights. He is the class clown kid who flirts with every girl he sees and makes everyone laugh. He doesn't seem to understand moments when he is supposed to be serious, but in reality he does. Duck doesn't like sitting in awkward moments. He does find the good in most situations that people would find frightening or bad.

When Dakota was younger it was just him and his mom until he was 6. Duck's mom took him to go see his father, and that was when Duck found that he had a half brother named Nathaniel(His father was cheating and had other kids). When Dakota's mom and dad got back together, Dakota and Nathaniel were raised together. Dakota found out about his powers one night when he was cooking and he ended up using his portals accidentally. He began training himself with his powers, using new ideas to learn more moves with his portals.

Dorm Mate:

Martial Status:



Dakota is the half brother of Nathaniel. Both of them have different mothers, but the same father.

Dakota will flirt with guys, although he isn't into them.


Nathaniel Casteil Corbin

Nate, Nathan, Casteil, Corbin



Your Gift:
Nathaniel has the gift of illusions. He can make thing seem longer, shorter, things can seem to disappear, ect. Nate can only make illusions out of the surrounding area and after 15 seconds his illusions turn back to reality. The illusions can seem real, and sometimes might even be real, but they are only illusions.

Nathaniel is good with guns and is a fair drawer. He is also good at navigating his way through mazes and solving puzzles.

Nathaniel is the opposite of his brother. Only sometimes can Nate be like his brother, but most of the time he is seemingly boring and emotionless. He doesn't often use his powers and when he is it's only because his guns don't work or aren't on him. Nate would be more likely to get into fights then his brother because of his rude and bold comments. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and is always honest when being asked a question, unless if it's an embarrassing one. Nathan is bisexual, although he leans more towards guys then girls and he definitely doesn't flirt with either. Although, he can become pretty seductive at times. Nathan is always serious about things and never really jokes around, not even with his brother.

Nathaniel lived with his father and mother until his mother died. Nathan blamed himself for her death, as a young 4 year old he discovered his powers and lured his mother off a cliff. Once he was 6 his father got back together with another women and it turned out that women had a child Nathan's age named Dakota. Dakota was happy to have his father back, but Nate hated his father and Dakota's mother. Not just because he didn't like the fact that his father would get together with another woman but because his father had been cheating with this woman and his mother. Nathaniel found that Dakota, too, had powers and he practiced a little with his own powers but he still barely used them unless he felt threatened.

Dorm Mate:

Martial Status:



Nathaniel is the half brother of Dakota. Different mothers, but same father.

Nathan is bisexual, although he leans more for men then women.
[QUOTE="xRobotical Loverx]
Name: Dakota David Yammar

Duck, Kota



Your Gift:
Dakota can create portals. He can make as many pairs as he wants, each pair allows him to go through one portal and come out the other portal. Objects can also go through the portals. If he put portals together he can shoot through the portals. Duck can't make portals to different dimensions and he can't make portals that go to places he doesn't know or are to far away.

Dakota has excellent sword skills and will often strain with swords. He is also a pretty fair chef and knows a lot about birds.

Dakota is a pretty playful boy, using his powers to prank people more then in fights. He is the class clown kid who flirts with every girl he sees and makes everyone laugh. He doesn't seem to understand moments when he is supposed to be serious, but in reality he does. Duck doesn't like sitting in awkward moments. He does find the good in most situations that people would find frightening or bad.

When Dakota was younger it was just him and his mom until he was 6. Duck's mom took him to go see his father, and that was when Duck found that he had a half brother named Nathaniel(His father was cheating and had other kids). When Dakota's mom and dad got back together, Dakota and Nathaniel were raised together. Dakota found out about his powers one night when he was cooking and he ended up using his portals accidentally. He began training himself with his powers, using new ideas to learn more moves with his portals.

Dorm Mate:

Martial Status:



Dakota is the half brother of Nathaniel. Both of them have different mothers, but the same father.

Dakota will flirt with guys, although he isn't into them.


Name: Nathaniel Casteil Corbin

Nate, Nathan, Casteil, Corbin



Your Gift:
Nathaniel has the gift of illusions. He can make thing seem longer, shorter, things can seem to disappear, ect. Nate can only make illusions out of the surrounding area and after 15 seconds his illusions turn back to reality. The illusions can seem real, and sometimes might even be real, but they are only illusions.

Nathaniel is good with guns and is a fair drawer. He is also good at navigating his way through mazes and solving puzzles.

Nathaniel is the opposite of his brother. Only sometimes can Nate be like his brother, but most of the time he is seemingly boring and emotionless. He doesn't often use his powers and when he is it's only because his guns don't work or aren't on him. Nate would be more likely to get into fights then his brother because of his rude and bold comments. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and is always honest when being asked a question, unless if it's an embarrassing one. Nathan is bisexual, although he leans more towards guys then girls and he definitely doesn't flirt with either. Although, he can become pretty seductive at times. Nathan is always serious about things and never really jokes around, not even with his brother.

Nathaniel lived with his father and mother until his mother died. Nathan blamed himself for her death, as a young 4 year old he discovered his powers and lured his mother off a cliff. Once he was 6 his father got back together with another women and it turned out that women had a child Nathan's age named Dakota. Dakota was happy to have his father back, but Nate hated his father and Dakota's mother. Not just because he didn't like the fact that his father would get together with another woman but because his father had been cheating with this woman and his mother. Nathaniel found that Dakota, too, had powers and he practiced a little with his own powers but he still barely used them unless he felt threatened.

Dorm Mate:

Martial Status:



Nathaniel is the half brother of Dakota. Different mothers, but same father.

Nathan is bisexual, although he leans more for men then women.

Both are accepted!
Name: Hela

Nickname: Hel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Can raise the dead, Can turn transparent and/or turn invisible. She can also summon demons.

Abilities: She is quite good with blades of any sort. She prefers bows and crossbows over guns any day, and has a scythe of her own.

Personality: Very dark and quiet. She has a very serious personality and enjoys death. She has a soft spot for demons and the undead. (Vampires/zombies/ect.)

Bio: As a daughter of the Norse god, Loki she rules the underworld with Hades. Hades and her are practically siblings. She ruled over the underworld for quite sometime, but was sent to the high school to find someone. (That's all i'm revealing.)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: She's not interested in dating, but I bet she'll find a lover.

Appearance: (Image half of her body is decayed and dead.)


Other: Most people are scared when they see her. She has a very unsettling aura and people feel uncomfortable around her.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Name: Hela
Nickname: Hel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Can raise the dead, Can turn transparent and/or turn invisible. She can also summon demons.

Abilities: She is quite good with blades of any sort. She prefers bows and crossbows over guns any day, and has a scythe of her own.

Personality: Very dark and quiet. She has a very serious personality and enjoys death. She has a soft spot for demons and the undead. (Vampires/zombies/ect.)

Bio: As a daughter of the Norse god, Loki she rules the underworld with Hades. Hades and her are practically siblings. She ruled over the underworld for quite sometime, but was sent to the high school to find someone. (That's all i'm revealing.)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: She's not interested in dating, but I bet she'll find a lover.

Appearance: (Image half of her body is decayed and dead.)


Other: Most people are scared when they see her. She has a very unsettling aura and people feel uncomfortable around her.

Accepted. The dorm assignments are in the Overview Tab. :)
Name: joey nickname n/a age 15 gender male gift: is that he can use ice magic to both defend and attack his enemy personality brave kind apperance normal form
wizard form <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-25_20-26-30.jpeg.ef3357cbb97e07f95de69984e1ab98ad.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-25_20-26-30.jpeg.ef3357cbb97e07f95de69984e1ab98ad.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> bio when he was little his parents were killed by a group of bandits and when he found a ice mage who taught him his ice magic awhile ago and now since he's old enough he want's to become a more powerful ice mage and find the person/ persons who killed his parents



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animefan374 said:
Name: joey nickname n/a age 15 gender male gift: is that he can use ice magic to both defend and attack his enemy personality brave kind apperance normal form
wizard form View attachment 196592 bio when he was little his parents were killed by a group of bandits and when he found a ice mage who taught him his ice magic awhile ago and now since he's old enough he want's to become a more powerful ice mage and find the person/ persons who killed his parents
Accepted. And I have the Dorm Assignments on the Overview Tab.
Name: Willow

Nickname: Little Angel


Gender: female

Your Gift: elemental spirit (can be considered and angel


- can manipulate earths elements

- well connected to nature

- can read peoples auroras

- can speak with spirits


Willow is shy when you first come in contact with her but when you get to know her shes more outgoing. Overall Willow is very kind and doesn't really dislike anyone. She believes she was put on earth to spread peace and love


Her parents died when she was 15. She's been on her own sense then. Willow mostly keeps to herself and watches individuals from the distance

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: single <3




Her in creature form

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