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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)




Name: Carter Bileona

"My name is lame as fuck."

Age: 18

"Why the hell does it matter to you?"

Gender: female

"I got the assets of a girl don't I?"

sexuality: Straight

"Heheh, weiners."

Gift: electricity




Hair: long dark brown wavy/curly

"My hair can choke ya~"

eyes: Green beautiful eyes with some yellow in them.

"I can hypnotize you with them.."


Slim, curvy body.

"Why don't ya just come and see for yourself Hun~"






Carter is not a shy or sad girl at all. In fact, she's friendly, ditsy even. She has a big ego to hold up to, along with her past relations. She has her petty and stubborn moods, not really liking the word "no" and is known to throw tantrums when she doesn't get her way.

She's a huge flirt, flirting with anythingthat looks interesting.. And is a boy. She's known to have random suitors, not really sticking with anyone for long. Most of the things she does with Guys is to get her frustration out, no feelings attached.

Her feelings are hidden layers that she put up to protect herself. If she ever does fall in love(unlikely), it would crush her with confusion and drown her in her own chaos.

She's extremely loyal, not backing down from fights with who-ever threatens her friends. She'll always have their back no matter what the cost is.

She has a big ass ego, bringing it up more herself than others. No matter how hard anyone tries to bring it down, she just brushes it off her shoulder.

She's a trouble maker, going against the rules most of time. She doesn't like them much, always finding herself in the office.






•can start a fire with her lightning

•can send 50000 volts and higher

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_22-44-22.png.10a358a719119ade61514aef3aa5e387.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143372" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_22-44-22.png.10a358a719119ade61514aef3aa5e387.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mizuko Michio





Your Gift:

Life force Exchange


He has the ability to take energy from stuff with a life force (AKA living) and he can use it to heal or attack.






-Strong Willed


He lost his memory in a car accident

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:



Spirital Fox


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_23-0-24.png.cdfaa1b2a721bfd9b3227e406411ea4d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-16_23-0-24.png.cdfaa1b2a721bfd9b3227e406411ea4d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name:Chris Richardson

Nickname: Ryen



Your Gift:Electrocution

Abilities:Being able to electrocute people and objects only by touch, not infinitely however. Doing this will deplete energy and Chris often becomes thristy, tired, or both after doing this.

Personality:Chris is an active guy who sometimes spaces out into his own world. He tends to smile alot at many things and over all likes to be happy. He tends to be a consul and help people out often.

Bio:Being born from Natia and Will Richardson in farm country, Chris was often a happy, go lucky kid. Being an only child, he sometimes felt alone in the world but most times was not. He often did not see his father due to him working night shifts at the local police department while during the day his mother was a baker and often sold her goods at the local bakery shop. On one of the night shifts, Will was shot by minor drug trafficers who pulled the trigger in fear than anything else. Only three years old, Chris could not comprend the death of his father, only knowing the fact there was someone gone from his life.

Natia and Chris moved often, from home to home, just trying to get by in life. Chris grew up well, even though their conditions of how they lived were often in a poor state. He went to normal public schools for a while but that change shortly before he turned 17.

One day from a walk home from school, Chris came across a blue clouded yet vein like diamond stuck into the ground. Curious as ever, he reached down and touched it, but as soon as he did, sparks shot up through his arm and went straight to his heart, knocking out shortly afterwards. When he came to, he looked up infront of him on the ground and noticed that the diamond was gone. He got up and thought it was just him spacing off and he hit something that knocked him out on the way home. Finally approaching home, Chris notice a flyer on his door step to a special academy. "Raven Wing Academy". As he picked it up with one hand, the other sparked up. Chris felt as though he could not tell his mother of this, what would she think of him. So he decided while his mother was out to work, Chris would pack his bags, leave a goodbye for now letter, and go to this academy that accepts people more or less like himself.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Martial Status:Single

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_16-48-21.png.794acbf00b765663bc0cd58a189cac89.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-22_16-48-21.png.794acbf00b765663bc0cd58a189cac89.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lighthouse8477 said:
Name: Sunburst Lightsword
Nickname: (Optional) Sunny

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Lightening powers The ability to control and be able to project Lightening and create a shock wave.

Abilities: Can use his powers to make his sword a sparkling lightening shocker. He is also very good at keeping calm.

Personality: Kind, Silently, Patient, Stubborn, Cautious, and understanding.

Bio: Sunburst Lightsword was always a strange child even before his powers showed themselves. Although most of his family seems normal his mother is actually a Light manipulator. This power was passed down to Faolin but in a different way through Light powers. Sunburst was immediately pulled aside by his mother when he showed power and she told him to go to this Academy he knew nothing about. Now he is arriving at Raven Academy and he is slightly scared.

Dorm Mate: (Just put N/A if you want me to assign you one when we have enough people to start) N/A

Martial Status: (If your dating/married/engaged to someone or not) Single

Appearance: View attachment 306605

Other: (Also Optional)
I'm letting @GingerBread finish with you.

Comet said:




Name: Carter Bileona

"My name is lame as fuck."

Age: 18

"Why the hell does it matter to you?"

Gender: female

"I got the assets of a girl don't I?"

sexuality: Straight

"Heheh, weiners."

Gift: electricity




Hair: long dark brown wavy/curly

"My hair can choke ya~"

eyes: Green beautiful eyes with some yellow in them.

"I can hypnotize you with them.."


Slim, curvy body.

"Why don't ya just come and see for yourself Hun~"






Carter is not a shy or sad girl at all. In fact, she's friendly, ditsy even. She has a big ego to hold up to, along with her past relations. She has her petty and stubborn moods, not really liking the word "no" and is known to throw tantrums when she doesn't get her way.

She's a huge flirt, flirting with anythingthat looks interesting.. And is a boy. She's known to have random suitors, not really sticking with anyone for long. Most of the things she does with Guys is to get her frustration out, no feelings attached.

Her feelings are hidden layers that she put up to protect herself. If she ever does fall in love(unlikely), it would crush her with confusion and drown her in her own chaos.

She's extremely loyal, not backing down from fights with who-ever threatens her friends. She'll always have their back no matter what the cost is.

She has a big ass ego, bringing it up more herself than others. No matter how hard anyone tries to bring it down, she just brushes it off her shoulder.

She's a trouble maker, going against the rules most of time. She doesn't like them much, always finding herself in the office.






•can start a fire with her lightning

•can send 50000 volts and higher

Officially Accepted.

@LokiofSP[/URL] has a character named Columbus with the same picture/appearance as yours so that might bring up a few issues as well.

SnowBird225 said:
Name:Chris Richardson
Nickname: Ryen



Your Gift:Electrocution

Abilities:Being able to electrocute people and objects only by touch, not infinitely however. Doing this will deplete energy and Chris often becomes thristy, tired, or both after doing this.

Personality:Chris is an active guy who sometimes spaces out into his own world. He tends to smile alot at many things and over all likes to be happy. He tends to be a consul and help people out often.

Bio:Being born from Natia and Will Richardson in farm country, Chris was often a happy, go lucky kid. Being an only child, he sometimes felt alone in the world but most times was not. He often did not see his father due to him working night shifts at the local police department while during the day his mother was a baker and often sold her goods at the local bakery shop. On one of the night shifts, Will was shot by minor drug trafficers who pulled the trigger in fear than anything else. Only three years old, Chris could not comprend the death of his father, only knowing the fact there was someone gone from his life.

Natia and Chris moved often, from home to home, just trying to get by in life. Chris grew up well, even though their conditions of how they lived were often in a poor state. He went to normal public schools for a while but that change shortly before he turned 17.

One day from a walk home from school, Chris came across a blue clouded yet vein like diamond stuck into the ground. Curious as ever, he reached down and touched it, but as soon as he did, sparks shot up through his arm and went straight to his heart, knocking out shortly afterwards. When he came to, he looked up infront of him on the ground and noticed that the diamond was gone. He got up and thought it was just him spacing off and he hit something that knocked him out on the way home. Finally approaching home, Chris notice a flyer on his door step to a special academy. "Raven Wing Academy". As he picked it up with one hand, the other sparked up. Chris felt as though he could not tell his mother of this, what would she think of him. So he decided while his mother was out to work, Chris would pack his bags, leave a goodbye for now letter, and go to this academy that accepts people more or less like himself.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Martial Status:Single

Appearance:View attachment 320803
Name: Cecily Caohime

Nickname: CC/Cee Cee

Description: She’s a short redhead, an average figure, a little bit more than the shoulder length hair.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual- leans more to boys, however.

Race: Human with super powers

Personality: As fiery as her hair, she is temperamental at first sight but will soften up if you push a little further.
C O M B A T +
Abilities: Calling upon her flame: She’s highly skillful at it, she can spread it to her whole body and she herself will not be burnt.

Strengths: She is quite fast and due to her martial arts lessons, she knows how to throw quite the punch and kicks that woefully sting.

Weaknesses: The subject of rape and any type of teasing

Items Owned: Lots and lots of hoodie jackets, leggings and skirts, two black leather messenger bags, three pairs of black flats, a first aide kit, two novella books.

Usual Outfit : Hoodie jackets of all colours and black leggings or a black skirt, a messenger bag, black flats.

Dorm Details: N\A
Cecily was five when she found out about her powers, she was too young and curious. It was a warm, sunny day, she was picking some wild flowers, then upon finding a dandelion of her liking, she suddenly felt her hand get warmer and let her feeling get ahead of her and her hand get warmer until a cluster of sparks emitted from her tiny palm. She was intrigued at the sudden burst and tried making her hand warmer, after failing a couple times, she finally did it again, now with a finger sized flame dancing in the center of her palm. That day, she went home with a secret bigger than herself. Never did her parents find out.

After that happened, she got better by applying the ability to all sorts of work; cooking, fixing, lots of others, she also practices alone in her backyard. With every time she used it, she felt the feeling of fire come to her easily, like waves on a seashore, she could call upon it like it was a part of herself. As she attended school; like every other kid, she made friends, even with her fiery attitude, she gained friends like she gained control over her ability. She had two best friends, was dubbed one of the prettiest and popular girls of her school, her life was perfect. Until another one of her joined, she was a little over 14, it was a boy, blond, chiseled features, sweet, any girl’s dream boy. He quickly became popular, girls chasing him in the hallways. Cecily didn’t really care for him, until she was forced to. She was put into a pair project with him, a project that was 60% of her grade, she had never failed but she would if she flunked the project. The project was of scientific proportions and Cecily sucked at science. She never understood why anyone should care about how plants grow or how people move. Fortunately and unfortunately, the boy was terrific at the subject but insisted she visited his house after school to do the project, she had to agree.

School ended and she followed the boy to his house, his house was in a dark part of the city, it wasn’t exactly a good house. She was lead into the house, it was dark and quiet. Cecily was ushered into a small sized room which she thought was a bedroom of sorts then she was left alone. She thought of calling up her flame but she thought either wise. She sat down and waited for the boy to return. A few minutes later, a thud sounded and not one but a group entered. “Um, excuse me?” She started and scooted backwards as the group went on forward without a sound. The group advanced without hesitation until she was backed into a corner. “Get back, you idiots!” She screamed as she kicked a hand that reached towards her skirt. “Pervert!” She continued on screaming and kicking as one snatched her foot and another successfully pulling off her underwear. She was horrified, stuck in a bad situation, her fear piled as she kicked and punched, her shirt ripped, her bra exposed. She suddenly felt something touching her genitalia and screamed,”PIECE! OF! CRAP!” Her fury and fear melded together and in the flurry of hands and kicking, her hand lit up, a bigger flame than she had ever conjured, she was, of course, unscathed but the nearest hands and faces were singed. They backed away. She was breathing in pants, her hand still lit, she pulled herself up against the wall and looked at her attackers. “Fucking lowlifes. How dare you touch me!” Her fire then spread to her whole body and she stepped forward. “Fucking pussies. You can’t even find girlfriends.” She dissipated her fire on one hand and picked her underwear up. “MOVE, YOU FUCKTARDS.” She barked, glaring. They parted and she stormed out, the house lighting up as she walked away, the people inside burning to death. She arrived home in shambles and collapsed at her bed.

Days after, she started joining lessons for self defense and joined the track and field club.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccb9d1d4b_Redheadlion.jpg.28c4b502dfcefa40a8eb5c6e96278926.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccb9d1d4b_Redheadlion.jpg.28c4b502dfcefa40a8eb5c6e96278926.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/gif.gif.6dc2e8b05e07e4871723d516619e7819.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/gif.gif.6dc2e8b05e07e4871723d516619e7819.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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