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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

GingerBread said:
Yeah, I get what you're getting at. But you also have to remember that these are all children. Logically (And don't quote me on this, I'm not a expert of demons, just vampires) A teenagers body wouldn't be able to hold a really powerful demon unless they were strong as hell physically and spiritually, at least I think so anyway.
There's also the point of, this is a group Rp and well it wouldn't be that fun if every time someone started beating him in a fight, he became a giant demon that's almost next to impossible to actually beat, you know?
Don't worry Jamie isn't one to fight at all. The last thing he wants to do is let Arachu appear. There are other ways that Arachu can make his presence known. There are times where he speaks without manifesting himself. The key to Arachu is just to prevent it before it happens. Don't worry I don't think Arachu will appear more than once every 15-20 pages of rping. Besides it gets boring to constantly become a killing machine. At the end of the day you'll just turn into a nuisance which is what I want to avoid. I'd rather it be a much bigger deal so to keep that up, I'll time Arachu's appearances.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Don't worry Jamie isn't one to fight at all. The last thing he wants to do is let Arachu appear. There are other ways that Arachu can make his presence known. There are times where he speaks without manifesting himself. The key to Arachu is just to prevent it before it happens. Don't worry I don't think Arachu will appear more than once every 15-20 pages of rping. Besides it gets boring to constantly become a killing machine. At the end of the day you'll just turn into a nuisance which is what I want to avoid. I'd rather it be a much bigger deal so to keep that up, I'll time Arachu's appearances.
You underestimate how many fights you might get into when people find out you have a giant demon inside of you
What about.... Intermediary stages of manifestation? A halfway point where Arachu only takes partial control?











Your Gift

x Light Magic x

Light magic is Hasumi's specialty. This sort of magic allows Hasumi to do the following things:

x Healing. The time and energy required to heal wounds depends on their severity.

x Increase the warmth around her (only comfortable heat,nothing harmful.)

x Increase the brightness in a dark area.


Hasumi is quite empathetic and good with people in general. It's hard not to like her.



Hasumi is a quite gentle person,enjoying the company of other people and usually liking to spend her time with nature or animals. However,she has the stubborn traits of her mother. She won't back down when she thinks that she is right,specially if it is a matter related to healing.

Considering this,Hasumi is surprisingly sensible. She will take insults personally and usually feel hurt,although she hides it well.

She values independence above anything,and doesn't like to be bossed around. But she will work well on teams,valuing the opinions of others.

It's hard not to like Hasumi. She may not detect when people
actually don't like her,being oblivious to it until they actually start to act in a very rude way. Beyond that,she will believe that everyone wants to be her friend.


Hasumi's life has been set in a particular path since the moment that she was born. Her entire family possessed some degree of ability on healing,but Hasumi's birth came with a prophecy. The words of it demanded that she became the leader of her family when she hit her eighteenth birthday,because she would bring great fortune to the people around her.

That is the reason for the huge control of her parents around her. They wanted to settle every point of Hasumi's life to make sure that the prophecy would be complete. Hasumi felt suffocated,but she didn't know how to explain that to her family. Her entire life was escaping from her fingers,and all she could do was watch.

Everything changed when Hasumi learned about Raven Wing Academy. For the first time in her life,she took the courage to face her parents and change the plans they had for her. She stopped being home schooled,being around other people with powers and learning more about her abilities.

Dorm Mate


Martial Status



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Light magic could be another weakness for Arachu. ^^ anything typically anti-demon could work
TheWingedCrusader said:
Name: James Yecht
Nickname: Jamie

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Arachu (A-ra-ku)

Abilities: Jamie has a demon living inside him. While Jamie has no powers himself Arachu is an extremely aggressive, swift, murderous, six-armed demon. He hardly ever comes out but once he does you will have find a way to burn him, the only way the demon can be subdued. If Jamie is put under incredible stress or is injured, Arachu is sure to emerge.

Personality: Jamie is quiet and timid. He prefers to keep everyone safe and would rather befriend everyone than to let Arachu kill them. Therefor, Jamie does all he can to make sure Arachu doesn't come out. He does his best to be at ease and is always there for others even though he might not be much help.

Bio: Jamie grew up under caring parents. However, when they discovered that Jamie was behaving oddly they became worried. It escalated until Arachu first full manifestation. That was when they called an exorcist. Throughout the entire ordeal, Arachu would speak out and say he only wanted to be "friends". When the priest finally decided to perform an exorcism, Arachu emerged from Jamie's body and killed the priest. After that, Jamie's parents decided it would be better to cooperate with the demon. Since then Arachu has only made minor disturbances but for the most part Jamie and his parents were able to cope. His parents decided that it would be better to enroll him in a school for magic and supernatural abilities rather than normal school so that Jamie wouldn't feel left out and so that he may be able to have better control over Arachu.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance:View attachment 306138

Other: Jamie loves brownies. Arachu loves fear. Running from him only gives him even more adrenaline.
I get what you are saying to GingerBread and I get where you are coming from but having a demon come out when he's really upset or sees one or is beaten to a pulp is a bit OP so I'm going to ask that you put some limitations on this. I suggest that you could say Arachu comes out only when he is severely emotionally disturbed or his rage breaks and once Jamie is normal again he is left with severe physical injuries because come on, you can't say that he will come out of having a demon emerge from him as all fine and dandy, just add a bit of realism into it. Having just fire as the only way to subdue him is a bit difficult because not a lot of people are fire based in this RP so maybe think of some other ways to subdue him. What happens to Jamie when Arachu emerges? Is he unconcious or is his body taken over by the demon's influence?
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I get what you are saying to GingerBread and I get where you are coming from but having a demon come out when he's really upset or sees one or is beaten to a pulp is a bit OP so I'm going to ask that you put some limitations on this. I suggest that you could say Arachu comes out only when he is emotionally disturbed or his rage breaks and once Jamie is normal again he is left with severe physical injuries because come on, you can't say that he will come out of having a demon emerge from him as all fine and dandy, just add a bit of realism into it. Having just fire as the only way to subdue him is a bit difficult because not a lot of people are fire based in this RP so maybe think of some other way to subdue him. What happens to Jamie when Arachu emerges? Is he unconcious or is his body taken over by the demon's influence?

Ok.... Arachu revamp. Let's see. Things that are Anti-Arachu... So far, fire, light etc. Hmmm... What if Arachu is weak to ALL forms of light? That means he can only take complete form in darkness?
Name: Sunburst Lightsword

Nickname: (Optional) Sunny

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Lightening powers The ability to control and be able to project Lightening and create a shock wave.

Abilities: Can use his powers to make his sword a sparkling lightening shocker. He is also very good at keeping calm.

Personality: Kind, Silently, Patient, Stubborn, Cautious, and understanding.

Bio: Sunburst Lightsword was always a strange child even before his powers showed themselves. Although most of his family seems normal his mother is actually a Light manipulator. This power was passed down to Faolin but in a different way through Light powers. Sunburst was immediately pulled aside by his mother when he showed power and she told him to go to this Academy he knew nothing about. Now he is arriving at Raven Academy and he is slightly scared.

Dorm Mate: (Just put N/A if you want me to assign you one when we have enough people to start) N/A

Martial Status: (If your dating/married/engaged to someone or not) Single

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-27_19-42-59.png.0bd94364fa1bcfe9a94ecf5dcae84816.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-27_19-42-59.png.0bd94364fa1bcfe9a94ecf5dcae84816.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: (Also Optional)



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Lighthouse8477 said:
Name: Sunburst Lightsword
Nickname: (Optional) Sunny

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Energy Projection The ability to control and be able to project all forms of energy. (He uses mostly light and fire energy.)

Abilities: Can use his energy projection to make his sword a blazing inferno. He is also very good at keeping calm.

Personality: Kind, Silently, Patient, Stubborn, Cautious, and understanding.

Bio: Sunburst Lightsword was always a strange child even before his powers showed themselves. Although most of his family seems normal his mother is actually a Light manipulator. This power was passed down to Faolin but in a different way through Energy Projection. Sunburst was immediately pulled aside by his mother when he showed power and she told him to go to this Academy he knew nothing about. Now he is arriving at Raven Academy and he is slightly scared.

Dorm Mate: (Just put N/A if you want me to assign you one when we have enough people to start) N/A

Martial Status: (If your dating/married/engaged to someone or not) Single

Appearance: View attachment 306605

Other: (Also Optional)
So what exactly is the limit on his power? Can he just control all forms of energy? Light, Dark, fire, wind, water etc?
His limit is that he can only control energy forms that have some light in it. So that would be light, Lightening, and fire. It's that way because his mother was a light manipulator. I could have it that he can control all forms of energy but I thought that was to OP. If it isn't to OP then I'd keep his power at being able to control all energy forms.
Lighthouse8477 said:
His limit is that he can only control energy forms that have some light in it. So that would be light, Lightening, and fire. It's that way because his mother was a light manipulator. I could have it that he can control all forms of energy but I thought that was to OP. If it isn't to OP then I'd keep his power at being able to control all energy forms.
No it's op enough as it is.

What's the the limit of the 'light based' energy powers then? Cause, it wouldn't be fair to let you walk in with three or more different types of powers when pretty much everyone people only has one or even no powers like that, would it?
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Well Light would be his most powerful energy. Followed by Lightening then Fire. I would say that he can only use his powers for a short amount of time since it drains his energy and causes him to black out if he uses to much. He is also venerable to anything dark. He would also not last in a long power due to the amount of energy his power uses. Would that work?
Lighthouse8477 said:
Well Light would be his most powerful energy. Followed by Lightening then Fire. I would say that he can only use his powers for a short amount of time since it drains his energy and causes him to black out if he uses to much. He is also venerable to anything dark. He would also not last in a long power due to the amount of energy his power uses. Would that work?
So you'd have your character black out in a fight to the death?

Honestly, having three different types of powers (Or maybe more) Doesn't make me confident in accepting this character.

Also if he can't use his powers for long, then what's the point of him even using them in the first place?
Well I could just limit his power to one. I'll go back and change it so he can only shoot lightening blast from his hands and create a wave of electricity when he punches the ground that only has a blast radius of ten feet. How does that sound?

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Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

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GingerBread said:
So you'd have your character black out in a fight to the death?
Honestly, having three different types of powers (Or maybe more) Doesn't make me confident in accepting this character.

Also if he can't use his powers for long, then what's the point of him even using them in the first place?
I have a request to join in if it's not a issue
Temmeh said:



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

This isn't in our character skeleton. Also, you might want to format it a bit better.

Oh and, his history/bio/power origin dictates stuff that's going (Gone?) on in this rp's universe. Which would be untrue, because that's not how this Rp is set up
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Lighthouse8477 said:
Well I could just limit his power to one. I'll go back and change it so he can only shoot lightening blast from his hands and create a wave of electricity when he punches the ground that only has a blast radius of ten feet. How does that sound?
That sounds better, but I think ten feet might be too large.


Jayden Capello


Jay, is sometimes called The Author when talked about in secret







Your Gift:

Literary Manipulation

Abilities: (This may seem like a lot of abilities but most of them are useless in a fight.)

Word Manipulation

Jayden can manipulate any form of writing even digitally. He can forge anyone's signature and writing/handwriting, translate and understand any language if in writing (he can't speak it), read anything within his sight instantly even if the actual words aren't visible (Ex. Reading a closed book or a computer screen facing away from him), Copy and paste anything he reads/hears, and lastly he do all this with his mind so he doesn't need to actually physically write (The words just appear on the page).


Jayden can control objects with his mind that have to do with writing. Such as pens, pencils, paper, keyboards, books, computer monitors, paint brushes etc.

(He will give you all the paper cuts MUAHAHAHHAHA :smile5: )

Literary Animation

Jayden is able to give life to the same objects he can move with his mind. (Ex. Making living origami figures using paper) this also works with drawings and art that act as harmless animations. Using a lot more energy Jayden can create golems out of books etc. that are controlled by him. He usually doesn't do this because there would have to be a large quantity of matter he can control. (Perhaps in a library, classroom, or computer lab) Note: Golems do not have to be made up of just books or just keyboards etc they can be combined to make one golem. The golems are mostly glass cannons as they pack a large punch but can be destroyed fairly easily (I mean come on they can be made out of paper and books)




You might be expecting that Jayden is a total nerd because of his powers but he is quite a rebel. He is very carefree but drives for success. He cares greatly for those that are close to him but can be selfish and cynical at times . Academically he is smart but unmotivated using his powers to cheat a lot even though he probably would've done well if he didn't. He is very secretive about how he can cheat on school work and can help other people cheat only telling people he believes he can trust and not spill the beans to any other student or worse a teacher. Jayden is talked about as The Author to people who know about what he does. He will respect and be friendly to people who do the same to him but does not take shit from anyone. He gets bored easily and gets impatient. Jayden is a trouble maker and likes to mess up other students and teachers with his powers. These are usually harmless pranks unless he doesn't like the person. He will resort to extremes to keep his secrets with threats, blackmail, etc. He does not enjoy doing this but sees it as necessary.


Jayden lived a normal life not realizing he had powers until the age of 15. He than began to use them secretly to cheat and got caught at the age of 16 using his powers when a teacher walking by noticed that the words on Jayden's paper were appearing extremely quickly while his hand was only pretending to write. His parents quickly sent him to Raven Wing Academy before he would be killed by the hunters. They later claimed that Jayden ran away and didn't come back. When he arrived he originally thought he would be put down because how his power is different than most, but found out quickly it was embraced.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:



Only thing different is his skin colour he is 19 on Von Luschan's chromatic scale. It's not a big difference but I think it should be stated.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/dc174044545ed54344ecea313f003c3a.jpg.7c7198390975bd0f50a223c2fcc6c3b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/dc174044545ed54344ecea313f003c3a.jpg.7c7198390975bd0f50a223c2fcc6c3b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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"Uh... Alright..."

Astrien Germann


"Call me that only if I give you permission. If not, I'll rip your blood away."



"How rude."





Your Gift:

"Why would you like to know?"

Shadow/Darkness Bending (Still in training)


Doesn't have full control over all her abilities yet. Here is a list of those she does.

Move shadows

She can alter shapes of shadows, and make them move around at her will

Turn into a shadow

FOR LIMITED TIME: Can turn herself into a shadow, and Run through the shadows

Materialize Darkness

She can fashion weapons, keys, or any object or animal out of Darkness at her will. Items will last for around an hour before she tires herself

Run through shadows

When she turns into a shadow, she can run through them. This is a very effective way of moving around. Shadows are incredibly fast, but she can only run for a couple of minutes before tiring herself.

Give life to Shadows/Dark objects she creates

She can give shadows their own minds, and give life to the animals she creates out of darkness.

Create shadow limbs.

She can create shadow limbs anywhere, from another persons body, to walls and trees. It can be an ear, an arm, a leg, a nose, anything that's on her body.

Shadow 'Gravity'

She can manipulate her mass (some people say gravity, but she prefers the term mass) so she can sit on walls, ceilings, or basically anywhere a normal person can't.

Dark Shield

She can make a shield around her that will bounce off spells, but anything sharp can cut right through.



Astrien is nice and sweet... If you know her. She has a sadistic humor, and loves gore. Can be a total bitch once in a while, and isn't the most sociable creature. She has sudden mood swings very often, so try not to piss her off. Astrien likes being near water, or in a place with a lot of shadows. She loves playing with the shadows, and hates being interrupted. It's very easy to make her sad, happy, or inflict pain to her. Astrien is very flirtatious, despite being antisocial. She will flirt with anything that moves, even if she won't say it. Needless to say, this little girl loves to cuss. Her life would be empty without it.


Astrien was born in a normal village, surrounded by normal people. She was a little outcast. Never having friends, she enjoyed her own company, and the man in her head. He tells her to do things, and sometimes she does. Once her powers began to manifest, she still had no control over them. It first appeared when a group of girls walked up to her when she was speaking to it. The girls began shoving her around, calling her a freak. Astrien snapped. Limbs popped out of the floor, choking most of them. One of the girls had her neck snapped. After that, Astrien passed out. She woke up in her home. The villagers were claiming she was a witch, and her parents couldn't believe it. But the sings were there. They packed her a bag, and sent her off. Astrien learned to survive in the forest, learning to use a few of her abilities. She never had full control of them. Up to today she doesn't either. One day, she came upon the Academy. Astrien has remained there back from when she was 6. She knows the place like the palm of her hand. Well, she had some help. She could make her eye appear in any room. Astrien loved scaring the teachers, but they soon got used to it.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:

"I plan to remain like this."



"You have eyes...."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.07467f3ed34f7cccd992b2cc4983cb59.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.07467f3ed34f7cccd992b2cc4983cb59.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Come and see, bitch."

She stands at 5'3, and has the curvy hourglass body shape. Her hair reaches down to her knees. Astrien weighs 135lbs. But don't tell her that.


Her sanity was depleted down to nearly half. Sometimes you'll see her laughing with herself in her room, or in the closet. Sometimes she sits on the ceiling with the help of the shadows when she laughs. Or just disappears into the shadows.

((I do realize she is slightly OP, but I swear I won't overuse it. She doesn't even know how to use them properly anyways xD ))​



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