Other Random question of the day

Nah, this is Erin.

Oh, you were expecting me to say Patrick? Eh, expectations are boring.
League of Legends. And I would assume other similar games that involve competition and team play
Overwatch. People are brutal if your pick isn't "meta enough" and will often scream at you in VC to change your hero, even more so in Ranked.
No. There aren't as many housewives as there are discount toasters.
One time I can think of getting close to that (I never honestly lose my shit) is when I was at my friend’s house and we were shooting. My intelligent friend decided it would be funny to point a loaded gun at me. I almost flipped my shit then, especially because a round was chambered and the magazine was fully loaded. His excuse was, “the safety was on,” which made me even more pissed as that was his excuse. I take firearm safety very seriously when I’m shooting, so reckless stuff like that is how accidents occur.
When I was nine, I let my cousin play on my DS so he could play Pokemon Diamond at a family gathering. I had just gotten Torterra.

He started a new game.
I'd love to see that lmao. Gordon Ramsay gets loud and in-your-face whenever he tells someone to fuck off whereas Simon is more snide and matter-of-fact when it comes to roasting people alive. If it came down to creativity, though, I think Gordon would win.

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