Other Random question of the day

I would say it depends. If the song is given a diagetic reason for the song’s existence in-universe then it’s not a fourth wall break (in such a situation the opening song is borrowing from an in-universe element), otherwise I’d say it is.
No answers yesterday. Eh...

Random question of the day:

Is it true that when actors become best known for a certain role, we actually start seeing them as said character regardless of what other role the actor has played?
I mean yeah kinda. I doubt I’m the only one who thinks “Tony Stark” or “Iron Man” before his actual name when I see Robert Downey Jr.

I imagine it’s less common for people more in touch with celebrity culture or who follow movies more around stars/celebrities, and it’s not as though I actually think the guy is the character I just think do the character first. Still there is some truth to the statement.
yes, but also no? i agree with Idea Idea about RDJ cos even if I do recognize him by his name, he is immortalized as Tony Stark to me.
harry potter will always be daniel radcliffe, but i don't think daniel radcliffe is just harry potter anymore! i agree with the sentiment that after how successful HP was he's been able to just have fun with his other projects and i think that has really enabled him to move past the boy who lived. i loooved swiss army man and have been meaning to watch some of the other projects he's been a part of!
Oh my family and I will jokingly cling on to any significant role an actor takes, regardless of if it came first or not. Like when Tom Ellis started in the show "Lucifer", and then I went back and watched Doctor Who and found him in a couple of episodes.

Just point at the screen and go "that's not his name!! He's THE DEVIL!!"

The effect is magnified a ton if the actor makes a really big impact as a villain XD "Don't trust him!!"
maybe because it's in the family of 69 if you know what it mean so the number six has no chance in the first place.
Six isn't red pilled and based as fuck where as 7 can see the invisible hand of the free market
No answers yesterday. Oh well.

Random question of the day:

How well do movies about seemingly human beings that turn out to be creatures of the sea generally sell the subtle foreshadowing of the main character's true origins as the movies' storylines progress?
Again, no answers yesterday. Eh.

Random question of the day:

Would Denzel Crocker (Fairly Odd Parents) have refrained from ruining his life on March 15, 1972 if Cosmo and Wanda had told him revealing the existence of Fairy Godparents with humans was against Da Rules?
Random question of the day:

Why do some video game characters use stock voice clips of other (and completely unrelated) fictional characters?
Hi, I hope you don’t mind if I answer this older question, instead (since this is the one I might be able to answer the best lol). I’d like to guess it has something to do with the devs wanting to trim the budget and production time by using already existing voice clips (especially the ones from their library). Happens to soundtracks too, btw. Capcom vs. SNK 1 & 2 do exactly that with some of their soundtracks:

Again, no answers yesterday. Eh.

Random question of the day:

Would Denzel Crocker (Fairly Odd Parents) have refrained from ruining his life on March 15, 1972 if Cosmo and Wanda had told him revealing the existence of Fairy Godparents with humans was against Da Rules?
if he did know that i think it was wrong for those two to keep it from him, dude wouldn't need to be locked up in insane asylum and believe it or not be a healthy functional human!? they literally complain about him always on their ass but if they just tell him that they can't leave in the first place because it counts as war i'm pretty sure he would stop, he thought he lost them forever but in reality they can literally visit each other even if timmy is a freaking brat, timmy has started multiple wars and yet the fairy sayings there a good fit and he should keep them!?

if i actually wasn't asked that then i wouldn't have gone on to this rant but here we are.
The movie was released in 1989. 26 years prior. The movie’s goal wasn’t accurately depicting a likely scenario for the future in the first place, but even if it has been, the fact is that nobody could have truly imagined at the time the kind of direction the world would take, in all kinds of fronts. The true explosion of computer and internet development - two I believe indisputably central aspects of the 2010s, 2020s so far and potentially though I’m not as sure 2000s - only really began in the early 2000s I believe.

It’s not the kind of development people would have expected, let alone what it resulted in.

Aside from that, any era will have a tendency to depict the future as a more advanced version of the present, at least when talking about the relatively near future. How many Scifi things are walking around with Scifi smartphones?

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