Other Random question of the day

I had that feeling too. Maybe they're running out of steam since to get big they must have been making videos for a long time, or because their production values got bigger they're spending more effort on that, rather than content. They also don't need to produce content as often as before since they already have a fan base.
brutal transformation of a body tends to leave it's scars. vampires are portrayed as hot when they are symbols of sexual deviancy and depravity, likewise, werewolves are portrayed as hideous and animalistic because they are often used as symbols of a loss of control, as the "Id" being in power as opposed to the "ego"
No answers to yesterday's question. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Who's one celebrity you can think of who's all jovial on-camera but is anything but that behind the scenes?
It depends. With medication, therapy, a loving family, and a tight circle of friends who cared about me, it’s taken me four or five years to recover from depression. And im not fully better, I have the occasional bad day. But those pass.

I have generational trauma. That does not go away. I can’t watch movies with nazis in it (unless if I know the plot and the plot is all the nazis get vaporized. Indiana Jones.) I can’t watch media that romanticizes the Romanovs. I have panic attacks just thinking about the times my sister has had swasticas drawn on her school bathrooms. My nightmares are filled with pogroms and lynchings and shootings in my shul. It’s been this way since I was seven or eight and started reading history. That cannot go away. I’ve tried to make it go away.

The mental illnesses, the tee hee hee autism, yeah, I don’t want that to go away. And it can’t cause it’s a nuerodivergency. And neurodivergence and mental health issues are not the same thing anyway, though they can exsacerbate each other.
No answers to yesterday's question either. Hm...

Random question of the day:

How long does it generally take for a human being to heal from mental health issues?
I have no idea. I was diagnosed a long time ago with depression. It was basically like...pre-major depression/depressive disorder, so I still had a decent shot at a faster recovery, as far as I could tell. But that never happened. Therapy can't change your home life if you don't have a say in how your home is run or who lives in it. I'm also tried multiple medications, and the only one that seemed to work at all ended up making me gain weight so I had to switch it to a way less effective one. Even doubling the dose hasn't done anything for me.

So, I'd imagine depending on what it is it can take years to heal from. I worry that I'll never be past mine, in a sense that it's always going to be heavily present. No treatment has done anything for me, and some days it feels like I'm constantly fighting with myself to keep going. I think it also doesn't help one's chances if they are misdiagnosed, which unfortunately happens way too often and I feel is the situation in my case. So truthfully, years, and only if given the right diagnosis to receive the correct treatment when initially established. Otherwise, good luck.
Elder Scrolls developers always telling the fanbase “it’ll come out in a few years!” and delaying release until you’re being lowered into the grave.
Random question of the day:

Is it true that the more you expose yourself to something you're uncomfortable about, you become more comfortable about it?
Yes, in many cases! In a controlled environment, this is called exposure therapy. Though I guess exposing myself to social situations somehow doesn't fit the bill because no matter how often I do it I still hate interacting with people.
That feeling when you really don’t watch tv 😓

I vaguely remember watching Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School when I was a kid, which I believe was a Halloween made-for-tv film? Does that count? I remember really enjoying it.

I also remember watching Charlie Browns Great Pumpkin or whatever it was, but I don’t remember much.
Yep! I load my plate high with rps, then I realise I'm struggling and drop out of stuff. Then when I clear what's left, I get hungry again , and off I go to the rpn buffet table to repeat the cycle.
Random question of the day:

Have you, as a writer, ever made the mistake of putting too much on your plate?
Yes, watching one piece and taking on MHA it literally took me five months to get to the one piece time skip arcs to where the current arc has come to a close. I can’t imagine myself bingeing through the One Piece manga that’s whole dedication by itself. XD ( I’m crazy dedicated)
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

Are there any video game characters you wish you could've killed but couldn't?
That annoying thief in A link to the past who stole your money would love to make him suffer for his audacity.

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