Other Random question of the day

Hmmm... The one time I remember winning a contest was one made by the creator of, or at least the publisher of a book series called Beast Quest. In the context you had to send a description of an idea for a new monster (each book in the series features a different monster the protagonist has to defeat). The winners would receive a t-shirt and their idea would’ve adapted into one of the books in the sequels. I received an email or a letter saying I won, and sometime later a t-shirt, and I believe the book Soltra the Stone Charmer was based on the idea I submitted, as the idea I sent was an emotion-manipulating skeleton, and the monster in question can manipulate emotions and is hiding a skeletal body underneath their clothes. Not a 1-1 correspondence, but it would be difficult to completely insert the idea of 8 or 9 year old into an actual professional boon series I reckon.
Random question of the day:

Have you ever entered a contest and won? If so, what did you win?
Technically I suppose. And in the most BS way known to mankind. I say technically as which it was a contest, there wasn't a prize, especially since I was illegitimate in comparison to participates whomst did play it. I was bored while testing tank designs, and decided to go for it to pass time. I've never been interested enough with any other actual contest yet though. One was a model thing on the same site, but the clan looking for vehicles died so no ideas could be made public and widespread known from it.

So essentially back when the built in forum of Roblox was on and not removed, there was a contest one day late into the lifespan for one of the games. It was zombie themed, and there were graffiti sayings in random locations. Now putting those together, it made a storyline for a game without one, akin to a diary or journal of a survivor. The difficulty for it was trying to put the story together in a coherent, yet timeline accurate way. That was in of itself the prize for those that were a little more into the game being mentioned. Which I didn't play until a few months after the fact.

The thread was about 3 - 5 pages long, maybe a maximum of 10. All I did was read what was there at the former point before going in. The difficulty in correcting the order, being both I didn't play it, hyper cryptic, and considering how things can progress dramatically in short time periods a in a fiction and even RL, and equally so the lot of these seemed close in order, it basically would be trial and error endlessly and there weren't hints added. This was so nobody would get it right off the bat. So I took all the quotes at that point, I think one of the first few posts already had them all. And I posted different orders about 7 times. In one post, it got it about right besides some of the upper central ones and got a direct hint. I quickly followed up with two different versions of which mixed the specific 3 orders or so in the post. Then I won.

Though I will admit, after first playing their game long after, I had some more appreciation for it beyond the scripting involved. I enjoy when, while unnecessary, people bother to add fun little things and trivialities to their games. But other than that it was your basic roblox or even clan game but with a different skin on it. Despite the early website build style at the time of it if it has evolved now, especially NPCs, Gusmanak does a pretty great job. 👍
i have never won anything of significance in my life.

however, once when i was a child i won a basket of chocolates at school in some sort of raffle
Just seal the house and keep three flashlights for night. There's nothing more you need to do, and everything including how the house is designed is a weapon. The only door in here is between a long narrow corridor, and the only large room in the house. The moment someone breaks in, there's literally three directions they can get shot from. And they'd need a man-ladder technique or a ladder to get into one of only about five windows, two being large enough to take up a person. Loud and time consuming. That's assuming I don't bother replacing the blinds with a metal hatch. For you see, beyond some crackhead with a twenty man gang with some muscle, it's easy to deal with in a variety of ways. Just putting metal over windows and doors resolves 50% of the normal weak meatbags trying to break in. It's only that mentioned and the smarter individuals that could bypass that on a standard basis, such as blocking vents for the house but a lockable adjusted hatch resolves that too. Just have a hairstrand open then put a bolt in. Depending on what the house is built out of, then only ramming a vehicle through it will open it up. The average citizen isn't smart enough to build giant superweapons designed to rip through housing. Best bet being they just try burning it down.

Now let's also account: if you have the patience and know firearms, you can just 3D print the parts to make competent firearms. In event you can't buy one, or live in a state or country too insane to allow them. Then you can also just build pressure plates that can deploy pepper spray around windows, doors, and random points of a hallway. A fire extinguisher can be utilized as a distraction tool on one, or to blind an attack from viewing specific areas. Now if they don't have a gasmask on, the simple act of flooding the house with axe body spray, that chlorine stand-in, is also effective since inhaling it makes you suffer. So if combined with pepper spray, their face burns, and if they're used to it or randomly carries water, the body spray, even if not axe itself, will do them in. You can't exactly keep attention if all your senses hate you. This is only 12% of the things a homeowner can do for themselves. You can also readily make a bow and endless arrows, buy a compound bow with hunting arrows, or go medieval on their ass with the crossbow, especially if it uses the bolt. Using the house idea, you want it also cluttered around entry points so it's annoying as hell to try bringing in large objects and moving around. Such as placing some tables in the hallway.

Now let's also account if they randomly own a demolitions permit, as well as having the money, or the resources and a garage even if it is pure wood. You can buy a fully functional tank, or just make one, with the former basically being between 10,000- 500,000 USD depending on how old it is, how big it is, if it runs, etc. You can buy a T-34 or any Sherman variant for example. So the same price as a humanoid robot. And if you just so happen to have the genitalia of unproportioned large sizing to own one of those bots for any reason, you can set it up anywhere in the house to distract an intruder and know exactly where they are. I don't have a garage, endlessly wood with some metal plates, nor some other things. So I'd defend the house with some form of ranged weapon, a knife, tons of spray, and the environment alone. But I'll keep going on about the fun features of how to defend a house.

Then with an automatic airsoft rifle, you can also just unload a full box into them and now you have a screaming little bitch rolling on your floor. Only the hardcore guys can handle that one, and that's not even aiming at their face. This would be the most common guy you'll come across in home invasion anyway. So effectively if the purge existed, and alot of the above less complex things can be done by anyone with even just hunting and trap experience, you could do perfectly fine unless some asshat possessed a tank, or a machinegun with neverending ammunition. And if you're looking for extra curricular ways of self defense, this list doesn't even show up from all the things you could do. And yes, all of this is legal besides in the more braindead states. The tank by itself is certainly legal if it has rubber and won't yeet the road. But in the purge, it'd be legal anyway until after it's over. Alternatively, just go to the middle of the woods and then go home when it's over. It only lasts a night anyway, and depending on where you live, you could just go to sleep and wake up perfectly fine, with some dents or burn marks on the metal shields.

That also doesn't account for the people who take pride in making their houses deathtraps, with bunkers that possess flamethrowers at the blastdoor. Which I cannot be one for lack of funds and reason. Also staying in a underground bunker is boring. But I bring it up due to being pertinent to the discussion. But in a stereotypical and more standard crazy invader vs house case, that's a reenactment of Stalingrad or the Somme nobody wants to partake in. Best bet being by an act of a miracle, they get into a situation where they still have a loaded gun, and I can't move. Thus logically, I fail and probably get smited.
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Hollow Knight. Nosk. Just. Nosk. It masquerades as a copy of you to lure you to its lair, then uses that fake body of you turned upside down as it's face. It is creepy as fuck, and I hate it.
I wouldn't have to be a waiter for the waiter, if the waiter wasn't waiting on my waitering. Therefore the waiter's waiter waits until the waiter nolonger waits on their waitering.
Random question of the day:

What if there is no conspiracy theory, and the world's governments are just genuinely unintelligent?

They do smart things, coordinated things, as well as braindead things all the time. Sometimes a mix, akin to flipping over on a skateboard trying to impress a girl, then you play it off by repeatedly backflipping back to your feet before the original flip flops you to the floor. Don't need a conspiracy to believe that one in particular.
Win some, ya lose some.
Some are just notorious for saying the world's stupidest things too. The hard part is determining the reality from the fiction, and reality is always more fantastical and stranger than the fiction ever can, especially if involving florida, to break with the question's relation. The conspiracies of this level can tend to be overblown, or on lack of basis. Others can be legit. There is a balance.

Provides quality entertainment, not even gonna lie.
Never underestimate an idiot with either people that'll do what they'll say, or has a team designed around making their desicions seem flawless. Makes everyone look like a genius.
Are we talking about personality or content?
If the acting on the role is good it shouldn't matter how much of a jerk the actor is irl.
While a bad video is a bad video no matter who did it.
The YouTuber has the option of correcting the mistake.
The actor doesn't. And the bestest role of an actor could vary from being an exaggerated janitor with a teaching career to a hotshot super agent.

It's a one off and the other is merely consistent, and unreliant on a writer especially if they are the writer. The only exception is if that one worst video is a confession on the line of anything including about being the new "Minecraft YouTuber P-Bear" if you comprehend my drift.
Random question of the day:

Would a good YouTuber's worst video be better than a jerkish actor's best acting role?

No, because if a person is a good actor then they're a good actor. An actor's real life personality does not really affect how I view them on screen in character.

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