

New Member
Summary: The world has been ravaged by nuclear war. A strike by Korea to northern Washington state has been slowly poisoning the country with its fallout. There are no working electronics and most of the survivors live in the ruins of their once great cities. An unspoken gloom hangs over every city with the knowledge that one day, the radioactivity will reach and kill them. It is rumored that somewhere on the Far East coast society remains untouched by the fallout of the bombing and people are being shipped out to the few distant countries that are yet unaffected by the radiation. Rumors fly about horrifying things and places that you'll encounter on the way to the coast. Rumors of cannibals and murderous bands of scavengers.

When? Modern day

Where? Post apocalyptic city in Nevada

Why is it like that? Nuclear fallout in Washington State moving over the rest of the country

How supernatural? Toe the line. No voodoo magic but cunning cannibals and slightly increased speed and strength

A few rules:

1.) If you can make a one liner that responds to what has happened AND give something to respond to then more power to ya but don't make a habit of it.

2.) Not really a rule but my personal preference is that you write in First Person (eg.I shot the cannibal so it didn't eat my face.)

3.) No godmodding.

4.) If you want to quit that's fine but write yourself out and PM me so I know.

Side note: I may not be able to get on more than 2-3 times a week and sometimes less so the goal is to keep this rp mostly self sufficient so that if I have to bail you guys don't have to suffer. 
The sun rises over the horizon, a new day has begun. The sun shining in my eyes wakes me up and I stretch out. Another day in the crap shoot. I rub the sleep from my eyes and roll up my makeshift 'bed', which is really just a yoga mat, and store it away. Silently, I pad across the rubble covered wooden floor of the house I currently call home. The walls are mostly caved save for a few rooms and in some places pictures can still be seen, hanging forlornly from their nails. The sound of fire brings me outside to where mom is bent over a trashcan, coaxing flames from a small tinder. She has long blond hair that falls almost to her elbow when she's too busy to cut it. Her warm blue eyes could calm any crying child into silence in the still of the night. She was the closest most kids in the neighborhood had to a 'mother'. Dad was nowhere in sight but that was normal for him. In the early mornings he crept out into the barren desert to hunt. Armed with only wire for traps and a fire poker he used as a spear, on good days he brought back two or three rabbits. Today it looked like we wouldn't be so lucky.
I began to make the trek home, I had been out hunting for food and any other supplies I could find, all I returned with was several berries and two small squirrels. The wind began to pick up and small photos of smiling families drifted slowly along the rubble covered ground. I stopped and stared at a picture of a boy and girl hugging each other, probably brother and sister, wishing I had someone like that to rely on. My childhood was ruined...But I can't say that can I? Everyone has lost someone from the strikes, but I have no one. That scared me the most. The photo tumbled along the dusty ground, snapping me out of my trance. I began to walk along a small rubble covered path and soon returned to my shelter, an abandoned cabin, still hoping that there was still signs of life out there. 
(Got to go now, reply when I can)
he does a skip down the road, with a happy face. "i got this feeeeling, its sooo appeeeeling, its the best, beats the rest, cellular, teroggulor interactubogular huh" he stops looking around then skips to the nearest bar. as he walks in he sitson the side yawning. 
(woops got too excited and didnt read rule 3 sorry :<)
Alaska walked down a narrow trail, one foot in front of the other in order to not make much of any noise. Eventually after what seemed a forever and a day of walking, she arrived at a large tree. Surrounded by vines and leaves it was virtually impossible to see pas the light blocking canopy. Hauling herself up, she finally sat her things down on a beveled out branch. Laying down in a makeshift hammock, she looked out over the surrounding forest land.

A small shuffling appeared below, and a man who appeared to be trying to hunt walked out of the bush. Pulling out a small oval shaped flute, about the size of her entire hand, she began to play it. Any travelers that regularly trafficked this area knew that this was her warning to outsiders to stay off her land. Quickly the man looked around, and sped off. For if they don't, they risked being tied to a tree and left for the scavengers.

"Smart man..." she cooed to herself before climbing abit higher, looking for any other disturbances.
(It's cool pain. remember that this is a post apocolyptic wasteland. few standing places. I don't mind if you use MINOR magic but don't get crazy. Extra speed and stamina are A-okay plus some influence over people but not crazyness lol.)
I moved to try and help mom but she shooed me away, handing my my bow instead and gesturing into the brush where dad had most likely gone. With a knowing nod I grab my small quiver of wooden arrows and head stealthily into the brush. My leather boots and loose black clothing made almost no sound as I made my way along the fringes of the arid forest. I knew better than to go in too deep but as we slowly ate away at the population, the need to travel farther became greater. Spotting a small rabbit hiding under the brush I move to crouch behind a bush. Knock. Draw. Aim. Release. One fluid movement and the rabbit was twitching in the grass. I moved quickly to claim my prize and back out of the forest before anyone caught me out here unawares. (also for note to everyone. if you are trying to run into someone to meet or anything like that as I am here with Alaska's charry you should make it either obvious or do what I'm doing and tell them. otherwise you end up with multiple people bumping into eachother)
I jump and hop with happiness, as I run up using my speed to bounce off a crumbling wall, then as it crumbles I continue my journey through the wasted lands.
(and clarifying here, by influence I mean you can make them more inclined to trust you or fear you but you can't like mind control them :P )
(Sorry I haven't replied, been busy all day :P )

I collapsed on to my makeshift bed and pulled the backpack off my back. I retrieved a book from inside the bag, 'Fun With Nature'. The cover was torn and pages were beginning to fall out, it was one of the first books my parents gave me. I don't know how many times I had read the book, but I had a connection to it. I turned to the first page, a musty smell suddenly attacking my nostrils. It was relatively quiet, the barking of dogs every now and again. But it was peaceful. I had been reading for quite a while now, when all of a sudden there was a deafening bang. I jumped up and fell back on to the floor, my heart racing. Dogs began to bark wildly, birds began to squawk. I crawled across the dirty to floor, heading towards the cracked window. I slowly peered over, looking out at the sunset. Nothing. Everything seemed normal.
(right understood)

I noticed a strange sound of the same bang as I run over to the strange noise, my speed picking up as I past dead and crashed cars. 'hehe''
Glancing down from her perch, she saw someone quickly run on and dash off her domain, twords a ransacked house. She knew the two eldest tenants very well, for they had helped her when she was younger.

Grabbing her flute, she let off a low, smooth bird call. They were safe. Anyone hunting for them was alright, they deserved it.

"Perhaps I ought to help them out abit..." She pondered on this thought. It's not like she's doing anything, and she's got enough food for one. They're feeding a bunch of kids.

Quickly hopping down, Alaska grabbed a leather satchel full of dried rabbit and bird meat. Walking over to the one who had hunted the rabbit, she dropped it at his feet. Staring him dead in the eyes she would turn back around and simply walk right back. No words had to be said, but it was made clear that they were safe on this land.
He sniffs the air, smelling for even the slightest change in the atmosphere. ''mmm I soooo want something...ahem...or someone to eat'' He licks his lips before his tounge hangs out and he looks through some of the ruined buildings, hoping theres some meat he could eat. ''man im starving''
(This is getting awesome guys!)

It was silent once again but I was curious to find out what the loud noise was. I fell back on to my hands and knees and crawled towards the wooden door. Slowly pulling the door open I peeked through the gap, quickly sweeping my eyes across the landscape for danger. It seemed clear but I held tight on to my small spear just in case. Pulling the door fully open I crawled out in to the open, small shards of rubble digging in to my knees. The sun was still setting, the sky was filled with orange and yellow. I looked up at the sky admiring the colors. Mother always used to take me out to watch the beautiful sunset, it was almost like a ritual. A twig suddenly snapped in the distance. I gasped and quickly pulled myself on to my feet. Not taking any chances I readied my spear. One foot in front of the other I steadily began to approach the area where it occurred. In the opposite direction another twig snapped. I spun round and raised my spear. "W-who's t-there?" I stuttered, my hands beginning to shake in fear. I looked to the other side of the wasteland, there was nothing. I sighed, lowering my weapon. In the corner of my eye I saw a figure sprint behind me. I stood as still as I could, my lip trembling. "S-show yourself!" I shouted weakly. I would run back to my cabin, but I couldn't. My legs wouldn't move.
He turns sniffing and smiles, then runs again towards a young girls home, can smell the girls fear and blood from miles away (btw that's u strange in heading for unless im already there) 'mmm come n out where ever your arrre''
(Nice one Pain :3)

My heart was pounding, fear and adrenaline running through my veins. I kept turning to check the space around me, making sure I was safe. There was a whisper from the right,where I saw the shadow..."Mmm come out wherever you are..." Color drained from my face and my whole body was shaking in terror and I decided to make a run to the cabin door. I literally threw myself through the doorway, slamming the door shut behind me. I looked through the cracked window and the figure shot across the wasteland from right to left. Fear and dread was completely taking over my body, I just stood there panicking and not knowing what to do. There was a chair in the corner of the cabin, still intact and covered in dust, I stumbled over to it and dragged it in front of the door. It was hardly going to do anything, plus I hadn't even locked the door! Silly me. I began fumbling with the locks and they eventually clicked. I looked out of the window and the figure dashed across the wasteland once again, this time from left to right. "Go away!" I screamed. I've only ever used my spear on animals and that figure looked human. I've never killed anyone, I swear.
I can find matter where you hide...'' He smiles softly. ''im right by you, you will be...MINE!'' He appears over the cooker. ''damn..thought you where there...'' He sniffs once more. ''okay now I have you....NOW!'' He ripped open the cuboard. ''damn it...well ill find u eventually'
A tall skinny man appeared by the cooker, he looked a lot like the figure I saw outside. I quietly began to crawl towards the bedroom, making sure I was out of sight. The man seemed frustrated, ripping open a cupboard and expecting I would be in there. "Damn it...Well i'll find you eventually" he snarled. I crawled in to the dusty bedroom and looked for somewhere to hide. The man began to walk around the kitchen, probably checking each possible hiding place. I hurried under the bed, knocking the book left on my pillow on to the floor. I placed my hands over my mouth to stop myself from screaming, and attempted to control my breathing. All I could do now was hope that he doesn't find me.
his head raised up quickly, and looks above seeing tiny dust particles fall from the force, as he runs on all fours upstairs to your room. ''RRR!!'' He busts open the door, smelling around trying to find you, luckily hes blind in certain lights.
There was fast thumps heading up the stairs and soon after, the door burst open. The man stood there trying to pick up on my scent. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to calm myself down. With one hand I grabbed the shark tooth which was hung round my neck; my parents had always told me that it would keep me safe. For once I wish my parents were here.
He puts a hand right near strange, until a loud explosion goes off five miles away. ''more food'' He runs out the dor towards the explosion, on all fours he kept running
A loud banging noise startles me as it rips through the air. I immediately hit the deck and look for its source. I nod silently to the girl across from me, a small smile touches my lips as I grab the food she offered and disappear backwards into the bush. I'll have to thank her later somehow. For now THIS needs to go home and I need to figure out what that sound was. I make short work of the trip home where I hide the food out of reach of the scavengers and make my way back towards the sound, bow in hand. My mom stopped me before I left and touched her forehead to mine. Her silent way of saying 'Be careful. I love you.'. I nodded and smiled before heading off into the bush. I crept along a rabbit path and followed it till I stood just behind a tree, a ramshackle cabin stands in front of me watching as a tall figure moved inside. Could the rumors be true? Rumor spoke of humans who had lost their mind from the radiation and had turned to eating people. I shouldered my bow and instead drew my knife from the sheath in my boot. 
Could this really be the place the banging came from?
There was a loud, black board piercing screen. ''EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!'' the cannibal charges by and attacks the first human it sees and starts grabbing his face snapping his neck, and bites his stomach pulling out a part of his intestines slowly chewing his entrails. ''sssss''

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