[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Brook deflected some bullets that were being fired at them with his blade, whilst side-stepping towards Gurak and the others. He glanced at the holey barrel of rum and felt his boot step into the cold spilt, rum. He didn't fancy rum or ale, so he just took a wooden cup and threw it at Lilith's direction, but a stray bullet hit it and flew towards Aya instead.
Vil could do naught but laugh at Lilith.

"So you do not look in the mirror? Pray tell, that mirror could break if it ever saw you!"
Out of nowhere, a mug came flying towards Aya and hit her straight in the face. She leaned back and fell to the ground, obviously in pain. "For the love of all that's good and fucking holy! Where did this come from?!" She cried out, peeling the mug of her face.
Lilith: Aye, I not worry 'bout my looks. Tis why my crew be better than your band of air headed miscreants.

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Lilith: Oh ye a fool lass. Tis the only lonely one 'ere is ye. Isn't that right? Tis why ye go from one wrenches bed to the next.

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Captain Soledad blinks at the odd bickering going on before her. "Is this what young people consider flirting nowadays? What strange times. Anyways, I think I shall retire for now." She wanders off, shaking her head at the remains of her mug (destroying rum! How barbaric!).

((Have to go to work now :( I'll try and update when I get back in ten hours, but I'm going to bed after that. Have fun pirating, y'all.))
Lilith: Hah! Tears don't fall from these eyes, lad. And if they do, it be from laughing at the pitiful lines they think can get them into these skilled breeches.

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Aya looked up to see Lilith still flirting with Vil. "Would you two Naiads stop with the flirting?! I would be throwing up at the sight of you two!" She cried out
Lilith: Oh please lad, ye ain't elf enough to make this lass quiver to yer mercy.

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Lilith: Hardly! If anything I was SLIGHTLY curious to what all those wenches see in ye. I now know they just 'ave to be drunk enough!

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Vil: To be honest lass, I was the drunk one in most of the nights! Just like I am now to find a thing like you appealing!
Lilith: Aye ye may be drunk but I'm not nearly desperate enough to lay with ye. Ye 'avta try harder than that!

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Lilith: *rolled her eyes*

Tis this "flirting" what lass fall for now days?

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Tired of hearing the nonsense that Vil and Lilith were spouting at each other, Brooksleuth ran towards a rope that was attached to the crows nest. Roughly tugging at it, he felt himself being pulled upwards and beside the nest.

The musician scrambled into the nest and retrieved back his violin and started playing. He was much of a romantic player, but this could suffice. He was a musician and it was time to do his job.



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