Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

Yeeee i'm so sorry guys! I just need to finish this last exam project, but I might be able to write my character tomorrow evening :)
khuyen said:
IT IS DONE EVERYONE. <3 I left out the writing sample, cause I figured.... :)
And of course, adorable Captain is accepted! Let's see if my heatheadache brain can get this first post up and flowing! I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but please tag the people you're rping at. I assume notifs are still iffy and this helps. :D *Flies off to post*

I think I'll wait until some more people post, or at least until @MrLeighKemp posts before I do. I'm not 100% sure how I want to introduce my character yet ^__^ At the latest I'll post tomorrow.
"All the vegetation is dying" yet everyone seems to have their hands on an apple or seven xD I wasn't watching any of these threads, so I missed it starting up, I'll have a post up for you as soon as I can, Soli :D

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