[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Ora, ora, ora, so many new faces. It's so lively around here~

I've been thinking it might be interesting if we started the game with both pirate crews technically working together to find the juniper, with the rivalry coming later as part of a growing animosity or some sort of plot twist. I also still like the idea of us both having half of a macguffin somehow vital to finishing the job. Thoughts?
Well the whole thing with the crews is they're rivals, they don't like each other at all. Why work together when you can beat the crew you hate to the end prize first? There is no 'let's work together and be friends', not now, probably not ever. xD

There's no love lost between these two. I'll just write up something short and sweet to point you guys in the right direction.
Your queen has terrible news, as of tomorrow she no longer has an occupation. A new diplomat reigns over her cafe and thus fired for reasons which should be deemed unconstitutional.
Ah, well, some people :/ just because I don't agree with someone that smokes, I don't fire them for it >.>
Well, I don't want you to think I'm attacking you, I personally disagree with the lifestyle choices of others too, but I don't hate the person, just dislike their choices. People can change over time, and I can still like a person for who they are, but disagree with how they think, right? I just think that if we dropped prejudice out a window and really got to know who people were behind their curtain of "problems", the world would be a lot better off for it :3
I'm working on the introduction for this 'chapter', I'll also make both the IC threads for both ships to save 4 people all making their own thread at the same time xD

I'll add this into the rules, for reference, but when you make a new thread in a new nation, please title it as such:

Chapter #, <Crew Name>

That way we can keep a track of threads.
Woot! Now to wait (some more) for the IC threads <.<
Are they? I didn't see them... unless I'm mistaken..? *goes to check again*

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