[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Woot! First post :D So, ummm, when are you planning to start this shindig up, Cap'n @Solitaire ?
So many West Naiads D: didn't realize how much of a majority they were @.@ should I change to something else to balance it out a bit? I can do that with no major changes to the character other than where he's from :3
Eh, I guess I'll just leave it be then... No harm, I just thought we'd see some more diversity is all.. I wanted to go for a different race, but that was the one that fit the picture I had the best xD
Eh, if it's not too much trouble, I "might" change it up, just to be different xD where'd you stick the races in the forum, I couldn't find them D:
Aha, didn't see it * is using crapatalk, compy is down for the time being*
Haha, well, I'm considering it, but since it fits so well the way I have it now, I may not... Eh *shrugs*
Eh, I looked over the races, I wanted a character to be some kind of Orc, cuz orcs are cool, but I may just make a second charrie for that (a bit later on, if that's even allowed? *looks questioningy at Soli*) since Jackson seems to be pretty good where he's at :3
Okee :3 I'll see how the flow of the ship goes, also, I'm gonna lower a bit of Jackson's surgery power in order to add in some more of the engineering aspects, I'll write up a little blurb so it fits in.. Since we already have a surgeon as well, it doesn't make sense for him to need to know how to do much more than amputate and give out battle injections :3
Considering the slightly steampunk aspect of this RP, how far are we allowed to how as far as mechanicals, like robotic arms and electro/steampowered-devices? :3
Oh, so something like this is out of the question?:

Awww :( oh well... Was worth a shot *was planning on a four-armed steam-powered Orc brawler* :3

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